Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny Page 87

by Mia Ford

  "How do you take your tea?" I asked Sharon. "Gemma likes hers with vanilla almond milk."

  "Oh, do you have cream? If not, I'll try the vanilla almond milk," Sharon said. I opened the refrigerator and peered inside.

  "You're in luck, we have cream!" I announced. I brought out the cream and the vanilla almond milk and placed them on the table before sitting down. I watched them put teabags in their cups and then pour hot water onto the tea bags as I fought to hide my excitement.

  "You're not going to have any tea?" Gemma asked me. I frowned and shook my head no. I was having too much fun watching them prepare their tea.

  "So, what are you girl’s majors?" Sharon asked us.

  "I'm an English major," Gemma answered. I had been dreading this very conversation.

  "I'm an art major," I said. At this, I had Sharon's full attention.

  "That's why I saw you in the art building. I wonder if you've had my husband's course yet. Figure Drawing 101?"

  "Professor Moore is your husband?" I asked feigning surprise. She smiled bright.

  "Yes, he is. We actually met here on this campus," she said proudly.

  "How romantic," Gemma said smiling and stirring their tea. Their tea was ready, enough stirring, time to drink!

  "I was one of the nude models for his class. That's how we met," Sharon continued. "How do you like the class?" She asked me.

  "Your husband’s methods are very interesting," I answered. If only she knew, I thought. She giggled and took a sip of her tea. Yes! I cheered inside.

  "Yes, I agree. So, what do you two plan on doing with your degrees when you finish?" She asked us.

  "We're both enrolled in the education program so after we graduate, we plan on beginning careers as teachers," Gemma told her, taking her first sip of tea. I bit my lip to fight back a smile.

  "That's awesome! I wish you both luck," she told us.

  "So, what do you do?" I asked her.

  "Well I used to model, as I told you, but now, I am retired,” Sharon answered, taking a long sip of her tea.

  "You're pretty young to be retired," Gemma pointed out.

  "Well modeling careers don't usually last that long. After that, I tried some acting and was in a few small-budget productions. Now I'm a desperate housewife," she said with a chuckle and a sip.

  "Do you have any kids?" I asked her. The question seemed to catch her off guard and sadden her a little.

  "No, no kids," she said. I hadn't been paying Gemma much mind but when I glanced at her mug, she was almost finished with her tea!

  "Do you want kids?" Gemma asked her. Sharon blushed.

  "It's a little too late for all of that," she said. Gemma shook her head in disbelief.

  "No way! How old are you? 24?" She asked. I had to resist glaring at Gemma. Like seriously, there was no way that this woman was 24. Gemma must be feeling her ecstasy pill already. I think that Sharon was feeling hers too because she took Gemma's question as a compliment.

  "You're too kind, but I am a little older than that," she said.

  "Well you don't look it. You look really good!" Gemma said. I just let myself be happy at this point because they had both finished their tea, they were feeling the ecstasy pill and they were flirting! Sharon blushed.

  "Thank you!" Sharon gushed. She looked a little red. She must've been hot because she removed her jacket, revealing a large bosom. Gemma stared at her chest.

  "Do you work out?" Gemma asked, finally looking away from Sharon's chest. Sharon was obviously enjoying Gemma's conversation. I rolled my eyes but no one saw. Neither of them were paying me any mind.

  "I do," Sharon answered, resting her chin in her palm, her elbow on the table.

  "It shows," Gemma said. Gag me! I decided that now was the perfect time to put on some music! I turned on Pandora on my phone and music started playing from the tiny speakers.

  "I love this song!" Gemma exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. She grabbed Sharon's hand. "Dance with me!" Sharon half-ass resisted but ended up getting up and going with Gemma into the living room to dance. I followed them, bringing the music with me.

