Indebted Heart

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Indebted Heart Page 17

by Measha Stone

  She managed to straighten up leaving her breasts once again exposed. Her breath came easier once she had her elbows pushed back and her chest was open.

  "There, that's easier, isn't it?" He ran the fat slapper of the crop along her chin, then down her neck, and between her sore breasts.

  "Yes." She nodded, he was right. She could breathe much easier in that position than curled up and hopping.

  "How are you doing?" he asked as he continued to run the slapper over her breasts, soothing them with the leather touch.

  "Good. I'm good." She nodded.

  "Do you need a short break?" he asked. "Be honest with me, here, Alyssa," he warned.

  "No. I'm okay now."

  "Good. Spread your legs. Further, past your shoulders. That's it."

  In her mind's eye she imagined how she looked. Red blotchy breasts, her legs spread eagle and her hands behind her neck. Everything was exposed. Not an inch of her couldn't been seen or reached by him. She hadn't heard him move, but he appeared next to her, his breath warming her skin as he walked around her.

  "Do you have any idea how hot you look right now? Your tits are all rosy red, your ass is perfectly white, which I'll change in a minute, and your pussy is just here for me." With his words he reached down and lightly stroked her folds, not delving in, or applying pressure, just a feathery touch.

  "Alex." She moaned and tried to push into his hand.

  "No. Don't move. This is my time." His words were softened by the grin he gave her. His fingers continued to torment her as he brushed against her clit but gave her no actual relief. "So fucking wet already." He groaned. His finger pressed against her lips, and she parted them. "How do you taste?" He asked.

  "Sweet, but tangy at the same time." Her gaze moved from his face to the crop in his hand.

  He slid to his knees in front of her and pressed his mouth to her wet, wanting clit. She moaned loudly as his tongue slipped out of his mouth and stroked her swollen clit. The torment continued for only a few moments before he leaned back on his heels and aimed the crop at her arousal. One sharp slap to her clit had her jump up and close her legs. "Get back." He said with no heat in his words. She noticed his sly grin as she repositioned herself and readied for the next blow. Two more delivered to her inner thighs. "Open wider."

  He stood from his position on the floor and stood directly in front of her. The crop hung in the air, positioned just below her pussy, between her legs. "Still doing okay, baby?"

  "Yes." She nodded and swallowed, waiting for the next strike.

  "Do you know what I'm going to do next?"

  "No." She kept her eyes entwined with his, the connection helping her breathe through the burning in her loins. She wanted him badly—his hands, his lips, his cock— all of it.

  "Oh, I think you do." He tapped the slapper to her wet lips softly. "Tell me."


  "Tell me, Alyssa."

  "You're going to spank me."

  "Where?" he taunted.

  She took a deep breath. Verbalizing the actions made them so much more real. It wasn't embarrassing, talking dirty, but it drew her focus to what he was doing, and how much she enjoyed it. The burn in her breasts began to fade and she felt disappointed by that fact.

  "My pussy. You're going to spank my pussy," she said with more gumption than she had intended.

  He laughed. "Very good. Now tell me when you're ready. Ask me to begin."

  Another ripple of emotions ran through her. If just saying the words took so much energy, asking for it would only take more. "Please," she half whimpered. The slapper didn't move.

  "Please what? Don't make you ask? Don't make you admit you love it? Or please start?"

  "Start." She nodded, and he gave another chuckle.

  "Ask me in a full sentence." He instructed as he ran the edge of the slapper along her folds, enticing her to submit to his dictate.

  "Please spank my pussy." She breathed out and was rewarded with a sharp smack to her clit. She didn't jump away but she did gasp and squeeze her eyes shut.

  "And what do you say when you get what you want?" his voice taunted and teased.

  "Thank you." She managed to whisper as she opened her eyes, surprised to find him staring at her. His gaze wandered over her expression, searching and studying her.

  "When you're ready…" he grinned, and she took a deep breath.

  "Thank you, sir, may I have another?" She couldn't suppress the large grin as she made her joke and was quickly rewarded with a heartwarming burst of laughter from him.

