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Bagehot Page 36

by James Grant

  roles of, 32, 123, 174, 271

  runs on, xvii, xxii, xxviii-xix, xxx, 29–30, 275, 278

  savings accounts in, 137

  shareholders of private banks, xix, xxii-xxiii, 26, 169, 268, 293–94

  socialized financial risk, 123

  systemic risks in, 281

  as too big to fail, xviii, 123, 138, 167

  and unlimited liability, 141

  see also specific banks

  Baring, Sir Francis, 166

  Baring Brothers & Co., 166, 289

  Barker, Henry John, 144, 146

  Barrington, Emilie Wilson, 12, 97, 105, 108, 239, 277, 291

  Bass, Michael, 235

  Batterson, James Goodwin, 292

  Baumann, Arthur Anthony, 227, 232

  The Last Victorians, 223n

  Beecher, Henry Ward, 127n

  Bentham, Jeremy, 182

  Beresford Hope, A. J. B., 133n

  Bernanke, Ben S., The Courage to Act, xiv

  Beveridge, Dr. (phrenologist), 86, 87–89, 93, 105

  Beverley Commission, 218

  “bezzle,” coining of term, 277

  Birkbeck, Robert, 149

  Bismarck, Otto von, 204

  Black Friday (1866), 160–62, 165, 168, 173, 178, 179–80, 224, 237, 274, 275

  Blackstone, William, 34, 35

  Blakenham, Viscount, 294

  Board of Trade, 25–26

  Bolívar, Simón, xxvi

  Bolivia, investments in, 253, 258

  boom and bust cycles:

  Bagehot (Lombard Street) on, 276–77

  and Bank of England, see Bank of England

  and bubbles, xxvii, 28, 125n, 221, 248, 253, 265

  and dividend yields, 55

  and “foreign influence,” 75, 80, 141

  and interest rates, 47, 48, 49, 69, 80, 177

  interplay of money and credit as source of, xviii, xxi-xxii, 47, 80, 176–77, 266–67, 272–74

  and Overend Gurney failure, see Overend, Gurney & Co.

  Overstone’s analysis of, 72–73, 95

  panics, 67–69, 76–78, 92–93; see also specific panics

  postwar cycles, xxiii-xxiv, xxvi

  and railroad mania, 27–29, 165, 265

  Borough Bank, Liverpool, 75

  Bowring, Sir John, 49n

  Brazil, investments in, xxvi

  Bribery Act (1726), 209


  and Bagehot’s election bid, 205, 208–15, 216–17, 219, 230n, 233

  and Bagehot’s writing, 188

  Bridgwater & Taunton Canal Company, 37n

  Bright, John:

  on “Clubland,” 234

  and Corn Laws, 31, 181

  and free trade, 49, 96, 181, 186, 206

  and Liberal Party, 186

  and Peel, 31

  and U.S. Civil War, 181

  and voting franchise, 191, 193–94, 199–200, 207

  Bristol & Exeter Railway, 37n

  Bristol College, Walter as student in, 9–13

  Bristol riots (1832), 9–10


  class distinctions in, 96, 131, 183, 190–91, 195, 199, 201, 208

  class struggle in, 20

  commerce in, 273

  Constitution of, 167, 184–92, 201, 224, 226

  efficient and theatrical forms of government in, 188–89

  exchequer bills of, 289

  executive and legislative branches of, 188–90

  government bonds of, 247

  money in, 272; see also money

  national debt of, xx

  royalty in, 189, 201

  suffrage in, see voting franchise

  Treasury bills, 289–90

  and U.S. Civil War, 120, 125–36

  wars with France, xvii, xix, xx, 47

  British East India Company, 68, 107, 182

  British Foreign Office, xvi

  British Treasury, bonds issued by, xxvi, xxix, 141

  Brooks’s Club, 234–35, 238

  Brougham, Henry, 15, 61

  Browning, Robert, 228

  Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 47–48, 101

  Bryce, James, 236

  Buchan, Alastair, 16

  Buchanan, James, 80

  Buenos Aires, investments in, xxvi

  bull and bear markets, 27n, 142, 158, 176, 280

  Bullion Committee, xx

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, Zanoni, 88

  Burkean conservatism, 185

  Burke, Edmund, 19

  Butler, Bishop, 90

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 222

  Cairnes, John Elliott, 127, 154

  Caledonian Mercury, 135–36

  California, gold strikes in, 47, 48, 97

  Campbell, Thomas, 15

  Canning, Lord Charles, xxvi, 109


  sources of, 47

  visible, 52

  Carlyle, Thomas, 244

  Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of, 102, 236

  Carnarvon, Lady, 236

  cash, use of term, 274n

  Castle Bank, Bristol, xxviii, xix, xxx-xxxi

  central banks:

