The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too Page 8

by Daniel Harris

I laughed, “All of this just to get close to me? You could have just asked to court me!”

  She blushed, “David! That’s not what I meant and you know it!”

  I laughed again, “And something else that you might want to learn. I am in incurable flirt and should rarely be taken seriously!”

  She giggled and it was a cute giggle. It was also quite the change considering the way we had so recently met. “I’ll remember that but you better not let your wife find out about that.”

  I chuckled, “Oh, believe me, she knows. It’s partly her fault by setting me up with consorts.”

  Nineve looked puzzled, “I’d heard that Lords sometimes took consorts but didn’t know how it worked. Can you explain it?”

  “Well, a consort is a girlfriend that the Lord has other than his wife. It is an agreed upon thing, so the wife has to like the girl chosen to be the consort. My first two were her sisters, Chloe and Alba. I believe you’ve met Alba.” I explained.

  “That explains why you were so unhappy when I attacked her.” she said.

  I replied, “Partly, because I would react the same way if you’d attacked any of my girls. But, now that you are one of my girls, you will get the same reaction from me.”

  She smiled, “You said that I’m one of your girls now. That almost makes it sound like I’m a consort too. But you said that wasn’t the position that you wanted me for.”

  I laughed, “You’re my girl as one of my wizards not one of my consorts. So that isn’t the position yet. Perhaps when you fall hopelessly in love with me because I’m so cute, we can revisit this discussion!”

  She laughed and said we’d do that. I said that we should go to the tailors and get Nineve a uniform made. She said that was a good idea and said that we needed to track down Alba before we accidentally ran across her in a hall. I asked her if she was ready to go. She nodded and then stood up.

  We were in the courtyard of Valeview castle. I took Nineve’s hand and led her over to the tailors. Alba and Lynley were inside looking at fabric. I called Alba over and she reached for her wand as she approached. I told her that we should step outside for a moment and she scowled and nodded.

  We walked back into the courtyard and I looked at Alba, who was seeing red. “Alba, listen to me. I want you to hear Nineve out before you say anything. Do you understand?”

  She nodded and said with a murderous tone, “She just better make it quick and I’ll try to return the favor.”

  Nineve began haltingly, “Alba, I am so sorry that I attacked you. I had been told that you were all evil people that wanted to destroy us. They deceived us and told us whatever we needed to hear to get us to hate each of you. We then trained for the sole purpose of luring you out so we could surprise and kill you one by one. I know now that I was wrong and I beg you to forgive me if you possibly can.”

  Alba looked at me and said, “What the hell did you do to this girl? An hour ago she looked like she wanted to drink our blood for breakfast and now she’s begging for forgiveness? What’s next? She’ll be in Isabel’s room asking to be a consort because she loves you so much! Explain this to me?”

  “Well,” I said, “She told me what she had been taught about us and I told her the truth. The truth won out as it usually does and she saw that she had been deceived. She wants to join our group and use magic for good, not assassination.”

  Alba said, “I suppose that if she’s going to be on our side and honestly wants to help, I’ll train her myself. I can’t believe that you’ve made me such a softie David, but I love you anyway.”

  Nineve looked at Alba and said, “So you will forgive me, Alba?” Alba nodded her head and Nineve slowly walked to her and hugged her.

  “Thank you, Alba. I won’t disappoint you.”

  Alba said, “Good. Now let’s get you measured for your uniform and a nightgown if you want. And maybe we’ll get you a nice dress for when you get tired of David looking at your behind.”

  I feigned shock, “What are you saying? That I’d look at the girls bottoms when they are walking in that nice, tight, form fitting fabric?”

  Alba grinned, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Now why don’t you go find something to do and I’ll take care of the novices. They both know how to fly, right?”

  Nineve said, “Well, I could fly but that was when I had my magic.”

  I said, “If you could fly before you will be able to fly now. Alba, start from scratch. Everything they seem to know is that puny, read from the card magic. Teach them real magic my love.”