  He stepped forward, curling his hand around her neck, where her fingers were laced together and pulled her toward him. "Ah, baby, you are such a breath of fresh air. And fucking hot to boot!" He captured her in an impassioned kiss before she could respond. Forcing herself to remain in position, she lost herself to his warm, demanding lips. He pulled away, leaving her breathless and hungry for more. "Now, stop distracting me." He tapped her nose. "When you are ready." Another step away from her, he repositioned the crop between her legs, hanging precariously close to her aching pussy.

  "Please continue." She remained smiling and kept her eyes fixated with his. Not looking away, he flicked his wrist and delivered a stinging swat to her folds. She grimaced but didn't break their enthralled stare. "Thank you," she whispered. "More please?"

  "Good girl." He gave her two more swats, and she groaned from the heat rushing through her lips and her clit and straight into her very core.

  "Thank you." She took a few calming breaths. The crop roamed up and down her legs as he watched over her.

  "I think your ass needs some tending to, what do you think?"

  "I'll defer to you on that subject." She spoke cautiously, not wanting to attempt to take control again.

  "Wise choice. I'm sure you won't regret it. Now, are your arms sore, would you like to put them down?"

  She nodded. Her muscles were beginning to cramp from the awkward position and the tension in them from each strike of the crop. "Yes, please."

  "Good girl. Go ahead and drop them. Then I'd like you to walk over to the post at the foot of my bed. Hold onto it as you stick out that beautiful ass for me."

  She began to rub her arms when she brought them down, but was quickly swatted away by his own. Warm tingles ran through her at his touch as he lovingly massaged her elbows. "You should have told me they were that sore." He chastised her. "When I ask you if you're doing okay, I don't just mean the part of your body I'm focusing on."

  "I know. They weren't that bad until I moved them," She told him, and he gave a light pat to her rump.

  "To the post. Now I have the need to use something more stern than the crop. I'll be back." He disappeared back into the closet.

  Alyssa rested her forehead against the cool wood of the bedpost, hugging it to her body. Her breasts had completely lost their heat from earlier, but she knew it would reappear in her backside as soon as he made an appearance again. The play was different with him, more comfortable, more relaxing than it had been with other men. She didn't try to force her own pleasure because he seemed to know exactly what to do to bring it for her. Once she'd given over the control for the evening, and didn't exert her wants on him, she was able to settle into her position as his submissive. She gave over her trust that he would move them down a path that would bring them both pleasure, and he had more than delivered already. Feeling ready for whatever he had in store for her next, she took a steadying breath. When he walked out of the closet and headed toward her, she questioned her judgment.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Alex strode into the bedroom carrying two items. In one hand he held a large rubber paddle and in the other was a short rattan cane. The intake of breath he'd heard from his extremely beautiful submissive, standing exactly as he'd hoped she'd be, had warmed him. She hadn't leapt away from the bed and screeched at him. She didn't jump onto the bed to hide. No, she remained in position, gripping the post and squeezed her eyes shut. Her lips were moving, b
ut he couldn't make out the words.

  The rubber paddle dropped to the bed next to where she stood with a heavy thud, the cane made no sound at all as it lightly landed beside the paddle. He kept his eyes on her while he placed the toys on the bed. Her words finally registered. She was counting.

  "How are you doing?" he asked as his fingers ran down her bare back.


  "Counting the number of ways you're going to thank me later for your spanking?" he teased and her muscles relaxed beneath his fingers. "The cane can be just as pleasurable as anything else." He guessed at her concern and her nod told him he'd been right.

  "I've heard that myth before," she whispered, not meeting his eyes.

  He gave a soft chuckle. "I promise, if you don't like it, you say your safe word and it all stops."

  She nodded, and rested her head back on the post. "Okay. I can do that."

  He ran his hands through her hair, combing it down her back. The muscles in her back and shoulders finally eased into a relaxed position and he swept her hair to the side, tossing it over her shoulder exposing her neck to his kiss. "Just relax and enjoy." He smiled against her neck, knowing that she was most likely rolling her eyes under her closed lids. "I know exactly how to relax you." He promised and slid his left hand down her arm, until he reached her hip and changed direction until his fingers found her moist heat. "Damn, Alyssa." He whispered into her ear, "So wet."

