"Aw, shut your big Venusian mouth!"
As Roger's voice roared over the intercom loud-speaker of the speedyrocket scout, down on the power deck Astro's face turned red.
"Manning," he growled into the intercom microphone, "if I didn't needyou to get me back to Mother Earth, I'd come up there and take youapart!"
For four days the two cadets had been aboard the rocket scout, circlingin an orbit between Mars and Earth, conducting equipment tests for DaveBarret. They had become bored with the routine work and spent most oftheir time needling each other, but as Roger said, at least they were inspace.
"O.K., let's knock off the space gas!" called Roger over the intercom."It's time to run another test. Want to come up topside and take ahand?"
"Be right there, Roger!" said Astro. He set the power-deck controls onautomatic, and then, with a quick look around to make sure everythingwas shipshape, he climbed the ladder to the control deck.
Roger was standing at the chart table, audiophones on his ears,listening for the automatic astral chronometer time-check broadcast on asuprahigh-frequency audio channel from the giant electronic clock in theTower of Galileo. All spaceship chronometers were checked against thishuge clock regularly, in order to maintain constant uniform time sonecessary for the delicate art of astrogation between celestial bodies.
Astro started to speak to the blond-haired cadet, but Roger waved himoff, listening for the signal. Suddenly he looked up at their ownchronometer above the control board and took off the audiophones,smiling his satisfaction.
"Right on the split second, Astro," he said.
"O.K.," replied the big Venusian. "Then let's run that test and get itover with."
"Right," said Roger, turning back to the control panel. "Do you want togo outside this time?"
"I might as well," replied Astro. "Give me a change of scenery."
The big Venusian turned to a locker, pulled out a bulky space suit, andclimbed into it quickly. Adjusting the space helmet, he nodded at Rogerand stepped into the air-lock chamber, pulling the hatch closed behindhim. While waiting for the oxygen in the small chamber to be pumped backinto the ship and the pressure to be equalized with the vacuum of spaceoutside, he checked his helmet intercom to insure a clear line ofcommunication with Roger.
The red hand closed on the _zero_ of the gauge over the door and Astromoved to the outer hatch. He unlocked it, swung the door open, andslowly climbed out into the fantastic beauty of endless space. Nosooner was he outside than the synthetic gravity generators lost theirpull on his body and he started into space. Tightly grasping two metalhandles in the hull, the big cadet performed a quick somersault andplanted his feet firmly on the hull. His magnetic-soled space boots heldhim fast and he called Roger over his helmet intercom.
"I'm outside, Roger," he reported. "On my way down to the exhaust."
"Right," came Roger's voice over the intercom. "Let me know when you'reready."
Without replying, Astro made his way slowly and carefully down thelength of the rocket scout toward the main drive rocket assembly.Stopping at the trailing edge of the hull, where it enclosed the fourrockets, the big Venusian squatted on his heels, making certain thesoles of his space boots stayed in contact with the metal of the hull.He peered over the edge and braced himself in a position where he couldobserve the individual rocket exhausts.
"O.K., Roger!" he called into his intercom. "Open up number one."
"Number one, aye," replied Roger. "And watch yourself, you big baboon.Don't burn your nose!"
"Go ahead, go ahead!" growled Astro in reply.
A long tongue of flame shot out of the exhaust of the number one tubeand, after drawing back momentarily, Astro watched the tube keenly.
"You know," he commented idly as he kept his eyes fixed on the tube, "Istill can't figure out what's so different about these tubes. They'reexactly the same as any others I've ever seen."
"That's how much you know, Astro," snorted Roger. "Dave Barret said theywere using a new duralumin alloy in the tubes."
"Still doesn't look any different to me," persisted Astro. "And for usto spend four whole days out here testing them"--he paused and shook hishead--"seems like an awful waste of time," he concluded.
"What do you care? We're out in space, aren't we? Or would you rather beback on guard duty?"
"No, of course not," replied Astro. "But even space gets dull after awhile with nothing to do. Barret sure gave us an old crate. Not even along-range receiver aboard."
"What do you want to listen to?" snorted Roger. "Flight orders and allthe rest of that rocket wash?"
"Be a relief to listen to somebody else beside you for a change,"snapped Astro. "Anyhow, suppose something important happened. Supposeour orders were changed. How would we know about it?"
"What difference does it make?" replied Roger. "We've got ourorders--straight from Barret. As long as we follow them, we won't getinto trouble."
