The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too

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The Wizards of Eredwynn 02 - Another Typical Day, Too Page 15

by Daniel Harris

  I chuckled, “You certainly have magically confounded me! It may not be long before you are my teacher!”

  She giggled again and said, “Perhaps!”

  After an hour she rolled over to face me. Without warning she kissed me passionately on the lips. She then said, “Perhaps it’s time for me to go back to my room. Being this close to you is causing feelings that can’t be acted on. We have to respect your wife’s wishes!”

  After that kiss, I had to agree! I said, “Are you feeling better my dear?”

  She said, “As good as I can hope for with things the way they are. I’m going to miss Janae, but moving into a new room tomorrow will help, and spending time alone with you helped a lot too.”

  “I am glad that I could help and if you ever need me, you can find me. Would you like me to port to your room with you? I was wondering about Janae’s parents and how to locate them. Is there something in your room that might tell us?” I asked.

  Della nodded, “She does have some parchment and things in there, and it might give us an idea.”

  I said, “Good, let’s go see.” and ported us to her room.

  She said, “I’ll be glad when I can do that trick! I would sure save on walking and I’d never buy new shoes!” She went over to Janae’s section of the room and started looking through the stuff. I knew that someone should box it up when we located her family. I also knew that I wanted her wand.

  Della came back to me and said, “Will this work?”

  I looked at the parchment and it had an address on it. I asked Della if she knew where that was and she said it wasn’t far from the court house. She also said that she didn’t want to go back there because it wasn’t far from where Sir Gildon had found her and made her bad.

  I hugged her and told her that he couldn’t make her bad, he might have talked her into doing bad things but she was too wonderful to be bad. She smiled and said thank you. I called her over to her bed and had her crawl in and I tucked her in. I kissed her on the forehead and told her thanks for an enjoyable stargazing experience. She smiled and I saw sleep taking her. I waved at the candles and lamps and they went out or dimmed. She was breathing deeply by the time I closed her door behind me.

  I went upstairs and killed the lights in my little room and went to my living room. I walked to the bedroom door and looked in at my sleeping wife and Alice. They were the only two in the bed and I knew where I was going to sleep. I silently stripped out of my clothes and laid them on a chair. I crawled up from the foot of the bed to the middle between the sleeping mommies. I slid under the covers and was actually lying in my own bed for the first time in a long time. I love my son but we must build a nursery.


  Dysfunctional Families and War!

  I woke early and dressed in normal clothes. They were fine enough to display wealth and status but wouldn’t stand out as much as my wizard cape would. I had something that needed doing and didn’t want everyone in town announcing my presence. I went downstairs and had breakfast with the kitchen crew. They were always happy to see me and a friendly bunch and I could use all the smiles I could get this morning.

  After I’d eaten I went to Margery’s office and sat down.

  She looked up and said, “Going to look for Janae’s parents this morning? You have that look of having a duty that you’d rather not do. I feel for you, just remember that it wasn’t your fault. I’ve talked to a number of the girls and they all say that there was nothing you could have done.”

  “Thank you, Margery. I needed to hear that this morning. I think that I want to take five hundred gold coins to the family. I know it won’t replace her but perhaps it will help to ease the suffering.” I said with a sigh.

  Margery nodded, “Let’s go to the vault and I’ll count it out for you. From you’re personal funds or the schools?”

  I said, “Take it from mine. I have more than I can use and more coming in all the time. I know this situation isn’t my fault but, she was my charge and I feel responsible none the less.”

  She nodded and unlocked the outer vault door. I opened the inner and we went inside. I floated an orb of light from the ceiling so she could see what she was doing and watched in silence as she counted. I looked around the vault at the many sections and the piles of money and jewels. The new girls didn’t have nearly as much as the ones that had been with me on the dragon hoard attack, but they all had considerable wealth. I had Margery take the small pile of platinum coins that had built up in Janae’s section and add them to the sack. The bag was quite hefty and I was glad for the large pockets that my wonderful tailor had included on these clothes. We left the vault and I extinguished the light. I asked if she would need back inside and she shook her head. I closed the doors and locked the ‘wizard lock’. We went back to the foyer and Margery locked the outer door, pocketing the key. I told her that it was time for me to go and that I’d return soon. She hugged me, wished me luck and returned to her office.

