Coveted (Pandora's Playground #1)

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Coveted (Pandora's Playground #1) Page 20

by Alannah Lynne

  Let me in.

  She read the words that formed on his full, sensual lips, knowing that the moment she obeyed his request and allowed him inside the cage with her—and she knew she would—all bets were off, and this man would claim her, here and now.

  Oh, yes, please.

  Stepping up to the locked door, she opened it for him, inviting him inside. He was so tall he had to duck through the entryway, and once he straightened to his full height again, he immediately backed her up against the side of the cage, aligning the hard length of his body firmly against hers, pinning her there in the most delicious, delightful way.

  His gaze bored into hers, flashing with carnal lust. His scent—spicy aftershave and male pheromones—intoxicated her. Everything about him generated so much heat she felt like she was burning up from the inside out. Wanting to touch him, desperate to feel all that raw power he exuded, she placed her hands on his chest, the soft material of his shirt contradicting the rock-hard muscles flexing beneath the fabric.

  Against her palm, she felt his chest rumble, right before he grabbed both of her wrists and lifted her arms above her head. He curled her fingers around the metal bars to grip them tight, making it very clear without speaking a word that he was a man who liked to be in control.

  Normally, she was the one in control sexually and liked having the upper hand, so there was no chance of letting down her guard with a man and allowing him to have that much power over her mind and body. But tonight was all about stealing as much pleasure as she could with a man she’d never see again. And if he preferred to be in charge, she wasn’t about to complain, because there was something incredibly thrilling about this man’s very dominant nature in a place like The Players Club, where indulging in the forbidden and erotic was expected.

  The techno music matched the frantic beat of her pulse as he pressed a knee between her legs and used his feet to push her own wide apart and keep them spread. His hips gyrated against hers in a slow, tantalizing, grinding dance that made her ache for a more intimate touch and deeper penetration. His sinful gaze watched her every response, tracking the rapid rise and fall of her breasts beneath her dress and the way she shamelessly arched her back for a closer, tighter fit.

  Intensity radiated from him, and a faint hint of satisfaction touched his mouth, giving her a glimpse of something darker and far more wicked. Lifting a hand, he slid it into her hair and fisted his fingers in the long blonde strands so she felt the slight stinging tug against her scalp, then pulled her head back so that her face was tipped up to his.

  Her lips parted on a gasp, and he took advantage and kissed her, his lips hard and unrelenting as they captured hers. He licked his way into her mouth, gradually deepening the stroke of his tongue against hers, completely consuming her with his kiss. His free hand touched her thigh, his fingers brazenly caressing their way beneath the hem of her dress and up the inside of her leg, until he reached the silky barrier covering her mound.

  She groaned into his ravaging mouth and clutched the bars above her head as he boldly pressed two fingers against her throbbing sex, rubbed along those swollen nether lips, and unerringly found her aching clit beneath the scrap of lingerie. She was drenched with arousal, her panties soaked with the need for release as he continued to stroke her like a man who knew his way around a woman’s body. He could have teased her, could have easily kept her on that sharp edge of ecstasy, but instead, he pushed her right over that steep crest so that she was free-falling into a stunning, explosive climax that left her panting against his lips and her legs shaking.

  The blissful orgasm should have satisfied her but instead made her crave more. Made her frantic to feel this sexy, dominant man filling her, hard and deep.

  He leaned in close, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. “Now I’m going to fuck you,” he rasped, the gruff, guttural tone of his voice making her shiver.

  The whispered promise was her undoing. “Yes,” she replied. Anywhere, and any way he wanted.

  She expected him to take her right there in the cage, up against the metal bars, and she would have been fine with that. But instead, he grabbed her hand and led her out of the pen, down the stage, and toward the far end of the room, where there were couches and chairs and other more comfortable pieces of furniture in different alcoves. He chose a vacant corner with a big, over-stuffed chair and pulled a curtain around their little area.

  The drapery was white, thin, and sheer, giving them only the barest illusion of privacy. Anyone who wanted to watch them could. Raina realized she’d gone from voyeur to exhibitionist, and with this man, she was beyond caring. She didn’t know anyone here, would never return or see this man again, and she was at a sex club, for heaven’s sake. It was all a part of the experience, and she wanted to fulfill this erotic fantasy.

  When she turned back around to face him, the sizzling burn in his eyes was nearly her undoing. Every line of his body was rigid and taut, as if he was waiting for her to make the next move, to make sure that this was what she wanted. She hadn’t expected that kind of courtesy from him, either, but a part of her appreciated the gesture.

  No guts, no glory, no pleasure. Let’s do this. She was meeting with her girlfriends in the morning, and she’d promised them the juicy details. No way was she going to disappoint them with anything but a spectacular encounter with a sex god of a man.

