Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny Page 84

by Mia Ford

  When I felt Jackson’s lips against my own, I couldn’t help but melt.

  “Come on,” Jackson growled in my ear. “I’m taking you home.”


  As soon as we entered the apartment, Jackson scooped me up in his arms and carried me down the hall. He dropped me on the edge of the bed and then stood back, his grey eyes boring intense holes into my face.

  “Come to me,” Jackson growled. Nervously, I scooted down to the edge of the bed and got onto my hands and knees, moving slowly towards him. His shirt looked so crisp and white in the candlelight, like he was a dream, or some kind of vision. This is too perfect to be a dream, I thought as I stroked my hands down the crisp cotton. As I began to fumble with his shirt, I looked into Jackson’s intense grey eyes. His expression was calm, serious, but I could see the fire there as I pulled the fabric away from his body and laid it on the side of the bed. With a growl, Jackson pushed his shirt onto the floor. He laid a hand at the center of my chest and pushed me backwards on the bed, then crawled on top of me. His skin felt like hot silk pressed against my body. His muscular arms cradled me, making me feel safe and protected. As our lips met, particles of light flew between our bodies. I could see them floating around us like electric sparks and particles in the air. Moaning softly, I arched my back and buried my head in the pillows.

  Jackson slipped a hand under my back and eagerly pulled my body to his. His other hand trailed on my bare thighs, pulling the hem of my dress up to my waist. I didn’t even think about pushing him away. It felt completely natural, completely right to be practically naked under this perfect vision of a man. Jackson nudged my head up and planted a scorching line of kisses down my neck as he slid down my body. He nipped at the delicate skin around my collarbone and I cried out with pleasure as his hands slid under the tight fabric of my dress, pushing it up to my neck.

  “Belle, I’m going to take your dress off now,” Jackson growled. I shivered – I knew that he wasn’t asking permission…instead, it was a demand. I arched my back as Jackson slipped his hands under my skirt and lifted it over my head. Jackson tossed it to the floor, then ran his hand down my breasts. I shuddered – I was wearing a lacy bra, but my nipples sprang to his touch and stiffened under the itchy, thin layer of fabric. Slipping a hand behind my back, Jackson unclasped the bra expertly, then eased the lace away from my body.

  “You’re so sexy.” Jackson’s eyes travelled over my almost-naked body. Even though he’d seen me completely naked, I still felt more exposed than ever.

  “I’m not.”

  “You are,” Jackson growled. “End of discussion.” I groaned softly when I felt his lips fasten around one of my nipples and begin to suck. Heavenly pangs of feeling raced through my body and I groaned softly, arching my back and spreading my thighs under Jackson’s body. Between my legs was a wet, pulsing mess and I wanted him to touch me there so desperately that I thought I would die. He slid a hand between our bodies and rested his fingers against my crotch. The heat from his hand was enough to stimulate me, just a little, and it was almost more agonizing than not being touched at all. Groaning and writhing, I shoved my body close to Jackson’s and eagerly rubbed my pussy against his fingers.

  Jackson was panting when he took his mouth away from my swollen nipple. Jackson sat up and I reached forward, fumbling with the silky material of his trousers and tugging them down his hips. Nervously, I traced my fingers down Jackson’s rock-hard abs, until I got to the waistband of his briefs. Jackson licked his mouth, his muscles bulging at my touch. I smiled – there was something intensely satisfying about knowing I was giving him pleasure. When I pulled my hand away, Jackson groaned. He grabbed my wrist, sliding my fingers over the hard bulge at the fork of his legs.

  When I felt the size of Jackson’s hard dick under my hand, I blushed and groaned quietly. He moaned in response and ground his hips against my fingers. Jackson reached down and slid his fingers under the waist of my undies, slowly pulling them down my legs and slipping each thigh, knee, and foot out of the soaked material. I buried my face in my hands as the smell of my wet pussy filled the room. Jackson ran his fingertips up my naked legs and pushed my thighs apart, slowly lowering himself down onto the bed until he was eye-level with my secret place. The feeling of being utterly and completely exposed was driving me insane, and I blushed hotly as I felt Jackson’s warm breath on my soaked, bare skin.

