Pinuccio (lover of Niccolosa), 678–82
Pisa, 113, 173, 179–80, 183, 326, 639
Pistoia, 222, 649–55
Pizzini, Biagio (prankster of Certaldo), 470–72
plague, 7–4, 453
Pontremoli, see Faziuolo da P.
Ponza, island of, 112–15
Porcellana, privileges of, 474
Porco, see Guccio Imbratta
Porta Salaia, Siena, 544
Prato, 462–4, 552
Prester John (legendary king), 619
pride, 465–6
Primas (grammarian and versifier), 56–9
Procida, Gian di (leader of revolt in Sicily), 118
Procida, Giannotto di (alias Giusfredi), 116–24
Procida, island of, 406
profligacy, 83–91
Provence, 314, 349, 352
Puccini, Bernardo (Florentine apothecary), 738–45
Puccino (Stramba) (friend of Pasquino), 340–42
Puccio di Rinieri, Friar, 216–21
Puglia, see Apulia
Purgatory, 256–63
Pyrrhus (servant of Nicostratos, lover of Lydia), 533–43
Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus), 470
Quintus Fulvius, Publius, 746, 753
Quintus Fulvius, Titus (lover of Sophronia), 746–64
Rabatta, see Forese da R.
Radicofani, 707
Ravello, 92, 96
Ravenna, 179, 419–20, 425
Reggio, Calabria, 92
Restagnone (lover of Ninetta), 314–18
Restituta (daughter of Marin Bòlgaro), 406–11
Rhodes, island of, 140–41, 320, 371–4, 378
Rialto, Venice, 310
Ribi (Florentine prankster), 576–8
Ricciardo, see Zima
Ricciardo de’ Manardi da Brettinoro (lover of Caterina), 393–9
Ricciardo di Chinzica (Saints’ days abstainer), 179–86, 353
Rimini, 506
Rinaldo, Friar (charmer of worms), 495–500, 547
Rinaldo d’Asti, see Asti, Rinaldo d’
Rinaldo de’ Pugliesi (husband of Madonna Filippa), 462–4
Rinieri (offended Florentine scholar), 586–610
Rinucci, Alesso (cousin of Monna Nonna de’ Pulci), 453
Ripole, Florence, 629
Robert, King of Naples, 452
Romagna, 393, 399, 419, 678
Rome, 39, 86, 89, 385–6, 391, 416, 746, 753, 756–63
Rouen, Archbishop of, 162
Roussillon, 265, 268, 273; see also Guillaume de R.
Ruberto (lover of Monna Sismonda), 524–32
Rufolo, Landolfo (merchant turned pirate), 92–6
Ruggieri d’Aieroli, see Aieroli, R. d’
Ruggieri de Loria, see Loria, R. de
Ruggieri (son of William II of Sicily), 321
Rutnpiad, 475
Rustico (hermit), 275–9, 280
sage, 340–42
Sahara, 275
Saint Mark’s Square, Venice, 311
Saint Paul’s church, Florence, 342
Salabaetto (Niccolò da Cignano) (Florentine merchant), 633–44
Saladin, 41–4, 45, 765–83
Salerno, 92, 353, 359
Saliceto, see Guasparruolo da S.
Saluzzo, 784, 792
Salvestra (lover of Girolamo), 343–8
San Gallo church, Florence, 339, 617
San Gimignano, 326
San Giovanni church, Florence, 467, 561
San Lepidio, Niccola da (Florentine judge), 575–8
San Pancrazio church, Florence, 216
San Piero, Porta, Florence, 490
San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro, cathedral, Pavia, 773, 779
Sanlodeccio, see Filippo di S.