  A soft groan escaped her lips as he intensified his touch, and rubbed her slick clit. As her body settled into the pleasure he was creating, he used his right hand to begin delivering swats to her untouched backside. His cupped hand brought only sensual slaps to her delicious cheeks while he warmed her skin for the paddle to come next.

  "This is nice." She breathed as he stroked her clit and began to delve into her folds.

  "Do you know how hard my dick is right now?" He kissed her shoulder. "All I want to do is bury myself inside of you."

  She opened her eyes and peered at him through half hooded eyes. "Why don't you then?" Her question seemed reasonable, and genuine.

  "Ah, my dear Alyssa, then we would have skipped the race and jumped over the finish line." He placed another kiss to her shoulder and increased the speed and force of the swats. "Your ass is no longer white, in case you were wondering." He pulsated his finger over her clit and waited until she sighed with need before continuing. "It's a warm rose, and perfectly ready for my paddle." She nodded, but didn't look at him again. He pulled his hand away from her cunt and smiled over the pout she gave.

  Taking the opportunity, he stripped off his shirt before he grabbed the paddle. The air conditioning was working fine, but the sight and smell of her before him heated his skin more than the humidity of the Chicago summer. The rubber paddle pressed up against her now warmed backside took up half of her bottom. His fingers found her clit again, and he thrust two fingers inside of her. The first swat of the paddle resonated throughout the room, as well as her gasp—either from the thrust of his fingers or the sting of the paddle. Either way, he grinned and delivered another swat. Each stroke of the paddle came with a thrust of his fingers and soon she was arching her back, taking more of both, sighing and moaning with pleasure.

  He nearly came undone when she threw her head back and let out a low, gut-wrenching moan of unbridled rapture. Moving along quickly with his plans, he managed to toss the paddle onto the bed and grab the cane without removing his hand from her pussy. She was close, he could feel it. Her body clenched around his fingers and her eyes, when she glanced his way, were dilated and glossed over.

  "Baby, it's time for the cane," he whispered. "How are you doing?"

  "Good." She said with no hesitation. "Please. Don't stop." She ground her hips, trying to take more of his fingers into her when he started to withdraw them.

  He gave a light chuckle. "Since you asked so nicely." He pressed the cane to her ass and gave her several gentle taps before delivering one sharp swat while delivering good on his promise to give her more of his fingers.

  Again she threw her head back in a cry of ecstasy. He grinned while watching her recover from the sting before he began to gently tap lower on her bottom. She cried out with the second swat, but he wasn't sure if it was from the cane or the third finger he plunged into her slick passage. "You're close, Alyssa." He struggled with his own voice, her reactions were so honest, so pure, it drove his own arousal to the brink.

  She'd been so trusting, so open to letting him guide her. Once she'd given over the power, she had submitted to the moment, surrendered in all ways. Never for one moment did she lose herself to a role; she wasn't playing. She became settled, focused, relaxed in her submission, which brought a new level of calm and ownership to his own dominance.

  "Very close." Her voice tight as she ground her pelvis toward his hand.

  "Come for me, baby. Come like this, taking the cane for me like such a good girl." He pushed the heel of his palm against her clit, rubbing her harder as he increased the speed of his thrusts. The cane lightly bounced off of her now red-striped ass. Her breath hitched, and she clenched her eyes shut as he pulled the cane back and delivered another stinging blow, and with it her orgasm exploded.

  She threw her head back from the post in a howl as she cried out her release. Her body clenched around his fingers, spasming with erotic gratification, and he slowed his thrusts. "That's a good girl," he whispered as she eased her head forward and rested it on the post. Her legs were shaking as he withdrew his fingers from her, wiping her juices on his pants. "Alyssa, let go." He chuckled when she continued to cling to the post. Her eyes were glossed over and she had a faraway gaze. "You with me?" He smiled at her as he picked her up in his arms.

  "Yes, sir," she whispered against his neck. He gently laid her on the bed and crawled in beside her, pulling her close to him.

