Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

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Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6) Page 26

by Maia Starr

  "It is what I do. Now there are many out there that need my help. But don't thank me. Thank him. He insisted that I oversee the human female that carried the offspring of Truo Seeduon,” he said as he looked behind me.

  I turned around to see Utren. Utren was the member of the High Council that had sent us the message to come.

  "Truo Seeduon!” Utren said as he came toward me.

  "High Council Utren, thank you for attending to the human female Vera,” I said to him.

  "Yes, it is of the utmost importance. She carries your offspring and the future leader of the Seeduon tribe. It is very important that she is well and that the offspring is well. As soon as I heard that she was out there wounded, I had the best we have tend to her. She is the cause of this minor revolution, after all. She must be very special indeed and deserves the special care she is getting now,” he said.

  "Thank you, Utren. But you should know she is not the reason for the revolution. This is not her fault at all. It is mine. I take all of the blame,” I said to him.

  "Is she not?” he said.

  "No, she is not. But she has become a part of it because of me. Because of my carelessness,” I said to him.

  "Well, your carelessness may have saved your tribe from extinction. Now if you will, Truo Seeduon, give us a sample so that we may know once and for all if the offspring she carries is yours,” he said as he gestured toward the back of the room. There was a warrior there waiting for me ready to collect from me.

  "Vera, I will be right back. Rest, relax; you need your strength,” I said as I gave her a kiss and walked to the back of the room. This was it. I really had no idea if the offspring was truly mine and I hoped beyond hope that Vera was not mistaken. Perhaps it was Cyro’s and it just showed up late. How would Vera know the signs and symptoms of being pregnant with an alien hybrid child? There was nothing for her to compare it too. I gave a sample of my DNA and it was put into a machine with Vera’s. I walked back to her.

  “Are you feeling all right?” I asked her again.

  “Yes. I am tired and a little scared, but I am physically okay,” she said to me.

  Utren was far from us, so I whispered to her, “Vera, what if it turns out to be Cyro’s? Perhaps the symptoms you were feeling were just late,” I said to her.

  Her eyes grew wide as she thought about this. Then I leaned in and said, “I will still care for the child as if it were mine. It does not change things for me. I love you, Vera. I love you madly.”

  “I love you too,” she said. “I don’t know how or when it happened, but as I sat here knowing that you were out there in that battle, I knew that I would be broken if I did not see you again. I was so worried every second that you would be killed out there. I could not handle losing two men that I love in a month’s time, Truo. It would break me. I don’t want to be here without you,” she said as a tear fell down her cheek. I wiped it.

  “No matter what they say, we will get through this together,” I said.

  “How accurate are those tests?” she asked.

  “Very accurate,” I said.

  “Then I know that it is yours because I was given a test every week after being with Cyro and it never showed I was pregnant. It would have, wouldn’t it, if it is that accurate?” she asked.

  I smiled and felt relief hearing this. She was right. The offspring had to be mine; now all we had to do was wait so that we could prove it to the council.

  Only a few minutes later, the verdict was in.

  "Well, Truo Seeduon, the offspring that the human female Vera carries is yours,” Utren said.

  I grinned a proud grin and looked at Vera. “I had no doubt,” she said to me with a smile.

  "Tomorrow report to the high council room where we will decide what is to happen. The chaos of today has left much for us to do. There is not time to deal with you too today," Utren said to us.

  "Yes, we will be there tomorrow,” I said to him with a bow of my head. He bowed back and then walked out.

  "Are you truly all right?" I asked her looking over her body.

  "I am truly all right. But I worry about you. Look at you. Your arm is bleeding once more,” she said to me.

  "I feel great. Cyro will never bother us again. I took care of that,” I said to her.

  "You mean he is…” she asked.

  "Dead. He came at me. I had to finish him off. He was threatening to kill you. I could not have that,” I said to her.

  "Thank you. I feel safer knowing that he is not out there trying to get me, and trying to kill our child,” she said with tears coming down her face. I knew that it was more than this. I knew that she was glad that the warrior that had murdered her husband was now dead. She wanted vengeance, but she didn't want to say it out loud. I would let her feel happy in silence.

  "I will see to that arm,” the warrior that had taken my collection offered me assistance.

  "Yes, thank yo,; please see to it,” Vera said to him. I smiled at her. She was worried about me. It felt good to care about someone and have them care about you in return.

  The next morning we stood in front of the council, Sitione and I, as Vera sat in a chair next to me with her wounded leg. This was it. We were either going to be in very deep trouble, or given the life that we wanted.

  "Truo Seeduon! Your actions caused chaos at Seeduon fortress. It caused an all out battle here at the High Council where Cyro followed you,” Utren said.