  Once Gemma and Sharon started dancing, I turned the music up even louder. They were getting hotter and more into it so Sharon pulled off her shirt, wearing just a tank top and her jeans. She eventually took off her shoes and socks. I was surprised by how loose she was getting. Gemma was getting loose and was doing a lot of touching on both herself and Sharon. She kept putting her hands on Sharon's hips. Then she spanked Sharon, causing all of us to laugh. She danced behind her and Sharon actually started grinding on her while Gemma held her waist. One minute they were dancing and the next minute, they were kissing! They fell onto the couch and Gemma had her hand up Sharon's shirt, touching her breasts and her tongue down Sharon's throat. They had forgotten all about me.

  I started inconspicuously taking pictures. Gemma pulled off Sharon's tank top, popped her large breasts out of her bra and began sucking on Sharon's nipples. Sharon was moaning and writhing under Gemma. Gemma shoved a hand down into Sharon's jeans and began fingering her. I had so many pictures, I was grinning like a lunatic. Once I got pictures of Gemma eating Sharon's pussy, I knew that I had all the evidence I needed. I grabbed my things and decided to leave these two love birds alone.

  I walked back to campus with a new pep in my step. I was successful in my endeavors. I had won the battle, but there would be many more before I could claim victory of the war. As I was walking, someone called my name. I looked around and saw Richard sitting at a table, waving me over. This day just kept getting better and better! I walked over to him with a huge grin, that made his own smile grow.

  "Hey," I greeted him as I sat down across from him at the table. There was a basket of French fries in front of him and a large drink.

  "Hey, how are you?" He asked me.

  "I'm good," I answered.

  "You look it," he replied. I giggled and rolled my eyes. "You want some of my French fries?" I nodded and he pushed the basket towards me. "So where were you headed when I called you over?" He asked me. I shrugged taking a fry and eating it.

  "Nowhere," I answered.

  "Class?" He asked.

  "I skipped it," I told him. He looked shocked.

  "Bad girl," he said. I smiled.

  "Maybe. You share your fries with every girl who walks past?" I teased.

  "No just you," he answered sweetly. "So, why'd you make me do that pose in class today?" He asked. I laughed.

  "You were a natural," I told him. He laughed. "Did you like that pose?" I asked him. He blushed.

  "With the right girl, yea," he answered. I took another fry and played with it with my tongue.

  "Am I the right girl?" I asked. He licked his lips.

  "That's what I'm trying to find out." Suddenly I felt as though someone was staring at me. I looked past Richard and saw Professor Moore. He had just walked out of the Creative Arts building and was staring me down. I returned my gaze to Richard.

  "Those fries made me thirsty," I told him.

  "You want my drink? I haven't drunk from it yet," he told me, pushing the cup towards me.

  "You sure?" I asked before taking it.

  "Yea, it's all yours. You can have the fries too." I grinned at him before grabbing the cup and taking a long sip. I knew that Professor Moore was watching and I was loving every minute of it. Once I had drunk enough, I took out my phone.

  "What's your number Richard?" I asked him. He looked surprise by how forward I was, but told me his phone number anyway. "I'll text you," I told him standing up and picking up the basket of fries and the soda. I turned around and headed back the way I had come, feeling two pairs of eyes staring at my ass.

  I ate the fries as I walked. When I finished them, I tossed them in the trash and continued drinking the soda. As I reached my apartment building, I received a text message. It was from Professor Moore and said:

  ‘Is that your little boyfriend now?’

  I rolled my eyes and lau
ghed out loud. Professor Moore was jealous! He had nerve! I decided to ignore him and put my phone back in my pocket. I went inside of the apartment building and headed up the flights of stairs to my apartment. When I got to our door, I put my ear against it and listened. I didn't hear anything. I took my key out and unlocked the door, letting myself inside. Sharon was gone. I could hear music playing and Gemma singing in the shower. I was still hungry after eating those fries so I decided to wait until Gemma got out of the shower so that we could go eat lunch in the dining hall.

