The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too Page 10

by Daniel Harris

  I motioned for him to come close and I whispered, “Your Highness, I believe that there may be an invisible wizard in here spying, as we speak. I have a spell that will cancel the invisibility if they are here. May I cast it to see if I am right?”

  The king looked startled and a bit angry that a spy could be this close without anyone’s knowledge. He nodded and whispered back, “Absolutely, and I hope you’re wrong!”

  I discreetly pulled my wand from my pocket, preparing to do the spell the old fashioned way. I did this to both let the spy know they were caught and to hide my ability to silent cast any of the ‘simple’ wizards spells. I turned around quickly, raised my wand and said, ‘manufesto’ for the ‘reveal’ spell. In an open space away from all the other courtiers two people appeared, one, a pretty young lady of fourteen and the other, a balding middle aged man with a bit of a spare tire, I said, “Your Majesty may I introduce Melodie and, I assume, Sir Gildon.”

  “Seize them!” the king commanded.

  I’m not sure why, but I let her recall them away.

  The king was beside himself with anger. He stomped on the spot where they had been standing while cursing loudly. I walked to him, put a hand on his shoulder and said, “I’ve learned a lot over the past year and I will be able to put wards on your throne room to prevent that from happening again. It will keep the invisibility spell that she used from working here.”

  The king calmed himself then and said, “That would be greatly appreciated Master Wizard. I don’t like the idea of people being here that I can’t see!”

  I said, “I can understand that! I am glad that I felt them before you asked your favor of me. You see, Your Majesty, I am their target. They have hopes of catching me alone so they can kill me, take over my wizards, and overthrow the kingdom! I have that information from eight of his former followers that have come over to join me.”

  “Eight of his followers are now yours? How many did he have?” the king asked.

  “Nine, your highness. The one that he was with today, Melodie, is the last wizard that I know of that he has control of. It makes the kingdom a much safer place, in my opinion.” I said

  The king nodded. “Good, now to what I summoned you for. There have been reports of two giant creatures living near the Castle Kethos. It is five hundred miles from your keep but with your ability to travel, it shouldn’t take to long. I’m not sure what kind of creatures these are but when I heard of them I naturally thought of you. The report says that these creatures require that the people of the village and the castle give them cattle regularly and, it sickens me to think of it, young people. It’s said that if the people don’t comply the monsters will destroy the castle and the village.”

  I asked, “And the king would have me kill the monsters?”

  “Yes, if it is at all possible. Either that or drive them to a place where they wouldn’t be a threat. You will be rewarded handsomely when you return with proof that the deed is done.” the king replied.

  “Neither me nor any of mine that I’m aware of have been to that castle. The way our travel spell works is we have to have been there to see where we are going. I do have an instructor that has the ability to see places with her mind; however it often takes a few days for her to locate a specific location. I hope that you understand that I won’t be able to go there just this minute.” I informed him.

  “That is completely understandable and if it takes you a few days that would be a fortnight faster than my soldiers could get there from here. Beside, you and yours have proven to be much more effective than my soldiers when battling creatures of the realm. Do the best you can Son, and give my love to my Daughters and Grandson!” the king said smiling.

  “Then, by your leave, Your Majesty.” I said. The king nodded and I was at the gate of Wizards Keep.

  I walked through the front door of the keep, Margery called for me as I walked by her office. Dreading bad news I walked over for a conference. She told me that we had almost had an incident with the messenger. I asked if he had done anything untoward with one of the girls and was quickly reassured. She said that Lynley and Nineve had been walking out of their room and had accidentally walked into him. They had panicked thinking that Sir Gildon had breached the keep and was coming to take them back. They both drew their wands, sending the messenger diving for cover. They realized their mistake before any harm was done, but I had to send up a gallon of ale before the man’s nerve was enough to leave his room again! I laughed and said that it had been silly of me to worry about the girls with him. Perhaps it should have been the other way around!

  I left her and made it to my room where Isabel and Alice were sitting on the bed. I’m not even sure they had noticed that I’d left! They were talking and laughing about the joys and discomforts of bearing a child. I stepped in and interrupted, because I had nothing to add to the conversation.

  “Hello, to the beautiful mothers of my children! Did everything go well while I was gone?” I asked surprising them. I sat on the bed between them and they welcomed me home with warm hugs.



  Isabel said, “Now, like I was saying before you felt like you should answer the kings’ summons.” she giggled and kissed me on the cheek, “Speaking of consorts I’ve been talking to quite a few lately. They’ve asked if I would be ok with you having more consorts and what would be expected of a consort. Most of them have been asking on general terms as if they just don’t quite have the nerve to ask yet. The only one that did ask straight out was little Della, and told her that we would talk again when she had turned twelve.” I shook my head and laughed at that. She is quite the outspoken little pixie. I said, “So, I don’t have another ten consorts that I can start working on my one hundred children with?”

  We all laughed and Isabel said, “No, not ten but I actually was thinking about three that came to me and got close to asking. I thought that I would talk to you about them and then, if you wanted, I would approach them so they wouldn’t be a bundle of nerves!”