Santa Croce church, Florence, 53
Santa Fiora, Counts of, 707
Santa Lucia church, Florence, 593
Santa Maria a Verzaia, Florence, 577
Santa Maria della Scala church, Florence, 629–30
Santa Maria Maggiore church,
Florence, 460
Santa Maria Novella church, Florence, 627–9, 797
Santa Maria Ughi church, Florence, 449
Santa Reparata church, Florence, 467
Saracens, 42, 43, 324–5, 381–2, 781, 783; see also Saladin
Sardinia, 126, 261, 323, 324
Sardintinia, 474
Saullo, Gigliuozzo (father of Agnolella), 385–6
Scalea, 407
Scalza, Michele (gambler on oldest family in Florence), 459–60
Scannadio (entombed villain of Pistoia), 650–55
Scotland, 618
King of, 89, 91
Scott, Michael (necromancer), 618
Scrignario, Giannello (lover of Peronella), 491–4
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 471
Senigallia, 572
Settignano, 562
Sicilian Vespers, 118, 738
Sicily, 98, 112, 118, 122, 124, 173, 321–2, 325, 379, 411, 738
Sicofante (servant of lieta brigata), 445
Siena, 268, 544, 611, 664–8, 707
Sighieri, Leonardo (father of Girolamo), 343
Sighinolfo, Filippello (lover of Catella), 228–31
Simona (poor young woman of Florence), 339–42
Simona, Monna, 442
Simone da Villa (Florentine physician), 616–32, 661–3
Sirisco (Panfilo’s servant), 21
Sismonda, Monna (wife of Arriguccio Berlinghieri), 524–32
Smyrna, 139–40
Solomon, King, 471, 476, 690–94
songs, 69, 187–8, 281–2, 364–5, 441–3, 482–3, 549–50, 646, 700–701, 740–41, 796–7
Sophronia (beloved of Titus and Gisippus), 747–64
Spain, 314, 420, 703, 712, 718
Spina, Geri (husband of Oretta), 447–51
Spina (daughter of Currado Malespina), 116–21, 124
Spinelloccio, see Tavena, S.
Stecchi (entertainer), 71–5
Stiffen-in-the-Hand, Saint, 131
Stiffen-in-the-Hollows, Saint, 145
stories and storytellers, see lieta brigata
Strà, see Torello of S.
Straits of Penury, 474
Stramba (Puccino) (friend of Pasquino), 340–42
Strangford, Ireland, 154
Stratilia (servant of Fiammetta), 21
Susa, Barbary, 380–82
Talano d’Imolese (husband of Margarita), 683–5, 690
Tancredi, Prince of Salerno, 291–301
Tavena, Spinelloccio (lover of Zeppa’s wife), 611–15
Tebaldo (wealthy Florentine noble), 83
Tedaldo degli Elisei (lover of Ermellina), 237–54
Tessa, Monna (wife of Calandrino), 567–8, 661, 663, 669–77
Tessa, Monna (wife of Gianni Lotteringhi), 486–90
themes of stories
by effort, achieving an object greatly desired or a thing previously lost, 187
happiness following misfortune, 68
improper words, 798–800
levity of stories, 801–2
love, 3; ending unhappily, 280
rules as to, 67–8
those who have performed liberal or munificent deeds, 699
tricks played by men and women upon one another, 548
tricks played by wives upon husbands, 478
verbal pleasantries avoiding danger, discomfiture or ridicule, 441
Theodelinda (wife of Agilulf), 200
Theodor (Pietro) (servant of Amerigo Abate), 412–19
Ticino, river, 765
Tindaro (servant oilieta brigata), 444–6, 483, 549
Tingoccio, see Mini, T.
Titus Quintus Fulvius, 745–64
Tofano (husband of Monna Ghita), 501–5
Torello of Digne (knight killed in Crusade), 775
Torello of Strà (hospitable Crusader), 765–83
Torrenieri, 667
Trani, 96
p; Trapani, 381, 412–16
Traversari, Paolo (father of Nastagio’s beloved), 419–23
Tresanti, Pietro da (Neighbour Pietro) (husband of Gemmata), 695–8
Treviso, 71–5
Troilus and Cressida, 444
Tunis, 321–3, 383
King of, 321–5, 382
Turks, 92–3
Tuscany, 25, 222, 255, 268, 426, 473, 703–6
Uberti, Neri degli (Florentine knight), 732–7
Uberti family, 459
Udine, 726
Ughetto (lover of Bertella), 314–20
genius in ugly men, 457
nobility of, 461
Usimbalda, Madonna (Abbess of Lombardy), 656
Ustica, 325
Uzbek, King of the Turks, 139–40
Uzbek, Empress of, 619
Val d’Elsa, 469
Valbona, see Lizio da V.
Vallecchio, 622
Valley of the Ladies, 479–84
Varlungo, 555
Varro, Marcus (Roman praetor), 761–2
Venice, 173, 303–12, 454–5
Venison, 474
Venus, 130
Verdiana, Saint, 434
Vergellesi, Francesco (Governor of Milan), 222–6
Vergiú, Lady of, 281
Vernaccia wine, 179, 562, 582–3
Verona, 55, 76
Vieri de’ Cerchi (Florentine political leader), 686
Violante (daughter of Amerigo Abate), 412–19
Violante (Jeannette) (daughter of Count of Antwerp), 152–60, 163
Virgin Mary, 187, 306, 470
Wales, 153, 159
Walter, see Antwerp, W.
