Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

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Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  "I am sorry for that, Rachel. That must hurt you greatly,” I said to her.

  "How dare you speak to me of hurt!” she shouted. I did not understand her. I did not know what she wanted from me. Why did my presence offend her so much? Then the door opened and a warrior waved to her.

  "You must excuse me. Make yourself comfortable,” she said to me. Then she left the room. I was glad that she was leaving because it was very uncomfortable being with her.

  I could not wait until the time that Duron would return and we could go start our life together. I was very happy that he had been granted a leader. This way no one would ever again challenge us being together. He would also be able to lead a tribe of warriors, and he had the heart and skill for it.

  "There you are,” I heard a voice say. Giut Thoen walked in.

  "Oh, Supreme leader. Your wife just stepped out for a second. She will return shortly,” I said to him.

  "No, she won't.”

  "What do you mean?” I asked him.

  "I made sure that she would not be returning to this room. I made sure that no one would be bothering us. I wanted to have my own time alone with the redheaded human female that has sparked so much trouble. I now see why. I must have a sample,” he said, stepping toward me. I began to panic. Shit. This bastard was going to try to be with me. This was why he called Duron away from me. This was why he made it seem like I was going to meet and hang out with his wife. It was all a cover to trick Duron. It was all a cover to trick me. I had to find my confidence.

  "So you have heard that I am a threat to a Corillion that would try to mate with me without my consent. You have heard that I would kill such a Corillion if he tried, and yet here you are, testing me. Do you have a death wish?” I asked, trying to be as confident as I could be. I was trying to make real threats even though I was trembling on the inside.

  He laughed. “You are just as feisty as I have heard. I am going to enjoy this immensely,” he said.

  "Not if I kill you first,” I said to him, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "I assume my wife has told you that I have evolved beyond mating simply for offspring. Once I realized that she could not give me offspring, I started to mate with any human female that I could. Perhaps it is nature wanting me to spread my seed. It does not matter the reason, it is who I am now. Now, I want you.”

  "And I do not want you. I only want Duron,” I said to him.

  "That does not matter to me. I rank higher than Duron. There will be nothing that he can do once he finds out about this.”

  I ran from one side of the room to the other, but Giut Thoen, with his muscular form and long stride, quickly caught up with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I pounded my fist against his chest and slapped his face. This only seemed to turn him on more. This is what was expected of me. This was why the rumors had spread about me far and wide. He was expecting a fight from me. This was foreplay for him.

  "Get your hands off of her!” I heard a voice shout. Giut Thoen was pulled off of me and thrown across the room. I looked up into the eyes of my warrior Duron.

  Giut Thoen quickly stood up. “How dare you?! I am a supreme leader. You cannot tell me what I can and cannot do! You should be glad that I did not have you killed earlier!”

  "If I had known that you expected to use my forever mate as your own toy, I would have killed you when I killed Xet Crasis!” Duron shouted.

  "I will have you killed now!” Giut Thoen shouted.

  I knew this was going to end badly. I knew that Duron would end up killing him. I grabbed a large rock from a shelf and hit Giut Thoen over the head with it. It knocked him out cold.

  "Shia! What are you doing?” Duron shouted.

  "Quick, help me hide him. Under the desk. It will be some time before anyone finds him and it will give us time before anyone comes looking for us. We have to get out of here. The Corillion world is no longer safe for us. Do you not see that every Corillion will be after me? They will force you to kill them, and then you will be killed. We must escape,” I said to him.

  "You are right. Here, let me,” he said as he picked up Giut Thoen and hid him.

  Soon we were quietly going through the Supreme Council headquarters toward the launch pad. We smiled and conversed with Corillion warriors that we passed. It made it seem like we weren't running from anything at all.

  "We must get on a larger ship,” Duron whispered to me.

  "But won't that be easier to track?” I asked him.

  "A smaller ship does not have hyperdrive. We must use hyperdrive to get away quickly; it is the only way,” he said.

  "Where will we go?” I asked him.

  "I do not know; we just need to get as far away from the Corillion galaxy as possible. The universe is very large and we must get lost in it.”

  "I think I know where we can go,” I said to him.

  "This one, quickly,” he said as he moved me toward the door of a large ship. I climbed inside quickly and fastened myself into a seat. He followed me.

  "Where should we go? Where is it that you speak of?” he asked me as he flipped on switches and began the preflight preparation.

  "Earth,” I said to him.

  "What?! Absolutely not,” he said to me.

  "It is the perfect place to go. I have a small cabin in a place that we call the mountains. It is very far removed from all humans. Many foods grow and there is fresh water. We could hide there for many years until we figure out what we're doing. Think about it. It is the one place that the Corillion cannot search for you. They would not even think to look there,” I said to him.

