Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

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Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6) Page 18

by Maia Starr

  Waking up to an empty bed made me furious, if that wasn’t obvious. I thought that after the night that Kai and I shared together that he and I would at last be able to talk about some things. I thought that he would at least stop avoiding me and we would cuddle in each other’s arms and be together.

  That plan did not happen. I was so very wrong about it. Waking up to an empty bed shattered my heart. “Are you serious?” I said out loud as I realized that I was all alone. I jumped up from the bed and wrapped the sheet around me. The sheets still smelled like him. It only pissed me off more.

  I moved around the entire living quarters that I had been held prisoner in, and he was nowhere to be found. There was nothing letting me know whether he was coming back or not. But I knew that he was not. He had not apologized, and he had not stopped being cold simply because we made love. He was more like a human man then he knew.

  But I wasn't going to stand for it anymore! Being naked in front of him and his warriors was only plan number one. If that plan did not work, then I was going to do plan number two: get the hell out of there!

  I had gathered enough intelligence to know how to hack the door to get out of the living quarters. And I knew exactly where I would be going. It was where we landed: the port. Thanks to Kai, I knew how to fly a small long-range flyer. I was going to get out of there. I did not want to live there as Kai’s prisoner doing nothing but giving him offspring over and over. That was no way to live. I wanted love, and I demanded love and no less. He proved that he could not give it to me, so I was not going to stay around any longer.

  To my surprise, my escape plan went off without a hitch, until I got to the port. I was very surprised when Kai walked into the ship and was angry. I thought he would want to see me go after the way he treated me. So after a brief argument, he pleaded with me to stay, to stay there and be a family with him.

  “Please be my forever mate and let us be a family together with our child. Can you live with me after all I have done?” he said to me.

  I looked at him. I believed him. I believed that it had all been a misunderstanding. I believed him that he thought I had abandoned him on the lunar base and had known that he was being tortured and did nothing. I believed him that being tortured for that long being told lies by Commander Cook broke him and made him develop paranoia toward me. I understood. I knew in my training that that could happen to anyone under those circumstances. I knew deep down in his heart that he did love me because he would not have saved me in the Supreme Council. He would not have risked all that he did in order to return me to the lunar base to begin with.

  "Yes, I will be your forever mate. I will stay here and be a family with you," I said to him. He smiled a big, beautiful, bright smile and pulled me to him and kissed me. I kissed him back.

  Then I pulled away and said, “But I am going to be my own person. I will not follow your orders like I am some sort of property," I said to him defiantly.

  He smiled and said, “I wouldn't have it any other way. I like that you are stubborn," he said as he unbuckled the seatbelt that held me in.

  "I am not that stubborn," I said to him.

  Then he pulled me up to my feet and said, “Spoken like a stubborn person, a stubborn female."

  "And I want us living together, no more of this separate quarters stuff," I said to him.

  "Whatever you demand, my sweet Karissa," he said as he bowed in front of me.

  "And I want you to spend the entire day with me today. Your responsibilities can wait until tomorrow. We have catching up to do. There is much that you need to show me about your city," I said, putting my hands on my hips.

  "Yes, it sounds like you are a leader of the Corillion tribe on this comet already," he said to me.

  "I like the sound of that. We can share leadership duties," I said playfully. He grabbed my hand and then led me out of the ship.

  "Have a feast prepared in my dining hall. I am taking my mate to eat with me," he said to a warrior as he stepped off the ship.

  "Right away, Captain Kai Spornium," the warrior said with a bow.

  "I am very hungry. I am eating for two now, remember," I said to him.

  "Yes, I remember. And with a Corillion warrior inside of you, it is more like you are eating for three; you should remember that," he said, placing a kiss on my lips.

  "I will try to remember that, not that our child will let me forget," I said putting my hands on my belly.

  "I will never let you forget," he said as he held my hand and led me through the port. He walked me over to a land vehicle and said, “Allow me to show you around the city. I hope that it will be to your liking; it is your home, our home."

  "If you are here, then I am sure that I will love it. But I have one question to ask," I said.

  "Yes, my sweet Karissa?" he said as we got into the vehicle.

  "I remember you said that since you are a secondary leader, you were not allowed to take a human female until your first leader had one. Since you are the leader on this comet, does that mean that you are the only one that has a human female mate?"

  He looked at me and smiled and said, “Yes, for now. Now that I have my mate, the officers that serve below me are now entitled to seek out a mate for themselves."

  "So that means that I am the only human female on this rock?" I said with a bit of shock.

  "Yes, you are the only human on this rock, male or female. You are the only one. Does that scare you?" he asked.

  "No, but now I understand why everyone looks at me so strangely," I laughed.

