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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

Page 121

by Mia Ford

  Oh, God. His teeth. They dragged against me as he filled me slowly, pulling out and sliding his finger back inside of me.

  I came with his finger curled inside of me and his mouth locked over my clit. It was as fierce as before, and I dropped back against the cushions in exhaustion when it was done.

  Payne dropped into my lap and rested silently for a moment as we both took deep breaths. “I want to take this slow, I want to enjoy every minute with you.”

  Part of me was disappointed, but I latched onto the fact that he mentioned a future between us. “So, this is a thing?”

  “You know it is, Vie. I might go to hell for it, and we have to do everything to hide it from your dad.” I nodded as he stared into my eyes, his forehead creased with determination.

  Somehow, we finished the work that night after a time of rest. Dressing back in our clothes, we returned to the task and smiled at one another when our eyes would meet. He asked me if I wanted to go home or stay at the office, even offering for me to stay the night at his place.

  We’d promised to keep this quiet, so I told him that I would go home. I was very sober now after all that we’d done, as was he and he kissed me for a long time before we left the building. Once outside, we didn’t touch or so much as walk close together.

  I drove home in shock to what happened with Payne tonight. I wanted more, so much more, but he wanted to make it special for me. I was fine with that if it didn’t end. I’d do anything to prevent that from happening.

  I showered and dropped into bed, not needing any release tonight. Still, I grabbed my phone and masturbated while I filmed it, sending it to Payne once I was done. I deleted everything, reminding him to do the same before I took it as far as to change his name in my contact list. I wanted to protect Payne, and I went to sleep laughing about his curses sent back in response to the video.

  He wasn’t pleased and threatened me with punishment the following day. I got up early and went for a quick run, feeling energetic and happy. I showered quickly and did my hair in low ponytails with some dark liner around my eyes. I chose a black skirt and gray silk shirt to wear, slipping on the shoes that never left my feet the night before. Payne told me that they turned him on.

  The drive was quick today as I sang along to the radio, parking and hopping out to walk across the street with the crowd. I knew that I should be tired, but I’d slept well once in bed. I still got my favorite coffee from the first floor and sipped it on the ride to my floor with a small smile. I’d started making some friends at the office now, and while I liked that, it gave me more people to hide the relationship from.

  I made small talk on the ride, laughing about the late nights before I headed to my desk for the day. Payne’s door was closed and the office dark, so I took the work we’d finished and started a report from it. We had a good system, and I didn’t need to ask what to do or when to do it. I never did since we flowed so well together.

  I glanced up at the sound of his voice a while later, seeing him on the phone as he moved towards me. He grinned at me as he unlocked his door to walk in and I nodded as I got back to the report. This needed to be subtle. He sent me a text on my personal phone to come in, and I slipped the device into the drawer with my purse to lock it before I left my desk. I tapped on his door, entering when he said to do so and closing the door with a smile. “Good morning.”

  “You wicked wench, sending that to me last night. You made me oversleep this morning with the way that it affected me.” Payne shook his head as I giggled. “How are you here on time?”

  “I got up and went for a run. I feel great. Maybe you’re too old for me,” I joked as his eyes darkened and Payne rose from the edge of his desk to grab me. “Come here. Sit down.” He led me to his chair and sat me down in front of his phone that was propped up against his keyboard. “I want you to watch this.” Payne found the video from last night and hit the screen as I sucked in my breath. He stood right behind me as we fell silent, watching it. My cries were weak but raw over the speakers, and I shifted in my seat. “We’re going to work today and later tonight, I am going to watch you do this before I go down on that sweet pussy again. Sound good?”

  “Are we working late?” I asked breathlessly as the room went quiet.

  “That’s what I told your dad, but we’ll be at my place. I’ll order in, and we’ll be all alone.” The idea made my heart pound as I dropped my head against his erection and moaned. “Jesus.”

  I turned to face him, pulling his cock out to suck it and give him some relief. He came after a few moments, thrusting into my mouth as he held onto the back of my head. I cleaned up and asked him what he needed in the way of work as he fixed his clothes with a wicked smile on his face.

  I ended up back at my desk working on reports as he made calls pertaining to the case that was going to court in a couple of days. I knew that it was going to tie him up, agreeing to meet my friend Melody for lunch. We went to the deli on the corner as she talked about her fiancé that proposed just over the weekend with glee in her voice. When she asked me if I was seeing someone, I merely shrugged and explained that it was casual.

  A part of me wondered if I’d ever be at that level with Payne, but I doubted it. There was so much wrong with us in society’s eyes as well as the eyes of the man that we both loved more than most anything in our life. This would never get out and with that truth, I knew that it would more than likely fade away. I went back to my desk a little somber but excited about later, doing everything that I could to assure that we’d be able to leave at a reasonable time tonight. We walked out together at six, chatting with everyone else lightly as we headed to our separate cars as if we were just going home. I had his address in my phone before we even left the building and followed the directions to get there as I tried to calm down my beating heart.