"For a change," murmured Astro.
"Now cut the griping and finish up out there!"
"O.K.," sighed Astro. "That's enough on number one. Give me number two."
The ship bucked slightly as one rocket tube was cut out and anotherflared at full power, but Astro clung to the hull tightly, continuinghis observations. With troubled eyes he watched all four rocket tubes inoperation, unable to understand the difference between these tubes andthe standard makes. Finally he shrugged his shoulders, and rising to hisfeet, called Roger again.
"That's enough, pal," he said. "I'm coming in."
"O.K.," replied Roger from the control deck. "And don't fall all overyour big feet."
In five minutes the Venusian cadet was inside the air lock again, and asthe pressure was boosted to equalize with the interior of the ship, heremoved his space suit and helmet. He opened the inner hatch and steppedinto the control deck to see Roger staring at the teleceiver inopenmouthed astonishment. A harsh voice was coming over theloud-speaker.
"... Order you to cut all power and stand by for a boarding party, orI'll open fire immediately!"
With an exclamation of startled surprise, Astro rushed to the teleceiverscreen and saw a man in the uniform of the Solar Guard, his face grimand purposeful. Just as Astro was about to speak, the officer spokeagain.
"Did you hear me? This is Captain Newton aboard the cruiser _Regulus_! Iorder you to cut all power and stand by or I'll open fire! Acknowledge!"
"Roger," gasped Astro, "what's this all about?"
"I--I don't know," stammered the blond-haired cadet. He grabbed theteleceiver microphone and called into it rapidly.
"Rocket scout 4J9 to _Regulus_. This is Space Cadet Roger Manning. Theremust be some mistake, sir. Cadet Astro and I are out here on specialassignment for the Space Projectile project."
"I know who you are!" shouted Newton. "If you don't stand by, I'll openfire! This is your last warning!"
Astro grabbed the mike from Roger's hand.
"All right!" he bellowed. "We don't know what it's all about, but forthe love of Saturn's rings, don't start shooting."
Captain Newton nodded grimly. "Very well," he said. "Bring your ship toa dead stop in space and open your starboard air lock. I will send ajet boat over to you."
"Aye, aye, sir," said Astro.
When the Solar Guard captain signed off and his image faded from theteleceiver screen, Astro and Roger numbly complied with Newton's abruptorders, bringing the ship to a dead stop in space and opening thestarboard air lock. Then the two cadets sat in the main deck of thesmall scout and waited, their faces showing their concern. Neither feltlike talking. They were so confused that they didn't know what to say.Finally Roger got up and in a daze walked to the chart table to note thetime of the tests in the log. Then he automatically logged the time ofNewton's order.
Suddenly he threw the pencil down and turned to Astro.
"Blast it!" he shouted. "What's this all about?"
Astro merely grunted, shrugged his shoulders, and slumped furt
her downin his chair. The big cadet was worried. Anything that threatened hiscareer at the Space Academy made him literally tremble with fear. In hiswhole life there was never anything that he wanted more than to be anofficer in the Solar Guard. And the only way that could be accomplishedwas by being a Space Cadet. Now he was under arrest. He didn't stop toreason why. All he knew was that it was a direct threat to his future asa power-deck officer in the Solar Guard.
The two boys felt the metallic thump of something hitting the hull oftheir rocket scout. They realized immediately that it was the sound ofthe jet boat coupling on their ship and they turned to face theair-lock hatch.
Captain Newton was the first to step through the air-lock hatch and hewas followed by six Space Marines, holding their ray guns leveled.
"I am Captain Newton of the Solar Guard, in command of the rocketcruiser _Regulus_," he announced. "I arrest you in the name of the SolarAlliance." The officer handed over the standard warrant that was used bythe Solar Guard.
Roger read it slowly. It was a simple warrant for their arrest, on thegrounds of desertion, taking a Solar Guard vessel without permission,and being absent without leave from Space Academy. Stunned, the cadethanded it to Astro who had been reading it over his shoulder, his facewhite with shock.
"And I warn you, Cadet Manning," continued Newton, "that anything yousay from now on may be used against you."
"I understand, sir," said Roger, dazed.
"Then do I have your word," said Newton, "on your honor as Space Cadets,that you will not make any attempt to escape or in any way jeopardize myauthority over you?"
"Yes, sir," nodded Roger.