  I was about to lay out on the couch but thought better of it and instead sat in the armchair. Sprinkles came out of hiding and jumped on my lap. I pet her and she purred. With my free hand, I took my phone back out and scrolled through my contacts, stopping at Richard’s name. I text him:

  ‘Thanks for the fries and soda :)’

  Moments later, he texts back:

  ‘You're welcome cutie ;)’

  I bit my lip and thought about what to text back. I heard the shower and music stop and the bathroom door open. Gemma came out wrapped in a towel, wearing slippers, her wet hair dripping.

  "I thought I heard you come in," she said.

  "Where's Sharon?" I asked.

  "She left," Gemma answered. There was a pause. Gemma was giving me this strange look.

  "What?" I asked her.

  "Did you put ecstasy in the tea?"

  "What?!" I asked her incredulously.

  She looked up at the ceiling and spoke slowly.

  "Did you put ecstasy in the tea?"

  "No!" I exclaimed. Gemma stared me down.

  "Dahlia, I'm going to ask you one more time. Did you put ecstasy in the tea?!"

  "Yes!" I blurted out, instantly regretting it after seeing Gemma's face turn red with anger.

  "Why would you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She demanded. I bit my lip, trying to figure out what to say.

  "I knew that you two would hit it off and I just wanted to give you a little push..." I said lamely.

  "She's married!" Gemma screamed at me. "You made her cheat on her husband!" Woah, let's not give me too much credit.

  "I didn't make her do anything. She wanted to do that. The ecstasy just made her less inhibited," I said. Gemma shook her head.

  "I can't believe you," she said and turned around, stomping away.

  "Do you want to get lunch with me in the dining hall?" I yelled at her back. Gemma answered by slamming her bedroom door and turning her music on with the volume all the way up.

  "I guess not," I said to myself. I looked down at my phone at my last text from Richard and texted back:

  ‘Since I ate your food, do you want to meet me for lunch in the dining hall?’

  He texted back:

  ‘Sure! :)’

  I smiled and wrote back:

  ‘Ok, I'll see you soon!’

  I got up and left the apartment without another word to Gemma. She'd get over it. She just needed some time to cool off. But when I got back to the apartment after having lunch with Richard, she still wasn't talking to me. It was a long weekend with Gemma giving me the silent treatment. I wondered how long she planned on holding this up. Since Gemma wouldn't talk to me, and I wasn't talking to Professor Moore, Richard and I had been texting all weekend. I really liked him. Not as much as I liked Professor Moore, but enough. When Monday came along, Gemma left for class before I woke up and I ended up walking to class alone. When I got there, on time this time, Richard had saved me a seat beside him. This definitely cheered me up. We flirted off and on throughout class which got us glares from Professor Moore. When we critiqued our sketches, Professor Moore ripped mine a new ass and told me that he needed to speak to me after class and to come to his office.

  When class was over, Richard whispered to me, "that was harsh," in reference to Professor Moore's critique on my sketch. I waved it away to show that I couldn't care less.

  "I haven't eaten, meet me for breakfast in the dining hall?" I asked him. He said yea and we parted ways. I headed down to Professor Moore's office. When I got there, he was already in there waiting for me with the door open.

  "Please, close the door behind you," he instructed. I did as I was told and sat on the chair across from him. He had his hands teepee atop his desk looking at me with disapproval. I almost laughed.

  "I feel as though your little boyfriend is distracting you," he began. I rolled my eyes long and hard.

  "You have got to be kidding me," I said.

  "No I'm very serious and I don't want to see your grades suffer as a result," he continued. Now I was getting annoyed.

  "Yea right! I'm the best artist in that class. Including you!" I added with a smirk.

  "It's not about talent, it's about effort and your grades will reflect your efforts in my class," he said sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. I did the same.

  "I know what this is about. You're just jealous and mad because I'm showing Richard more attention then you!" I snapped. Professor Moore raised his eyebrows.

  "Are you trying to make me jealous?" He asked. I didn't answer, I just gave him an exasperated look. "Is it because I'm married?"

  "That definitely has a little something to do with it," I said sarcastically, looking out the window.

  "I'll get a divorce," he said. I looked at him incredulously.

