Buried and Shadowed

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Buried and Shadowed Page 5

by Alexandra Ivy

  She reached out and put her hand on his fist. He hadn’t even realized he’d put both hands on the table, as if he’d needed to grip something in order to stay centered, grounded in reality. His brain hurt, his heart just as much, but for some reason, it wasn’t as bad as it had been the past few days. Since he’d first found out that he was the Omega, he’d had to wade through emotion after emotion, sometimes falling to his knees when it became too much. Over time, he knew he’d be able to find each individual thread and work with it, either taking the feeling into himself if it was too much for the other shifter, or using it to make sure they were healthy. One day, he would even be able to heal physical wounds, but from the way he weakened with just the onslaught of emotions, he was pretty sure that would be years off, if ever.

  And yet…and yet he’d known exactly what Oliver was feeling during his vision. He’d also known it was Oliver and not another that might have been near.

  And as he focused, he could also feel the nervousness, the excitement, and the raw hunger of Mandy. He wondered for a moment if it was because her emotions mirrored his own, as well as Oliver’s.

  “Gibson,” Mandy said again, squeezing his hand. “What’s wrong?”

  He swallowed hard and blinked away the torrent of his thoughts. “I’m okay.” He paused, tasting the lie. “Or at least I will be. It’s weird right now.”

  She winced, and he quickly turned his hand over to hold hers in a firm grip.

  “I’m not saying being here with you and Oliver is weird, though in reality, it kind of is since we’ve done so well avoiding one another.” Oliver snorted, and Mandy gave him a small smile. Gibson relaxed somewhat. “We’re not avoiding each other now, though. And because of that, or maybe in spite of it, I can actually relax for the first time in days.”

  “What do you mean?” Oliver asked.

  Gibson met the other man’s gaze even as he ran his thumb over Mandy’s hand. He felt her shiver, and he knew he had to stop soon or he’d take them all too far too quickly. Though since they were shifters, there wasn’t really a chance to be too quick. Once the wolf, bear, or cat decided, the man followed. Ready and willing.

  “With the two of you here, I can actually unravel whose emotion is whose. It’s not as overwhelming. I can breathe again.” He hadn’t known how much being an Omega had been affecting him until he sat between these two at this scarred wooden table. What would it feel like to be with them fully, to know that they were his and his alone?

  He swallowed hard, knowing he needed to give them space before he did something stupid like bend them over the table in question.

  “Really?” Mandy asked. “Is there anything we can do to help? I know it has to be a lot all at once.”

  “Plus, we still don’t know who attacked you,” Oliver said, his tone dark. “There’s something going on. I can feel it.”

  Gibson squeezed Mandy’s hand as her wolf brushed up against his. He liked the feeling. “I feel it, too. There’s an undercurrent I can’t place.”

  Mandy sighed. “I thought the leaders of SAU going underground but leaving their guards in place would be enough of an undercurrent. Between that and the three Packs learning to live together as one, the amount of tension should be enough. But if what you’re saying it true, if what Holden scented when you were hurt is true, then we have more problems than just humans.”

  Gibson’s jaw clenched. “It was a shifter.” He’d known that of course, had scented something not human, but it’d happened too fast for him to fully gauge what kind of shifter.

  Oliver nodded. “Though we don’t know who. They did something to their scent.”

  “So we have humans after us, keeping us in cages, and now infighting within our own,” Mandy said slowly. “I don’t like it. I feel like we’re right on the edge of so many things, and with one breath we could fall, changing it all.”

  “We have strong Alphas and Betas, as well as shifters who can take care of their own,” Gibson said, more to himself than them. “I trust those in power more than I thought I’d trust anything, and that’s saying something.”

  Oliver nodded. “I agree. Whatever is going on isn’t happening with those in the upper hierarchy.”

  Mandy frowned. “It’s not with the submissives either. I’ve never seen us so healthy. Now that Holden and Soren are mated, things are settling. And I know it’s a lot to put on your shoulders, Gibson, but with you now as the Omega, it’s almost complete.”

