Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance

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Pretend Princess With Benefits: A Royal Fake Marriage Romance Page 17

by Lara Swann

  She’s lying on her stomach, with beautiful tanned skin exposed and lined by only the straps of a bikini. My eyes immediately drop to the hot curves of her ass, barely covered by the skimpy bikini and making me think all sorts of wicked, salacious things.

  My god. But she is beautiful.

  Her hair is down, too, the curves ripping over her back as she looks down at whatever is right in front of her - a book, I think.

  I glance over at Nicolas again, who has turned with his back to the wall now, as if to avoid seeing such things. Sometimes, I can’t understand my brother in the slightest. What warm-blooded man would see something like that and want to look away? How does it not affect him in the slightest?

  I can already feel my cock stirring in response, and I shift a little to make it less obvious. I suddenly regret coming up here instead of going to find her immediately, because…my god.

  “Derek.” Nicolas repeats, and I blink at him. I have no idea what he just said, so I latch onto what I do remember.

  “It’s not in full view of the castle.” I point out. “She’s behind those rocks - we can only see because we’re up here.”

  “We can still see.” He shakes his head.

  I decide not to ask why the hell that’s a bad thing - there are some things Nicolas and I just can’t talk about. A lot of things, actually. My eyes wander over the sweet, soft curves of her body and I regret not trying to find her earlier.

  I glance back at my brother, then smile suddenly.

  “You know, I think you’re right.” I say, and that’s enough to draw his gaze. “I should go and talk to her about this.”

  His eyes narrow, but I head for the door before he can say anything, glancing back over my shoulder.

  “If anyone asks where I am, just tell them that.”

  And with a grin, I leave him there to try awkwardly not to look at the hottest girl I’ve ever seen, with a little bit more exposed skin than most Aldoran girls would go for.

  * * *

  It doesn’t take me long to get down to the beach, and then I make my way along the rocks that she obviously passed, smiling as I go. Getting a little time to myself at the top of the castle was nice enough, but I’m starting to think this was the break I wanted.

  I see her as soon as I emerge around them, still lying in the same position, reading as if she has no idea what she does to a guy simply by being there. Closer now, I can see her properly, and pick out all the things I couldn’t from the castle ramparts - the supple movement of her legs as she kicks them idly in the sand, the little dimples on her lower back…and that soft, round ass that’s just made for touching and grinding against.

  My half-hard cock stirs again, and I grin as I approach - hoping that she hasn’t forgotten that kiss, or started regretting those brief moments on the top of the castle. Seeing her again feels long overdue.

  “Hey.” I call out, and she looks up as I make my way across in the sand. I’d kicked off my shoes and socks when I reached the beach, so the sand slips between my toes as I walk, and I’d forgotten how good this feels. I haven’t been down to these beaches for a while.

  I’m sure I’m grinning like an idiot, but I don’t care. I’m surprised how happy I am to see her again.

  “I came to tell you that you’re breaching all our customs of modesty and decency - lying out on the beach like that and looking hot enough to tempt even the purest man…you’re going to cause a scandal, girl.”

  She flushes and for a moment she seems to take me seriously - her eyes widening as she looks around.

  “I didn’t think anyone could see me here.” She insists. “I’ve been wearing very different clothes inside the castle, I swear—”

  I laugh, shaking my head.

  “Mostly, they can’t.” I agree, then turn and point up to the castle ramparts. I can’t see Nicolas from here, but then it’s much easier to see out than in. “Except for that spot we were the other day - the ramparts at the top of the castle.”

  “Oh…” She says, looking in the direction I’m pointing, even though she has to squint against the sun. “So…it was just you who saw me, then.”

  She doesn’t seem to mind the idea of that as much at all.

  “Yeah.” She seems to relax, until I shrug and add. “And Nicolas.”

  “What?” She groans. “Oh, god.”

  I laugh again. “Don’t worry, I told him I would come down and do something about it.”

