Loaded for Bear (Bear Country Grizzlies Book 2)

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Loaded for Bear (Bear Country Grizzlies Book 2) Page 6

by Layla Nash

  She smiled, and her leg moved until her foot rubbed against his calf. "Really?"

  He grumbled more, closer to a purr, and tip-toed his fingers down to tease her belly-button. "Mm-hmm. I like the way your hair smells. I like that little scar on your chin. And the way your eyes get real big when you concentrate."

  Kira snorted, an odd huff of air, and leaned up to kiss him again. The warm tease of her tongue made him groan in anticipation, imagining all the wonderful things that mouth could do, and he couldn't remember where he'd left off by the time she retreated, biting her lip again in that damn cute but distracting manner.

  Ethan cleared his throat, though his hand drifted south and between her legs. Kira sighed and lifted her hips in an invitation, gripping his shoulders with surprising strength. Ethan teased her slit, dipping low before returning to stroke her clit. He nuzzled behind her ear and listened to her breathing to give him clues, though he murmured, "I like the way you move, and the sounds you make, and the way you feel. And I get the feeling I'll love the way you taste."

  She let out a breathy moan and braced her heels on the ground, lifting her hips as she grabbed his wrist. Ethan let her guide him, using more pressure, faster, lower, until she started to gasp in short bursts. Her body tensed next to him and she started moving in short, jerky thrusts against his hand. Ethan took over as Kira's back arched, and he plunged two fingers into her channel, wiggling until he found the perfect spot. Until he made her eyes fly open, her mouth gape in a soundless scream, and her nails raked bloody tracks in his back as she froze and her thighs almost broke his arm as she climaxed.

  Kira collapsed back on the sleeping bag, panting and covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and Ethan waited until she sighed and relaxed to move his hand. She jumped, her whole body twitching, as he leisurely pressed deeper, longer. Retreated and returned. He built a slow rhythm, gentle but insistent, and every now and then pressed against that deep spot that made her moan.

  Ethan loved watching her. He loved the soft give of her hip against his side, loved the smooth slide of her thigh between his. Kira hooked her leg around his and caught his face, trying to drag him over her. She breathed against his lips, "I want to feel you," and Ethan groaned. He meant to take his time. But he almost climaxed just from her words, the desperate need in her voice.

  He took a deep breath and withdrew his hand from between her thighs, coating his cock with her juices as he eased over her. Kira undulated in a sensual squirm, lifting to meet him, and as he hesitated, she reached between them to grip his length. Ethan's forehead dropped to her shoulder as he struggled for self-control, groaning and cursing as she stroked him, drew him closer until she stroked herself with the head of his cock. Kira jumped each time he rode over her sensitive flesh, making more of those needy sounds, and Ethan couldn't take it.

  He kissed her, hard, and as Kira gave in, submitted, she released him and Ethan plunged into her welcoming depths. They both cried out as he sank deeper, and lightning cracked through the night outside, sending electricity through the air.


  Kira's brain shorted out as Ethan moved over her. She almost had second thoughts when she held his hard length in her hand, stroking him, because it had been a while since she'd played that game. He filled her up as he slid deeper, and ecstasy rippled through Kira until she couldn't breathe and stars spotted her vision in the dark cave.

  Ethan paused over her, breathing hard, and kissed her shoulder, then under her jaw. "Okay?"

  "Better," she managed to say, just trying to adjust to the incredible pressure as his cock invaded every inch of her core. Her muscles rippled, gripping him, and Kira's head fell back against the sleeping bag. Holy shit.

  He retreated slowly and she moaned at the gentle friction, the slick drag of his body leaving hers, and Kira almost cried. She wanted him closer. Wanted to wrap her arms and legs around him to keep him right there so she wouldn't feel empty or alone again. She almost couldn't breathe.

  Ethan murmured something she didn't catch, then thrust again. Harder. Kira tried to meet him but it felt like she went boneless as he moved over her. Ethan caught her knee and drew her leg up, so he could settle deeper still, and sparks blinded Kira. She clawed at his shoulders as ecstasy overwhelmed her and her entire body convulsed, over and over, as Ethan pushed through her spasms. She cried out, breathless and desperate, and he growled in response, fingers digging into her hip.

  The storm continued outside, but Kira couldn't remember ever being cold as she collapsed against the soft sleeping bag, her entire body sensitive. Ethan slowed, dragging his teeth down her throat, and the jaguar wanted to purr. Wanted to mark him. Drag her claws down his back and bite his shoulder. Kira squeezed her eyes shut and let the sensations roll over her, let his touch and his ragged breathing become her world.

  Ethan's hand slid up her side, over her ribs to squeeze her breast, and moved up her throat to tangle in her hair. Kira looked up at him as he held her head still, and his blue eyes found her in the darkness. His head dipped so he could kiss her, and she wanted to ask what he was thinking, but he took her lower lip in his teeth. A gentle nibble, his fingers tightened, and then he growled. His hips slammed into hers and Kira cried out, trying to hold on to his shoulders. He kissed her, hard, tongue thrusting to match as his cock invaded and dominated her, and she groaned. Melted under him with the fierce possession, the animalistic claiming. She loved it.

  He thrust wildly, deeper and harder until they slid over the sleeping bag and she felt the freezing stone at her back. Ethan snarled, still holding her hair as his free hand bruised her hip, and the jaguar snarled back. She wanted him, too. Another climax hovered, approaching with a headlong rush of desperate wanting, and it crashed into her just as Ethan jerked on top of her. He groaned, pinning her down as he came, filled her in a rush, and Kira cried out as the world exploded around her.