  Alba and Nineve nodded and I was back in my room at the keep.


  Construction for Novices

  A week went by and I had suggested to Isabel that our ranks were swelling faster than expected. I recruited Alice and the twins to go back into construction mode. Alice had been ‘a hands’ on part of the construction of the entire keep and knew how things should be done. We started on an enormous building that would easily house fifty. I put all the tailors, wood cutters and smiths in all the neighboring villages, towns and cities to work. I needed bedding for all the beds, beds for the bedding to be put on and plumbing for everywhere I could think of. We built it on the west side of the keep and extended the wall to encompass it. When completed it was to be five stories high and have ten rooms per floor. We also included a large area on each floor, for just kicking back. That would be considered a commons area. Each room was to be a home in itself with all advancements that I could think of which consisted of running water, hot and cold, and hot water radiators for cold weather, for now. It was a huge project and kept everyone busy while I figured out what to do with the problem up north.

  I’d had Lynley and Nineve put into rooms their own rooms. I was sure that without the negative influence of Sir Gildon that they would be just as sweet as all my girls were. It hadn’t taken much to sway them once they had lost the rage that they arrived here with. They constantly worried about being captured by Sir Gildon and taken back to Wodor. I comforted them by telling them that everyone one in Wizards Keep would fight to protect them. To make them feel even more secure I put a ban on recalling inside the walls. It was a bit of a nuisance but even I conformed to the rule as positive example. I put a lock on the magic the recall spell used and it couldn’t be done. I didn’t like using magic that none of the other wizards could do because they didn’t understand it. I could barely understand it myself and it made it almost impossible to explain. Things people don’t understand they often fear, and I didn’t want to have my home full of frightened people.

  An explosion from the wall on the east side snapped me out of my morning reflection. I ran to the roof and then to the east side to see what was going on. Another explosion and I saw the hired guards on the wall diving for cover. I waved to them and told everyone to clear the wall. With the next explosion I saw the energy bolt that flew from the wooded area. Someone was hiding in the woods taking pot shots at my wall! I walked to the very edge of the keep so I would be very visible and perhaps would draw their fire. By the anemic look of the energy bolts it was obvious who was attacking. The girls were all piling up behind me and I had them move back, stay down and shield up. I said that at least one wizard in black was out there shooting. I told them that if they had to return fire, they were only to use stun spells. That got a lot of grumbles and complaints but I knew they would comply with my wishes.

  I stood still for a few moments and raised my arm so they would know I was the real thing. Six energy bolts came from six different locations staggered through the tree line. Stun spells rained on the locations that the energy bolts had originated from and it was quite for a moment. I looked for minds in the trees and saw six of them but none that appeared stunned. They were to spread out for me to grab them all simultaneously and that was my plan. I popped off the roof and to the ground twenty yards from the keep. With my hands spread out, as if in surrender, I walked toward the tree line. I was now in the line of fire from the keep and my girls couldn’t tak
e a shot without fear of hitting me. The minds ahead were getting closer together to get a straight shot on me, at least that much was working! I advanced another ten yards and the ‘black robes’ fired almost at the same time. The pale, sad look of the spells made me, once again, feel sorry for the casters. I was a little surprised at myself feeling sympathy for people that were, right then, trying to kill me. But my ploy had worked. The spells struck me and dissipated and the casters were close enough. I stretched out with my mind and put their wands into my hand. With six wands in my right hand I could almost feel the panic in the trees. I wanted to talk to them before I let them go so I reached out with telekinesis and gently pulled all six of them to me. It felt quite strange to use a spell like that again but it seemed a better way than frightening them with my transport skill.

  The six young ladies that I pulled from the woods still looked terrified. They probably had been told that the ‘brown wizard master’ ate babies for breakfast. I knew it wasn’t their fault and didn’t blame them. I asked them who was the leader of their little assault group and after much looking back and forth one young lady stepped forward.