"On my honor, sir," said Astro, gulping, "as a Space Cadet."
"All right," said Newton. "Then I'll let you take the scout back to theAcademy yourselves. I'll escort you in the _Regulus_."
He turned to the squad of Space Marines and nodded. They filed into theair lock and Newton followed slowly. He paused in the hatch and lookedback at the two cadets, a momentary gleam of sympathy in his eyes.
"You'd better be prepared for a rough time, boys," he said. "MajorConnel is going to haul you in front of a court-martial as soon as youland."
"But what've we done?" Astro suddenly exploded.
"The charges are listed in the warrant, Cadet Astro!"
"But that's all wrong!" protested Astro. "We were ordered to--"
"Hold it, Astro," Roger interrupted. "Let's stop and figure this outfirst. We can tell our side at the court-martial!"
Captain Newton looked at the two boys piercingly for a second, thenturned and entered the air lock, slamming the hatch closed behind him.Slowly and thoughtfully, Astro and Roger prepared to get their shipunder way. They were still stunned by the sudden turn of events.
They had no idea what had happened. But they knew Dave Barret was at theheart of their troubles. They vowed silently that he wouldn't get awaywith it!
* * * * *
This time it was not a cadet court that Roger and Astro faced. It was afive-man board of Solar Guard officers, consisting of four captains andone major, who conducted the court-martial in closed session. Only thedefendants and the complaining witnesses were allowed to be present. Theevidence the board heard was as damaging to the boys as it wasbewildering. Major Connel testified to their being absent without leaveand taking a Solar Guard space vessel without permission. Firehouse TimRush stated that they had deserted their stations. When Roger was calledto the stand, he entered the only defense he could, stating that he andAstro had been operating under Dave Barret's orders. The boardimmediately called Barret in to testify and his words blasted thecadets' case to smithereens.
"... I have no idea what they were doing out in that rocket scout," hestated calmly. "I certainly didn't send them up on any such ridiculoustests. If you will examine the exhaust tubes of that ship, you'll seethat they're made of standard materials used in all Solar Guard ships."He turned to the board, casually. "No, gentlemen," he continued, "Idon't know what these boys are talking about. You can call ProfessorHemmingwell in, if you like. I'm sure he'll vouch for what I've said."
As Barret stepped down from the stand, Astro lunged toward him, blindwith anger and shouting his fury. It took six Space Marines to force himback to his chair. Roger merely sat, staring blankly into space, a wrysmile curling his lips. He clearly saw the trap into which he and hisunit mate had fallen, and there was no way out.
The board didn't deliberate very long after the last testimony wastaken. When they returned to the chamber, the presiding officeraddressed Roger and Astro directly, asking formally whether they hadanything to say before sentence was passed. Roger stepped forward.
"I have something to say, sir," he said in a quiet but firm voice.
"Very well," nodded the major.
"Sir," began Roger, with a glance at Astro, "this is not a plea formercy but understanding. We are, it is true, nothing but boys intraining to become officers of the Solar Guard. One of the mostimportant parts of our training is how to take orders without question.Now at this trial, we have been accused of three specific instances ofmisconduct. We can offer no other defense than what we have alreadyclaimed. Major Connel and Warrant Officer Rush have stated that weshould have cleared Barret's orders with them first, since Barret isonly a civilian and has no right to give us orders. That may very wellbe true. But I submit this for your consideration, gentlemen--" Rogerpaused and looked up and down the line of stony-faced officers. "Whatwould have been your judgment," he resumed, "if Dave Barret had asked usto do these things and we had refused? Would you have been less hard onus? That's all, sir."
Roger stepped back abruptly and the officers stirred uncomfortably. Theyrecognized the merit in Roger's statement, and had not the decision beenmade, there was more than one who might have reconsidered, rememberingtheir own difficulties as Space Cadets. However, the presiding officerpicked up a sheet of paper and addressed the boys coldly.
"While I must compliment Cadet Manning for his admirable statement," hesaid, "it does not change the decision of this board. Normally, theseoffenses would be punished by immediate dismissal from the Cadet Corps.However, in view of their past record at the Academy, it is the decisionof this board to exercise some lenience. Cadet Roger Manning, CadetAstro, you are sentenced to serve on the enlisted man's work gangs hereat Space Academy for a period of exactly six months. All pay andprivileges to be denied during that time. Case is closed!"
Sabotage in Space Page 12