In Hot Pursuit

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In Hot Pursuit Page 4

by David Horne

"What the hell, Mom never collapsed before," Eric quickly called back trying to get information like what hospital they're in but his mother picks up the phone.

  "Hello dear, are you coming home? Your father said you were going to visit," she said in a happy voice.

  "Mom, Dad just said you collapsed and told me to come home. Are you all right?" He asked to which she laughed.

  "Oh, I just had a little fall onto the couch because his slippers were in the middle of the floor. I'm perfectly fine, but I still think you should come home. It's been a few weeks since we've seen you," she hummed and there was a clinking of pots in the background.

  "I can't, I have to work. Talk to you later Mom, and please be more careful," Eric hung up and leaned his head against the wall of his closet. "He tried to trick me just to make me come home, what the hell is that? This is giving me a headache," he walked into his kitchen. Another call came through just after he took pain medicine for his head and drank a full glass of water. "Hello?"

  "You can come over whenever you're ready, I'm just getting up," Damien said, his voice husky from just walking up. Shivering at the noise, Eric tried his best not to feel turned on even though it was pretty hot. "I'll have breakfast started by the time you arrive so don't eat anything before coming."

  "All right, I'll keep my stomach empty for your good food," Eric hummed and shifted on his feet, knowing he got a semi-erection from the call. "I'm doomed, he's not even aware of it, is he? Sexy voice and hot as all heaven and hell combined!”

  “So, who’s got a sexy voice and hot bod?” Emma stood in the doorway of the bedroom looking at Eric with a smirk and a toothbrush in her hand. “Was that a Damien you might be talking about?”

  “Not another word, I have to get going now so feel free to make breakfast and I’ll see you after I’m done with work.” Eric left with Emma telling him not to get too wild at work to which he stuck out his tongue and flipped her off.

  "Eric, come grab a seat at the table, I was just about to call you to tell you I was done. Did you have trouble waking up?" Damien spoke as soon as the door opened and peeked out at Eric. The dining room table was set for two, both plates being set at chairs right next to each other despite there being plenty of room at the table.

  "Hey, it smells great in here. My mouth is already watering, what did you make?" He took his seat with a light flush of pink in his cheeks. He was getting dished up a portion of everything as they were explained to him.

  "I made a spinach and mushroom omelet, fresh-made hash, sausage of my own mixture, and some simple toast," Damien said, giving himself a portion after evenly serving the food. "If there's anything you don't like, I can take it to work to give to the dog they sometimes bring into the building."

  "Everything here looks spectacular, thank you for the food," Eric dug in with gumption, yet keeping a mannerly composure. At the very least he doesn't spill the food all over himself.

  "You look spectacular," Damien murmured and Eric stopped with the fork halfway to his mouth.

  "What was that?"

  "Oh nothing, will you be joining me for dinner tonight after my shift?" Damien seemed pleased with the amount of food Eric was eating.

  "I'll have to call my friend and ask about it first really, but if they're okay then I'll text you," Eric explained getting a small nod of approval. Breakfast finished with casual conversation talking about what small adventures they each had after graduating. Both of them agreed that traveling around would be a nice vacation, a lot of things seemed to click perfectly for them.

  "I'll see you after I get off of work, good day Eric," Damien left with a smile on his face and came back in later with that smile.

  "You know if you want, I can have you over for breakfast and dinner often. It's nice to have more company besides the rowdy people at work or the rare relatives," Damien was hanging up his jacket as he suggested it. Stammering and a few fidgeting movements later, Eric nodded faster than a bobblehead figurine. "I'll enjoy the company, hopefully, you won't mind?"

  "Not at all, sir! In fact, I'm flattered you think having me around is a great companion," he blushed more than before and had to turn his gaze away. Due to the movement, he missed the look of admiration and glee on Damien's usually serious face.

