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Indebted Heart

Page 12

by Measha Stone

  "I'll get Sandra to set one up." Bradley nodded referring to his newly hired secretary. "Now, about the auction. I want to set it up for three weeks from tonight. Is that enough time to build interest?" Bradley's shoulders relaxed and his brown eyes softened, the idea of an auction was his and he'd been trying to get it going for months.

  "Interest? A slave auction doesn't need much marketing around here." Alex laughed. "I just need the information on the charity and the details of the auction itself. Rules regulations and all that. We have to be careful about liability. We don't need some woman getting bought and then found half dead in an alley somewhere." Alex pointed out.

  "Of course. I'll get the safety stuff all worked out. We are raising money to fight domestic abuse. It wouldn't do to have any of the girls injured." Bradley cocked an eyebrow. "Uh, will you be partaking?" he asked.

  Alex shook his head. "No."

  "Did you tell her about the job opening?"

  "No, but she was looking at the posting when she came in today."

  "If she applies?"

  "If she applies, I expect you to give her the same consideration you give anyone else that does. Not any more or any less."

  "I'm not sure the staff will see it that way," Bradley stood from his chair, glass in hand. "But, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'm going to be honest, man. It's good to see you with someone again. Someone that makes you grin like a lucky bastard and not grimace like someone walking to the noose. Cutting crazy-pants loose was a good decision. You can't pretend to be what you're not." Bradley didn't wait for a response before he took his leave.

  Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The night had only begun and already his plate was brimming with things to see to. Bradley was right. Breaking it off with his last girlfriend had been an excellent decision. He knew it at the time, and was even more convinced after it took months to get her to accept they weren't compatible and for her to move out. It was his first true attempt at a vanilla relationship, and he had mourned every moment of every day as they ticked away.

  Although his friends didn't know the reasons behind the breakup, they had been supportive and even relieved. Apparently, Sarah was a bit much in the women's department. Too much perfume, complained Kelly. Too many expectations, Jessica had added. Too much of a control seeker, had piped in Erin. His thoughts drifted to Jessica for a moment. He hadn't thought of her in weeks. Usually she was at the forefront of his mind. Oh, he knew there was no chance there. She was taken, and happily so, not to mention she'd cemented him in the friend zone back in college. He never admitted to his crush on her, his lust for her, but she knew, as did the rest of the group. He was glad that it never came between them. He stayed an arm's distance from her and watched as Royce swooped in and plucked her up.

  He'd always seen the submissive side of her, even though he wouldn't have admitted it to her or anyone else. Even if he had brought it up to her, he wouldn't have been able to express it. He could just tell. Instead of pursuing it, he had been her shoulder after each painful breakup, let down, and heartbreak. Even after she found Royce, and he could see right away what sort of relationship they had, he'd been happy for her. It left him a few sleepless nights of questioning his choice to stay in the shadows, but it had also woken him up. He needed to be true to himself and to really end things with Sarah.

  Now that Alyssa walked into his life, he'd spent a lot less time thinking about Jessica, in fact almost none. When they were at dinner together, he didn't have to fight back the urge to hold Jessica's hand or stare at her for too long. Instead, he'd been completely focused on Alyssa. It had been nice, to give attention to someone who soaked it up in a smile.

  He wasn't sure exactly where his relationship with Alyssa was going to head, but he knew one thing, it was going to be an extremely long road if he had anything to say about it. She gave him some resistance, but nothing he couldn't or wouldn't handle. He wanted to talk to her more about her past. He got the feeling that she'd not had much in the way of out-of-club experiences.

  Although he planned on giving her plenty of them, he couldn't help but grimace again over the knowledge of her scars. Paul had told him her mother was horrible at taking care of her. She wasn't an abusive person. She just didn't watch out for her the way a mother should. He'd known those burn marks were deliberate before he questioned her on them, but he still asked.

  When she'd told him what happened, the inside of him shook with a rage he'd not known before. How could a man do something like that to a little girl, and her mother let him! It was too much for him to comprehend. Alyssa's touch had soothed him. In the moment of telling him a horrible thing happing to her as a child, she tried to sooth him. She'd been concerned, telling him not to worry about things that he couldn't change. Typically, he didn't, but he had the very strong urge to hunt down the son of a bitch that did that to her and recreate a few memories for him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Alyssa stared into the light brown eyes of her ex-boyfriend, and former dominant. His smile appeared pleasant enough that she returned it in kind. Surprised to see him, she looked behind him to see if he had come up with friends.

  "Stephen! What are you doing here?" She asked as he wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. His cologne was strong, and she had to breathe through her mouth if she wanted to breathe at all.

  "You aren't the only one that can leave Missouri, you know." He patted her cheek. She hated that particular gesture. It was what he did when he wanted her to feel small, or to let her know that she was being silly. She jerked her head away from his touch and forced a smile, knowing it probably didn't shine in her eyes. Stephen had always known when she was faking a grin. He knew it now, too, his slow shake of his head told her so. "C'mon. I'll buy you a drink." He winked and tried to pull her from the crowd of people toward the bar.