  "I like the sound of that," he whispered back, kissing her forehead and running the back of his knuckles down her nose. She looked so peaceful, so soft. The hard exterior and protective layer stripped away, leaving a gentle beautiful woman before him.

  His own dick ached with need, but he focused on her. She needed him, needed to float back down from where she'd skyrocketed to, and he was going to be sure she had a soft landing. His own physical needs would be met soon enough, once she was back in the right mind and physically able to assist.

  "I like saying it, but it scares me." Her brow furrowed with her admission. "I wasn't supposed to find you. I was supposed to get my life in order. But you just came, you just showed up." Alex caught a tear with his finger as it slipped down her cheek, before hitting her lips.

  "Funny how that happens." He smiled at her. "How are you doing?"

  Her eyes dropped to his chin. "Fine. Good. I'm good." A smile. She lifted her hand and touched his cheek. "Can I kiss you? I really want to kiss you." She didn't wait for him to answer, instead she shifted over and claimed his mouth beneath hers. It was no gentle kiss. She urged his mouth open and took control, sweeping her tongue in to tangle with his. She tasted of barbeque, honey barbeque.

  Taking the hint that she was ready to continue, he rolled her onto her back, crushing her to the pillows as he took over possession of her body. His hands framed her face as he intensified the kiss, nibbling on her lower lip. A groan escaped as he moved his attention to her breasts. "I love your tits," he said again as he took a taut nipple into his mouth and suckled.

  "Please, Alex. I need you." She pulled on his shoulders. "Please."

  "Such a greedy girl." He chuckled. He left her for a moment while he shimmied out of his clothes. Thrilled they’d had the whole safe sex conversation already, he could forgo wasting time on a condom, he jumped back on the bed and recaptured her. "Spread your legs for me." He ordered shoving them open with his knee. "Wider, baby, wider. I want to see that gorgeous pussy before I fuck it."

  Her eyes softened as she lifted her legs upward and spread them, giving him full access to her beautiful pussy. He toyed with her clit
for a brief moment, until he heard the moan of pleasure he wanted as he thrust into her with one hard push. He couldn't stop the carnal growl that he released upon feeling her hot wet flesh gripping his cock.

  She arched upward toward him, and he gripped her hips. "No." He needed to get a grip or it would all be over too damn soon. He cursed himself for having the self-discipline of a teenager. "Okay. Oh, fuck." He began to move within her again, and her arms snaked under his, her fingers resting on his back. Her fingernails bit at his skin. "Alyssa." He groaned. "No, don't stop." He fucked her harder, pushing her legs further apart. "Play with your clit, baby. I want you to come again for me. Come for me with your legs spread apart and me fucking you hard."

  Not a moment of hesitation as she slid her fingers between their bodies. He gripped her thighs, keeping her spread for him as he continued to plunder. "Eyes on me," he ordered when she began to close her eyes. "You are too fucking beautiful." He felt her clench around his shaft, she was close again and she was pulling him with her.

  "Harder, Alex. Please harder!" She exploded with him as his orgasm pulled him from reality. He heard her erotic cries, and felt the pulses of her cunt milking his own seed from his orgasmic cock. His chest heaved, trying to suck in air that had been denied. His hands released her thighs and he collapsed onto her, feeling exhausted, spent and absolutely sated.

  He balanced his weight on his forearms, trying not to crush her as he slid from her body and pulled her close to him. "You will be the death of me, Alyssa Sanders."

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  "Hon, you got some visitors," Mrs. Devon peeked her head through the pass-through window to inform Alyssa.

  "Visitors?" Alyssa wiped her hands on her apron and headed out to the restaurant. It was quiet in the diner. Wednesday afternoons usually were. She was just ending her shift and getting ready to go home for a nice hot shower before her night shift at the club. Alex had been out of town for the past several days working with a client for the advertising firm, giving her some peace from his constant barrage of demands for her to quit the diner. He just didn't understand. It wasn't enough to pay her way at the moment, she had a lot of catching up to do as well. He refused to take any money toward the rent on his apartment, so her debt only piled up. She'd find another way to make it up to him.


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