  This was not starting off well. I was being blamed for all of Cyro’s actions.

  "But in light of the situation at hand, Cyro is dead. Seeduon is left without a leader. The revolution was caused by the fact that the tribe on Seeduon is unhappy with the leadership under Cyro, and want your leadership. That and the fact that you have already impregnated the human female and will soon have a human-alien hybrid heir puts you in the position to gain control over the Seeduon fortress. You had been second in command under Cyro. The council now grants that you shall be in command; you are now the leader of the asteroid tribe Seeduon. You will rule with your human female and await your offspring who will be the next leader, and extinction of your tribe will be avoided," Utren said.

  "Thank you, High Council. It is all that I request,” I said smiling. I could hear a sigh of relief come out of Vera

  "Yes, but be aware that we will be watching you, more than we do the other tribes. Seeduon asteroid has a history of unrest, so we will watch it closely, we will watch you. We hope that you will be a better leader than Cyro and not repeat his mistakes. That you will rule with a just hand and in the honorable Corillion way.”

  "Yes, I promise and vow to be a just and great ruler. Under my leadership, the Seeduon asteroid and fortress will become a great place, with the help of my warrior brothers,” I said, looking at Sitione not forgetting his plans for the fortress. He smiled at me in recognition of it.

  "Then this decision is final. Return to your fortress and claim your rightful place as the leader. We are giving you 30 ships of warriors to quiet any civil disobedience at the fortress. Your human female may stay here under our protection until you have put your house in order,” Utren said.

  "Thank you, High Council.”

  "You may leave immediately. See to your fortress and create peace once more there. Then return to claim your human female, which we are ready to make your rightful bride. Please grab the hand of the human female,” Utren said.

  I was not expecting this. I had not spoken to Vera about this. I grabbed her hand and whispered to her, “Vera, are you all right with this? They wish to marry us. It is all that I want, and it would make me very happy, but I promised you that I would never make you do anything that you don't want to do. Please tell me,” I said to her.

  Her eyes watered. She squeezed my hand tighter.

  "I cannot believe that I am saying this. But I want this. I want to marry you. I want to be a family,” she whispered back to me with a smile on her face.

  "Then that makes me the happiest Corillion in the e
ntire Corillion galaxy,” I whispered back to her.

  Then I looked up at the High Council and said, “We are ready!"

  Then the High Council said the vows that bonded us as husband and wife in Corillion marriage. I sealed the bond with a kiss, and it was over.

  "Now make preparations to depart to see to the Seeduon fortress. You are dismissed, all of you,” Utren said.

  I turned to Vera and picked her up from the chair. “Let me take you to your chamber where you can rest and wait for me.”

  "I am very nervous parting from you. I do not know any of the Corillion here. What if I never see you again? What if the unrest at the fortress is greater than you think and you are hurt, or killed? What if the High Council Corillion try to mate with me?” she asked.

  "That will not happen. Anyone would be stupid to try such a thing after you have caused a great revolution. No one will want to touch you,” I said to her playfully.

  "That is not what happened!” she said to me.

  "I know. But you must stay here. I cannot take you with me when I know that there is unrest at the fortress that I have to settle. You will be in too much danger there. It won't take long. I promise. I promise to return. I have not broken a promise to you, have I?”

  "No, I suppose not,” she said to me as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  "Vera Seeduon, I am Samantha Ford,” a human female said and she came up to me.

  Vera's eyes lit up. She had not seen another human since she left Earth.

  "A human!” Vera said.

  Samantha smiled and said, “Yes, I am the wife of Utren. He has asked me to take care of you while you are here. Your room will be next to mine. Come, let me show you where you can lay her on her bed," she said as she led us down the hallway toward the living quarters.

  "Another human. I am so excited to speak with her,” Vera whispered in my ear.

  "And I am glad that you are being left in good hands. Someone that knows about offspring, and someone that makes you happy to speak with,” I said to her.

  "Oh, Truo, I am so happy. Please hurry and return for me. As much as I will enjoy the company of Samantha, I will miss you. I will be worried."

  "I will return as fast as I can,” I said as I entered her room and laid her on her bed. I gave her a long, deep kiss and said, “I will leave you now to rest. I am off to make preparations, but I will come to see you before I leave.”

  "She is in good hands,” Samantha said to me.

  "Thank you,” I said to her before I walked out and closed the door behind me. There was much to be done. There was much to plan. I had an entire fortress an asteroid to take under my leadership and make it a safe place for my wife and child. I would not let them down.

  Chapter 13


  I could not believe that I had agreed to marry a Corillion warrior. It was the last thing that I thought I would ever willingly do after what had happened to me so far. But Truo and I had been through much together, and now we were bringing a child into this world together; marrying him was the right thing to do. It was what I wanted to do.

