An Education in Scandal: A Somerset Novel (Somerset Series Book 5)

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An Education in Scandal: A Somerset Novel (Somerset Series Book 5) Page 8

by Isadora Brown

  “I had things I needed to pick up,” Christian said with an easy shrug of his shoulders.

  Barry’s brow pushed up and he shot a smile to his friend. “You brought her for me, didn’t you?” he asked. “I could kiss you, Stewart, let me tell you that much. I didn’t think you would-“

  Before Barry could even finish the thought, Christian’s eyes narrowed. “I did not bring her for you, Barry,” he told him, “and if you touch one hair on her head, I will rip your throat out.”

  Maggie’s eyes went wide and she shot Christian a look. Wasn’t Barry supposed to his friend? Why would he threaten him over her?

  Barry’s brow shot straight to the sky upon hearing that. “What the hell, man?” he said. “Am I not your best friend? Did I not stand by your side after your uncle killed your parents and tried to kill you? Did I not fight for you, even when he forced you to change? Did I not vow to remain by your side and transform with you? And now, you’re going to threaten me over a human woman?” He crinkled his nose. “I know she’s pretty, but shit.” His eyes went wide. “What does she taste like? You have tasted her, haven’t you? Of course you have. You have way more color to your face and you look… I mean, I don’t want to say happy because when are you ever happy, but maybe content?”

  The more Barry spoke, the deeper the furrow in Maggie’s brow got. Her eyes looked at Christian, who seemed to have a similar look on his face. She ignored the immediate feeling of attraction that swelled up when she saw him – it continued from that first moment when she visited him for her initial interview – and the feeling remained, even now.

  “Barry,” Christian said, after a moment. “I need you to shut up for one second.”

  Barry pressed his lips together but he couldn’t hide the annoyed push of his brows if he tried.

  “People could be listening and I don’t want them to think I have Maggie here because I’m testing her blood,” he said in a low but precise voice. “When we had her initial interview, I didn’t have the supplies at my place to ensure our bloodlines would be compatible. I don’t think the agency ran her blood before putting her profile up, and in my insistence on acquiring a donor immediately, I didn’t think to ask. So, before I do taste her, I want to know what I’m putting in my body.”

  Barry looked to Maggie, back to Christian, and then once again Maggie. “He hasn’t tasted you until now?” he asked. “You sure pissed off Isabella, let me tell you. Walking in on you feeding on another woman was not something she wanted to see.”

  Maggie felt the corners of her lips tug up. “Your secretary has a thing for you?” she teased, a sparkle in her dark eyes.

  “She speaks,” Barry said, “and what a delightful sound. You know doll face, you ever want to make even more money than what Christian is paying you, feel free to extend me a contract and I’d be happy to set you up at my penthouse in the city. I don’t know how well you’re adjusting to Christian’s place but it’s too quiet out there for me.”

  Maggie shrugged. “I like it,” she said.

  Christian’s eyes found hers and there was a warmth there as he regarded her that sent the sensation swirling in her stomach and consuming her as a whole. The way he looked at her, in that moment, caused her heart to swell and her stomach to do flip flops. Nobody had looked at her like that before, like he appreciated what she had to say.

  “You like it?” Barry asked, running his fingers through his dark, curling hair. “Sheesh. All right, then. Whelp, you found a good vamp then. Christian treats his donors well, let me tell you. Now, if you’re sure-“

  “She’s sure,” Christian snapped, and while there was no malice in his tone, there was no room for argument.

  "Did you get all of the materials?" He perked his brow, indicating he was done discussing Barry's wide range of subjects.

  To Maggie, Barry was handsome and charming, but there was something about him she didn't particularly trust. Then again, it could be because she hadn't been around many vampires and she wasn't as comfortable with them as she wanted to believe. She was comfortable with Christian, certainly, but with everyone else, she wasn't sure she could trust them the way she trusted him.

  "Did I bring the supplies?" Barry rolled his dark eyes and set the briefcase on Christian's desk. "You know," he said, snapping it open, "you could have just called me and we could have done this at your place, you know. More privacy and all that."

