The Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin

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The Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin Page 59

by Harriet Beecher Stowe

  He had on a pair of coarse boots about half-worn, no other clothing recollected.

  He was raised near Sharpsburg, in Bath county, by Harrison Caldwell, and

  may be lurking in that neighbourhood, but will probably endeavour to reach


  I will pay the above-mentioned reward for him, if taken out of the State;

  50 dollars, if taken in any county bordering on the Ohio river; or 25 dollars, if

  taken in this or any adjoining county, and secured so that I can get him.

  He is supposed to have ridden a yellow horse, 15 hands and one inch high,

  mane and tail both yellow, five years old, and paces well.

  October 21st, 1852. G. W. Proctor.

  “No particular scars recollected!”

  St. Louis Times, Oct. 14, 1852:

  Taken up and committed to jail in the town of Rockbridge, Ozark county,

  Mo., on the 31st of August last, a runaway slave, who calls his name MOSES.

  Had on, when taken, a brown Jeanes pantaloons, old cotton shirt, blue frock-

  coat, an old rag tied round his head. He is about six feet high, dark complexion,

  a scar over the left eye, supposed to be about 27 years old. The owner is hereby

  notified to come forward, prove said negro, and pay all lawful charges incurred on

  his account, or the said negro will be sold at public auction, for ready money, at

  the Court House door in the town of Rockbridge, on MONDAY, the 13th Decem-

  ber next, according to law in such cases made and provided, this 9th of September,


  s23d & w. Robert Hicks, Sh'ff.

  Charleston Mercury, Oct. 15, 1852.

  Ran away on Sunday, the 6th inst., from the South Carolina Railroad Company,

  their negro man SAM, recently bought by them, with others, at Messrs. Cothran

  & Sproull's sale, at Aiken. He was raised in Cumberland County, North Caro-

  lina, and last brought from Richmond, Va. In height he is 5 feet 6¾ inches.

  Complexion copper colour; on the left arm and right leg somewhat scarred

  Countenance good. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and lodg-

  ment in any one of the jails of this or any neighbouring State.

  J. D. Petsch.

  Sup't. Transportation.

  June 12.

  Kosciusko Chronicle, Nov. 24, '52.

  To the Jail of Attila County, Miss., October the 7th, 1852, a negro boy, who

  calls his name HAMBLETON, and says he belongs to Parson William Young, of

  Pontotoc County; is about 26 or 27 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches high, rather

  dark complexion, has two or three marks on his back, a small scar on his left hip.

  Had on, when taken up, a pair of blue cotton pants, white cotton drawers, a new

  cotton shirt, a pair of kip boots, an old cloth cap and wool hat. The owner is

  requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he

  will be dealt with as provided in such case.

  E. B. Sanders, Jailer A. C.

  Oct. 12, 1852. n 12tf.

  Frankfort Commonwealth, October 21, 1852.

  A Negro boy, who calls his name ADAM, was committed to the Muhlenburg

  Jail on the 24th of July, 1852. Said boy is black; about 16 or 17 years old; 5

  feet 8 or 9 inches high; will weigh about 150 lbs. He has lost a part of the finger

  next to his little finger on the right hand; also the great toe on his left foot. This

  boys says he belongs to Wm. Mosley; that said Mosley was moving to Mississippi

  from Virginia. He further states that he is lost, and not a runaway. His

  owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay expenses, and take him

  away, or he will be disposed of as the law directs.

  Greenville, Ky., Oct. 20, 1852. S. H. Dempsey, J. M. C.

  A Negro man arrested and placed in the Barren County Jail, Ky., on the 21st

  instant, calling himself HENRY, about 22 years old; says he ran away from near

  Florence, Alabama, and belongs to John Calaway. He is about five feet eight

  inches high, dark, but not very black, rather thin visage, pointed nose, no scars

  perceivable, rather spare built; says he has been runaway nearly three months

  The owner can get him by applying and paying the reward and expenses; if not

  he will be proceeded against according to law. This 24th of August, 1852.

  Aug. 25, 1852. Samuel Adwell, Jailer.

  In the same paper are two more poor fellows, who probably

  have been sold to pay jail-fees before now.

  Taken up by M. H. Brand, as a runaway slave, on the 22nd ult., in the city of

  Covington, Kenton County, Ky., a negro man calling himself CHARLES WAR-

  FIELD, about 30 years old, but looks older, about six feet high; no particular

  marks: had no free papers, but he says he is free, and was born in Pennsylvania,

  and in Fayette County. Said negro was lodged in jail on the said 22nd ult., and

  the owner or owners, if any, are hereby notified to come forward, prove property,

  and pay charges, and take him away.

  Aug. 3, 1852.--6m. C. W. Hull, J. K. C.

  To the Jail of Graves County, Ky., on the 4th inst., a negro man calling himself

  DAVE or DAVID. He says he is free, but formerly belonged to Samuel Brown,

  of Prince William County, Virginia. He is of black colour, about five feet ten

  inches high, weighs about 180 lbs; supposed to be about 45 years old; had on

  brown pants and striped shirt. He had in his possession an old rifle gun, an old

  pistol, and some old clothing. He also informs me that he has escaped from the

  Dyersburg Jail, Tennessee, where he had been confined some eight or nine

  months. The owner is hereby notified to come forwerd, prove property, pay

  charges, &c.