  Now, I had the companionship of another human, Samantha, and I was so excited to be able to speak with her. I had many questions for her about the Corillion and how she lived. Her story was much lighter than mine. She had met Utren on purpose and fell in love with him. Her story was not like mine. She was very happy.

  "Any news?” I asked her as she came into my room to rub healing lotions on my leg that was getting better and better every day. I was even walking on it now, but it was still sore.

  "No, there is no news from Seeduon. But I am sure that Truo will return soon. There is no bad news from Seeduon, or my husband would've said something. It seems to be a smooth transition of power. I am sure that Truo is just busy getting the leadership under control. He will return any day,” she said to me.

  "Is it possible to send a message?” I said, knowing that the message system worked because we had sent a message while we were on the ship.

  "No, I asked my husband and he said that the communication towers of the fortress had been destroyed in the upheaval. So no messages can be sent from the fortress, or sent to them,” she said quietly.

  I sat there in disappointment. I really wanted to send him a message, and for him to send me one in return just so that I knew that he was all right. It was killing me not knowing what was going on. We had been through too much together. Then I had an idea.

  "What about to a ship? We can send a message from here to a ship that is parked at the fortress, can we not? The ship communications should be working,” I said happily.

  "I had not thought of that. You are sharp! You will make a great wife at a leader’s side. He can learn from you. I am sure that the message can be done. Would you like me to ask my husband?” she said, closing the healing lotion jar.

  "Yes! Will you please?” I said to her.

  "I will ask him at evening meal,” she said.

  "Actually, could you ask him now? I'm so sorry to ask, but I am very anxious and worried,” I said to her nervously.

  "I understand. I will go find him now. But in the meantime, you can start recording a message now if you want to. We can save it and then once I know that it can be sent, I will give it to my husband.”

  "Oh yes! That would be great,” I said to her.

  Then she walked me over to a panel and showed me how to record. Then she said, “I will give you some privacy to record. I will be back after I have talked to my husband.”

  "Thank you, Samantha,” I said, ready to have that privacy.

  She walked out and then I sat in front of the recording device.

  "Truo, it's me, your wife. It sounds strange to say that again. I never thought I would be happy again as a wife. Please send me a message and let me know that you are alive and well. It is all that I need to know. I love you, and I miss you,” I said.

  "I miss you too,” Truo said.

  I turned around to see him standing in the doorway.

  "Truo!” I stood up in the excitement.

  "Whoa! Don't move. I will come to you. Your leg, remember?" he said as he ran towards me.

  He scooped me up into his arms and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. His dark hair was down and he looked very healthy and healed. We kissed for a long time, not able to separate from each other. It felt so good to have him in my arms and to know that he was safe.

  "Why did you not send me a message? I have been very worried. It has been days since you left,” I said to him.

  "I am sorry. I wanted to send a message, but Sitione and I thought it was best that we did not give any cause for anyone to seek you out. We did not want them to know where you were just in case there were still supporters of Cyro out there. It was for your own safety.”

  "Well, it had me worried. Not hearing from you for so long and knowing that you were going to the fortress when it has been in chaos,” I said to him.

  "I understand. But it is not like that anymore. All is well. All is under control, and there are no threats for us to worry about. Are you ready to come home, our home?” he said as he put his hand on my belly.

  "Yes, I am ready. I want to be with you,” I said to him.

  He kissed me again. The next day, we were off to the fortress on the asteroid Seeduon. For some reason, it looked different to me. It didn’t look so dark, like a place of doom. It looked cheerful to me as we landed. It shocked me that I saw it such a way. I saw it as a future place of happiness, and I think Truo did too, because of the changes he made.

  “Where will we live in the fortress?” I asked him.

  “I thought you might ask that. I turned my living quarters into larger apartments for us. It is far from the area of the fortress that you lived in before. That was on the west end of the fortress,” he said. “We will be living in the east end. It is better; you will see.”

  So we moved. Truo did not want me to be anywhere near Cyro’s old quar
ters, or my old room. He wanted a new start, and he had those rooms turned into storage rooms. I would never have to see them again. Now Truo and I lived in the East Tower high up above the fortress with a view of the entire asteroid. We shared a bedroom together, and the rest of the rooms were like a large apartment inside of the fortress walls. It was perfect.

  "Are you happy?” he asked me every day.

  "I am very happy; thank you for checking,” I would tell him in return. This is how we spent our days. We were very in-tune with each other, and I found it shocking that I should be so connected to an alien warrior with blue scales on his body. The passion was there every day. We made love constantly, not able to get enough of each other.


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