  Christian shrugged, a smug sparkle lighting up his eyes. "I know," he said, "but I wanted everyone to see I was taking my uncle's advice and taking better care of myself. If I hope to take control of the board, I need to seem competent."

  Barry whistled, shaking his head. "I can't believe you want to take control of the board," he said.

  "I'm sick of dealing arms that could put down one of us," Christian muttered, more to himself than to Barry. "I'm sick of investing all this money on weapons that could fall into the wrong hands."

  Maggie pressed her lips together. She knew he was talking about the possibility that fairies could purchase the weapons created by vampires in order to take out their species, if what Christian said was true. And Maggie saw no reason to doubt him. He seemed certain to the point of being stubborn about it. She trusted him. She had only known him a couple of weeks, but she trusted him.

  "Anyway, enough talk about the board," Christian said, his eyes finding Maggie's. She rubbed her lips together, feeling her heart skip a beat. "Let's get to it."

  "So your agency never ran a blood test on you?" Barry asked, slightly doubtful. He reached into the briefcase and pulled in some rubber gloves. The snapping sound echoed through the small room. "That's weird. That's like the first thing agencies did. Slap a needle in your arm to provide potential donors with a sample." He gave her a long look and pulled out a syringe before attaching a small test tube to it. "Probably saw your pictures and knew you'd get scooped up on photos alone. I sure as hell would at least request an interview." He glanced over at Christian. "I didn't realize you just jumped right in to taste her, buddy. You know that's not really bright, right? What if she tasted disgusting? She could be crawling with human diseases! I know they don't affect us, but still." He shot a look to Maggie. "No offense." He looked back at Christian. "So, how does she taste? I have my own donors I feed on - I'm not the type to go exclusive, you know - but I'd like to know for my own curiosity. You know?"

  Christian shrugged. He met Maggie's eyes with a look that was both dark and hungry. It caused Maggie's throat to go dry and her pelvis to pound in time with her increased heart rate.

  “Barry," Christian said through gritted teeth, but his eyes remained firmly on Maggie, almost as though if he were to look away, she would disappear. "You can go now."

  Barry's eyes lingered on her body. Maggie would have felt uncomfortable if Christian hadn't been there, if he wasn't watching her with sharp, protective eyes. But he was there and she knew with him there she would never have to worry because he would never let anything happen to her.

  "You must taste fucking delicious for him to be so protective over you," Barry muttered. Maggie couldn't tell if he was talking to her or if he was talking to himself but she couldn't find it in herself to respond in any way, even though that would have been the polite thing to do. "All right, whatever. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll get this to the lab, maybe get results in a few days? The end of the week? I won't put a rush on it because people will wonder why but..." He looked between Maggie and Christian. "I guess I'll leave the two of you alone, then? Christian, if I don't see you leave, let's go out this weekend, huh? Boys night?"

  Christian didn't answer but Barry left anyway without another word, leaving the two alone.

  "I'm sorry about him," he said once the door was shut and there was no cause for interruption. "He tends to rub people the wrong way for obvious reasons."

  "That's fine." She looked at the gauze wrapped around her arm and clenched her fingers into a fist before unraveling them back out. "I hate needles."

The corner of his lips twitched up. "I could tell," he said. When she gave him a look that requested he elaborate, he continued. "You refused to look at the needle going into your arm, and when it did, you flinched." He paused. "I could also smell your anticipation, your hesitation."

  "Can you smell everything?" She hadn't meant to sound so... obvious about her question but the words came out before she could stop them.

  Christian took a moment to look at Maggie, to take her in, before nodding his head once. His has had gotten dark and there was a glimmer that was filled with shadowed promises, promises that could only be fulfilled in private. It caused her pelvis to throb once more and before she could stop it a whimper came past Maggie's lips. It was soft, and if Christian was human, he might not have heard it.

  But he wasn't human and he did hear it and his eyes darkened even further.