  June 28, 1852.--w6m. L. B. Holefield, Jailer, G. C.

  Charleston Mercury, Oct. 29, 1852.

  Ran away from the subscriber, some time in March last, his servant LYDIA,

  and is suspected of being in Charleston. I will give the above reward to any

  person who may apprehend her, and furnish evidence to conviction of the per-

  son supposed to harbour her, or fifty dollars for having her lodged in any jail so

  that I get her. Lydia is a Mulatto woman, twenty-five years of age, four feet

  eleven inches high, with straight black hair, which inclines to curl, her front teeth

  defective, and has been plugged; the gold distinctly seen, when talking; round

  face, a scar under her chin, and two fingers on one hand stiff at the first joint.

  C. T. Scaife.

  June 16.--tuths.

  Ran away from the subscriber, on or about the first of May last, his negro

  boy GEORGE, about 18 years of age, about 5 feet high, well set, and speaks

  properly. He formerly belonged to Mr. J. D. A. Murphy, living in Blackville;

  has a mother belonging to a Mr. Lorrick, living in Lexington District. He is

  supposed to have a pass, and is likely to be lurking about Branchville or Charleston.

  The above reward will be paid to any one lodging George in any Jail in the

  State, so that I can get him.

  J. J. Andrews, Orangeburg C. H.

  Orangeburg, Aug, 7, 1852. sw Sept. 11.

  Committed to the jail at Colleton District as a runaway, JORDAN, a negro man

  about thirty years of age, who says he belongs to Dobson Coely, of Pulaski,

  County, Georgia. The owner has notice to prove property and take him away.

  L. W. McCants, Sheriff Colleton Dist.

  Waterboro', So. Ca., Sept. 7, 1852.

The following are selected by the Commonwealth, mostly from

  New Orleans papers. The characteristics of the slaves are in-


  Will be paid by the undersigned for the apprehension and delivery to any jail

  in this city, of the negro woman MARIAH, who ran away from the Phœnix

  House about the 15th of October last. She is about 45 years old, 5 feet 4 inches

  high, stout built, speaks French and English. Was purchased from Chas. Deblanc.

  H. Bidwell & Co., 16, Front Levee.

  Ran away about the 25th ult., ALLEN, a bright mulatto, aged about 22 years,

  6 feet high, very well dressed, has an extremely careless gait, of slender build, and

  wore a moustache when he left; the property of J. P. Harrison, Esq., of this city.

  The above reward will be paid for his safe delivery at any safe place in the city.

  For further particulars apply at 10, Bank Place.

  We will give the above reward for the apprehension of the light mulatto boy

  SEABOURN, aged 20 years, about 5 feet 4 inches high; is stout, well made, and

  remarkably active. He is somewhat of a circus actor, by which he may easily be

  detected, as he is always showing his gymnastic qualifications. The said boy

  absented himself on the 3rd instant. Besides the above reward, all reasonable

  expenses will be paid.

  W. & H. Stackhouse, 70, Tchoupitoulas.

  The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the mulatto boy

  SEVERIN, aged 25 years, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high; most of his front teeth are

  out, and the letters C. V. are marked on either of his arms with India ink. He

  speaks French, English, and Spanish, and was formerly owned by Mr. Courcell, in

  the Third District. I will pay, in addition to the above reward, 50 dollars for such

  information as will lead to the conviction of any person harbouring said slave.

  John Frmon, corner Camp and Race Sts.

  Ran away from the Chain Gang in New Orleans, First Municipality, in Febru-

  ary last, a negro boy named STEPHEN. He is about 5 feet 7 inches in height, a

  very light mulatto, with blue eyes and brownish hair, stoops a little in the shoulders,

  has a cast-down look, and is very strongly built and muscular. He will not

  acknowledge his name or owner, is an habitual runaway, and was shot somewhere

  in the ankle while endeavouring to escape from Baton Rouge Jail. The above

  reward, with all attendant expenses, will be paid on his delivery to me, or for his

  apprehension and commitment to any Jail from which I can get him.

  A. L. Binaman.

  The above reward will be given to the person who will lodge in one of the

  Jails of this city the slave SARAH, belonging to Mr. Guisonnet, corner St. John

  Baptiste and Race Streets; said slave is aged about 28 years, 5 feet high, bene-

  volent face, fine teeth, and speaking French and English. Captains of vessels and

  steamboats are hereby cautioned not to receive her on board, under penalty of the


  Avet Brothers,

  Corner Bienville and Old Levee Streets.

  Lynchburg Virginian, Nov. 6th.