  "Well, that and your story has reached far and wide. They all know what you did to Yiqua. They are fascinated by you and probably a bit scared of you. Plus, what you did in the hallway yesterday showing up nude like that. I am sure those warriors have spoken about that to everyone, and it has reached across the city now," he said

  "Oh my God! Seriously? I wasn't thinking. I guess I will be known as the nude killer," I said playfully.

  "No, you will be known as my wife," he said as he leaned over and gave me a kiss. Then he moved the vehicle and we shot off into the city for a tour and to start the rest of our lives togethe

  THE END (Flip the next page to read Book #3 “Truo-Corillion Mates!)

  BOOK 3: Truo-Corillion Mates

  (Corillion Mates)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  I stood there not knowing how to answer his questions. He was a menacing alien warrior, a powerful leader of the Corillion race. He had taken everything from me, but he still had one thing that I wanted, and so I obeyed him. I obeyed him even though it broke me inside.

  "It has been a month that we have laid together almost every night, and yet you are not with offspring yet? What is wrong with you? I cannot have a defective human female as my mate. I am the leader of the Seeduon asteroid. It is my responsibility to create Corillion offspring. There must be something wrong with you!” Cyro shouted at me as he paced back-and-forth in my bedroom chamber.

  "There is nothing wrong with me! I do not know why I am not producing your offspring. I am a human! You are an alien! Perhaps that is the reason why we cannot produce your seed!” I shouted back at him.

  He froze and looked at me with his icy blue eyes. His long blond hair was pulled back into a bun low on his head. Metallic blue scales ran down the right side of his body covering his shoulder down to his hip. He was shirtless, as most of the Corillion alien warriors were at all times. A belt went around their waist where they carried their weapons and was on top of tight, skin-like trousers that were pushed into their clunky boots that were high, up to the knee. This was the standard Corillion way of dress for the alien warriors, and Cyro was no different. His eyes narrowed.

  "Are you saying there something wrong with me? That I am not capable of producing offspring? It is not I that is defective. It is you. If you do not pregnant with offspring in a month’s time, then I will kill him!” he shouted.

  "No! Do not har
m him! You promised me. I agreed to come with you here to this damn asteroid only if you promised not to hurt my husband!" I pleaded with him.

  "Yes, but part of that arrangement was that you were going to give me offspring, only then would you and your husband keep your lives. You have not kept your part of the deal. Something must change, Vera, or he will not survive,” he said as he moved toward the door.

  "I will try harder. Do not hurt him. Do not harm my husband. When can I speak with him? It has been a month since I spoke to him.”

  He stopped in the doorway but did not turn around to look at me. He was quiet for a while and then he said, “When you are pregnant, then you will be able to see him, but not until then. I will visit you tonight here in your bed chamber,” Cyro said before he stepped out of the door and closed it.

  I sat down on the bed in my bed chamber. Tears began to flow down my face. I never thought that I would find myself in a situation like this. It was only a month ago that I was at my husband’s side and happy. Now I was the captive of a Corillion leader millions of miles from Earth. There was no way to escape, and my husband was being kept in the prison dungeons.

  I was now the wife of Cyro, and I was being forced to give him offspring. I never thought that a photographer like myself would find herself in a situation like this. It had all happened so fast. There was nothing that we could have done to stop it; I only wished that we had decided to go somewhere else, or nowhere at all and stayed at home. It was because my husband Marcus and I decided to take that trip to the desert that we were here now.

  "Please come with me, Vera. I need your beautiful photographs to go along with my article,” my husband Marcus said as he walked into the kitchen.

  "Your words are lovely. My Photos barely do it justice,” I said, placing a playful kiss on one cheek and then the other, and then on his lips. I always did that. I found it fun and adorable. Marcus seemed to like it too.

  "You flatter me. But let's do this assignment together. This magazine pays top dollar and pays expenses. We could get away and have a trip on them. Besides, don't you want to see the desert bloom?”

  "Yes, I do want to go. I am just giving you a hard time. Of course I want to do this assignment with you. That's the whole reason I married you, after all,” I said teasing him.

  "Of course you did. I knew it. You were using me for my connections to editors. You are too good for me anyway,” he said playfully as he picked me up and set me on the counter. Then we kissed. Our deep, passionate kisses turned into a hot sexual encounter. The next day we were off to the desert where Marcus would be writing a story about the spring desert bloom. I would be taking the photographs that would go with the article.

  This was how I met my husband to begin with. We were both on assignment covering the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. We met in a small bar and hit it off almost like magic. Ever since then, we had worked a lot together, almost half of our assignments we were able to work together, where I would take the photographs and he would write the story. It was a perfect combination and the best life I could ask for.

  But then it all changed that day in the desert. We were in the middle of an isolated section of Nevada when we were abducted. Of course working in journalism and news we knew about the Corillion alien race and how they were abducting human females from Earth for the past 20 years or so, but you never think it's going to happen to you. I never thought it would happen to me because I always thought that happened to females that were alone, not accompanied by their husband. But I was wrong.