  I always knew that Payne lived in a condominium but never saw it before now. Our house was always bigger, and seemed more welcoming to him before now. Now we’d grow to love this place as it gave us the privacy that we needed. I parked inside of the gate that I had the code for, walking up to his door in the back as I took a careful look around. This was a very luxurious complex and there had to be more attorneys and people that might know both my father and Payne. I felt better once I was inside of his foyer, in his arms as I kissed him.

  Payne told me that he picked up some Thai food on the way home and that it was in the kitchen as we kissed our way there. The place was big, so it wasn’t an easy feat at all, but we managed better once I kicked my shoes off.

  We ate at the island in the middle of the chef’s kitchen, talking between bites as we sipped wine. The condominium was beautiful, and he told me it had a great view of the water in the daylight as I wondered if I’d ever be here to see it. We cleaned up and stuck the leftovers in the fridge before he took my hand and led me to his room. We had our phones with us since there was a good chance that Dad might call either one of us tonight. We’d both talked to him today and discussed working late to lower the likelihood of that.

  Once I walked into the bedroom and looked around the space, I knew that I never wanted to leave. There was a fireplace, though in Southern California that was more for looks than heat. The bed was big and against the wall opposite the mantel and the large screen television that was mounted above it. It was comfortable and just begged to wrap me in the warmth forever. I walked across the floor to the bed to try and see out of the windows on either side of it, but only saw the reflection of the moon on the water.

  Payne clicked on the fire for the glow as I watched and stared at me from across the room. “I can’t believe that you’re here. I’ve wondered what it would be like to have you in my bed before but…this is amazing.” He removed his tie as he walked back over to me, dropping it on the nightstand closest to him with a wicked smile on his face. “I am going to memorize every moment of this,”

  He told me to get back on the pillows, removing my skirt once I was there. He told me how much he thought ab
out removing my clothes all day as he leaned down to kiss me, cupping my breast with his hand as I moaned his name. He made me want him badly but reminded me that I was touching myself tonight as he drew back and sat between my legs. I blushed at the intimacy of it despite having sent him a video of the same thing last night.

  Still, I needed the release. I dropped back and spread my legs wide to move my hand over my panties slowly as I closed my eyes. Once he demanded that I take them off, I kicked them across the room and found my needy clit with my hand. It was hotter than I thought it would be as I watched him at the end of the bed, leaning forward as his eyes darkened and his hand dropped over his crotch. I came as he stood to drop his pants, releasing his cock as he started to stroke himself. “So fucking hot,” Payne said as he moved down to take my hand in his, sucking on my fingers as I stared at him.

  He moved his face down to taste me as I gripped his head, pulling him more into me. I was addicted to the man’s mouth now, and I groaned as he held me still with his arms wrapped around my thighs. It was torture not to be able to move as he licked, nibbled, and sucked on me; pulling back when he knew I was close. I smacked his head, and he laughed as he moved closer, not stopping this time as I screamed his name in sweet relief. “I need you, Payne. Please.”

  He asked if I was protected, reaching for his drawer when I shook my head. “We’re going to get you on something soon. I hate condoms and want to feel you bare.” He knelt beside me as he sheathed himself, looking me over slowly. “Are you sure about this?”

  I nodded, knowing that I could not wait.

  Payne moved his body between my thighs, spreading my release around before he positioned himself in front of me. “This will hurt, so we’ll go slow. Tell me everything that you’re feeling.” I nodded as he slipped forward, barely inside of me. “You’re so tight.”

  “Will it fit?” I asked as he chuckled and rocked slightly forward.

  “You’re soaked, so yes. It will feel good at some point as well, just give me time.” I knew what he was talking about as he moved further, though slowly. Payne didn’t only fill me, he stretched me, and I whimpered underneath him as he leaned down to kiss my neck. “I’m sorry, Vie.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured him as he found my lips, tasting myself on him. That was when he moved further, nearly all the way and just remained there as our tongues danced together. There had been some sharp pain in the beginning but now I was feeling horny, and I moved slightly. “I want you.”

  We moved together until we found a rhythm, then our bodies slapped together roughly as I cried out with every thrust. Payne was so deep inside of me and so big that I felt it everywhere.

  I was fucking Payne, so much faster than probably either of us planned. I tried to remember it in my head, knowing that this was the best first I would ever have. I had come seconds before he did, feeling him grow inside of me before he roared my name and jerked against my thighs.

  Payne had rested against me before he pulled out carefully, staring down at my face. “How do you feel?”

  “Complete,” I replied as he left the bed to go through a door that I assumed led to a bathroom. He came back with something in his hand, shocking me when I felt the warmth between my legs. “Do guys do this normally?”

  “It’s your first time, so you deserve it but no. I don’t think so. I just want you to be comfortable.” Payne wiped gently as I relaxed and smiled at him, frowning a bit. “You bled, just a little. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I told him as he dropped the cloth to the floor and slid his hands under my shirt.

  “I can’t believe that I didn’t take this off. Can you? I want to feel your bare skin against mine.” I did, and we snuggled together naked, our skin hot as we pressed together. He was wearing his shirt when he was inside of me, though it was slightly unbuttoned. I preferred him this way as we snuggled together. I wanted to fall asleep like this, but I kept looking at the clock to see what time it was. I knew that I had to leave soon.