  “Belle,” Jackson growled. “I need you.” He yanked my hand away from my face, making me look at him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I said softly. “Are you?”

  Jackson moved to the side of the bed and reached into the nightstand, coming back with a silver square packet of foil. My mouth felt dry as I watched Jackson pull his underwear down his muscular thighs and throw them to the side. Naked, he was the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen. His skin was perfect, smooth, and glowing and his cock bobbed through the air. Blue veins pulsed at the side of Jackson’s cock and I shuddered.

  Ripping the condom open with his mouth, Jackson yanked the condom of the packet and grabbed his cock with one hand, unrolling the latex sheath down. Watching Jackson touch himself sent a new feeling of lust through my body and I reached down and put my hands on his shoulders. The bedspread under my naked butt felt like silk and I snuggled into the soft bed as Jackson moved between my thighs. He reached down and grabbed my hip to steady himself, pushing the head of his cock against the entrance to my swollen pussy.

  It didn’t really hurt, but I felt a thick, stabbing kind of pressure. I let out a small cry of discomfort and writhed on the bed, spreading my thighs wider and slipping further under Jackson’s bulky frame. His grey eyes met my own.

  “This might hurt, Belle,” Jackson said. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, licking the moisture and sweat from my lips. I nodded silently and Jackson swept my soaked hair out of my face, straining against me. After what felt like an eternity, the pressure gave and a sharp agony, almost like a needle as big as a knife, hit me between the thighs. I tensed my muscles and dug my fingers into Jackson’s back.

  For a moment, Jackson froze inside of me. “Are you still in pain?”

  I shook my head. “No,” I said softly. “I’m fine.”

  Jackson slid out of me, then pushed back in at a delicious, maddeningly slow pace. I groaned – the aches and pain were already starting to melt into something soft and warm and delightful. I felt like Jackson was gripping me between the legs, and I writhed and moaned loudly. Each time Jackson’s cock was buried inside of me, I felt his muscular body resting against my clit and it was an amazing sensation. I didn’t even know that I was holding my breath until my lungs began to ache for want of air. Gasping, I opened my mouth and breathed greedily as Jackson began to fuck me faster than before.

  I slid my hands down Jackson’s body as he began thrusting his hips inside of me a little more rapidly. The discomfort had vanished and now I was arching my back and meeting his thrusts, spreading my legs as wide as I could to Jackson’s delicious thrusts. My nerves were on fire as Jackson’s hard erection filled every inch of my womanhood. My lower belly was clenching and I let out a passionate moan as Jackson slammed against my body. I could feel that my clit was swollen and I writhed underneath of Jackson, desperate for more stimulation.

  Without warning, Jackson reached for my wrists and held them above my head with just one of his strong hands. Jackson lowered his head to my breast and I screamed at the sensation of his teeth against my nipple.

  By now, we were both covered in a thin layer of sweat. As he fucked me, hot drips of salt water fell from his face and landed on my bare skin. I moaned softly, moving and twisting underneath of him. I wanted Jackson to fuck me for hours, to never stop, to keep going until we burned out like a black hole in the sky – driven to the end because of our lust.

  “Yes,” I screamed loudly as something amazing and titillating clenched my lower abdomen. The feelings grew more intense and sharper by the second and I clamped my lips together,
holding my breath, bucking my body against Jackson’s. Arching my back, I finally broke free of his tough grip and pulled his face towards mine. My eyes were screwed shut and I could hear myself moaning and screaming with pleasure but I didn’t even care how ridiculous I looked. It felt so wonderful, so heart-shatteringly amazing that I couldn’t even make myself breathe. As the intense wave of orgasm exploded inside of my body, I groaned and twisted, smearing my own perspiration all over Jackson’s chest. Jackson thrust and bucked and threw his head back towards the ceiling. He let out a loud, throaty cry and then I felt his cock pulsing inside of my pussy.