  "It will be very dangerous entering Earth’s atmosphere,” he said to me.

  "I know a way. Just set the hyperdrive for Earth’s moon. Can you do that?” I asked him.

  "I can. Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  "I am very sure. I would not have us going there if I were not,” I said to him.

  "Very well. Here we go,” he said as he fastened his belt and then pressed the button. We shot straight out of the launch pad and within half a second were in hyper drive. We had done it. We had got away. We were in hyper drive for several hours. It was a relief to be far away from the Corillion worlds.

  "I feel better now that we are away from other Corillion warriors. It was not safe for me there. It was not safe for you. When would the madness stop? There would always be someone like Giut Thoen trying to make me his mate. You would always be trying to stop it. It would not end well.”

  "You are right. It is better this way. I cannot believe that I am agreeing that the best plan for us is to go to Earth. I never thought it would end this way," he said to me.

  "It is not the end; it is only the beginning. The beginning of us,” I said to him with a smile.

  "I like the sound of that,” he said to me.

  The mountains were just as I remembered them. It was springtime and it was the perfect time to be living off of the land. We had missed the harsh winter and had landed the Corillion spacecraft in a deep valley. We covered it with tree limbs and leaves. We pulled the entire ship off-line so that it would not be tracked. This was my cabin home. It was a small research station that I had built with a grant that I had been given out of college. I came here to listen to deep space sounds with a small but powerful satellite. It was very remote. It was hours away from the nearest very small town, one with only two stores. It was the perfect place for us to hide.

  "So this is Earth,” Duron said as he walked around the outside of the cabin.

  "It is. What do you think?" I asked him as I searched for the hidden key under a fake rock.

  "It is almost as lovely as you. I can live here,” he said, taking a deep breath.

  I unlocked the door and we stepped into our new home. I opened the shutters and let in the bright sunlight. I was so happy to be back on Earth. After the dullness of the moon of Altid’s barren landscape and of being stuck inside for so long, I truly appreciated the fresh air and sunl
ight of the Earth. I was home.

  "It is almost like the living quarters on Altid that we shared,” he said playfully.

  "Yes, almost, but it is very rustic not as technologically advanced with sliding glass windows and doors,” I joked. “It is perfect because I am here with you,” he said to me. “Do you really feel safe here?” he asked.

  "I do. I have spent many summers here doing research all by myself. Not one human has ever knocked on my door or bothered me. I'm not even sure they know this cabin exists. It is the perfect place for hiding. We got the ship in under the radar and no one knows that we are here. It will do for now. Let us worry about the future later. There is so much more to worry about now,” I said putting my hand on my belly.

  "What do you mean?” he asked me.

  "I think I am with offspring,” I said to him.

  He smiled a giant smile and said, “Is this true? How do you know?” he said as he put his hand on my belly.

  "It is something that Alexis said to me before. She said that she could feel it. She could feel the difference. I am having that same feeling the last day or two. I understand what she meant now. It is very obvious,” I said to him.

  "Then I am very, very, happy, Shia!” he said giving me a big hug.

  "So we must make this cabin our comfortable home for now. This is all that matters now,” I said rubbing my belly.

  "Yes, you are very right. Everything else can wait. Well, everything except this,” he said, placing his kiss on my lips. He scooped me up into his arms and said, “Am I doing it right? Carry you to your bed first right?” he said playfully.

  "Yes, that is right!" I laughed.

  “Then what do I do, Commander Shia?” he teased me.

  “Lay me down on the bed. But do it very gently. I am with child now. You must be very, very, gentle.”

  “Yes, Commander,” he said as he gently set me down on the bed. “Now what?”

  “Take off all of your clothes. Do you understand me?” I said sternly.

  He laughed and said, “Yes I understand.” He pulled off his weapons belt and boots. Then he peeled off his pants. He was already hard and ready. I bit my lower lip.

  “Is this to your liking, Shia?” he asked. My eyes moved over his strong muscular form and eight-foot tall stature. His blue scales that matched his blue eyes on his right side were still very exotic to me. I wanted to put my hands on them.

  “Yes, it is to my liking. Wait there,” I said as I stood up on the bed. I untied the dress I wore and let it fall to my feet. He took a step toward me. “Wait. Don’t move,” I said.

  “But why? I need to touch you,” he said. “You are torturing me. It has been too long since I have been inside of you.”

  “I want to do something first to you, and then you will do it back to me.”

  “A new lesson?” he said arching his brow at me.

  “Yes, exactly. Take two steps toward the bed, but stay standing,” I said to him.

  He did as I asked and I got on my knees on top of the bed. I put his hard cock in my hands and then I licked the top of it. He sucked in a sharp breath of air, “What new deliciousness is this?” he whispered.