  "We should go," he told her. He was so close to her, she could feel his breath on her face and it hugged her, settled on her, made her feel comforted. "We don't need anyone else walking in on us."

  Maggie swallowed but it did nothing to soothe her scratchy throat. "We should," she agreed and allowed him to lead her out of his office and right into another stranger.

  Chapter 13

  “Uncle,” Christian said, standing up and positioning himself in front of Maggie. There was absolutely no way he wanted his uncle to even know about Maggie, let alone see her and smell her. Christian wasn’t sure if it was because he had tasted her, but she smelled like flowers and grace and freedom. He barely knew her and yet he found himself consumed with her. “What are you doing here?”

  His uncle’s eyes didn’t leave Maggie. He took in the puncture holes on her neck – puncture holes Christian purposefully didn’t heal just in case people questioned what they had been doing in his office with the blinds drawn and no evidence to show that he actually fed on her. Christian recognized that look. His uncle was taking her in, appreciating Maggie’s beauty and wondering how he could win her over for himself.

  That was the problem with Tristan Stewart – he took without asking, believing he was owed everything due to the circumstances life had dealt him. It was why he murdered his brother and wife – Christian’s parents – and why he converted the majority of the clan rather than kill them. He wanted power, and without people to rule over, he had no power. He knew if he transformed Christian, the people would follow.

  “Considering I own this building,” Tristan Stewart said in a low, distinct voice, “I believe I am free to go wherever I choose.” His lips curled up into a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “My nephew doesn’t have many manners. I like to think when his accent went away, so did his etiquette. My name is Tristan Stewart. And you are?”

  Maggie gulped but placed her hand in his in order to shake it. “Maggie Jarrett,” she mumbled.

  He chuckled. “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Jarrett,” he murmured, bringing her hand up to his lips and brushing them across her knuckles. “Why are you afraid of me?” He cocked his head to the side as he released her hand. “I can hear your heart thumping from here.”

  “I, um,” she said, shooting Christian a look. “I’m just not used to being around so many vampires at once.”

  Tristan nodded once. Maggie looked away, afraid to allow him access to her eyes. She always had a problem masking her real feelings and she didn’t want Tristan Stewart to know she was scared of him, of what he could potentially do to her if he ever found out she could be something other.

  “She’s darling, Christian,” Tristan said, and Maggie let out a breath of relief when she realized he wasn’t looking at her anymore. “Did you get her through an agency? I would like to request a contract with-“

  “She’s mine,” Christian said, his voice tight, caught in his throat like he wanted to get it out but couldn’t quite do so.

  Tristan stared at his nephew, surprise written in his midnight blue eyes. “Excuse me?” he asked. “She’s, what?”

  “She’s mine.” This time, Christian’s voice was stronger, more direct. “I claim her.”

  Tristan narrowed his midnight blue eyes at his nephew. Maggie took the time to study him now that he wasn’t focused on her. He was older but still handsome. He had black hair and midnight blue eyes, pale skin, a clean-shaven face. He dressed sharply in a charcoal suit – again, Maggie would probably guess Armani – that fit him well. He was fit and distinguished and there was a different woman on his arm every month. He had a low, cool voice and when he walked into a room, he commanded attention. He was also intimidating, scary even.

  “You, what?” he asked again, his voice cold, with a slight edge to it.

  “How many ways do I need to tell you she’s mine, Uncle?” Christian asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his tone. “I claim her. She is my human. I am the only one that will feed on her, among other things.”

  There was a stillness that touched the room up until Tristan threw his head back and started laughing, a cool, calculated sound. Everything about him was cool and calculated, even his laughter.

  “Jesus, Christian,” Tristan said, his tone dripping with a condescending gleam. “I’m not asking to marry the girl. And I didn’t realize you could claim your donor. Doesn’t that go against your contract?”

  Christian clenched his jaw and stared at his uncle. There were so many things he was saying in that glare that Maggie was surprised he actually opened his mouth and said, “She’s mine.”