  Ran away from the subscriber on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, in the

  County of Withe, on the 20th of June, 1852, a negro man named CHARLES,

  6 feet high, copper colour, with several teeth out in front, about 35 years of age,

  rather slow to reply, but pleasing appearance when spoken to. He wore, when he

  left, a cloth cap, and a blue cloth sack coat; he was purchased in Tennessee, 14

  months ago, by Mr. M. Connell, of Lynchburg, and carried to that place, where he

  remained until I purchased him four months ago. It is more than probable that

  he will make his way to Tennessee, as he has a wife now living there; or he may

  perhaps return to Lynchburg, and lurk about there, as he has acquaintances there.

  The above reward will be paid if he is taken in the State and confined so that I get

  him again; or I will pay a reward of Forty dollars, if taken out of the State and

  confined in Jail.

  July 1.--d&c2twts George W. Kyle.

  Winchester Republican (Va.), Nov. 26.

  Ran away from the subscriber near Culpepper, Ct. House, Va., about the 1st of

  October, a negro man named ALFRED, about five feet seven inches in height,

  about twenty-five years of age, uncommonly muscular and active, complexion dark

  but not black, countenance mild and rather pleasant. He had a boil last winter

  on the middle joint of the middle or second finger of the right hand, which left the

  finger stiff in that joint, more visible in opening his hand than in shutting it. He

  has a wife at Mr. Thomas G. Marshall's, near Farrowsville, in Fauquier County,

  and may be in that neighbourhood, where he wishes to be sold, and where I am

  willing to sell him.

  I will give the above reward if he is taken out of the State, and secured so

  that I get him again; or 50 dollars if taken in the State, and secured in like


  October 29, 1852. W. B. Slaughter.

  From the Louisville Daily Journal, Oct. 23, 1852.

  Run away from the subscriber in this city, on Friday, May 28th, a negro boy

  named WYATT. Said boy is copper coloured, 25 or 26 years old, about 5 feet

  11 inches high, of large frame, slow and heavy gait, has very large hands and feet,

  small side whiskers, a full head of hair which he combs to the side, quite a pleasing

  look, and is very likely. I recently purchased Wyatt from Mr. Garrett, of Garrett's

  Landing, Ky, and his wife is the property of Thos. G. Rowland, Esq., of this city.

  I will pay the above reward for the apprehension and delivery of the boy to me if

  taken out of the State, or 50 dollars if taken in the State.

  June 2 d&wtf David W. Yandell.

  TWO NEGROES. Ran away from the subscriber, living in Louisville, on the

  2nd, one negro man and girl. The man's name is MILES. He is about 5 feet

  8 inches high, dark brown colour, with a large scar upon his head, as if caused

  from a burn; age about 25 years; and had with him two carpet sacks, one of cloth,

  the other enamelled leather; also a pass from Louisville to Owenton, Owen County,

  Ky., and back. The girl's name is Julia, and she is of light brown colour, short

  and heavy set, rather good-looking, with a scar upon her forehead; had on a plaid

  silk dress when she left, and took other clothes with her; looks to be about 16

  years of age.

  The above reward will be paid for the man, if taken out of the State, or 100

  dollars for the girl; 100 dollars for the man, if taken in the State, or 50 dollars

  for the girl. In either event they are to be secured, so I get them.

  Oct. 5--d&wtf. John W. Lynn.

  The following advertisements are all dated Shelby Co., Ken-


  Was committed to the jail of Shelby County a negro woman, who says her

  name is JUDA; dark complexion; twenty years of age; some five feet high;

  weighs about one hundred and twenty pounds: no scars recollected, and says she

  belongs to James Wilson, living in Denmark, Tennessee. The owner of said slave

  is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or

  she will be dealt with as the law directs.

  Oct. 27--w4t. W. H. Eanes, Jailer, Shelby County.

  Was committed to the jail of Shelby County, on the 28th ult., a negro boy,

o says his name is JOHN W. LOYD; of a bright complexion, 25 years of

  age, will weigh about one hundred and fifty pounds, about five feet nine or ten

  inches high, three scars on his left leg, which were caused by a dog-bite. The

  said boy John claims to be free. If he has any master, he is hereby notified to

  come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt

  with as the law directs.

  Nov. 3--w4t.

  Also--Committed at the same time a negro boy, who says his name is

  PATRICK; of a bright complexion, about 30 years of age, will weigh about one

  hundred and forty-five or fifty pounds; about six feet high; his face is very badly

  scarred, which he says was caused by being salivated. The disease caused him

  to lose the bone out of his nose, and his jaw-bone also. Says he belongs to Dr.

  Wm. Cheathum, living in Nashville, Tenn. The owner of said slave is requested

  to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be

  dealt with as the law directs.

  Nov. 3--w4t.

  Also--Committed at the same time a negro boy, who says his name is CLAI-

  BORNE; dark complexion, 22 years of age, will weigh about one hundred and

  forty pounds, about five feet high; no scars recollected; says he belongs to Col.

  Rousell, living in De Soto County, Miss. The owner of said slave is requested to

  come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt

  with as the law directs.

  Nov. 3--w4t .W. H. Eanes, Jailer of Shelby County.

  Was committed to the jail of Shelby county a negro boy who says his name is

  GEORGE; dark complexion, about 25 or 30 years of age, some five feet nine or

  ten inches high, will weigh about one hundred and forty pounds, no scars, and


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