  “I hope I can do something to help at least,” Gibson added. “But you’re right, this feels like it’s someone we’re missing, someone in the center of the Pack that might feel ignored.”

  Oliver reached out and gripped Gibson’s other hand. He sucked in a breath, his wolf content for the first time in his memory. He pushed that aside, though, knowing his Pack needed him to think about what had happened, instead of what could happen between the three of them.

  “I think…I think we need to look at the Pack as a single unit, instead of three. There are three sections now forced to live as one.” Oliver tilted his head. “I think this might be something we haven’t thought of.”

  “A vision?” Mandy asked.

  “Not this time,” Oliver answered. “A sense of knowing.”

  “We’ll be on alert,” Gibson said. “We all will be. And we’ll figure it out. Because we’re too close to the end of the SAU for us to fall apart from within.” He paused. “And while we’re doing that, we’re going to take a chance.” He met their gazes. “And see what we can have between the three of us, because my wolf knows what you’re feeling, at least part of it, and I don’t think I can keep to myself anymore.”

  Mandy narrowed her eyes. “Between Oliver’s visions and your emotional seeking, I’m at a disadvantage here.”

  Oliver stood then and walked around the table to cup her face. “No, you never will be. Because you’re the center. You’re the one who came here, who opened up to us first. You’re the one with true bravery. Never forget that.” And as he finished, he lowered his mouth to hers. Gibson stood up, aching for those in front of him, his wolf so damn pleased at the turn of events.

  Oliver finished the kiss, and before Mandy could get her bearings, Gibson slid his palm over her cheek and kissed her soundly. She tasted of sweetness and the future. He wanted to hold her, be with her, have her, and yet he knew this was just the beginning. This was what they were fighting for, what they had sought to protect all those years ago. And now, instead of being on the outside looking in, he was a part of this. Part of them.

  He pulled away, leaving Mandy breathless as well as himself.

  “Okay, then,” she whispered, her lips swollen and her eyes wide. “Okay.”

  “We’re not finished yet,” Gibson said and turned to Oliver. The big bear titled his head. Oliver was a good three inches or so taller than him, but he didn’t care. He leaned over Mandy, gripped the back of Oliver’s head, and brought him in for a kiss of his own.

  The other man’s lips were different, more firm and supple. Their kiss was harsher, a clash of dominance and teeth. He nipped at Oliver’s bottom lip before licking the sting away and deepening the kiss. When he pulled back, the two of them faced off and Oliver grinned.

  “This is going to be fun,” Oliver said softly. They both looked down at Mandy, whose eyes were even wider, her mouth open.

  “That was so freaking hot,” Mandy said with a grin. “We need to do that again. Often.”

  Gibson smiled fully then, aware he hadn’t done that in far too long. “Yeah, we do. But right now, I need to go to Holden’s. I have a meeting.”

  Mandy nodded, and Oliver slid his hand over Gibson’s shoulder.

  “I’ll be back, though,” Gibson said quickly. “I mean, if that’s okay.”

  Oliver squeezed. “It’s okay. In fact, I think you need to. We’re not done talking about the three of us yet. Nor are we finished discussing what led you here.”

  Gibson sobered. “I’ll come back when I can.” He loo
ked at Mandy. “Are you staying here?”

  She shook her head, biting her lip. “I need to go home and change and do a few things for the maternals.” She looked over at Oliver. “But I can be back for lunch. Will that do?”

  Oliver smiled softly at her and cupped her face. “Yes, that will do.” He looked up. “Be safe today.”

  Gibson nodded before turning and heading out of the house. If he didn’t go now, he was afraid he wouldn’t leave at all. His wolf rode him, and yet he knew it wasn’t just his beast. He wanted them both as a man also, and he knew he would have them soon. There was no denying that. Not anymore.

  He’d pushed himself away from anything that might bring him comfort, might bring him pleasure for so long, and now that he’d had a taste of what he could have, he knew he couldn’t let go.

  Not now. Maybe not ever.

  He ran toward his Alpha’s house, aware he wasn’t fully dressed nor showered, but he wasn’t in the mood for niceties. He wanted to get back to Oliver and Mandy. The fact that they were the ones at the forefront of his mind even with everything else going on in his life spoke volumes.