  “Isabel, my beautiful, loving wife, I have five consorts that I love and a wife that I love. I love holding them, talking to them, and of course, making love to them. Do I need more?” I questioned.

  “My dear husband, perhaps you aren’t aware of certain facts about consorts. Consorts are aids, friends, assistants, governesses and a multitude of other things to the wife of the lord who has them. It’s true that the physical love that they give to the lord is the most common attractor but it isn’t the only role of a consort. The girls know this or learn it when they become consorts. The more that you have, the more that I have too!” Said Isa.

  “I was just starting to feel selfish that I had so many wonderful young ladies that cared for me. I didn’t want you to think that I was going to lose sight of you. Now that I have another child on the way, I was concerned that you and James would feel threatened, but seeing the way that you’ve been with Alice today changed that. So, what three young ladies, other than Della, did you have in mind?” I asked.

  Isa grinned, “Other than Della,” she giggled, “Constance, Nineve and Lynley have all come to me. They are all beautiful young ladies and they are the petite type that you like. That way you don’t have to worry about them beating up the skinny young man if you upset them! I’ve talked to them a bit since they’ve been here and they really are wonderful people. I don’t know how they ever were mixed up with Melodie and Gildon. But those are the three. If you don’t like any of them there are a few more that have come forward, but those are the three I liked.”

  With a concerned look I said, “You do realize, don’t you, that all three of them accused me of raping all the girls in the keep? It wasn’t that long ago that they thought I was a monster and would torture and rape them to death I caught them.”

  She smiled and nodded, “That’s true but what you don’t know is they have all three, on separate occasions come to me to apologize for saying and thinking those things about you. When they
came to ‘talk about consorts’ they said that they knew you wouldn’t do those things because you were kind and loving enough that people would come to you. You can hold a grudge against them I you want, and the things they said were bad enough to make someone hold a grudge. I won’t be like that and have forgiven them.”

  I nodded, “You’re right. I shouldn’t hold a grudge but here is my second problem. I know it may not be a problem that most men have, but I’m sure you’ll agree I’m not most men! They are my girls and I love them as such. I don’t know that I love them like I love you, Alice, or any of the other consorts. You and Alice share a special place as the mothers of my children, and the others have been with us for quite some time. When it’s time for me to go to their beds, what do I do? You remember our wedding night; I was going to sleep on the couch out of respect. What should I do?”

  “On our wedding night you slept with me because I asked you to. That is what I would suggest you do with them. Just what they want, you know people, David. You’ll be able to tell if they want to talk, be held, or more. Read that and do that, my love.” Isa said gently.

  “Then, my wife, if Alice agrees with you, I’ll accept them as consorts and I’ll even make the trip to the second floor if I have to.” I looked at Alice questioningly.

  Alice grinned and nodded and was hugged by Isa. They said that they thought I needed some air and that I should fly around for awhile, quite a while, and let them relax and take care of the baby. I walked to the balcony window and with a shield and fly spell, took to the air. I circled the entire property claimed by us and smiled. If it wasn’t for turncoat wizards and chubby balding guys my life would be perfect. I landed by the target area where my little pixie was working on combat spells. I walked up behind her and knelt down.

  “So, are you doing ok Della?” I asked.

  “Oh, hi David. I’m doing really well and my energy bolt is getting more powerful all the time. Alba is a better teacher than Melodie was.”

  I smiled, “I’m glad to hear it. Have you seen any major changes in your spell casting other than that? Is it coming more easily now?”

  Della grinned, “Alba made us throw away our cards that had the spell words on them. She let us juggle rocks and throw stones at our shielded friends. Magic is so much more fun with you guys than it was in Wodor! David, I have to tell you something. I’m pretty sure that I love you. Thank you for letting me stay!”

  I grinned, “You are a wonderful little pixie and I love you too. I heard that you talked to Isabel.”

  She nodded happily, “She said when I was a bit older, we would talk about me being a consort. I love you now and I know that won’t change so I’m willing to wait.”

  I reached over and hugged her, “Thank you pixie. It’s good to be loved.”

  She looked at me sideways with squinted up eyes, “You keep calling me ‘pixie’. That isn’t a bad thing is it? I think I’d cry if you were calling me something bad!”

  I held her and said, “A pixie is a beautiful tiny creature that is made of magic. I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all.”

  She grinned and kissed me on the cheek. “So, you think I’m beautiful, huh? Well, your wife said we have to wait so you’re just going to have to respect her wishes.”

  I said, “If you insist, my lady. I have to go back to work now. If you ever need anything be sure to ask.”

  “I will David. You be careful and perhaps I’ll see you at dinner.” She smiled and went back to her casting practice.

  I took to the air and went very high, very fast. I didn’t want that beautiful person to think that I was laughing at her. I know it was just her size that caused the effect but when talking to her it was like talking to a six year old about being a consort. She really wasn’t much younger than Alba was when she became my consort and just over a year younger than Lynley that was being considered now, but felt odd!