  and limited liability, 142

  liquidity prized by, xxvn, 143

  and money, 264

  roles of, xiv-xv, xvi, 32, 33, 80, 123, 164, 178, 278, 293

  see also Bank of England

  Chadwick, Edwin, 231

  Chancellor, Edward, 29

  Chapman, David Barclay, 145

  Chapman, D. W., 145–46, 147, 149, 155

  Charles I, king of England, 1

  Chatham, Lady, 6

  Chemical Bank, New York, 75n

  Chevalier, Michel, On the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold, 97

  Chile, investments in, xxvi

  Church of England, 8, 9, 119, 226

  forced tithing to, 96

  City of Glasgow Bank, 77, 278, 293

  Clarendon, Lord, 241n

  Clarke, Samuel, 15

  Clyde, Lord, 109

  Cobden, Richard, 31, 49

  Coleridge, Hartley, 90

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 4

  Colombia, investments in, xxvi

  Communist Manifesto (Marx), 70n

  Companies Act (1867), 139

  Confederate States of America, 127–29, 130, 132–35, 141, 183, 202

  Corn Laws:

  and British economy, 49, 96

  opposition to, 11, 18–19, 20, 22, 31, 62–63, 99, 173, 222, 235

  repeal of (1846), 118, 180, 181, 200

  support of, 31

  Corporation of Foreign Bondholders, 257–58

  Corrupt Practices Act (1854), 210

  Corry, Montagu, 260

  Costa Rica, investment in, 247, 253


  U.K. imports of, 49, 132, 134

  and U.S. Civil War, 129, 130, 132–34, 141, 202

  Courage to Act, The (Bernanke), xiv

  Courtney of Penwith, Lord, 100n

  Cranborne, Viscount, later Lord Salisbury, 165n


  across international boundaries, xxi-xxii, xxvi-xxviii, 30, 80

  availability of, 272–73

  Bagehot’s writings on, 66–67, 92, 269

  Bank of England as lender of last resort, xiv, 167–70, 171, 174–75, 186, 266, 267, 268, 278, 279, 280

  and bankruptcies, 176

  and Black Friday, 160, 168

  commercial lending, xxv, 172–73

  and currency, xv, xxiii-xxiv

  cycles of, 269, 272, 274, 280

  and “finance” companies, 143–53

  on inadequate security, xxiii, xxviiin, xxx, 28, 67, 80, 145–46, 159, 273

  intermediation of, 79

  and monetary foundation, xviii, xxx, 273

  mortgage collateral, xxv-xxvi, xxviiin

  and Panic of 1857, 77, 78n

  as promise to pay money, xviii, 176, 264, 269, 273

  as superstition, 92

  as wild card, 71

  Crédit Foncier, France,
143, 157, 261

  Crédit Foncier and Mobilier of England, 144

  Crédit Mobilier, France, 89, 143, 157

  Crimean War, 56, 181, 258

  Crisis of 1866, The (Fowler), 173

  Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of, 262

  Cromwell, Oliver, 1

  Crystal Palace, London, Great Exhibition (1851), 38

  Culwick, Hannah, 190–91n

  Cunliffe, Walter, 278

  Daily Telegraph, 238

  Darwin, Charles, 230, 240, 273

  Dattel, Eugene R., 130n

  Davies, Emily, 228, 229

  Davis, Jefferson, 128, 181

  Delacroix, Eugène, 38

  Delane, John Thadeus, 133n, 238–39

  De Morgan, Augustus, 16–18, 46

  Derby, Edward Stanley, Lord, 95, 222–23, 224, 229–30, 231, 260

  Dicey, A. V., 192

  Dickens, Charles, 6, 102

  Hard Times, 48n

  Disraeli, Benjamin, xxvii, 174, 194, 203

  Bagehot’s dislike of, 220–29, 232, 238

  baptism of, 220

  as chancellor of the exchequor, 222–23, 229–30

  Coningsby, 44n

  personal traits of, 225

  and reform legislation, 184, 224, 227–28, 229

  reputation of, 221

  speculative investments of, 221–22

  speeches of, 78, 201, 222, 223, 226–27

  and Suez Canal Company, 260–62

  Sybil, or The Two Nations, 222

  Vivian Grey, 221

  Disraeli, Isaac, 220

  D’Israeli, James, 194

  Disraeli, Mary Anne Lewis, 222n, 225

  Dobree, Bonamy, 148

  Dollinger, Ignaz von, 118


  Bagehot as editor of, xiv, 107, 109, 113–14, 120, 122, 124–25, 132, 205, 230, 266, 283, 285, 286