  “Right.” She says, nodding. “Well, thanks for the warning. I guess this part of the beach isn’t quite as private as I thought.”

  She gets up, brushing herself off and looking like she’s about to fold up her towel. I walk forward before she can, and spin her into my arms. She lets out a gust of breath, looking up at me with wide eyes - and then I can’t help it anymore. I kiss her again.

  The way I’ve been thinking of since that moment on top of the ramparts. The way that’s been playing on my mind, and unable to let me go.

  Deep. Intent. Passionate.

  Like I need to feel her against me, and I’m not going to be denied.

  Within moments, she’s kissing me back - her arms going around my neck as she presses her body into me. My hands are on her hips, and I can feel the warm, soft skin there as I play with the straps of that skimpy bikini. It’s driving me crazy that she’s wearing almost nothing, and I can feel her breasts pressing up against me as our tongues lock and my fingers splay over that perfect, perfect ass.

  I deepen the kiss, my tongue tangling with hers as I explore every part of her wet mouth, wanting to be inside her with an intensity I can’t remember feeling before. This girl is consuming me.

  When we finally part, just a little, she looks up at me with wide eyes and breathes deeply.

  “Fuck.” She mutters, and I chuckle.

  “That’s what I wanted to do about it.” I murmur, biting at her lower lip.

  She moans and melts against me for a brief moment - and then she’s stepping back, shaking her head.

  “You came down to make me cause a scandal, Derek.” She says lightly, her eyes sparking with lust and amusement.

  That’s enough to tell me that she’s been thinking about that kiss too. And my mouth curves up.

  “Scandal never quite bothered me.” I say lightly, my gaze hot on hers. “Don’t you think it would be worth it, hmm - wouldn’t you risk it…for me?”

  “I think that’s what you asked me to do the first day I arrived.” She grins back at me. “And we all know how that turned out. I’ve learned better, now.”

  And unbelievably, she goes back to folding up the towel, grabbing her book as she does, before turning to walk off - not back towards the castle, but in the opposite direction, further along the beach.

  “Hey! Where are you going?”

  You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  I’m standing here with the largest boner, frustrated after days of wanting exactly this…and she’s leaving?!

  “To find someplace more private.” She calls, then glances over her shoulder with a hot, smoldering look in her eyes and a very naughty smile as her voice drops. “Do you want to come with me?”

  Oh fuck.

  If I thought my boner was impressive before…

  Heat floods through me and I start after her immediately, fueled by lust and need and the sort of primal intensity that I didn’t even know I possessed.

  I’d catch up, but at the moment my eyes are fixed on the swing of her ass in front of me and I’m not sure I’d give up that view for anything. It’s almost as if—

  I glance up, and from the way she’s glancing behind her, lips curved and eyes hot - she is doing it deliberately. The fucking tease. I walk a little faster, put my hand on her lower back and let my fingers drift down to that soft, round globe.

  “When we get wherever we’re going.” I practically growl in her ear. “You’re going to get what you’re asking for there, girl.”

  Her eyes dilate as she looks up at me, and t
he way she bites her lip makes me want to throw her against the ground and take her right here.

  “I fucking hope so.” She murmurs, and my blood heats again.

  My fingers squeeze and she gasps, just a little, and we both walk a little quicker.

  I glance behind me, just about able to make out the castle ramparts, and hope my brother isn’t watching. Though I imagine he would have disappeared the moment he saw that kiss, if he was even still there…

  Hanna leads us down behind another set of rocks, into a sheltered alcove of beach that leads back to a small cave that water splashes in and out of. I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “You’ve been exploring.”

  “Well, I had a little time to myself. You know, while you were busy ignoring me all week.”

  “I was trapped in the most boring fucking meetings, thinking of nothing but your legs around me the whole damn time.” I growl, and feel her shiver under me.

  “Okay.” She breathes, turning to look up at me as I realize that the castle can’t see us at all anymore. “Forgiven.”