  When he got to Holden and Ariel’s, it was Soren he saw on the porch. The Beta of the Pack stood there, his hands crossed over his chest and his brows raised.

  “Is it me, or do I scent a bear and a certain pretty wolf on you this morning?”

  Gibson showed off his teeth as if he were in wolf form baring fang. “None of your business, cat lover.”

  Soren grinned then. “True enough.” He lifted his arm and inhaled. “Yeah, I smell like my feisty mate. Not a bad thing at all. But you? You surprise me.”

  Gibson growled. “What of it? You have a problem with my choices.”

  Soren held up his hands, palms out, the grin leaving his face quickly. “Not at all, Gibson. I’m happy for you, even though I don’t see a mating mark so it must be early in your dance. I’m only saying you surprise me because you’ve held yourself apart for so long, and now that you’re starting to come back to us, you’re going full tilt.” Soren smiled broadly. “I like it.”

  Gibson shook his head. This damn wolf was like a cat sometimes. It made sense, considering the man had mated a Feline of his own. “Are you done poking at me now? Holden wanted to see me.”

  Soren stepped out of the way. “Come on in. He summoned me, as well.”

  “I don’t summon,” Holden bit out as Gibson and Soren made their way into the living room. “I ask.”

  Ariel snorted and patted her mate’s chest. They stood in the center of the living room, her tiny form looking so fragile against Holden’s. Gibson wondered how the petite Mandy would look between him and Oliver, and had to quickly get that thought out of his mind before he did something stupid like get a hard-on in his Alpha’s home.

  “You summon, baby, but it’s okay,” Ariel said with a wink. “It’s good to see you up and about, Gibson.”

  Gibson opened his mouth to say something, but staggered back as a wave of intense emotion hit him like a wall. Excitement, fear, love, adoration, nervousness, and relief spread over him, and he hit the ground hard, his head slamming against the wooden floor.

  Soren reached for him and put his hand on Gibson’s chest. “What is it?”

  Gibson squeezed his eyes shut. “Too…much…” He gasped. He’d forgotten for a moment that he was the Omega. Apparently, whatever calming effect Mandy and Oliver had over him had worn off and now he could feel everything.

  He couldn’t untangle the web made from the other three in the room, and their fear and worry overwhelmed him.

  “Shit, he looked fine just a second ago,” Holden growled. “Soren, get Mandy and Oliver. I can scent them on him. If he was calm after leaving them, they might be able to help.”

  “On it,” Soren said, his voice and scent fading as he left.

  Ariel’s small hand touched Gibson’s forehead, and his body shook. “What can we do?” she asked, tears in her voice.

  “I don’t know,” Holden bit out. “But you’re stronger than this, Gibson. You hear me? You’re going to get through this, and you’re going to be fucking amazing. Because I will not let you leave this world because of what we feel. You get me? You’re stuck with us.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Gibson grunted, trying to smile. He couldn’t though, his head hurt and his body felt heavy. He inhaled deeply, trying to catch his breath, and when he did that, a burst of new emotion slammed into him and he felt his body going lax. But even as it did, he found a new…tangle that forced his eyes open. “Congratulations,” he murmured.

  Ariel’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “I can feel…” his voice trailed off, his body unable to go much longer.

  “Shit,” Holden cursed. “You’re feeling the new life within her, aren’t you? That’s why you’re doing this. Because you figured out she’s pregnant.”

  “Oh, Gibson,” Ariel said softly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Gibson was about to pass out, but he used the last of his energy to grip her hand. “No need,” he rasped. “I’ll get used to it. Congrats, Mom.”

  She smiled at him, and that was the last he saw before he passed out, the intensity of the emotions too much for him.

  He came to with his head cradled in a soft lap that smelled of sweetness and submissive wolf. The scent of bear and promise came from his side, and Gibson’s wolf immediately relaxed.

  “Well, that settles it,” Holden said with a growl, and Gibson opened his eyes.