  Jackson was breathing hard. He slid out of me, unrolled the condom from his cock and threw it to the side before curling up next to me. My skin was warm and damp, just like Jackson, but I didn’t mind. The perfect glow surrounding us, the intense feeling of love and desire that kept washing over my brain in huge, powerful waves, was too powerful to disregard.

  I giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” Jackson eyed me. “You laughed.”

  Nervously, I licked my lips and grinned at him. “It’s just…. if I’d known it was going to be that good, I would’ve had sex a long time ago,” I said. I blushed. “But I’m glad I waited for you.”

  A grin slowly stretched itself across Jackson’s perfect, sculpted face.

  “I’m glad, too,” he said. He winked. “I’m really fucking grateful.”

  In the morning, I couldn’t believe what I’d done. Jackson was lying next to me in bed, snoring loudly. As quietly as I could, I slipped out from between the sheets and threw all of my things in a bag. I can’t believe I slept with my stepbrother, I thought as I grabbed my bag and quickly left the apartment.

  On the train, back to Alfred, my mind was all over the place. Part of me thought I was crazy for leaving…but the rational part of me knew that I’d done the right thing. So, what if I’d felt some kind of crazy love connection to Jackson while he was taking my v-card? It didn’t matter – it had just been sex. That was all. He’d told me himself that he didn’t want a relationship, that he didn’t want to date me.

  I swallowed nervously. I should just be grateful that I got it over and done with, I thought morosely. Now at least I won’t have to tell the guy I actually date that I’m a virgin!

  But even that seemed like thinking too far ahead. I didn’t want a boyfriend. I didn’t want anyone but Jackson. When I closed my eyes, I saw us writhing around on the bed, moaning loudly and thrusting our bodies together. I saw Jackson slipping his fingers down my breasts, pinching my nipples, making me come harder than I’d ever thought possible. Sex had been like nothing I’d imagined it would be – it had been so personal, so intense.

  For a moment, I’d actually thought that Jackson was enjoying himself, too. Don’t be stupid, I told myself. Obviously, he couldn’t have liked it that much. He has sex all the time – why the hell do you think you were anything special?

  It was with relief that I checked my bank account and saw three commas there, separating the numbers. I’d never had so much money before. I wanted to call Mom and tell her that things had worked out, but first, I wanted some time alone. I wanted to take a bath and try to forget all about Jackson Rhodes.

  I thought it would feel better knowing that I was never going to see him again. But all I could feel was sadness, emptiness. Like I’d somehow ruined the best thing that had ever happened to me.

  When the train pulled into the station, it was almost dark. I grabbed my bag from the overhead racks and lugged it down the steps. I hadn’t thought to call ahead and ask Alexa if she could pick me up. Now, it was bitterly cold and I hated the thought of standing by the parking lot, waiting for a ride back to my apartment.


  I turned around.

  Jackson was standing there, an enormous bouquet of lilies and roses in his arms.

  My jaw dropped.

  “Belle?” Jackson stepped closer. His grey eyes were narrowed with concern, and I saw that he was sweating.

  “What?” I frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  Jackson sighed. “You left before I could wake up,” he said. He smirked. “Did you know that it’s a shorter drive up here? Well, as long as you speed.”

  A lump was forming in my throat and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.

  “Jackson…what are you doing here? What do you want?”

  Jackson licked his lips. “I…. I realized something, Belle.”

  I sighed. “If you’re going to humiliate me, just— “

  “No,” Jackson said sharply. “Let me finish, okay?” He sighed and I gnawed nervously at my lip as I waited for him to continue.

  “I can’t,” I said softly. “I can’t let you do this – I can’t let you break my heart again, Jackson.”