  Tristan pushed his brows up and shifted his eyes back over to Maggie. “You must be something special, my dear,” he said, “because Christian never takes possession over anything.”

  “Look,” Christian said, shifting even more so Tristan was forced to look at his nephew rather than at Maggie. “You told me to take time off. I got a donor. She’s already helped me get my head on straight. I’m already feeling better. I wanted to do a couple of things at the office and asked her down here to feed before we left together.”

  Tristan stared at his nephew, curiosity etched into his distinct features. Maggie had a feeling Tristan knew this was bullshit.

  “Then why call Barry over?” Tristan finally asked, slowly arching one brow.

  “Because,” Christian said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, “Barry wouldn’t shut up about her since I had him run a background check on her. I promised I would introduce the two of them.”

  “Even though she’s yours?” The eyebrow was still raised.

  “Barry likes looking at beautiful things,” Christian said with a shrug.

  Maggie felt a pulse of flattery run through her system, but she wasn’t completely enamored with Christian’s diction, considering he had referred to her as a thing.

  “As do I,” Tristan pointed out. “I can smell her innocence, Christian. Her inexperience. I’m sure her blood tastes pure but don’t forget that being someone’s first time is a lot of pressure on you. You may want to think about that before your bond is fulfilled, hmm?” He pushed his brow up, wrinkling his forehead. “Since I’m positive you haven’t initiated that just yet.”

  Maggie felt her cheeks burn at Christian's uncle's discussion of her virginity. Quite frankly, it was no one's business that she was a virgin and she didn't appreciate the fact that it was being discussed in front of her as though she wasn't even there.

  "Our sex life is none of your business," Christian said.

  "It is my business if you have a sex life in the first place," Tristan pointed out. "And considering you claimed her, I’m assuming there will be a sex life." His eyes found Maggie's and he took a step towards her. Christian side-stepped even further in front of her so she was shielded from her uncle's point of view. "Do you realize, girl, that the minute you sign with a feeding agency, you are not allowed to engage in any sort of romantic trysts, intimate or otherwise? This is a breach of contract and could get you blackballed from becoming another vampire's donor for the rest of your short life."

  "Tristan." Christian's voice was low b
ut sharp, commanding attention away from Maggie.

  His uncle looked at him with fierce eyes, eyes that were once a dark blue had now gone black. Maggie had never felt intimidated or afraid of Christian in the entire time she had known him even though he was a vampire and she really didn't know many vampires. He never gave her a reason to think he would harm her or take advantage of her in any way. But hearing his uncle's name come out of his mouth in such a way caused her to scoot just a little bit closer to him, thankful he did not have a reason to turn his wrath on her.

  "You will not threaten her," Christian told his uncle. Though Maggie was not in a position where she could see him, she couldn't help but picture his green eyes flashing emerald. "She is mine and our relationship is none of your business." He let his words hang in the air for a moment. Then: "What are you doing here?"

  "I overheard from your secretary that you had a female guest here," Tristan said. "Since you've been suspended, I couldn't imagine why that was. But you say you're showing off your claim to Barry?" He raised a skeptical brow. "How very childish of you, Christian."

  Christian shrugged. "Yes, well, I wanted to show the board I can take their advice," he said. "If there's nothing else, we'll be going."

  "No, nothing else." His uncle smiled at Maggie but it didn't reach his eyes. He took her in once more and he narrowed in on her arm, where her arm had gauze wrapped up in medical tape. He said nothing, however, and shifted his eyes over to Christian. "I'm glad to see that you're actually listening, Christian. It pleases me to know you actually possess this ability."

  When Christian's uncle left, Maggie let a breath go. She hadn't realized she had been holding. Christian continued to stand in front of her for a moment before finally relaxing into his stance and turning around to meet his eyes.

  "I want to apologize for my uncle," Christian said, his lips quirked up into a grin.

  Maggie bit back a smile. "You seem to be apologizing a lot," she pointed out, raising her brow. She hoped he understood she was just teasing him.


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