  His head rested in Mandy’s lap as she ran her fingers slowly through his hair. Oliver sat on the hardwood floor next to him, his legs crossed. The bear frowned at him, though the relief in his eyes calmed Gibson a little.

  Holden stood at Gibson’s feet, Ariel at his side. He could scent Soren in the room but he didn’t feel like turning to see the other man.

  “What settles what?” Gibson croaked.

  Oliver held out a mug of water. “Drink this.”

  With the help of Oliver and Mandy, he gulped down the water greedily, his parched throat easing.

  “What settles what?” he repeated, his voice less scratchy this time.

  “They calm you,” Holden answered finally. “You stopped screaming and woke up as soon as they were near you.”

  Oliver gripped Gibson’s free hand. “Don’t scare us like that again.”

  “That’s rich coming from a man who passes out with every vision.”

  “Stop it,” Mandy said softly, her eyes downcast. With so many dominants in the room, this had to be hard for her. “Please.”

  He reached up and cupped her face above him. “I’m sorry, sweetness.”

  “If we help you, maybe you and I can help Oliver,” she whispered, though everyone in the room would be able to clearly hear her since they were all shifters.

  “Maybe,” he said just as softly.

  “I think the three of you need to spend more time together,” Holden said into the silence. “Maybe you’ll be able to gain control of your abilities. And if you can’t, well, I’m pretty sure the three of you want to be together anyway.”

  “You can’t order anyone to mate, Holden,” Ariel chided. “But he’s sort of right, you know. If you guys find your own path, you should be able to help one another. And then maybe the Pack in time.”

  Gibson looked up at Mandy and then at Oliver. “What do you say? Want to try to figure this out?”

  Oliver grunted. “I thought we already decided that.”

  Mandy traced Gibson’s jawline with her finger. “We’re here, all three of us. We’re going to find our way. And if we help center each other, then it’s a sign in the plus column.”

  Gibson sighed, knowing he should get up from the floor, but he couldn’t. Not yet, not with Mandy so close.

  If she and Oliver found a way to help him navigate the turbulent waters that came with being an Omega, then he’d take them to the moon and back. But that wasn’t the only reason the three of them wanted to be near each other, and they knew i

  Things were changing rapidly, and it was all Gibson could do to keep up. With the dangers lurking outside the den walls and now from within, he’d take the good with the bad.

  Because it was all he had left.

  Chapter 5

  Mandy ran her hands over her arms, suddenly very cold. Something was coming; she could feel it deep down to her bones. There was a change in the air, and her wolf could sense it. The fact that she’d left Gibson and Oliver to their own devices because they’d needed sleep after the events of the day was only part of it.

  Her mind still whirled from their conversation earlier that morning. The whole thing was like an out of body experience, and yet she knew it had been her at that table, her with Gibson’s head in her lap when he’d been in pain. And that kiss? Those kisses? She’d just about melted to the floor, her body a pile of mush thanks to those two very dominant men and the way they’d taken control of her and the kiss.

  She’d wanted Gibson for as long as she’d been able to want a man in that fashion. And she’d wanted Oliver from the moment she’d first laid eyes on him. That she’d wanted both hadn’t fazed her, though the idea that she would make a move toward them was the thing that had been farfetched. It didn’t seem real that they would want her, as well.

  In only a matter of hours, they’d somehow opened up to one another and found a connection she’d never thought possible. They wanted her like she wanted them, or at least wanted to see what they could have. It may have been the desperation talking, the idea that their lives were in danger at the edge of this new world, the edge of a war that was being fought around them, but she would live with that. They were going to try. And yet it was only the beginning.


  She turned at the sound of Theo’s voice, her shoulders automatically tensing as she did so. That didn’t usually happen around him, and the fact that it did hurt like nothing else. She hadn’t seen him since he’d dropped her off at her place when she’d told him she didn’t want to be his mate. She’d missed him, of course, but the space had been needed. And then with everything going on with Oliver and Gibson, she’d pushed Theo to the back of her mind. It might make her a horrible friend, but she’d only been able to deal with one important thing at a time.


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