  I had decided to find Wodor my way and went to my quiet spot by the river. I focused on Janae and let my mind drift across the kingdom. I finally zoomed in on a town, then closer to a house in that town. I compared the address on the house to the one that I’d found on the parchment in her room and they matched. I was sure that Elaine would be glad to know that I’d developed this ability. She was making a life of her own and wouldn’t want to be bothered every time I needed to find a location! I sat thinking about her and her new life and then realized that I was procrastinating. I stood up, took a deep breath and was on the outskirts of Wodor. I walked toward the center of town with an occasional nod at my clothes, and not the person wearing them. I liked the anonymity and arrived at the courthouse with out a single person recognizing me. I got my bearings and started down a dirty street until I found the house that I was looking for. I stood in front of it for a couple minutes plucking up my courage. I knocked on the door and waited.

  The door was yanked open and a man, very harshly said, “What!” He then looked at me and said, “Sorry sir. What can I do for you?”

  I saw a woman standing behind him looking around him to see who was at the door. I asked, “Are you the parents of a young lady name Janae?”

  The woman behind the man pushed her way up beside him and scoffed, “Young lady? She was born right here. There are no ladies here.”

  I repeated my question, “But you are her parents, correct?”

  The man said, “It depends. What has the little brat done?”

  I took a deep breath and said, “Sir, Ma’am I regret to inform you that your daughter was killed doing her duty to the king and the kingdom. I came to inform you and ask if you had a preference on where she was buried. I, myself will cover all expenses, of course.”

  The man laughed, “So, the little brat got herself killed, did she? Serves her right for trying to step out of her station. She should have stayed home and helped with her brothers and sisters. As for where to bury her, we don’t care as long as no one sends us a bill!”

  Fighting to keep my temper in check I said, “Thank you for your time. You can rest assured that you won’t receive any bills. Good morning to you.”

  As I started to walk away the woman called after me, “Is that wizard that had her offering the family a sort of recompense?”

  I turned, struggling not to blow up half a block and said, “No, I am not. To a good family that had cared for my little Janae, there would have been. I am glad that she was able to spend the last months of her life under my care and surrounded by people who loved her. At least she died knowing she was loved and not with the likes of you!”

  They started to protest but, I was done with these people. I had just remembered I had urgent business in Tesil.

  I walked into Tesil and was still holding my emotions in check. People could be so heartless and materialistic. I hope that people like that are in the minority. That is what I loved about being in my castle, everyone loved everyone else and no one would ever talk about someone li
ke poor Janae had been talked about. I walked to the jewelers and he welcomed me, as always. I asked about the rings I’d ordered and he had them ready for me. He said that if I needed them sized I could bring in the lucky young lady that received one and he would do it for me, free of charge. I asked what I owed for the setting of the stones and was told that for all twenty it would only be five gold coins. To some that sum was a small fortune but it just so happened that I had a pocket full of money that wouldn’t be going where I’d intended. I dropped the coins into his hand with a sigh.

  The jeweler said, “Forgive me sir but I can’t help but notice that you aren’t your usual, happy self. Is something wrong?”

  I told him of little Janae and the reaction of her parents. I told him that I loved each and every one of the girls that I kept in my castle and it hurt me that her parents had been so heartless.

  “Some people don’t deserve children, sir. You know it as well as I do. But you should have a houseful! You seem to be the type of man with love to give, freely and willingly.”

  I smiled, “My second is on the way, you know. Thank you for saying those kind words my friend. I really needed that today.”