  "Yea right! After just one fuck you're trying to convince me that you'll leave your wife?! You must think I'm stupid!" I was genuinely offended.

  "It has nothing to do with the sex," he said. I rolled my eyes. He leaned forward and put his hands on the desk, reaching for mine, but I kept my arms crossed. "Dahlia, we have a connection." He was really starting to piss me off.

  "You're just saying that because you don't want me fucking Richard!" I spat the words out and he cringed.

  "Are you having sex with Richard?" He asked me.

  "That's none of your business," I said looking out of the window again.

  "Dahlia, I've never felt this way about anyone before, not even my wife. My wife and I haven't been intimate in a very long time," he told me.

  "Save it. I don't want to hear it. As long as you're still married, there will be nothing going on between you and I. I'm no one’s side chick!" I said, standing up abruptly. I grabbed my things and left, shutting his door behind me. I was so mad that I was shaking. I had to get out of there.

  Professor Moore text me:

  ‘Divorces take time.’

  Before I could stop myself, I text him back:

  ‘Well maybe this will help speed up the process’

  and sent him the pictures of his wife and Gemma. Moments later, he started calling my phone nonstop, but I didn't answer. It started raining and I had to run home. I realized that I was crying. I had got myself in a mess! I let the rain wash away my tears.

  By the time I walked in our apartment, I was all wet. Gemma was there making tea. She looked like she wanted to make a snarky remark, but when she saw how sad I looked, she decided against it.

  "Want some tea? I won't drug yours," she offered. This was the first thing that Gemma had said to me in days. She was trying to make me smile but I wasn't in much of a smiling mood. I sat down at the table and she put a mug with a teabag and hot water before me. Then she went in the refrigerator to get the almond milk and brought over the sugar and spoons. We made our tea in silence. Meanwhile, my phone was vibrating like crazy in my pocket. I put it on silent. Gemma's phone vibrated on the table and she smiled at it, picking it up and texting someone back.

  "Sharon and I have been talking all weekend," she said happily. At this, my ears perked up. "We're planning on meeting up again. For a real date this time." I genuinely smiled at Gemma. This was good news. Maybe I hadn't made a mess after all, maybe everything would work out for the best.

  "That's great Gemma. I'm happy for you," I told her. Then I remembered something that made me jump up out of my seat. "I'm supposed to be meeting Richard for breakfast!" I exclaimed as I rushed i
nto my room to change out of these wet clothes. Gemma followed me and stood in the doorway watching me.

  "Who's Richard?" She asked me.

  "This guy from my Figure Drawing class," I answered her as I got dressed. Gemma nodded thoughtfully. Once I was dressed, I rushed past her, then doubled back and hugged her. "Thank you!" I said and then let her go and preparing to leave.

  "For what?" She called after me but I didn't answer. It had stopped raining but the ground was still wet as I hurried down the hill to campus, hoping that I hadn't kept Richard waiting too long. On my way to the dining hall, a deep voice called my name. It was Professor Moore. I ignored him and tried to keep walking but he caught up with me and grabbed me by the arm, steering me into one of the academic buildings. He didn't let me go until we were inside an empty classroom with the door closed.

  "We need to talk," he told me.

  "You need to be talking to your wife, not me," I said.

  "How did you get those pictures?" He demanded.

  "Does it matter?! Will it change the fact that she cheated on you?" I snapped. Professor Moore looked pained and I felt guilty for hurting him like this, but now that my guard was up, it was going to be hard for it to go back down.

  "We've already talked about divorce. I'm going to see my lawyer this week," he said it like it was supposed to make me feel better. "Dahlia please, look at me." I looked him in the eyes and saw his sincerity. "I love you," he said. Those three words were like a wrecking ball to my defenses.

  "Don't say it if you don't mean it," I told him.

  "I do mean it," he said. "And to show you that I'm serious, I got you something." He pulled a little black box out of his jacket pocket. When he opened it, there was a ring inside. It was rose gold with a cluster of pink diamonds arranged into a flower. The ring was beautiful, but I didn't understand what it meant.


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