  Chapter Seven

  For a few weeks, Emma stayed over with Eric before eventually the two of them moved in together, finding it made Eric's parents stop bugging him. After months passed it became the cool season of autumn and Damien had fixed up most of the house to his and a little bit of Eric's liking. As the two ate almost every meal together and talked, they became steadily closer to the point Emma was just anticipating their dating announcement.

  On one fateful night of early October, Damien invited Eric over for dinner on his day off which he hadn't done for a month. It had thrown Eric off and he thought perhaps Damien had gotten someone else to spend those days with instead, he was working on a surprise for Eric in the garage.

  Unsuspecting of what was to come, Eric came dressed nicely in a green button-up shirt and his nicest pair of skinny jeans not wanting to risk staining dress pants. He had barely removed his shoes when Damien took him by the hand and guided him to the dining room where candles were lit, giving dim lighting for the food. Roses were in a vase between the two candles and they were perfectly placed at the spots where Damien and Eric usually sit.

  "Wow, you really went all out for this Damien," Eric murmured as he was gently coerced into his seat.

  "Sometimes all you need is a change in pace don't you think?" Damien went to the kitchen to get the main part of the meal. Two perfectly cooked steaks with sear marks were carried with pride into the dining room and set one a piece upon their plates. "Tonight, we dine like we've got no worries for tomorrow. Let's talk about us."

  "This is all so wonderful, who knew you were such a gentleman," Eric was trying his best not to swoon or make a big scene. In his mind, all of it was meant to make dealing in their friendship instead of a romantic gesture as intended.

  "I can be anything when I put my mind to it, we should dig in while the food is hot," Damien suggested and cut his food but watched Eric as he took his first few bites. The noises he made caused a stir within the older man but he kept it at bay for the time being. Plans for the evening had been made and Eric was oblivious to it all.

  "This is positively scrumptious! What kind of heaven are you trying to put me in?" Eric joked and when he was distracted cutting his steak Damien offered him a bite off of his own fork. With the draw of attention to other food, he delicately pulled it off with his lips and smiled with his lips pressed shut.

  "I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. I was thinking we could watch a movie after this to let our food settle. There is a dessert for us to partake afterward," Damien spoke more formally than usual which caused Eric to snort.

  "You're being all fancy, it's really charming. Making me feel all special, I might just fall for you," Eric lightly pushed his shoulder and Damien chuckled, but didn't comment on his remark.

  "To be fair, you are very important to me. You've become a great friend and someone I can talk to openly. There are even a few secrets of mine that nobody knows except you," Damien gazed at him and noticed his eyes go wide then the color-filled his cheeks again. "Don't worry, the secrets you told me won't be leaked just as I trust you not to tell mine."

  "Of course, I wouldn't dream of it," Eric said in a most serious manner, putting his hand over his chest with a fork still in his other hand. They both laughed and finished their dinner with pleasant conversation. Eric took the dishes to the kitchen to clean them off and then it was movie watching for the next few hours.

  End credits scrolled slowly across the screen as Eric had started to doze off, his head leaned onto Damien's shoulder. Wanting to date the smaller male, he didn't mind at all but he did still have to get their dessert in order to wind himself up for the question. "Eric, wake up or I'll have to kiss the sleeping beauty," he said and lightly patted his cheek.
  "Mm? Sorry, I didn't even mean to. A good meal like that can put me right to sleep." Making a mental note for that, Damien brings him back to the dining room table, once again lighting the candles for them to eat. "I would think I was still dreaming if I wasn't so aware of that delicious smell."

  "Brownies with caramel and chocolate chips, also homemade ice cream. Do you remember talking about our favorite desserts?" He brought out the whole platter, the frozen treat, and two plates.

  "Oh, my goodness, you remembered all of that? Damien, I think that's the sweetest thing, most of my friends don't even remember that." Eric smiled and gave him a hug as a thank you because words didn’t feel like a fair trade.

  "My brain soaks up all of the information on you, your voice is very pleasing," Damien said, falling into a more formal way of talking again. Embarrassed, he cut the brownies and scooped them each a decent amount of ice cream.