  I scanned the area looking for Elaine. I had no idea how to find the place that the king had charged me to fight monsters. I would hope that she could find it with my puny description. She has gotten really, really good at her remote viewing and perhaps she can find it quickly. Not seeing her outside, and not knowing how long I was supposed to be getting fresh air, I decided to check out the dorm building. From the looks of things all that has to be done is the roof. I quickly and I my own special way installed the plumbing for the last of the rooms on the fifth floor. I’m really glad it’s almost done now that my primary stone worker is pregnant! But even if it wasn’t, she’s too much like Isa to let a little thing like being with child prevent her from doing what needs to be done.

  Since it wasn’t late in the day I flew to the front of the keep and went inside. I told Margery that I needed to get some gems for the Tesil jeweler so she unlocked the vault for me. I went in and found the box that we were taking gems from and bagged twenty for our usual sale. I then found twenty diamonds and put them in another bag. I went back out and locked up behind me. I told Margery that I was going to Tesil and would be back shortly. I popped in just outside of town and walked in. People seemed a bit friendlier than they had been last time I’d been here. A lot of the negative propaganda from the ‘wizards in black’ had seemed to have dissipated. I arrived at the jeweler and he was thrilled to see me. There had been a lot going on and the girls had taken up making the deliveries for me. We chatted for a bit and I tossed the bag of gems I’d brought onto the counter. He poured them onto his cloth and examined them. Finally he said that I’d brought a good selection and he’d do forty-five thousand gold coins. As usual he brought me my payment in platinum, four thousand five hundred coins. I then asked him if he could make some rings and set the diamonds that I’d brought in them. He looked at the diamonds and said that he could. It wouldn’t take him long to do twenty rings but he wanted to know if I’d decided to go into the jewelry business. I laughed and said that I just had a lot of female friends. He winked and said that he wished he had that problem! I asked that he do me one move favor and put five hundred coins in a bag that I could carry and I’d send the rest to my vault. With skilled fingers he counted the coins, slid the bags a foot apart and stood back. For his benefit I used the transport spell and sent the four thousand to the vault. I wished the jeweler well and told him I’d be back in a few days for the rings. He smiled and nodded and I left the shop with the bag of coins in my hand.

  I walked up one street and down the next. Everyone I saw begging for alms I dropped a platinum coin to. The single coin is worth two months wages at some of the better paying jobs. I hoped that it would help. On occasion I would see a mother struggling with children; I would see them home and slip the mother a couple coins. Finding out that I was to be a father again made me want everyone to have a chance at being as happy as I am. I was lost in thought and finally realized that I had a crowd of people behind me. They looked like the lost of the city so I let the way to the governors’ office and stood on the stairs. The guard watched but never said a word to me. I asked the people in the crowd where the lived and heard answers like, under the stairs, in the stable, wherever it wasn’t raining. I said that I’d return and headed inside to talk to the governor. A guard ran inside before I got to the door.

  Upon entering the finely decorated building I saw a guard open a door and wave me through. The governor was standing behind his desk and welcomed me. We went through the pleasantries and I decided it was time to ask some questions.

  “Mr. Governor, where is the homeless shelter for the people of Tesil?” I asked.

  The man tinged red and answered, “Well, Master Wizard unfortunately we don’t have one. With finances as tight as they’ve been lately we just can’t afford to build or operate one.”

  I looked around the office decorated in marble and gold, “Judging from things in here I can see how tight they are. Perhaps the problem is that it just hasn’t been a priority for you?”

  He squirmed a bit and said, “I don’t think that our homeless problem is really much of a pro
blem. You might see one or two people on the streets from time to time but that’s about all.”

  I said, “I see, perhaps you’d allow me to show you something and then we can talk some more?”

  “Absolutely, Master Wizard. Whatever you’d like.” He said.

  I got up and started out of the office and he came around the desk and fell in behind me. I opened the front doors and the horde of homeless had grown to about a hundred. I cleared my throat and said loudly, “Who in this group is homeless?” Every hand shot up and the governor turned quite red. I thanked the people and said that I’d be back. The governor and I stepped back inside and he to his desk.

  He said, “Ok, so you’ve made your point but what am I supposed to do about it? We honestly don’t have any funds allocated to building a shelter!”

  “How much would you guess that it would cost to build a shelter that would house the homeless that we’ve seen?” I asked.

  He scribbled on some parchment for a minute and said, “If we hired the workers, bought the materials and the fed these people for a couple months it would cost roughly ten to fifteen thousand gold coins!”

  I shook my head, “That much huh?”

  He nodded emphatically and said, “I did leave a little leeway in case we needed anything that I didn’t plan for, but that is what I would have to have to even think of starting a project like that!”

  I said, “Would you please scoot back from your desk just a little please?” He did and I focused on the bag of four thousand platinum coins I’d just sent the vault and deposited it on the desk in front of the startled man and myself. I poured half the contents of the bag onto his desk. I said, “There is the money you need plus more. It is to build the shelter and feed the homeless, not pad the pockets of wealthy aristocrats. Do we understand each other?” I sent the remainder of the money back to the vault.

  The Governor, barely over being startled, jaw dropped. “Why are you doing this, good sir?” he asked.


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