Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

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Corillion Mates: The Complete Series (Books 1-6) Page 31

by Maia Starr

  I now knew more information than I did when I first arrived, thanks to the human female, Trish. She had provided me with the most important information: the fact that the place I was being held was surrounded by the woods. I had thought that I was in the middle of a human city and I would never be able to go undetected. But now that I knew that I was in a dense area of plant life, I could escape and hide under the cover of the trees.

  More importantly, she had said we were in a place called Virginia in the mountains, and that was very important because this is exactly where a Corillion hideout was located. It was a secret that only the leaders of the Corillion astroids and planets knew about. It was a secret place on Earth that we could go to if we ever found ourselves in trouble. I now needed the secret hideout help.

  I was planning this in my mind as I laid there in the middle of the night, and I was surprised to see the daughter of Dr. Maxwell come to visit me once more. But something was different about her. She was dressed differently, and she had a pack on her back. She rushed in quickly, not quietly and slowly the way she had been in her last few visits to my room. She looked wide-eyed and panicked. “Trish? What is it?” I said quietly.

  "We must be fast, very, very fast and quiet,” she said as she rushed to the wall and pulled on a couple of drawers until she found keys. Then she ran over to me and I unlocked the cuffs on my wrist, then on my ankles.

  "You are helping me escape?"

  "Yes. We don't have a lot of time. Can you stand?” she said looking at me.

  "Yes, I'm stronger than I look,” I said to her.

  "Good,” she said as she moved to a wall of drawers and began opening each one of them, taking supplies and putting them into her pack. Then she opened another one and stopped. “Are these yours?” she said, pointing to my boots and my trousers.

  "Yes. Thank you. I am surprised they did not take them and cut them up to experiment on them as well,” I said walking over and pulling on the clothes. She just stared at me, watching my every move. It was then that I realized what was truly going on with her: she desired me. Her eyes looked at my body, up-and-down. I had heard that the human females of Earth desired Corillion mates with a strong passion, but I had never met one. Now I saw it in her eyes, and I knew that it was true. The way she washed my cock the day before had turned me on beyond anything I had ever felt before. I was full of desire for her, but I tried not to let it distract me.

  "How are we going to do this? What information can you give me before I go out there?” I said, snapping her out of her stare.

  "What? Oh, right,” she said as she moved away from me and grabbed one of the white coats that the Dr. Maxwell wore. “Here, put this on. You will blend in if you wear this. We are going to go out of this building and towards the back of the property. That is where there are fewer guards along the fence, and the dense woods are directly outside of it, away from the roads. But I don't know how we will get through the fence. It is very high and hard to climb. They will see us if we climb,” she said.

  "What is this fence made of? Is it made of solid Earth or brick?” I asked her.

  "No, it is what we call a chain link fence. It is just wires put together that you can see through,” she said.

  "Leave the fence to me. Just lead me to this place where there are fewer guards. I am ready; let us go now,” I said to her.

  "Follow me. Stay very quiet. Step lightly. Do not make heavy footsteps in those boots,” she said, looking down at my feet.

  "I will be light as air,” I said as she turned her back to me to walk towards the door. It was then that I saw a tray of surgical instruments, various knives and gadgets. I grabbed as many as I could and put them into the coat pocket. I would need as many weapons as I could get since I did not have my blaster gun, only the shield of my scales.

  "Come,” she said, holding the heavy door open that led out into the hallway. I followed her out directly across the hall to another door that led to a stairway. We quietly descended the stairs all the way down until we could not go anymore.

  "Be very quiet. If you see humans, turn your back to them before they see your face and your scales. I will face you and converse with you as though nothing is wrong. You are very tall, for human, but maybe they will not notice. If we'd run and panic, then they would alert the guards before we even reach the fence,” she said.

  "I understand,” I said, impressed by her planning skills and execution. She was very smart; she could probably even lead my warriors more than my second lieutenant.

  We walked out of the stairwell onto an open floor. There were no humans, and it was very dark outside. It was the middle of the night, the same time that she had visited me before. I followed her quietly at her side as we walked out into the open air. I took a large breath. She looked at me strangely.

  "I have not had a breath of fresh air in months,” I said explaining myself.

  She looked at me with sorrow and said, “This way.”

  I followed her across the grassy area and looked around at all of the buildings. I could see the high fence in the distance and lazy guards sitting down on top of the fence post towers. They were not paying attention. In the distance, I saw two humans both wearing the white coats that I wore. I looked at Trish and panicked.

  "Do not worry about them. Just keep walking like you are. They are too far away to see that you are not human. Many scientists work late into the night. Lucky for us, that way we don't look so strange walking across the facility grounds. This looks normal,” she said as she led me towards the darker area of the grounds.