  I grin, then bring her lips up to mine again, and breathe in the unbelievable scent of her. Salt and sand and sun, with the sweetest undertone to it. I bite at her lip and then push my tongue in again, claiming her mouth with both hands on her chin. She pushes into me, her body eagerly wanting more and her arms coming around me.

  My hands move slowly round to cup her whole head, fingers sliding through her thick, silky hair as I kiss her. I don’t quite dare move them down, or let myself start touching her. The curve of her breasts are just there, almost entirely on display in her skin-tight bikini, and her tight stomach below them already quivering with anticipation.


  “If I start touching you, I’m not going to be able to stop.” I murmur to her, as her hands cup my ass and pull me closer and I know she wants more.

  “Touch me.” She says immediately. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  I pull back, meeting her eyes. I want her, more than I can believe, but…it’s not like we’ve known each other for that long. And we only had that one kiss…

  For some reason, I want to feel like I’m doing this properly.

  “Hanna…” I murmur, the question in my eyes.

  “I want this, Derek. I want you.” Her eyes light and she gives that sweetly-naughty smile she’s so good at. “I’ve been thinking about those benefits you promised me all week - and I think it’s time to pay up, Mr. Prince.”

  That’s all it takes. I groan, and pull her into me - my hands roaming down her back, cupping her ass how I’ve wanted to all damn week and squeezing hard. She shudders in my grip, her mouth seeking mine again to kiss hard and deep and intense.

  Passion and desire is raging in me now, and I’m not sure how well I can control the lust as she looks at me like that and urges me on. Her legs swing up and around my hips and then suddenly I’m holding her up, one hand on her back and the other caressing her neck, her collarbone, and then finally down to those beautiful breasts right in front of me.

  I fiddle with the bow at the back, and the barely-there bikini comes away moments later, letting me plunge my face into her warm, inviting tits. I kiss and nibble and suckle as she writhes on top of me, moaning and repeating my name. It feels so fucking good, and she’s wriggling with her pussy practically on top of my trapped hard, aching cock.

  “You…are the naughtiest Princess I’ve ever known.” I growl at her, nipping her breast hard.

  She bucks against me and moans again.

  “I told you…I wasn’t…a Princess.”

  I laugh, inexplicably happy, even through all the desperate desire for her.

  “You drive me fucking crazy, girl.” I raise my hand to her neck, pulling her head down for another deep kiss as my other hand squeezes her ass.

  I walk forward, until my hazy, distracted brain realizes I’m not going to find a wall to press her up against on this beach, however much I might want to. Instead, I finally pull back from her and look around for that towel. It takes until I start picking it up and trying to shake it out, one-handed with Hanna still wrapped around my waist, that she looks at me in disbelief.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Well.” I say, finally managing to get it spread out sort of okay one-handed. “If I’m going to fuck you as hard as I want to, better not let you get friction burn against the against the sand.”

  She shudders at the mention of hard as I want to, and by the time I’m laying her down against it, cupping her hands and holding them above her head as I lean forward and kiss her hard, she finally murmurs.

  “Can’t believe…you thought about that…”

  I grin. “I try to take good care about these things.”

  With that in mind, I ease her glasses off her face, too - just in case. She doesn’t even object as I fold them up and toss them back towards where she dropped her book, and that if anything tells me just how far gone she is.

  She wriggles where I’ve got her pinned, and as I see her looking at me through lidded eyes I could swear it’s deliberate - just to make her breasts dance before me, her lithe body squirming and displayed beautifully.

  “Fuck, Hanna…”

  I run a finger down her side, feeling her skin quiver in response, and then lay my palm on her stomach. She’s breathing quick and fast, and I swear this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I let my hand drift lower, until I’m pressing my palm against her bikini bottom and she’s writhing against me even more.

  I can’t help myself. I slip a finger underneath and along the hot, wet lips of her pussy. She’s fucking soaking.