  "I think if you didn't make healthy meals and work out with me every so often, I would have gained some weight eating this food. Simply impossible for me to deny it," Eric hummed as he took the first bite, the ice cream melting on his tongue. Mingling with the rich taste of the brownie he was in heaven, leaning back in his seat. "Damn is this good; I would honestly beg on my hands and knees for this kind of food."

  "No need for that, you can just ask me to make it for you. Perhaps you could even encourage me more if we were dating," Damien dropped the big hint and Eric paused thinking then shaking his head at the idea.

  "I don't think I'd get a chance with a guy like you Damien, though I will request this if possible."

  "Why not go out with me to test that theory?" Damien asked, looking Eric directly in the eyes. The utter shock was all that was showing on the younger man's face and he froze in place with his fork still holding a piece of brownie.

  Chapter Eight

  Eric stared at Damien, still processing the sudden question that was popped on him in the middle of his dessert. His mouth stayed slightly ajar with tiny noises coming out of his throat, but there were no words yet. When he didn’t respond for a full minute, Damien cleared his throat to repeat the question. “I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me.”

  Dropping his hand down to lower the food back onto the plate, Eric worked his jaw out of the surprised expression. “I haven’t dated anyone in years, my parents will have to meet you and all this stuff,” panic came setting in before he could even say yes. "I like you a lot but they're so picky about who I can date and the last boy I brought home left in tears. Losing you altogether would be devastating!"

  In an attempt to calm Eric down Damien took both of his hands in his own, “Eric, look at me. Your parents are not here to dictate who you can and cannot date. You’re twenty-two, going to be turning twenty-three soon. Don’t worry so much about their approval to the point it controls your wants and needs.” His words were firm but full of caring compassion, making Eric able to relax and look at him again.

  "Damien, I want to be with you," Eric whispered and squeezed his hands. "I can just keep it a secret from my parents and tell them I'm too busy with work to go on their date set-ups. I'll get a second job if I really have to," Eric looked him in the eyes, leaning forward until their lips met in a short kiss. Both of them stared at each other as the strong connection grew between them until it felt like a string was attaching their hearts together.

  "I knew there was something special about you, now you really can't leave me. Or we'll both forever live with a broken heart," Damien winked at him and the second kiss lasted much longer. Soon they were in each other's arms, eyes closed and hearts beating at the same speed.

  "We can't tell my parents but that doesn't mean we can't go out to eat and have dates. That is if you're okay with doing those things, I don't know if you've come out or want to," Eric laid his head against Damien's shoulder. After their kissing session, they had moved to the couch to relax as they talked things over.

  "I don't care much if anyone tries anything on us, I'll call the police and defend us both," Damien said calmly, kissing the top of Eric's head. His breath was warm and his arms were wrapped around to where his hands were right above his new boyfriend's ass.

  "Then, I really would love to go out with you at the zoo or maybe the movies first! Have you seen that new superhero one? It has more romance than the others but I think that's a bonus since it gives more drama into the action. Don't you think?" Eric peered up at him, watching him laugh and nod his head.

  "You're cute, yeah we can go to the movies next week on my day off. Make sure not to have any plans that day, you are going to be mine," Damien smirked at him, only more pleased at the color it brought into Eric's face. "I have Friday and Saturday off, so you could stay over at my place if you want."

  "For a first date, that sounds marvelous," Eric said dreamily, holding Damien around the torso. Their arms crossed at the elbow due to how low each of them had put their hands, neither going for the butt yet. “Staying over tonight might be moving too fast for my taste but we can cuddle until I have to go home,” he smiled up at him, gray eyes meeting blue ones.

  “Your eyes are really so mesmerizing,” Damien whispered, moving some hair out of his face. “Hey, can I call you baby?”