  I smiled at me and said, “Everything I said was the truth. And if you want to inform the recipients of one of those rings, I’ll buy them back for seventy-five hundred each.”

  I grinned, “I doubt they would sell them, but I can tell them if they ask. Have a good day my friend. I have a funeral to plan. I’ll see you soon.”

  He nodded and I walked through the gates of Wizards Castle.

  As I was walking in to the foyer of the keep I saw Chloe leaving the showers. I took a ring from the bag and put it in my right hand and called to her. She walked over to me and I took a knee. She looked at me as if I’d gone nuts again but stood in front of me.

  I said, “Chloe, my love. I know that you love me and we share a special relationship. It isn’t much compared to how we feel about each other, but I’d like you to wear this ring.” I took her right hand and slid the diamond ring onto her ring finger. I used a bit of my master magic to size the ring to fit and released her hand.

  She looked at her hand and the way the diamond caught the morning light and smiled. She pulled me to my feet and kissed me. “Thank you, David.” She said. “It is beautiful and I’ll wear it always.” She then asked how my trip to Wodor had gone and I told her. She was angry enough to go to Wodor for a visit but I told her that Janae had us and didn’t need them.

  “I think I’ll have Alice make a tomb in the side of the mountain below Valeview. We can seal it and mark it so she is never forgotten. Speaking of Alice, do you know where she is? We need to visit your father and give him proof of our success, even if it feels like a failure in my mind.” I said.

  Chloe smiled and said, “Do you really have to ask where she is? Holding your oldest, of course!”

  “Thank you, beautiful. I’ll see you later.” I said with a smile.

  I went upstairs to my living room and found that I didn’t need a keep. This room seemed to hold everyone just fine. I wonder what it’s going to be like when Alice has her baby! I found Alice in the crowd and suggested that, if she ever got free, we could go to Rosenwood and give the king his trophies. She laughed and said that she could get free and be ready in moments. I grinned and stood safely out of the way. In just a few minutes she found me and said that she was ready to go. I located Isa and told her that we were going to Rosenwood and would be back soon. She smiled and nodded. Alice and I went into her room and located the bag alongside the chest of treasure that we’d picked up. Neither of us wanted to go through it and we decided to let it sit until we were in better spirits. I picked up the bag, winked at Alice and we were a quarter mile from Rosenwood.

  I took a ring from the bag in my pocket and dropped to one knee. I showed the ring to Alice and told her that I loved her. I said that I’d like for her to wear it as a token of our relationship and love. I slipped on her finger and, as with Chloe’s, I sized it quickly. I stood up and she kissed me saying thank you and she loved me too.

  We walked towards the castle and no one noticed me. Alice got some looks and that’s when I remembered I wasn’t in my ‘wizard’s cape’ and most people only knew me by my clothes! It was nice not to be the one being stared at for a change but it made Alice uncomfortable. At the throne room doors the herald asked Alice for her name and for mine. We both grinned and she said that she was the Wizard Alice and I was the Master Wizard, David. The herald did a double take and hurried off. We went in when we were announced.

  The king came right to the edge of the dais and said, “So, Master Wizard, have you completed the task I charged you with?”

  I said, “Yes, your Majesty, I have and have brought along proof of the deed.” I set the bag on the dais and the king looked inside.

  “Those are enormous ears, and there are four right ears! I thought that there were only two creatures.” The king said.

  I replied, “There were only two, you Highness but each giant had two heads. I did lose one of my wizards in the battle. She had been warned to stay out of the fight but in her zeal, dove in anyway. Her mistake cost her life.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss and I hope the reward I promised will help ease the pain. I’m ordering half a million gold coins to be moved to the foyer for you to take with you. On a happier note, I’m really glad that you’ve come today. Two very wealthy and respected Lords are interested in some of the things they’ve heard about your castle. They would like to see your running water and the like. They are also each planning on taking two or three consorts each from your group of trainees.” The king announced.