  “I am and why do you care. You’ve already beaten us so kill us and get it over with.” The girl said.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  She looked confused for a minute and said, “Do you like to know the names of you’re captives so you can taunt them while you torture them?”

  “No, I like to know the name of the person that I’m talking to. It’s only polite after all.” I said with a smile.

  “My name is Constance. There, do your worst.” she spat.

  I smiled, “hello Constance, my name is David. I’m sorry we have to meet on these terms but you didn’t say hello when you arrived.”

  She looked dumbfounded. “Is your torture to talk me to death? I don’t understand what you want!”

  “I just wanted to talk to you to find out what you wanted. You were the ones, after all, that knocked on my wall with a good imitation of energy bolts.” I chuckled.

  “I am the best that Sir Gildon and Lady Melodie have. I would stand toe to toe with any two of the false wizards that you have locked behind that wall” she growled.

  “Funny thing, that is almost the exact same thing that Nineve said when she came for a visit. Do you enjoy talking out here or would you like to go inside where it’s more comfortable. You won’t be harmed, you have my word.” I said amiably.

  “So, you do have Nineve in a dungeon here. Sir Gildon thought you might. If we were to go inside, what is to keep you from taking us prisoner and putting us in the dungeon too?” Constance asked.

  “Dear Lady, what is keeping me from taking you prisoner now? If I owned a dungeon I could have you in there from here or inside. I was trying to be hospitable.” I said softly.

  Constance sighed knowing that I told the truth, “In that case we could sit inside but you did give us your word that we wouldn’t be harmed.”

  I nodded and said, “I gave you my word.” And we were in the courtyard of Wizards Keep.

  The girls jumped at the sudden change of scenery and I looked to the roof and shook my head to hold my girls at bay. You could feel the anger and frustration boiling in waves from the roof. I looked at Constance and said, “If you would follow me inside, please. I’ll find some place for us to sit and talk.”

  She nodded and I led the way into the keep, past Margery’s office to the empty meeting room on the other side. I ushered everyone inside and told them to have a seat.

  I said, “Is everyone comfortable now? Would anyone like anything to drink? Wine, ale, water?” Four hands went up when I said wine and two for water. I looked out the door and signaled a maid. I asked if she could please bring four glasses of wine, two of water and very large ale for me. She said that she would do that right away and I thanked her.

  Constance said, “She’s a servant. Why do you talk to her like that?”

  “My dear lady! She is also a person and deserves respect! Just because a person is of a higher status they shouldn’t be rude!” I replied.

  Someone from across the table whispered something to her; she nodded and looked at me. “I believe that we would like to talk to the Master Wizard now. He is the owner of Wizards Keep and husband of the Princess Isabel. Our quarrel isn’t with you, but with him.”

  “I’m David, and by royal decree my title is Master Wizard. My wife is indeed the Princess Isabel and we have a son named James. My wife was on the roof when we came in. If you would like to meet her or her sisters the Princesses Chloe and Alba I can arrange that for you. I’m sorry that you feel that you have a quarrel with me but I would like to understand it. If I’ve wronged you in any way I would like to make amends for it.” I replied.

  Constance sputtered, “There is no way that you can be him! You are nothing like the monster that we’ve been told about. You must be lying and he’s around here somewhere.”

  I saw our drinks coming and paused the conversation. As the maid was leaving I asked if she’d do another favor and go to the third floor stairway, locate Isabel and Nineve, and have them come down. She smiled and nodded.

  “Constance, my lady, I am the Master Wizard of the wizards that you call the ‘wizards in brown’. I’ve sent the maid to get someone that you might believe since you have your mind set on not believing me.” I said calmly.

  “Fine, when they get here, you don’t speak to them. Let me ask them who you are and we’ll have our true answer.”

  I nodded. “That would be perfectly fine with me because I am making no effort to deceive you, just to understand you.”