  “Mm, yes please,” Eric shivered at his voice and moved his hands to Damien’s shoulders. "I'll call you babe and change the name for you on my phone," he purred and pulled lightly on the other's shirt collar to get him to lean down. Their kiss lasted longer this time, Damien sliding a hand around to hold Eric by the waist.

  "Cute," he whispered against his lips in a husky voice. Hot and slow, their lips moved in sync until Damien pulled away because he heard a phone ringing. "Is that yours or mine?"

  "I think it's mine, one minute," Eric picked up and heard his father saying something along the lines of mother collapsed. "Dad, stop saying that to try and get me to visit. You're making me stressed out like this!"

  "Well, it's not my fault you won't come to visit when we ask you to! Am I supposed to beg for my own son to come and see me?" His voice was angry and Eric hunched his shoulders at the tone.

  "No, I came to visit just last month, I even stayed for a few days. What more do you want me to do?" Eric asked his voice sounding defeated so Damien came over hugging him from behind to comfort him.

  "I want you to come home more often, and maybe you should quit your job. The people there are clearly influencing you in a bad way and I don't like that one bit. Come visit soon and quit that job," his father hung up on him without letting Eric respond.

  "Why does he do this every time I'm getting used to where I work?" Eric balled his hand into a fist and his body was tense with his frustration. "You guys were right, my parents are really controlling everything I do. I'm tired of it," he turned around to lean his head on Damien's chest.

  "If you want to lie or tell them the truth, either way, you're not quitting just because they say so," Damien said firmly and petted his light brown hair.

  "I've never really lied to them before," Eric mumbled though he didn’t want to confront them on it either.

  “You can tell them that you work at the store,” he shrugged and kissed him on the cheek to help him keep calm. “Don’t worry, we can get you something to make it look like you’re working there if you absolutely need it. We just can’t be putting that on your taxes or anything.”

  “My parents usually don’t check it but it would be nice for a just in case scenario. Do you mind if I go visit them in the middle of this week so we won’t have to cancel our date?” He looked up at him, getting a nod in agreement and a small squeeze that helped him relax. “Sometimes they give me a headache, I don’t know what to do in those moments besides agree with them.”

  “Honestly, I think it would be a good idea for you to get a counselor to deal with it all. They can help you learn skills to deal with them. It’s not that they’re bad parents, it’s just that they are projecting a lot of things onto you it seems,” Damien guided hi
m back to the couch so they could talk in a more comfortable position.

  “A counselor? Do you maybe know a place where I could get one?” Eric fidgeted with his shirt and stared into his lap. Slowly, Damien wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

  “I have the perfect place for you to go, babe,” he said with a reassuring smile. “No need to worry, I’ve got you.”

  “Thank you, Damien. Let’s watch another movie?”

  Chapter Nine

  Wednesday came fast. Eric had packed his things the day before and drove to his parents’ house. They greeted him then ate dinner as both of them tried to pry information out of him. He gave the least amount of information possible with a few small lies about the job and not dating anyone. What he thought would be hard was easier than he thought when they didn’t berate him with more questions. During the night he texted both Emma and Damien, feeling a knot in his stomach at breakfast when his parents asked if he wanted to go on a date with a ‘nice person’ they just happened to know.

  “I really don’t think that I’m ready to date, what with changing jobs and trying to keep everything stable. It’s hard to keep up, even with Emma and I splitting our rent,” Eric sighed and stabbed at the food on his plate.

  “You should find a good job then! Stop getting the first job that comes to you,” his father Hendricks said shaking his head. Eric had to bite his tongue not to say they’re the ones making him quit every job he’s gotten and then rushing him to get another one.

  “Maybe if I wasn’t rushed to do everything by some people, it would be a lot easier for me to find what they consider a decent job,” his words were spoken in a monotone voice and he looked at them to see their reactions.

  “Who’s rushing you, sweetie? Tell them not to be so rude, I think you should take your time. Though, more than two days to find a job seems to be quite enough. Especially with your degree,” his mother Petunia said it like it was nothing to get hired.


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