  Alice instantly put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head at me. I took a few deep breaths and said, “Your Highness, the Lords are more than welcome to look at how I’ve run the water to my keep and dorm. They can see how I’ve made the privy odorless and hot water from a valve. But they won’t be taking consorts from Wizard’s Castle!” I stated emphatically.

  The king looked at me, stunned, “They won’t be taking consorts? I said that they could. They will be leaving here today and will arrive there in five days time. And when they arrive they will choose consorts and leave with them!”

  I looked the king squarely in the eye and said, “No, they won’t. If they so much as lay a hand on any of the young ladies in my care they will be escorted off the premises. If they try to change my mind by taking up arms, they will be met by a magical resistance that you can only imagine, My King.”

  “Master Wizard, do you know what you are doing? By disobeying this order from your king you open yourself up to hostilities under the flag of the king! Four to six consorts is all they are asking for. Is that to much to ask?” the king asked.

  “They are my students, my charges, and I love each and every one of them. They will not be taken from my care. If you decide to march against Wizard’s Castle, be aware that your three daughters, my wife and the other two, will be inside along with your grandson. I beg you not to do this because it would sicken my girls to have to kill your men, but they would to protect each other.” I replied.

  The king scowled and said, “Take your reward and get out of my castle. Do not return until this is resolved or you are sent for.”

  The guards along the wall behind us moved forward to speed us along. I shoved them forcefully out of the way with a wave of my hand and said, “Don’t be foolish. We are leaving and if you all value your lives you’ll stand clear of this young lady.” We walked into the foyer and to the handcarts loaded with bags. I looked at Alice whose eyes were glowing with adoration and said, “To your room?” She nodded and we were in her room with the bags, handcarts and all.

  Alice threw her arms around me and kissed me, she said, “David, you were wonderful! When I heard that those Lords were coming for consorts I couldn’t believe that the king could break up our family like that. When you told him off, I thought you were going to roast him alive!”

p; I chuckled, “The thought did cross my mind. While I’m distracted enough to not get emotional, I’d like for you to dig out a place for Janae in the wall twenty feet above the vault. Inscribe above it “Janae” and below it “She was Loved”. Can you do that while I gather the girls?

  Alice kissed me again and went downstairs. I went to my living room and pulled Isabel aside. I told her that we had a lot to talk about but we needed to get everyone together so we could bury one of our own. She nodded sadly and started making rounds.

  As Isa was gathering people I popped over to our rock quarry and pulled a rock coffin and lid from the rock wall. I teleported it to where Janae’s body lay and gently placed her inside. I popped to the tailors and got three yards of golden cloth and then back to the coffin. I draped the coffin with the cloth and floated it out the doors of the keep and out the castle gates. Halfway to the wall that housed our vault I raised a three foot platform from the earth and set the coffin on top of it. And then I waited for everyone to show up. I could see the hole that was to be the tomb and the carving above and below it. Alice had known exactly my intentions, and made the inscription deep enough that it would never erode away.

  Everyone finally assembled, all the wizards, staff and guards from Wizard’s Castle and most of them from Valeview. I floated up ten feet into the air so I could be seen and made my voice carry by intent. I said, “Everyone, I am a wizard and not a public speaker. I have to say that everyone that knew Janae loved her because of her sharp wit. She was a second only to Alba, and I think Alba knew that she might gain on her someday. I met her family and all I have to say about them is that I know Janae loved being here and would never have wanted it any other way. Because of us, Janae departed from us loved. We should comfort each other with the knowledge that we were blessed to have known her, even for a short time.”

  I watched as the line that I hate formed to view the body and when the last one was past, I sealed the lid and nodded to Alice. She gently lifted the coffin and slid it into the square tomb she’d carved out, floated a slice from the plug she’d pulled from the wall and sealed it into place. I then turned and walked back to the keep, tapping on Alba to follow me as I went.


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