  I lift it back out again as she moans, her hips thrusting upwards in protest, then meet her eyes as I suck it into my mouth and grin.

  Oh fuck. She tastes incredible too.

  “Derek…” She says, frustration and need obvious in her voice. “You’re wearing far too many damn clothes.”

  I chuckle again, grinning at her as I see the eager, writhing beauty below me. Her breasts rise and fall with every quick breast, and I want to bury my face in them, feeling like I’m never going to be able to get enough.

  It’s hot as fuck to be drawing this out, to watch her as I tease and play a little…but it’s also driving me crazy too. My cock is hard as a rod, tight and uncomfortable against my pants as my eyes wander over her body. I lean down and kiss her again, stifling her objections until I can't take it any more and I need what she's offering. I need to feel her against me, under me...everything.

  I let her go and start undoing the buttons on my shirt - getting impatient only moments later and pulling it over my head instead. Hanna leans forward as soon as I let her arms free, reaching for my belt - and having her hands that close to my cock makes me groan again.

  "I've been thinking about what would have happened if we hadn't been interrupted, on the castle ramparts." I tell her as she finally works my belt loose and I pull it off.

  "Do you think it would have been something like this?" She asks, leaning back on her elbows as I stand to pull my pants off. Her eyes are teasing me and I want to taste that hot mouth of hers all over again.

  "I think it might have involved that wall." I say instead, and heat floods into her eyes.

  "I was hoping exactly that." She says, voice husky and low. "We'll have to go back there sometime."

  I laugh at that, coming to kneel back down in front of her and leaning forward until she collapses softly back onto the sand beneath us.

  "You really do want to cause a scandal." I murmur, nibbling at her neck and running my tongue down towards her collarbone.

  She gasps and arches up against me, her hands clutching my shoulders and then running down over my bare skin. As she feels the tight muscles of my chest, I groan at how good it is - her touch, that skin-on-skin contact.

  “Your body…fucking incredible.” She murmurs, and heat goes straight to my cock.

  Hanna is dirty as fuck, and I never would have guess
ed from our classes together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone respond like this before, but she’s moving with me, eyes lit with the same fierce need that’s pounding through my body.

  Part of me thinks I should be taking this slow, drawing it out - seducing her slowly. But neither of us want that. What I need is to have her under me, our bodies moving together with the kind of passion that’s been sparking between us since she first came to Aldora.

  I hold her breasts as I kiss her, shifting into position between her legs as my fingers stroke over her nipples and I feel her body surge beneath me. So fucking hot. Unbelievable.

  I reach down, and untie the two bows at either side of her hips, tugging the bikini bottoms off and looking at her. She can’t stop touching me - my back, my chest, my stomach, my ass - and I feel exactly the same way. I’m rock hard for her, and I need to feel it all. I need to be inside her.

  “God damn it, Derek.” She murmurs against me, as I start grinding my hard cock against her pussy. Not entering, just teasing with the weight and size of it. It drives me fucking insane to do it - to feel her heat and wetness beneath me - but the way her eyes flutter back in her head makes it worth the slow torment. “I want you. I’ve been thinking about this all fucking week.”

  I groan at that, my head dropping to tease and suck at her breasts, my hands running down to cup her ass and bring her up against me. Her hair falls in waves down her back, getting in the way between us and whipping around a little in the soft breeze - but I love the feel of it against my skin, the slight scent of it, too. A little salty, a little wild, but all Hanna.

  “I’ve been thinking about you.” I murmur. “Hot and wet and ready for me. Your tight pussy clenched around my cock as I fuck you hard and deep.”

  She shudders beneath me, and even as her breath starts coming as a soft gasp, she reaches down between us. The moment her hand closes around my cock I think I might explode from pure bliss. It’s soft and small and so perfect as her fingers stroke me ever so slightly. I groan, and bite down at her warm skin, a little harder than before but it only makes her moan against me. Then she moves my cock into position against her, spreading her legs and sending hot desire rising through me again.


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