  Bagehot’s writings in, xv-xvi, 66, 79, 88, 89, 90, 113, 170–72, 177, 179–80, 204, 208, 228–29, 234, 286

  books published by, 31–33

  circulation of, 286n

  competition of, 284, 285

  on Disraeli, 223–25, 232

  on education for women, 228

  on election bribery, 210–11, 213, 219

  expansion of, 99–101, 284, 285

  financial condition of, 284–86

  on foreign investment, 248–59, 261–62

  founding of, 22

  on free trade, 49

  on French politics, 45

  and Gladstone, 116–18, 122

  on government’s roles, 33

  on Great Exhibition (1851), 38

  Hutton as editor of, 100, 101, 107, 114, 124, 132

  incorruptibility of, xvi, 249n, 283

  on international economies, 68

  and Investors Monthly Manual, 285

  left in trust to Wilson family, 283

  on limited liability, 139

  on neutrality, 238

  Norman’s contributions to, 263–66

  and Overend Gurney, 153–62

  and Panic of 1857, 69, 75, 76n

  Peel’s Act opposed by, 31, 32, 122, 142–43, 162, 170

  on railroad speculators, 29, 31n

  supporting statistics pioneered by, 101, 281–82

  and U.S. Civil War, 124, 128, 130, 131–34, 135

  Wilson as founder of, 22, 29

  Edinburgh Review, 61, 63, 70, 90, 120, 142

  Edwards, Edward Watkin, 146–51

  Edwards, Ruth Dudley, 127


  European control of finances of, 261–62

  investments in, 248–49, 254–57, 258

  Suez Canal Company, 259–62

  Egyptian Trading Company, 142

  Egypt Under Ismail (McCoan), 257, 258–59

  Eldon, Lord, 61

  elections, see voting franchise

  Eliot, George, 184, 185n, 236, 237

  Elizabeth I, queen of England, 1

  Elizabeth, Princess Palatine of Bavaria, 202

  Emancipation Proclamation, U.S., 129–32

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 117n

  Emile Erlanger & Co., 132

  Encyclopedia Britannica, 89

  Engels, Friedrich, 222n

  English and Foreign Credit Company, 142

  English Constitution, The (Bagehot), 185, 186–94, 230, 234

  Estimates of Some Englishmen and Scotchmen (Bagehot), 90–91

  Estlin, John Bishop, 4

  Estlin, John Prior, 4

  Estlin, Stuckey, 13

  Examiner, 21, 90, 291

  Federal Reserve Bank, roles of, xiv

  Financial News, 282

  Financial Times, 294

  Finlason, W. F., 145

  Fortesque, Albany, 21

  Fortnightly; Fortnightly Review, 116, 184, 185, 186, 234, 240, 287

  Fowler, William, The Crisis of 1866, 173


  bimetallism in, 86

  bons de Tresor in, 289

  coup d’état in, 40–45

  Crédit Foncier and Crédit Mobilier, 89, 143, 157, 261

  financial speculation in, 67

  monetary innovations in, xxvii

  revolution (1848), 39, 62, 199

  and Suez Canal Company, 261

  suspension of gold convertibility (1870), 270

  Terror of 1793, 39

  wars with Britain, xvii, xix, xx, 47

  war with Austria, 100

  Franco-Prussian War, 238, 274

  free trade, 49, 200

  and democracy, 96

  and House of Lords, 189

  in Manchester, 205, 206

  Peel’s support of, 222

  and repeal of Corn Laws, 180, 181

  Friend of India, The, 114

  Fruhling and Goschen, 139, 261

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, 277

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 183–84

  Garrison, William Lloyd, 4

  Gassiot, John P., Monetary Panics and their Remedy, 173

  General Credit and Finance Company, 142, 144

  George III, king of England, xvii

  Gibbon, Edward, 135

  The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 182

  Giffen, Robert, 239, 283, 286, 287

  Gilliat, J. S., 133n

  Gillray, James, xix

  Girton College, 229

  Gladstone, William E., 114–24, 184, 187

  Bagehot as adviser to, xv, 114, 120–24, 136, 160, 237–39, 291

  Bagehot’s essay on, 116–18

  and Bagehot’s political advisers, 97, 108