  “I want to please you,” I said as I licked his hard cock up and down. I placed it in my mouth and sucked it lightly. He growled and groaned as I did so.

  “Now you will do the same to me,” I said as I laid down on the bed and opened my thighs wide for him.

  He smiled and said, “I think I understand your meaning.”

  “Just kiss me in my wet center. Kisses, licking, playful, and light,” I said to him.

  “To taste you,” he said.

  “Yes, exactly,” I said as he placed his tongue on my center and licked me up and down over and over. He had it down perfectly.

  He moaned loudly. “You taste delicious, Shia. I want more and more,” he said.

  I gave him more. I showed him everything I could think of and we made love again and again in peace. It was the beginning of a very quiet and safe existence in the rustic cabin.

  So in the mountain cabin was where we stayed. It was our solace. It was our home. I taught Duron many things. I taught him about Earth food and how to gather from the forest. I taught him about the water well. I even taught him how to listen to deep space sounds. This is how we passed the time in our new home together. It was just the two of us, and every month my belly grew bigger and bigger. It was a very exciting time for the both of us.

  From time to time, I wondered what Alexis was doing. Did she survive the Earth and Corillion battle on the moon base Altid? Had she had her offspring if she did? Was she still happy? Were the entire Corillion galaxy looking for us after the incident with a Giut Thoen? Or did they think that we simply disappeared? There were so many unanswered questions, but they would have to wait for another time. For now, the only thing that mattered was our hybrid child.

  Then finally it happened. Finally, the time came and it was everything that I could hope for. I gave birth to a very healthy hybrid boy. He looked just like Duron. He was absolutely beautiful and I was extremely happy. We were extremely happy. It was a very unusual place to find myself in. As a scientist on the space station deep in space, I did not expect to end up in a remote cabin on Earth giving birth to an alien-human hybrid, and yet that's exactly what I was doing. I was so in love with my life, and I did not think I could trade it for anything. Not all the science knowledge in the universe could take me away from the happiness that I was experiencing. I was heavily bonded to Commander Duron Spaunok, and I could not think of a life without him. I had gone into space searching for information about the Corillions and ended up learning so much more than I could have imagined. I was now a Corillion through marriage.

  For now, I didn't have to worry about anything else. This was life. This was my future. This was my happiness. It was just I, Commander Duron Spaunok, and our new son Duron Earth. His second name being taken from the planet that he was born on. It was fitting because, it was a hybrid name for a hybrid child. It was both human and Corillion together.

  THE END (Flip the next page to read Book #2 “Kai-Corillion Mates!)

  BOOK 2: Kai-Corillion Mates

  (Corillion Mates)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I was running for my life. That is if one could run in the small confines of a large bedroom. I moved fast and quickly put chairs between the hunter and me.

  "Don't run from me. It is of no use. I will eventually have you. So why run?" the large Corillion leader said to me with laughter. He was teasing me. It was a very dark way of teasing, considering that he was about to force himself on me.

  "No, you will not have me. I have warned you before what I would do if you touch me. I warned you, and I warned Captain Kai Spornium, the one who captured me for you. I warned all of your warriors, but none of them will listen. None of them wanted to hear the truth. But they will see, they will all see,” I said, staring at him but looking past him at all the weapons in the room. To the regular eye, the weapons would look like ordinary objects: a candlestick, the chain on the drapery, the glass mirror. But to me these were all weapons just waiting to be used, if you knew how to use them. I knew. I was trained. I was about to be this Corillion leader’s worst nightmare. I moved toward those weapons.

  "Karissa Lane, my beautiful human female with the dark black hair, sparkling blue eyes, and red full lips, come to me. You are mine. I own you. You will breed my offspring. You will save my life," he said.

  "Yiqua, I will not. I will not to be your lover; I will be your murderer,” I smiled arrogantly.

  He laughed. He was large, at eight-feet tall-and almost three times my size. He had very broad shoulders and could almost be attractive if it wasn't for his sinister thinking at the moment. He looked the way all Corillion warriors looked. He had metallic-blue scales down the right side of his body, and he had a very muscular form. He wasn't human. He was alien. He was of the Corillion
race that was currently at war with Earth. It was a just war considering the Corillion had taken it upon themselves to abduct human females from Earth for the purpose of mating.

  "Take off that dress. I am done playing with you,” he said as he walked slowly toward me. I began to back up, bumping recklessly into a small table and wrapping my hands around a heavy candlestick on top of it. I kept it hidden behind my back as I stepped backward. He continued to come toward me with his sinister smile and dark hair that was shaggy and down to his middle back. His dark eyes and heavy eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his chin down and looked up at me with his eyes full of lust. He had that look, one of dark desire. But it would be the last look of desire he ever made.

  "Don't come any closer; I am warning you,” I said as I moved flush against the wall right next to the large mirror.


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