  Once it got past ten, and we’d dozed off a few times and kissed a lot more, I cleared my throat. “I shouldn’t stay late.”

  “I want you to stay,” Payne said as I sighed. “I know that can’t happen.” He kissed me slowly as I wrapped my arms around his neck until I insisted on leaving. I dressed and went around the house twice to get all my stuff before I looked at the front door. “Can I walk you out? Where did you park?”

  “Probably not a good idea, but it’s well-lit there. You live in a great area,” I assured Payne as he frowned with concern. “You’re an attorney and know it’s safe here.”

  “I do, but I still worry.” He pressed his lips to mine firmly before unlocking his door. I went to my car, wanting nothing more than to sleep in his arms all night long. I was glad I lived close and pulling into the gate within ten minutes, parking in the garage.

  I jumped when I saw the television on and Dad watching some game. “Oh, hi.” I straightened my hair with one hand and thanked my lucky stars for the dark room.

  “He’s working you pretty late,” Dad said as he stretched and yawned, apparently tired.

  “We’re both workaholics. It’s not just Payne,” I assured him as I looked at him. He could never know what I did tonight, not ever. We walked towards our rooms together, saying good night before I took the stairs slowly and focused on the throbbing between my legs. I didn’t shower and just crawled under the sheets, missing Payne’s body, and scent. I made a note to steal one of his shirts to sleep with soon as I closed my eyes.

  I didn’t want to get up to the alarm, but I knew that I would be seeing Payne. I chose a red skirt today with a black shirt that had a vintage flair to it. I even managed a curl in the front and some red lipstick before I left the house. I wasn’t seeing a lot of Dad these days with our busy hours, but I swore that I’d be home for dinner. Payne even agreed to come, though we weren’t certain how that was going to go.

  We worked together in the office today since he had court in the morning. There were several kisses throughout the day, and we even got away for lunch together, using the excuse of the upcoming trial to Melody. She understood since we had the same position for different attorneys. We made a point of leaving at five to go to the house for dinner. I arrived first and pulled the salmon out of the fridge to season it before I put it into the oven. Dad and Payne walked in together laughing as I looked over with a forced smile. “Hey, sweetie. What are you making?”

  “I was thinking baked salmon, some Brussel sprouts, and a salad? It’s weird not being home during the day now.” I met Payne’s gaze for a fleeting second, blushing as I turned towards the food again.

  “Payne is pleased with your work,” Dad said as I blushed further.

  “Good. I like the job,” I replied as the oven beeped. I used that one for the fish and warmed the other one for the vegetables, shaking them with oils and seasonings before shaking them out on a cookie sheet. While those cooked, I prepared a salad and poured some wine.

  The men were outside and I stared dreamily at Payne when they weren’t looking. I couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to cook him dinner in his kitchen as we talked about our day together. I watched as he glanced over a few times, keeping it short. This was so hard, and I focused on dinner as I realized the tragic side to this affair.

  I was quiet throughout the meal as they talked and Dad glanced at me. “Are you okay?”

  “I guess I’m just tired,” I lied as I took the last bite of dinner and set my fork on the plate. I stood and grabbed it, emptying the food into a container and stuffing it into the fridge. I glanced outside to see both of them looking towards the house, but I grabbed my purse and walked up the stairs to my room. I changed into pajamas and rested against my pillows as I stared at my ceiling. I didn’t feel like a grown up right now. I felt like a girl who was facing a broken heart.

  I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until my alarm went off. Neither of them came up last night, but I did see the light flash
ing on my phone indicating some messages. They were from Payne, and I read them with a soft smile. He missed me last night and hoped that I was okay. He wanted to kiss me good night.

  After I showered and dressed to go downstairs, I found Dad sipping coffee. “Morning, Vie. Were you all right last night?”

  “I was tired. I didn’t think I’d fall asleep going upstairs to change but then I woke up to my alarm. I guess I am adjusting to working.” I poured my own cup and sipped it slowly as I considered my words. “Did you enjoy dinner?”

  “It was good to be around you two again. You’re both at the office so much now, and I miss the dinners here. I know you need to work, that you want to work, but I liked that. I’d like to make it more of a habit. Can we?” He asked as a lump filled my throat.

  Dad wanted to spend time with us, and we wanted to spend time fucking each other now. How messed up was that? “Of course, Dad. I think it’s better to be home relaxing more too.” I went over to hug him, telling Dad that I’d be home earlier tonight. I knew that Payne wanted to go to his place again and continue with what we were doing and I fought internally with myself as I drove to work with tears in my eyes.

  I walked to my desk, arriving before Payne as I set my purse into the drawer. I got the same coffee that I always did, but there wasn’t the joy in it today. The night and morning had been awful, making me want to find a way to fix it and soon. I warmed up my computer and sat down to get logged in so I could just work on some reports on some research that I would be heavily involved in. I knew that Payne was in court this morning so I’d get some peace.

  He came in after lunch looking drained and a bit overwhelmed. His eyes were wild as they searched for me, making me feel the guilt about keeping my phone tucked away today. I was only using it for music today, and every other noise was on silent. “Are you okay?” Payne asked softly as he walked up to the desk as I stared at him.


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