werewolves, 485–6, 488–90, 783
William II, King of Sicily, 321–5, 411
wit, see intelligence
all things losing their virtue in presence of, 569
anger in, 313–14
chastity, 166–7
easily deceived, 235–6
equality before the law, 463
false modesty of, 48
first ladies, 619
foreign beauties compared, 518
goslings, 287
inferior to men, 167
instincts, 770
intelligence, 166–8
jealous husbands deserve wives’ punishment, 506–13
lack of wit, 63–4
loving younger men, 602
man’s pursuit of, 287–91
observance of Sabbath, 186–7
in old age, 434
plague, effect of: callousness, 10; less chaste, 9
punishment of women who humiliate men, 586–610
restrictive laws, 13
Sicilian, 633
stratagems of, 650
strumpets harshly dealt with, 552–4
subservience to men, 689–91, 786–95
tricks played upon husbands, 478
vanity of beauty, 304–9
witticisms of, 446
Zeppa, see Mino, Z. di
Zima (Ricciardo) (lover of wife of Francesco Vergellesi), 222–6
Zinevra (wife of Bernabò), 165–78
Zita Carapresa di Giudice Leo, 696
Other than in the entry under his name, Boccaccio is referred to as B.
Abate, Amerigo (of Trapani) (V, 7), 834
Abbate family, 834
Abraham, 869
Abraham (I, 2), cxxiv, 806
Abruzzi region (VI, 10), 844
Acciaiuoli, Andrea, li
Acciaiuoli, Niccola, xxxvii–viii, xli, xlix–l, li, 816
Acciaiuoli (Florentine banking house), xxxii
Achaea, 817
Acre, Holy Land (X, 9), 868
Adalieta (X, 9), lxxx, 868
Adam, li
Adam and Eve, 852
adventure, cxxxvi–viii
Aegean Sea, 813, 817
Aegina, island of (II, 7), 817
Aeneas, 835
Aesculapius, 804
Aesop, lix
Agamemnon, 869
Agilulf, King of the Lombards (III, 2), xc–xciii, cxxvi, 820–21, 834, 854
Agnolella (V, 3), cxxxviii
Agolanti family, 812
Agrigento (Girgenti), 866
Aiguesmortes, Provence (II, 7), 817
Aljebal (Hassan-ben-Sabah), 823
Alatiel (II, 7), xxxiii, 816
Albenga, 819
Alberighi family (V, 9), 836
Alberti, Counts of, 869
Alberto, Friar (IV, 2), cxlii, 828
Alberto de’ Zancari, 810
Alberto of Bologna (I, 10), cxxv–vi, cxxviii, 810
Albisola, 819
Aldobrandeschi family, 863
Aldruda, Monna (V, Conclusion), 837
Alessandro (II, 3), cxxxiv, 812
Alexander III, King of Scotland, 812
Alexandrian fashion, 816
Alexis, Saint (VII, 1), 846
Algarve, King of (II, 7), xciv-v, 816
Alibech (III, 10), lxix, 826
Allegri, Francesco, liv
Allingham, William, lxxxviin
All’s Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare), cxxvii, 824
Almansi, Guido, xxv, lxxxixn, xcviin, 816, 847
Alphonsi, Peter
Disciplina clericalis, 848, 867
Alphonso I, King of Aragon, lviii
Alphonso of Spain (X, 1), 863
Altopascio (VI, 10), 843
Amalfi, 1, cxxxv, 812–13, 830
Ambrose, Saint, lvii, 803, 846, 847
Ambruogia, Madonna (VIII, 1), 851
Amminadab, 815
Anagni (V, 3), 832–3
Anastagi family, c, 835
Anastasius, Brother (III, 4), 821
Andalò da Negro, xxiv, xxxv
Andreuccio of Perugia (II, 5), xxxiv, cxxxvi–vii, cxxxix–xl, 857
Andrew of Hungary, xli
Angelo di Ravello, 813
Anger, xxvi, lxxiii, lxxv
Angevin rulers, xxv, xxxiii, xxxvii, xlix, lii, 803, 813, 814, 815
Angiulieri, Cecco (IX, 4), 858
Anichino (Lodovico) (VII, 7), cvi
Ansaldo (X, 5), xciii
Anthony, Saint (VI, 10), 842–3
anti-clericalism, xxv, cxx, cxxiv–v, cxxvi, 821, 823
anti-feminism, xlvii, xciv, cxiii, cxv, cxxviii, 805, 810, 822, 837, 854, 860, 861
Antioco (II, 7), xcvi
Antwerp, Count of (II, 8), lx, cxxxvi, 835