  "This is it,” she whispered as we stood by the fence in a very dark area. “This is as far as my plan goes. I do not have wire cutters; I could not find any,” she said to me.

  "Do not worry about that,” I said as I grabbed the wires in my hands and pulled them apart. It was almost too easy. I pulled them apart to make a large enough gap for me to squeeze through. I looked at Trish, who looked at me with wide eyes.

  "You are stronger than I thought. I did not know that Corillion could be so strong," she whispered.

  "You have no idea,” I said to her teasing her. She smiled slightly and moved through the fence to the other side. I followed her. Then she stopped. She was shaking and very frightened.

  "What is it? Do you see something?” I whispered to her.

  "I cannot do this. I am sorry. I thought I could do this, but now that I am here, I realize how foolish it is. I cannot do this. But you, Jedrian, go; you are free,” she said as she began to step toward the fence.

  "Of course. Thank you for your help. You do not need to come with me. I will move quicker without you, and you do not need to be in this danger,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze. She stopped and looked at me, and her mouth fell open. I could not resist.

  I pulled her to me very hard and planted my mouth on hers. I kissed her deeply, as though it was the last time that I would ever touch a human woman, and it probably was. Her body went limp in my arms as she kissed me back. A feeling shot through every fiber of my being, one that I could not explain. It was as if a hundred blaster guns were going on at once. Her fingers pushed into my long hair and pulled on it a bit. It was turning me on. If I kissed her any longer, then I would never leave her.

  Finally, I pulled away from her, remembering that I was on limited time. She was breathless and breathing hard.

  "That is not going to change my mind,” she said with a smile.

  I laughed. “I was not expecting it to. It was just my way of saying thank you,” I said to her.

  "You are welcome, Jedrian Glomerorum of the planet Glomer,” she said.

  I leaned in over her and said, “Leader of planet Glomer."

  She laughed and then said, “You should go.”

  "Stop right there!”

  We both turned to see bright lights planted on us and two guards with guns pointed at us. They were inside the fence. They were ready to shoot me. I had to act fast. I grabbed Trish and
held her to me. I pulled out a knife from the white coat and held it to her throat.

  "Don't come any closer or I will kill her! This is the daughter of Dr. Maxwell!" I shouted.

  I could feel Trish tense up in my arms. I wanted to reassure her and tell her that I would never hurt her. But now was not the time. I had to make it look believable, and that was only done if she was truly frightened.

  "What are you doing?” she whispered.

  "Lay your guns at your feet and put your hands on your heads," I said to them loud enough for them to hear, but not shouting. I did not need to alert any more guards.

  They both looked at each other and then they looked at Trish. I held the knife closer to her throat. “Do you really want to be the reason that Dr. Maxwell's daughter died?” I said to them.

  They both obeyed. They put their guns on the ground at their feet and put their hands on their heads.

  "Turn around with your back to me,” I said. They did as I asked.

  "Jedrian, how dare you do this. Let me go,” Trish said to me with her voice shaking. She was truly scared, and my heart ached for her. I did not want to cause her any fear, but I did not have a choice.

  "Walk 20 feet in front of you and lie down on the ground," I said to the guards. They walked forward, putting some distance between them and their guns, then they finally played on the ground. I was happy with the placement, as they were in the shadows and not in the light. I began to back away slowly, still holding the knife to Trish. I could see more guards coming and shouting.

  "You got what you wanted; now let me go,” she said to me with tears.

  "I can't, I'm sorry about this,” I said as I gently hit her on the back of the head, knocking her out. I threw her over my shoulder and ran as fast as I could, deep into the woods. I ran for two hours or more until I could no longer see the glow of the lights from the research facility. I found a small cave and hid inside of it. I built a small fire and made a bed of soft leaves and covered it with the white coat that I had worn. I laid Trish on top of it, feeling an extreme amount of guilt over what I had done. I hoped that she could forgive me.

  Chapter 7


  I woke up to a flickering light and warm heat all around me. I breathed in the sweet smell of wood and an earthy, smoky aroma. Where the hell was I? What happened? Why was I not in my bed in the small cottage at the research facility?

  I let my eyes adjust and saw the glowing light flickering on what looked like a rock ceiling. That can't be right, I thought to myself. Then I slowly put my hands beside me in order to help me. I felt the rough material of polyester under my fingertips. That was strange. Then I lifted myself up to a sitting position; my head hurt as soon as I moved.

  "How are you feeling?" I heard his deep voice ask me. It was then that it all came flooding back. The bastard Corillion warrior had taken me hostage. I looked at him and then looked at the surroundings. We were inside of a cave. There was a small fire burning, and I was on top of the lab coat that he wore. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes at him.

  "You asshole! How dare you! You held me hostage with a knife to my throat! You are a monster; after everything that I have done for you this is how you treat me?!” I shouted at him in anger.