  and Bagehot’s run for election, 205, 237

  and Board of Trade, 25–26, 28, 118

  as chancellor of exchequer, 114–18, 120–24, 229

  diary of, 115, 119, 120, 239

  interests of, 118–19

  on Irish economy, 113n

  as orator, 114–16, 118, 128

  and Overend Gurney, 160, 166

  in Parliament, 186

  as prime minister, 232, 235, 239, 266

  and railroad speculation, 28, 31

  on rationalization, 122–24

  The State in its Relations to the Church, 119, 120

  on suffrage, 192–93, 198, 201–3, 223–24

  translations by, 101, 117

  and U.S. Civil War, 120, 127–29, 133n, 136


  in California and Australia, 47, 48, 97

  convertibility of paper to, xvii, xx, xxi, xxix, 30, 71–72, 265, 277

  as international money, 68, 270

  limitations of, 173

  money as, xv, xviii, xxvi, 175, 263–64

  moving across national boundaries, xxi-xxii

  and Panic of 1825, xxviii-xix

  and Peel’s Act, 26, 74

  possible run on, 275

  pre-1914 pound, 281

  price of, 30

  production of, 98n

  restriction on gold payments (1797), xvii, xviii, xx, xxi, xxx

  resumption of gold paymen
ts (1819–1821), xviii, xxiv-xxv, 25, 73

  and value of the pound, xviii, xix, xx, 71

  wider circulation of, xxv

  gold reserves, xxx, 74, 79, 88, 98, 173–74, 177, 186, 266–72, 274, 278, 279, 281–82

  gold standard, xix, xx-xxii, 51, 52, 193n, 272, 273n, 277, 280–81, 293

  Goschen, George, later Viscount Goschen, 230

  on gold reserves, 282

  on interest rates, xv, 139–42, 154

  on international investment, 257, 261

  “Seven Percent,” xv

  The Theory of the Foreign Exchanges, 140

  “Two Percent,” xv


  and banking, xv, xxiii, xxx, 32, 70n, 71–74, 76–81, 121–22, 166–70, 176, 178, 185, 266–67, 282

  “by discussion,” 243–44, 245

  church and state, 226–27

  corruption in, 231–32, 233

  and education, 231

  roles of, 32, 231

  as security for a loan, 260–61

  Graham, Benjamin, 247

  grain merchants, failure of (1847), 30

  Grant, Albert, 144, 146, 165n

  Granville, George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl of, 97, 235, 238

  Great Eastern (seagoing ironclad), 47, 83

  Great Eastern Railway Company, 164

  Great Exhibition, Crystal Palace, London (1851), 38

  Great Recession (2008), 280

  Great Reform Act (1832), 9

  Great War, 277

  Greek and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, 147

  Greenwood, Frederick, 260

  Greg, Julia Wilson, 99, 100, 105

  Greg, William Rathbone, 88, 99–100, 105, 205, 244

  “Agriculture and the Corn Laws,” 99

  Grey, Lord, 97, 288

  Guatemala, investments in, xxvi

  Guizot, François, 59, 187

  Gurney, H. E., 145, 146

  Gurney, Hundson, xxiv

  Gurney, John Henry, 156, 157

  Gurney, Samuel, 145

  Habeas Corpus Act, 78

  Hall, Sir Charles, 35

  Halsey, William, 108, 110, 111

  Hankey, Thomson, 163–65, 171–73, 174–78, 273

  on gold reserves, 269–70, 281

  and Lombard Street, 163, 186, 276

  The Principles of Banking, Its Utility and Economy, 164, 174, 175–78, 272, 278, 279–81

  Hardcastle, Daniel Jr., 52–53

  Hard Times (Dickens), 48n

  Harman, Jeremiah, xiii, xiv, 167

  Hartmont, Edward Herzberg, 250

  Hazlitt, William, “Hot and Cold,” 44n

  History and Literature of Political Science, The (Von Mohl), 101n

  History of Prices (Tooke), 32

  History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 182

  Hitler, Adolf, 241n

  HMS Scourge, 115–16

  Hodgskin, Thomas, 99

  Holland, Lancelot, 167–68, 169, 171, 266

  Homer, 101

  Honduras, investments in, 247, 252, 253, 258

  Hoppus, John, 15–16

  Horace, 101

  Horner, Francis, 63

  House of Commons:

  Bagehot’s analysis of, 185, 189


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