Aphrodite, lxxiii
Apuleius, Lucius, lviii, lxi, 825, 847, 862
Aquino, Maria d’, 803
Aragon, lviii, cvi, 813, 866
Arcite (Teseida), lxxii
Ardinghelli family, 829
Arezzo, cxxx, 847–8, 852, 856, 861
Argenti, Filippo (IX, 8), 861
Argos (VII, 9), 849
Ariosto, Ludovico, cxxxviii
Aristippus (X, 8), 867
Aristotle, 1, lxxiii, 862
Armenia, xcvi, 835
Arno, river, 839, 851, 852, 856
King of, 416
Arrigo, Saint (II, 1), 810–11
ars combinatoria, cxxxvii
ars dictandi, lxiii
Art, cornice representing, lxxviii
Arte della Lana, 843
Arthurian legends, cx–xi
Ascalion (Filocolo), xxxvi
Asia Minor, 835
Asinaio, Monte (IV, Introduction), lxvi, 827
Assassins (sect), 823
Athens, lxx, 867, 870
Athens, Duke of (II, 7), xcvi, 817
Athens, Duke of (Walter of Brienne), xli, li, 817
Auerbach, Erich, civn., cxx
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, lxxiii
Augustus (Roman emperor), cv, 866
Authari (III, 2), 820
Avicenna (VIII, 9), 856
Avignon, xlviii, xlix, 1, liii, cxxxviii, 832, 851
Azzo (Este) VIII of Ferrara, 811
Babylonian Captivity, liii, cxxxviii, 832
Baiae, lvi
Balducci, Filippo (IV, Introduction), lxvi–vii, 826, 838
Baldwin II, Emperor, 817, 857
Baltic Sea, cxlii
Balwearie, wizard of, 85
Bannockburn, xxviii, 812
Barbary (IV, 4), 829
Barbato da Sulmona, xxxv
Bardi, Compagnia de’ (Banking house), xxviii, xxxii–iii, xxxvii, xli, 812, 816, 817, 826, 861
Ban, 862
Barker, Danny, cxxxiiin
Barlaam of Calabria, 1
Barletta (Barolo) (IX, 10), 861
Baronci family (VI, 6), cxxix, 840–41
Barrili, Giovanni, xxxv
Bartolo del Buono, Niccolò di, xxxix, xlviii
Bartolomea (II, 10), cxxxvi, 819
Basano, King of Cappadocia (II, 7), 817
basil (IV, 5), lxxxvii, 829
Basques, mountains of the, 843
Bath, Order of the (VIII, 9), 856
Beatrice, Madonna (VII, 7), cv, cvii, 848
Beatrice of Anjou, 811
Beatrice Portinari, xxxii
Beauvais, Vincent de, 862
Belchfire, Butch (II, 5), 814
Belcolore, Monna (VIII, 2), cxli–ii, 819, 824, 851, 870
Beminedab, Sultan of Babylon (II, 7), 815–16
Benedict, Saint (III, 4), 821–2
Benevento, 829 battle of (1266), 814, 815, 865
Bentivegna del Mazzo (VIII, 2), xxviii, cxli, 851
Berengario, Raimondo, 866
Bergamino (I, 7), cxxv
Bergin, Thomas G., xxiv
Beritola (II, 6), cxxxvi, 814, 834, 865
Berlin (Staatsbibliothek), liv
Berlinghieri, Arriguccio (VII, 8), 849
Bernabò (II, 9), xciii, cviii, cx, cxxxvi
Bernard, Saint (VII, 1), 846
Bernardo, A, cxin.
Bertinoro, 833
Besokindas Tocursemenot (VI, 10), cxliii, 844
Biancofiore, 814, 857
Biblioteca Laurenziana, lviii, 849–50
Bidpai, Fables of, lix
Biliuzza (VIII, 2), 851
Binguccio dal Poggio (VIII, 2), 851
Biondello (IX, 8), 860
Bitonto (IX, 10), 862
Black Death, xli, xlii, xliii–iv, lvi–vii, lxxi, lxxii, lxxvii, cxii–xv, 804
Black Sea, cv
Blanchefleur, 857
Boccaccio, Bice, xl, xliv
Boccaccio, Giovanni
birth, xxxii, xl
children, xl
diplomatic service, xliv–v, xlviii, liii–iv
early years: banking career, xxxiii–iv;
courtly society, xxxiv;
Florence, xxxi–ii;
legal training, xxxiii, xxxv;
literary and artistic society, xxxiv–v;
Naples, xxxii–vi, cxviii, 827
family background, lxxxiii
holy orders, xlix
illness and death, lv
literary life: lecturae Dantis, lv;
library, lii ‘Neapolitan’ works, xxxv;
return to Florence, xxxvii–viii;
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