  She yanked her arm from his grip and shook her head. "I can't. I'm working. How about I get you a drink?" Her smile came more naturally. She needed to get back to work, or start work. She'd been there for almost an hour, and she'd been absent from the lounge for most of it. The evening was in full swing and the number of people in the lounge area began to dwindle as couples made their way into the playrooms and larger scene area. The crisp snap of single tails began to fill the room.

  Brandon kept the music in the lounge low once the play began to get heavy. The erotic sounds of whips, paddles, and cries of pleasure mixed with the right amount of pain was all the music they needed.

  Alyssa made her way to the bar with Stephen close on her heals. She picked up her tray and nodded toward Brandon. "What'll it be?" She asked, watching the table behind him searching for a waitress.

  "You know," he said with another grin. Alyssa chose to ignore the glint in his eye and the possessive stance he had taken, both hands on his belt and a firm jaw, and called over to Brandon to give him a gin and tonic.

  "It'll be right up. I have to grab this table. I'm sorry, I'll be right back." She patted his arm and maneuvered around to the small group behind him. What was he doing in Chicago? He hated the city. He hated to travel. Maybe he came to check up on her, but he could have called her instead. She hadn't heard from him since she arrived in the city. Just before leaving home she had run into him at the post office, and let him know she was moving up north. It couldn't be avoided since she had been holding a change of address card at the time.

  "Hey!" Stephen called to her when she whizzed by him the third time to fill an order. She held up one finger to indicate she'd be right back and took off again.

  Finally, after making her way around the room she met him back at the bar. A full glass sat in front of him, and she wondered how many he'd downed. "Sorry." She smiled. "Busy night."

  He gave her a lazy grin as he spoke. "It's really good to see you, Ally Cat." He ran his fingertips down her arm, stopping at the bandage on her wrist. "Too much playtime?" He winked, and she shook her head.

  "No, grease fire." She kept her eyes on her t
ables, watching to see if anyone needed anything. Thankfully, there wasn't a private party booked for the night, so she didn't have to split her time between the lounge and the party room.

  "Any playtime? I bet not. You work too hard. How about we go back into the play space. I'll go get my bag from the car, and we can have us a really good time." His words drawled out as he managed to stand from the stool. He was drunk.

  Knowing the game all too well, she shook her head. "I can't. I'm working." She nodded toward the bar and then to the lounge.

  "You are always working. That's your problem, Ally cat. You work too much and for too little." He cupped her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. "All that work-work-work, and you're still just a waitress." His words bit at her, but she did her best to remain stoic. She'd heard these things before from him. Especially after he'd had a few to drink. One of the reasons she'd broken up with him was his inability to hold his liquor, or to even admit it. Telling him that at the time would have been a wasted effort, though. Their incompatibility as dom and sub was more than enough reason for them to call it quits.

  Alyssa pulled her chin out of his grasp and took a step back. "I have to get back to work, Stephen. If you need something, Brandon will be happy to take your order."

  "What, you found someone better? Than me?" He grinned and gave a short laugh. "Look, Ally Cat, I know you've never gotten serious with anyone since we broke up. You've played, oh I saw those a few times back home… you should just admit that you need me and come back." He reached for a lock of her hair, but she sidestepped him to get away from his grasp. In doing so, she stepped on yet another foot, and turned to apologize.

  Alex's glare met her, and she swallowed hard. His irritation wasn't at her, she was sure of that, but she still didn't like to see it in his otherwise soft eyes. "You okay?" he asked softly, and she nodded. He turned his attention to Stephen who was staring at him with a half opened mouth. "Brandon, would you mind calling downstairs and having a cab held for Mr. Manchester?" While Alex spoke he moved himself to stand between Alyssa and Stephen. She found herself staring at his broad shoulders.

  "Who's this?" Stephen asked, trying to look at her over Alex's shoulder.

  "Her boyfriend. Don't worry about your tab, it's on the house tonight." Alex put an arm out pointing toward the exit. An attempt to usher him out quietly.

  Stephen wasn't accommodating. "I'm not ready to go just yet, but thanks." He reached for his glass on the bar, but Brandon managed to pluck it up just before his fingers made contact. Stephen dropped his hand to his side and let out a long breath. She'd been more surprised than irritated when Alex stepped between her and Stephen, no one had ever done that before.

  "Stephen, maybe you should go." She motioned toward the exit from behind Alex.

  "You know, you never could follow directions." He retorted and turned his glare to Alex. "I'll see myself out, thank you." He brushed past Alex and walked with a light stumble every couple of steps to the elevators. Alex watched him until the doors closed and took him out of their sight before he turned to Alyssa.

  "Are you all right?" he asked. The concern in his eyes confused her. Surely he didn't think she couldn't handle Stephen.

  "Of course I am. It was just, Stephen. I would have handled it." She put her hands on her hips and stared up at him. He was too close.

  "I know." He nodded. "But you didn't need to." His words hung between them. With all of the music playing, the chatter of the lounge, and the faint sounds of play from the playroom, all she could hear was his words. It wasn't the exact words; it was the meaning she felt behind them. She didn't have to take care of it herself, because he would come to her rescue. He would be her backup. He wouldn't allow people like Stephen to screw with her head or her life.