  Splaying her hands on his chest, she pushed him back, until his strong legs hit the seat and he had nowhere else to go but to sit down. He plopped into the chair, an amused smile on his lips—though she got the distinct impression that he was just humoring her for the moment and her having any kind of upper hand was only a temporary reprieve. Spreading his legs wide, he sat forward and grasped her hips, drawing her in between his thighs before slipping both of his big, warm hands beneath the hem of her dress.

  Grasping the waistband of her panties, he pulled them down her legs. She braced her hands on his shoulders as he helped her step out of the lacy underwear, then he stuffed the scrap of fabric into his pocket. He quickly unbuttoned his pants, freeing the thick length of his erection, giving her a few seconds to admire his gorgeous cock as he grabbed one of the foil packets in the crystal bowl on a table beside the chair, ripped it open with his teeth, and quickly put the condom on.

  He hooked his fingers behind her knees, guiding her forward onto the chair so that she was straddling his lap and the engorged head of his erection slid along her wet cleft and tucked tight against her opening. Hands clutching her hips beneath the bunched up material of her dress, he lifted his gaze to hers, his eyes speaking a language her body instinctively understood.

  I’m going to sink inside you so hard and deep you won’t ever forget I was here.

  She believed him. Her head fell back, and her breath caught in her lungs as he brought her down on his shaft in one smooth, firm thrust that filled her to the brink of pain. It had been a long time since she’d been with a man, and none of the penis-shaped vibrators in her nightstand drawer even came close to the shocking size and width of his cock.

  That delicious burn quickly gave way to a greater pleasure as her body adjusted to accommodate him as he drove into her, again and again, the steady pump of his hips matching the rhythmic beat of the music pulsing around them. She fisted her hands in his shirt, so very tempted to rip open the buttons to look and touch, to lick and taste his smooth, taut skin. To revel in everything about this assertive, fascinating man so that the memories of this evening with him would be branded in her mind forever.

  Giving in to the urge, her fingers fumbled with the top button to unfasten his shirt, but he let go of her hips and caught her wrists in his hands. Just like in the cage, he pulled her hands away and secured her arms behind her back, his long, strong fingers manacling her as effectively as a pair of handcuffs would. The position forced her shoulders back, caused her spine to arch and the swollen breasts confined beneath her dress to ache to be freed.

  This alpha man was definitely all
about dominance, and she was shocked to realize just how much being restrained by him turned her on…as well as the fact that they were being watched by others in the club through the sheer, gauzy curtain. They were both still decently covered, but there was no mistaking the joining of their bodies or what they were doing, and a part of her wished that they were naked so she could feel the heat of his chest against her hardened nipples, his muscled stomach flexing against her belly, her quivering thighs sliding against his hair-roughened ones.

  The strobe lights flashed, accentuating his masculine features, the smoky hue of his eyes, the clench of his jaw as he continued to piston her up and down on his cock, fucking her long and hard and so damned good. He possessed and claimed, their coupling hot and raw and primitive.

  Somehow, he managed to wrap the fingers of one of his hands around both of her small wrists, keeping her arms pinned, while his free hand dipped down between her spread legs. He grazed her burgeoning clit with his fingers, ripping a shuddering moan from her. He played her expertly, the unyielding pressure of his thumb stroking that bundle of nerves pitching her closer and closer to a combustible orgasm.

  Through hooded lashes, he watched her ride him, watched as the explosion brewing inside of her gathered, threatening to send her up in flames. Watched as she completely unraveled and came apart for him with a soft cry of ecstasy. Her internal muscles gripped his cock, clenched him tight, giving her a small sense of power as he surged his hips upward, ramming home, his erratic thrusts signaling his own climax.

  His head fell back, his irises deepening to a darker shade of green. She read the words oh, fuck that formed on his lips as his big body stiffened as he came, and his hips bucked hard against hers, leaving every inch of her flesh tender and sensitive and undeniably marked.

  Boneless and utterly sated, she collapsed against his chest, her face buried against his warm, fragrant neck as she tried to get her bearings back on track. He finally released her hands, and she groaned as she brought her arms back around, trying to ease the delicious ache in her shoulders from having them restrained for too long. He skimmed a flattened palm up her spine, his touch light and gentle, a direct, startling contrast to the demanding man who’d just ravished her.

  Long fingers tangled in her hair, then pulled her head back so he could look down at her face. He was frowning, and for a moment, she fully expected him to tell her to get off of him so he could be on his way—she had no idea what the protocol for this sort of thing was, and she hadn’t meant to come across as clingy—but he didn’t seem anxious to part ways.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, loud enough to be heard above the music.

  She hadn’t anticipated his concern, either—certainly not in a place like this, where a little rough play was common. Expected and encouraged even. His ability to command her body so thoroughly just moments ago, then switch gears to check on her mental and physical well-being changed everything about him—made him go from a hard-core sex object to something far more dangerous and appealing and real.