  "I know. I am a monster. I am sorry—” he began to say, but I cut him off.

  "I can't believe you did that! I said I didn't want to go! I changed my mind! Then you take me as your hostage and force me to be out here with you anyway! You are a jerk!” I shouted at him.

  "I know. I know. I apologize. Trish, please forgive me. I acted in the moment. They would have shot me. They would've dragged me back into that prison. I could not stay there any longer. I hope that you can see that. Using you as a shield was the only way they would let me leave. And it is better for you. This way it seems like you had no choice. If they would've caught us at that moment, they would know that you were helping me. This way it looks like I took you by force. It is better for you this way; trust me,” he said.

  I grabbed my backpack and angrily opened it. “Trust you? Trust you? I will never trust you. You are nothing but a brute. As soon as it is daylight, I am going back to the facility, or finding a road. I am not going with you.” I pulled out a bottle of aspirin and water. I took a couple and drank the water.

  "That is a good plan. You should get back to your humans. Where I am going, it is too dangerous for you,” he said turning away from me.

  "What? Where are you going?” I asked, suddenly feeling very curious and very sad that he was so quick to let me go. I didn’t want him to want to let me go. I wanted him to put up a fight and say that he needed me with him. I wanted him to say these words to me, and I had no idea why I wanted it so badly. I hardly knew this alien!

  "It is none of your concern. In the morning, I will help you find a road, as you say, and then I will be on my own way,” he said to me. I was annoyed by this response. I wanted him to tell me where he was going. I needed to know that much. I deserved to know that much. Why did he not tell me he had a destination in the first place when we were in the lab? This was sounding very suspicious.

  "You can at least tell me where you are going after everything that you put me through,” I said in anger. “I deserve to know, you know!” I pulled out a bundle and unwrapped it. It was cheese and fruit. I bit into an apple very angrily. I know that it probably looked silly to eat in anger, but I was hungry. Jedrian looked at me with hunger in his eyes. The poor Corillion; they probably had not been feeding him well. I doubt that they had fed him real food. They probably just put saline and a nutrient vitamin mix into his veins. The bastards! I hated to know that my father was capable of such cruelty.

  "Come," I said rolling my eyes and patting the area next to me. But he just looked away. It was that damn warrior pride. He didn’t want to admit that he was hungry. I sighed. “Please just come over here and eat with me, please. It’s like… a picnic.”

  “A what?” he asked.

  “Just come over here and eat with me. I packed this food for the both of us. Here, have some water,” I said, putting up the bottle in the air but far enough away that he had to move to get it.

  He stood up. He was tall, and barely fit in the cave. His physique was damn impressive, even when I was angry at him. He was topless without the lab coat that I now sat on, and his tight trousers left little to the imagination. Not that I needed to imagine what was under there: I had seen it all already.

  He moved over to me and sat down. Having him this close to me was very distracting. He drank the water. I handed him an apple. He bit into it and sat quietly, eating. After a few minutes, I was finally calm. My headache had gone away. I was suddenly aware that we were sitting in a cave in front of a very romantic fire and we were together for the first time without any threat of being walked in on. We were together for the first time without any restraints holding his hands back.

  "Where are we?" I asked.

  "In a small cave on the side of a mountain. It will do for now. It is a good hiding place. They will be searching for us,” he said.

  "Yes, they will be. For now, it will just be the guards from the facility, but by tomorrow it will be a full military search. There will be a lot of soldiers, helicopters, dogs that can pick up our scent. They will find us. So why don't you tell me where you are trying to go. I could probably help you get there faster before they can find us,” I said to him.

  He sighed. “Very well. I am looking for a lake. It is in the shape of a long pipe. That is where I need to go. It is within these mountains. When the daylight comes, I am to follow the setting sun until I find it.”

  "A lake?" I asked him.

  "Yes, that's what I need to find,” he said.

  "Well, I have something that might help,” I said, digging into my bag and pulling out the maps that I took from the research facility library. “These are maps of the area. If there is a lake nearby, it will show up on these,” I said, spreading them out on the ground in front of us

  His eyes lit up. He looked at me with adoration. “You are very smart, Trish. You were very prepared. I have never met a human female before. But I see why the warriors of my race lust after them, and it's not just because they can save our lives. There is something very special and irresistible about you,” he said as he leaned in and kissed me.

  Damn it! I wanted to push him away. I was so damn angry with him. I wanted to tell him that I hated him. But it was too late. His kiss was like a fire that started a small spark in my mouth and spread throughout my body. I couldn’t stop it from spreading. I pushed my fingers into his long dark hair. I could feel the subtle scratching of his rough beard on my face. He was so damn rugged and dangerous. He had held a knife to my throat, and now I was kissing him. It was this danger that was turning me on. I knew that I was not going to pull away.


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