  It was a very short wait before Isabel and Nineve rushed up to the door of the meeting room. Constance stood up and Nineve said, “Constance! What are you doing here? Was that you firing on us?”

  Constance spoke with a growl, “Us? So the Master Wizard had gotten inside your head and made you join him, I see. But tell me, who is this man standing in the corner by the door?”

  “Him? That’s David, the Master Wizard. This is his keep and this is his wife the Princess Isabel! Didn’t he tell you who he was? He isn’t the type of man that would ever try to be deceptive. Are you alright, Constance?”

  Constance’s knees had indeed buckled a bit at her answer but she regained some composure quickly. She curtsied to Isa and said, “Princess I am so sorry that we had to meet on these terms, but could you confirm the identity of that man?”

  Isabel, to her credit, spoke softly, “That man is David, my husband and the father of my child. He is the Master of this keep and instructs the wizards that have chosen to live here. He has never coerced or tortured anyone to join with us. He is a very loving and caring man that has been horribly maligned by your master and mistress.”

  Constance looked at the other members of her group. “I don’t understand! How can he be the master and have such heartfelt and caring things said about him? You can tell by looking at her that she loves him more than anything and the Princess of the kingdom wouldn’t love a monster! Lady Melodie said that he tortures and restrains his wife to keep her with him, while he rapes every other girl in his castle walls. Does the princess act like someone who’s been tortured and locked up? Someone explain this to me!”

  A very young member of the group spoke up and said, “Maybe they told us that to make us mad at him.”

  It was such a simple and honest answer that Constance sat down hard on a chair, put her face in her hands and started sobbing. Isa looked at me with a sad smile and slowly nodded her head. She knew the effect that a young woman’s tears had on me. Since Constance was the self appointed leader of the group I decided that she was the key.

  I said, “Constance, may I speak now?”

  She nodded from behind her hands.

  I looked at my wife, “Isa, I’m going to see if Constance would like to go talk. Would you and the girls entertain these young ladies while we’re away? Here are their wands in case you want to return them. They can
leave if they choose but will have to walk beyond the walls of the keep to recall.”

  Isa giggled softly, “I knew that you’d take her off to comfort her the moment she started crying. That is one of the things that I love about you, you soft hearted wizard.”

  I grinned and then walked over behind Constance. I leaned over and softly said, “Would you like to go somewhere and talk? I’ll answer any questions that you have and let you decide what to do with the information.”

  She nodded with her hands still over here face. I asked her to stand and she did, not moving her hands, which had the sunshine warming the backs of them. I sat down in the lush grass and said that she could join me if she’d like. She removed her hands and jumped. From a meeting room to a forest clearing is quite a change.

  “How did we get here? I didn’t feel us recall. Besides I heard you say that you had to leave the castle walls to recall.” Constance asked confused.

  “I’m not exactly your normal wizard. I can do a lot of things that wizards can’t. Travel to anywhere I want and take anyone with me I want with just a thought is one if the differences.” I answered.

  Constance asked, “So, you’re going to answer whatever questions I have. Then I can do what I want with that information. What did you mean by that?”

  I answered, “If you decide that you wanted to go back to Sir Gildon then you’d be allowed to. If you decided that you would rather stay with us at Wizards Keep, we would find space for any or all of you that wanted to stay. The choice is yours.”

  “The first thing that I’d have to know before I made a decision either way would be why you rape all your instructors!” She questioned heatedly.

  I smiled sadly, “I suppose you got that information from Melodie. I have never raped anyone, ever. I do have consorts that my wife and I have chosen together but the choice was entirely up to them. In fact three of them, if I count my lovely Chloe, came to my wife and asked her, before it was brought up to me. It is true that six of the eight instructors at the Keep are sleeping with me but one is my wife and the other five are very willing participants. Just before Melodie was to be promoted to instructor she disappeared and joined up with Sir Gildon. She had never been approached to be a consort and certainly never raped!”


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