  Not caring for the sudden heavy beating of her heart, she pushed away from his chest and gave him a reassuring smile that contradicted the odd twinge of regret forming in her chest. “I’m good.”

  She lied, and he didn’t look completely convinced, either. That he even cared was something totally unexpected and confusing to her, and she needed distance to clear her head and put things back into proper perspective.

  She used the best excuse she could think of. “Where is the ladies’ room?”

  “Over by the bar, just past the men’s room,” he said, jutting his jaw in that general direction.

  “Thanks.” Slowly, she stood, trying not to groan as their bodies separated—and very aware of the fact that he was still semi-hard. She straightened the hem of her dress and turned to go, but he caught her wrist and stopped her. Her pulse tripped all over itself—and she honestly hated that a man she’d just met had that much power over her self-control when she’d been so determined to treat tonight like a fun, no-strings-attached fling.

  She glanced back at him, relieved to see that sexy, bad-boy smile of his making an appearance. The bad boy she could handle more than the caring man.

  “I’ll meet you back here,” he drawled, looking so freakin’ irresistible Raina had to resist the urge not to climb back onto his lap right then and there. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  His words were casual and flirtatious, but coming from a man like him, there was no doubt in her mind that they were more an order than a request. One she was certain that any other woman wouldn’t hesitate to obey, knowing the kind of pleasure he was capable of giving.

  She made no promises, just walked on shaky legs toward the women’s restroom. She used the facilities, washed her hands, then paused in the lounge area, where a few other women were sitting around and talking. Her legs still felt like wet noodles, and her mind was still spinning, so she sat down in a chair off to the side. There was a counter in front of her, with a long, full-length mirror, and Raina stared at her reflection, shocked by what she saw—a woman who’d been well and truly fucked.

  Her hair was a tousled mess from his hands, her blue eyes a bit dreamy from two amazing orgasms. Her skin was flushed, and her mouth was pink and swollen. She licked her bottom lip, still tasting him there, and dear Lord, she wanted more of him.

  Nothing and no one would ever compare to what she’d just experienced—the attraction and off-the-charts chemistry between them and the way he’d so instinctively mastered her body and tapped into her deepest, darkest desires, the ones she’d never shared with any man before. It was a sobering thought that struck a slice of panic inside of her, because she feared he was a man she could easily get addicted to. A man who could tear down her guard and melt her resolve to keep every emotional component out of sex.

  She exhaled a deep breath and mentally shored up her fortitude to get out of this situation as gracefully as possible. In her favor, he knew nothing about her. Not her past, her present life, nothing. She had to admit that it had been so nice to have that anonymity, without any expectations, just mutual pleasure. And that’s exactly how she wanted to keep tonight’s encounter—as a hot tryst between strangers. Her emotional well-being depended on it.

  Now, she just had to figure out how to leave the club without running into him again, because one touch and she knew her willpower to resist him would crumble.

  She stepped out of the ladies’ room and glanced in the direction of the alcove they’d shared, relieved to find the area vacant. Assuming he’d make a similar trip to the men’s room, Raina dodged her way through the throng of people still enjoying the Rave and toward the stairs leading to the upper level of the mansion. She reached the entryway without incident and continued out the main doors to the courtyard, then to the valet.

  It was quiet outside compared to all the action going on inside the club, and as she waited for one of the attendants to bring her car around, she shifted anxiously on her feet while casting quick glances back toward the mansion’s doors to make sure she hadn’t been followed.

  Just as her vehicle came around the curved driveway, she heard a very irritated male voice from behind her yell out, “Hey! Wait!”

  Oh, shit. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know it was him. The urgency and confusion in his deep voice spoke for itself. She willed the kid in her car to hurry up, and as soon as he brought the vehicle to a stop and exited, Raina quickly got behind the wheel before she changed her mind and did exactly as the man ordered and waited for him.

  “Goddamn it, stop!”

  He reached her car just as she shut and locked the door. Because she couldn’t bring herself to look at him, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him stop right by the driver’s door.

  “I don’t even know your name!” he said, sounding both bewildered and extremely pissed off that she’d stood him up without an explanation.

  No names exchanged, and she planned to keep things that way. She’d
never see him again, so what did it matter? Self-preservation edged out the regret tightening in her chest, and she pressed her foot on the gas pedal and drove away, resisting the temptation to look in her rearview mirror to drink him in one last time.

  She felt like Cinderella escaping her prince before the clock struck twelve and she turned into a pumpkin. But instead of leaving behind a glass slipper, she realized he still had her panties tucked away in his pocket.

  Well, at least she’d left him with a sexy souvenir of their one night together.

  Find out what happens between Raina and her sexy stranger in PLAYING WITH TEMPTATION!




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