  "Okay," she finally said. He continued to stare down at her, but the slight upturn of his lips led her to believe he was finding the situation no longer critical. "Were you looking for me?" she asked when he remained silent.

  "No. I was looking for Kerri. Turns out Travis is going to be stopping in with a few of his friends again. They will limit themselves to the large party room, and I told him there wouldn’t be any staff to see to their needs. We need to set up a small bar for them in there, and they will remain on their own. If they want to order something from the kitchen Travis is going to have to handle it himself."

  Alyssa had only dealt with Travis a few times, but she couldn't imagine him being okay with such a dictate. He was part owner of the club, if he told her get him a drink she wasn't sure she'd be able to tell him no.

  Alex must have sensed her concern. "If he gives any of you any trouble, come get me or Bradley." He waved a hand in the air, and Kerri appeared at Alyssa's side. He repeated the situation to her and once she had given her agreement, he made his way back to the offices.

  Alyssa couldn't help but feel a little shrugged off when he didn't even touch her arm as he walked off. She caught Brandon's smirk when she looked up. "What?" she demanded.

  "Boyfriend?" he leaned across the bar. "Why didn't you tell me you were dating Alex?" he asked with humor in his gaze.

  "Seriously?" Kerri looked over at her with an open mouthed smile. "Really?"

  "Ah. That's why I didn't say anything." Alyssa grumbled, stepping forward to grab her tray from the bar top.

  "No. No." Brandon hurriedly waved his hand at her. "It's a good thing. That man needs something more stable. Someone more stable." He muttered just loud enough for Alyssa to hear him.

  Kerri joined in as well. "I think it's awesome, hon."

  "I don't want everyone thinking I got this job—"

  "Oh, please!" Brandon scoffed. "Half of the waitresses here have been playthings for Bradley. And the other half is in line for the opportunity. And he's the one who handles staffing and all that garbage."

  "Oh." Alyssa relaxed. "Isn't that like against policy or something?"

  "Meh." Kerri shrugged. "It's all done off hours so no one cares. Besides, Bradley is all business in the playroom and out of it. Once he steps into his office, it's all club work, no playtime gets in his head or in his way."

  Alyssa nodded and watched Bradley making his way from the offices toward the playroom. He seemed to take command of the room as he entered. The staff straightened their appearances and several of the women submissives in the room pinned their gazes to him as he made his way through the crowd.

  "We better get that party room set up. Travis can be a real dick when he doesn't get support staff for his little parties." Kerri warned as she ushered her toward the large party room.

  "So, tell me about that hunk of a man Alex threw out of the club." Kerri threw the doors open to the party room.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Alex looked at the time on his laptop screen and smiled. Nearly the end of her shift. He hoped that she wasn't too beat when they got home to have some fun. He had a few ideas of what he wanted to do with her body, and she would need her strength. First, he wanted to talk with her about Stephen. Her ex had been presented as harmless, but the asshole he'd encountered that evening did not give that impression.

  He wanted to talk with Bradley about this Stephen, see if he knew him at all, but he'd called it a night and was off somewhere in the playroom. Alex wasn't about to ruin Bradley's evening on account of the little weasel. Nor did he want him ruining his own evening, but he needed to be sure Alyssa hadn't been affected by the ass's attendance in the club. He'd ban him for good if it were going to cause her any discomfort.

  He'd heard Stephen's remark about Alyssa's job, and he gave himself credit for not shoving her aside and punching him in the face on her account. The comment pissed him off, but what worried him was how easily she took the insult. As though it wasn't the first time, and she was just going through motions of accepting it. She didn't defend herself or even look all that angry, she simply took it from him as though there were no other choice. Had she been surrounded by a crowd of complete fucking idiots her whole life?
/>   Powering down his laptop, he decided to shove Stephen from his mind for the moment. He could ask her about him on the way home and if more action needed to be taken, he'd do so in the morning.

  He found Alyssa in the break room again looking at the posting for Kerri's position. She was nibbling the inside of her cheek while wrapping her hair into a neat bun at the base of her neck. He wanted to kiss that neck. The creamy skin begged to be nibbled and kissed.

  "You think you'll apply?" he asked wrapping his arms around her from behind. She jumped at his touch, but turned her head to smile at him.

  "I don't know. I've never done that sort of thing." She shook her head.

  "What sort of thing? You do most of it now, from what Kerry said. She told Bradley that you've been helping with the bookings, have helped a few nights with closing out the drawers, and the only thing she really hasn't shown you is the staff scheduling." He pulled her closer, and let his lips brush against her neck.

  "I've only been here a few weeks." She pried his hands open and slid out from his grasp. "It's not my thing." She shrugged and grabbed her purse.

  "What's not your thing?" he questioned knowing already he wasn't going to like her answer.

  "Nothing. Forget about it." She walked to him, placing her hands flat on his chest and tiptoed to his mouth, kissing him playfully and then looking him in his eyes with a devilish grin. "I thought you had plans for us when we got home tonight," she whispered.

  "I do." He grinned down at her, placing a chaste kiss to the tip of her nose. "But you have to be a good girl first."


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