  In the desert, it all happened so quickly, and we were put to sleep as soon as we were taken. So when I woke up, I was already on Seeduon, the asteroid millions of miles away from Earth. There on Seeduon sat a grand fortress built of the same stone as the asteroid. The fortress covered a quarter of the asteroid that moved slowly through the darkness of space. Corillion alien warriors were the only ones occupying the asteroid, until my husband and I were brought to it.

  Now I was forced to be the wife of the Corillion leader known as Cyro Seeduon. He had put my husband in a dungeon cell in his massive fortress, but I did not know where. Then I was given a choice: mate and become the wife of Cyro and give him offspring, or don't and my husband would be killed. I loved Marcus with all my heart, and I could not be the cause of his death, so I went along.

  That was a month ago, and I had not become pregnant by the Corillion leader. I longed to see my husband. I never got the chance to say goodbye because when we were abducted, we were put to sleep. We were separated so quickly and I was filled with hope that if I did this one thing for Cyro, they would eventually let us go together back to Earth.

  I wanted to be back on Earth with my husband like before. It was the only shred of hope that I held onto. It was the only thing that got me through these long nights of Cyro visiting me in my chamber at night. I would lay there and let him do what he needed to do, and then he would leave. This was not a marriage. He was using me.

  I was at least grateful that I had my own room far from his. Though he professed that he was madly in love with me, I think he was mistaking love for possession and obsession, because this was not love.

  So it had been a month since my husband and I were taken, and Cyro was very unsatisfied by the fact that I had not become pregnant. My only solace was that I would get to see my husband again, and I hoped that it would be soon.

  I had no friends in the sprawling fortress of Seeduon. There were no other human females. I knew that there were some on a few of the other asteroids and planetary bodies in the Corillion galaxy, but none of them were on this one. I had no one to speak to, and it was very lonely and frightening. I wanted someone to confide in. I felt very alone.

  But there was one Corillion who always seemed to catch my eye. I noticed him because he was always staring at me. He would always give me this look as though he was carrying a secret that he wanted to tell me. That intrigued me. He was mysterious.

  He had long black hair down to his shoulders and big brown eyes that looked kind, very different from the other alien warriors. He had the same massive physical form as the other Corillions: he was 8-feet tall with broad, muscular shoulders, toned abs, and thick arms. He was a fierce-looking warrior with the metallic blue scales down his right side, and a scar ran along his right arm; I knew that he had probably seen battles. He was a true warrior, but his interest in me was distracting.

  It was distracting to me even now, as I sat at Cyro’s side on the platform in the throne room. I sat there as Cyro listened to one alien warrior after another plead their case about different things that I found boring, such as who was the rightful owner of a small land vehicle or small space pod. It was Cyro’s job to keep the peace between the brawny alien warriors. It was then that I looked over to the right and saw the same alien warrior that I had been seeing for a month, with the long black hair, staring at me. He was trying to tell me something with his eyes, but I did not know what. It was distracting. I thought it was very strange for him to be staring at me so.

  "Truo!” Cyro shouted. It startled me. I quickly stopped staring at the tall and dark alien warrior. To my surprise, that same alien warrior stepped forward in front of Cyro.

  "Yes, my leader, Cyro," the alien warrior said.

  I was startled that Cyro was calling this alien warrior forward, this alien warrior named Truo. Had he caught him staring at me?

  "Truo, you are second here. You are my second in command, and I expect great things from you. Tell me what is the next of your plans,” Cyro said. I looked at the alien warrior in shock. This alien warrior named Truo was the second leader after Cyro. He was a very high-ranking alien warrior here on Seeduon.

  "Yes, Great Leader Cyro. I have a great plan to go to Earth to gather human females for the high-ranking alien warriors here on Seeduon. Now that you have acquired your wife, we are next to acquire ours. It is the way of the Corillion. Take care of your leader first, and then the alien warriors underneath him may begin to m
ate. That is my next plan; with your permission, we would like to leave in twenty days time."

  "I approve of this plan. Bring as many human females as you can find. You may begin the preparations for this mission. Truo, approach," he said calling him even closer. Truo bowed his head and then climbed the stairs toward us. He stood directly in front of Cyro and I. His masculine scent caught my attention. He lowered his head as Cyro motioned for him to lean in as though he was going to tell him a secret. Then he whispered to Truo, “Make sure that you find a human female for me as well. I am not certain, but I might have a need for two human females. This one is disappointing,” he whispered.

  Truo moved his gaze toward me. I was shaking with rage, but I restrained myself. How dare he say such a thing about me when I was right next to him! I felt a bit of embarrassment as the warrior Truo looked at me. I was so angry. I was nothing but a possession to this Corillion Cyro. But I had hope. In my anger, I reasoned that if Cyro found another, then he would let my husband and I go. It was something to hope for.


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