  “That’s not what I want to do,” Jackson said firmly. He pressed the flowers into my arm and grabbed my suitcase with one hand. The winter winds whipped around us but I could no longer feel anything resembling a chill.

  “Then what?” I stared at him expectantly.

  “Being with you…Spending time with you, Belle, has really made me think about my situation,” Jackson said hoarsely. “I was horrible before. I was a miser – I was cruel, and I know I shouldn’t have ever considered not giving your mom any money.”

  My heart sank. “So this is about my mom?”

  “No!” Jackson dropped down to one knee. “Belle, this is about you. This is about us. I love you, Belle. I’m so sorry for all of the times I treated you badly. I’m sorry for saying everything and for hurting you. I never thought I could love anyone, Belle, but when I woke up and saw that you were gone…” His voice was choked with genuine emotion. “It hurt so much.”

  I swallowed hard.

  “And I’ve fallen in love with you, your kindness, your goodness...” Jackson trailed off. “Your willingness to do anything for your family. I’ve never seen that before. I never even thought people like that existed.” He ran a hand through his hair. “But they do. You do, Belle. You’re too good to be real.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” I said softly.

  “Say you’ll be with me.” Jackson pulled a box out of his pocket and I gasped. Just as I was about to slap his hand away, he grinned. “This isn’t a ring,” he said, opening the familiar, robin’s egg blue box. Inside, a sparkling diamond bracelet was sitting on a pad of velvet. “This is a present for you. I want you to be able to look down and see how much I love you, even when we’re apart.”

  The tears began to drip down my cheeks and I blushed as I tried frantically to wipe them away. My heart was beating like a drum and I had no idea what to say or do. Finally, Jackson climbed to his feet and pulled me into his arms.

  “I love you, Belle,” Jackson whispered huskily into my ear. “And I want to be with you forever. Being around you has changed me.”

  I stared at him. “I…. I don’t know what to say,” I said softly. My breath was coming in rapid little bursts and for a horrible moment, I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

  “Say what you feel,” Jackson said slowly. He looked into my eyes and I shivered.

  “I love you,” I said softly. “I love you, Jackson Rhodes.”

  As our lips met, I melted against Jackson’s body and threw my arms around his neck. He pulled me close, crushing the flowers between us. But I didn’t even care – I knew that I had something better in my arms. Somehow, my love had changed Jackson…and somehow, that made things even better than they would have been if he’d always been kind and willing to love.

  “I love you so much,” Jackson said quietly. “Thank you for showing me how, Belle.”

  I blushed softly as he kissed my cheek. “My pleasure,” I whispered huskily. “I love you, too.”

  Jackson smirked his trademark smirk. “Come on,” he said playfully, linking his arm through mine. “Let’s go get warm.”

  I raised my eyebrows and blushed. “I’m still sore from last night,” I whispered

  Jackson grinned and I blushed even harder. “Trust me,” he said, winking. “I’ll make you all better as soon as we’re alone.”

  As we left the Alfred train station together, I knew that I’d finally found what I’d always wanted.


  Freshmen and upperclassmen alike scurried along the tree-lined street that ran through the campus separating the on-campus dorms from the campus buildings where classes were held. Girls wore skirts and dresses; guys wore shorts and short-sleeves as everyone attempted to enjoy the last warm days of a summer past before the cool temperature drop of autumn set in. Although we no longer lived in the on-campus dorms, we had a lot of friends who did and on a small campus like Greenville University, one was more likely to run into a familiar face than not. Today was a hot beautiful day for the first day of classes and it set the tone for a great semester. Since my best friend, Gemma, and I were now sharing an off-campus apartment together, we had decided to walk to campus together although we would be parting ways soon to go to separate classes in different buildings. Gemma and I were both enrolled in the Education Program which came with its own required core classes in addition to the ones that the university mandated and the classes for our chosen majors. I was an Art major and Gemma was an English major. Art had always been my favorite class in school and ever since I was a little girl, I had always wanted to be a teacher.


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