  For a moment, she thought maybe the cave collapsed on top of them. That was the only explanation for her complete inability to move, to even lift her head. Ethan sprawled on top of her, still inside her, and only the sound of his breathing convinced Kira that they both lived. She'd never felt anything like it before. Her muscles contracted just thinking about the orgasm, and Ethan groaned quietly. He pushed up on one elbow, still looking dazed.


  His voice rasped, still mostly a growl, and for a moment, his eyes flashed gold. The jaguar grew very still and quiet, wondering if maybe Ethan was more than he claimed. Kira managed to pat his cheek, though her eyes drooped. "Good job."

  He laughed, burying his face in her hair, and squeezed her hip again. "Same to you."

  Kira smiled, though she winced and tried to wiggle back onto the sleeping bag. "But you got a little intense there, and I think you moved the mats."

  Ethan cursed, moving away so he could drag her back into the mess he'd made of the sleeping bags and mats. Kira tried to spread out her hair, so at least it would dry, and snuggled into Ethan's side as he grumbled about waiting out the storm. She didn't mind. The cave wasn't perfect, and chilled air still reached them, but under the sleeping bags and with Ethan acting as a live furnace next to her, it was toasty warm.

  She woke up to growling. The jaguar was immediately, entirely awake. Kira barely kept herself from shifting in anticipation of the threat, but when she looked around the cave and peered into the darkness beyond the shrub, nothing looked suspicious. Just Ethan, growling and snoring in his sleep.

  Kira exhaled in relief but a bit of uncertainty wiggled in her stomach. He sounded like a wolf, maybe a bear, and she held her breath, wondering if he could possibly be a shifter as well. It would make sense, if he and his friends lived out in the woods. They could shift and fight and hunt and do animal things without the risk of humans observing them. And the tours were great excuses to explore the park. Jealousy struck her in a bright flash. It seemed like the perfect life — quiet companionship when they wanted, solitary adventure when they needed, and everything in between. />
  But if he wasn't and she revealed her jaguar, it could ruin her life. End the research, end her grant, end her degree, and any hope of getting a good job to repay all those student loans. Officially, people couldn't discriminate against shifters, but it still happened. They just found other reasons not to hire shifters. More qualified human candidates, maybe, or a sudden decrease in demand so the position was no longer needed.

  Kira sighed and curled up on her side away from Ethan and his grumbling, and squeezed her eyes shut. She'd enjoy Ethan while she had him, and maybe keep his phone number. There were plenty of reasons for her to come back to that part of the country, for research purposes, and if he was a stop on her journey each way, all the better. She covered her eyes. She'd never had a booty-call in college, and never thought she'd have one in the middle of a forest. It wouldn't be fair to Ethan, but he didn't seem to have much else going on. She took a deep breath and pulled the sleeping bag over her head. They'd have to talk about it. Or maybe she'd just drive away and sort it out later.

  None of it was fair. She finally found someone who made her laugh and her toes curl at the same time, and half the country kept them apart. Ethan rolled suddenly and spooned her, drawing her close as he grumbled and muttered in his sleep, and Kira relaxed against him. It wasn't fair, but there they were.


  Ethan woke with a snort, half-sitting so he could peer around the cave. He caught sight of Kira, curled up against him, and wanted to immediately go back to sleep. Or at least just lay back down next to her so he could listen to her breathe, hear her heartbeat, feel the way her feet moved in her sleep.

  But she would be hungry when she woke, and the bear wanted to feed her. So he crawled out of the sleeping bags and tucked her back in, then searched his bag for anything close to dry clothes. He moved as quietly as possible, though Kira sighed and turned over in their bed, and the smooth slope of her breast distracted him. Ethan shook off the urge to explore her delicious curves in the daylight. Even with the fantastic shifter healing, he felt bruised from head-to-toe from sleeping on the stone cave floor. Kira would probably be black and blue for days.

  He carried their bags outside, into the bright morning sunlight, and searched the area for any hint of the dangerous weather that drove them into the cave the previous day. No clouds interrupted the blue sky, and a gentle breeze brought the sound of birds singing. No snow, no rain, no icy wind. Just a beautiful late summer morning.

  Ethan shook his head. Squalls like that blew up from time to time, that time of year, but rarely produced so much snow and sleet. He frowned as he crouched next to his bag, pulling out pieces of equipment. He'd landed hard on the pack when he fell down the embankment — the satellite phone he carried for emergencies was cracked and probably broken, and the propane stove looked mangled beyond repair. Half their remaining food was soaked and mostly inedible.

  He took a deep breath and checked the rifle, which needed a cleaning but was otherwise good to go. The extra ammunition he carried didn't look in great shape, and a hint of anxiety made his chest tighten. Too many years in the Legion meant not being able to sleep well unless he had as much ammo as he could carry and multiple weapons in good shape. Ethan propped the rifle against a tree and started taking inventory after he draped his clothes and Kira's across a few branches.

  The stove wouldn't work, so Ethan gathered some twigs and larger branches, searching for any dry wood after the storm, but he hadn't made much headway on a fire by the time Kira appeared in the mouth of the cave. She still looked half-asleep, and used one of the sleeping bags as a toga.

  Ethan grinned, wanting to hold her clothes hostage, but she gave him a dark look and Ethan carried the driest garments over to her. And when her hands were full with the clothing, he captured her face and kissed her. Kira leaned against him, dropping the clothes so she could twine her arms around his neck, and kissed him back, just as fierce and hungry as Ethan felt. He squeezed her butt, pulling her more forcefully against him, and cursed himself for already being dressed. "Good morning to you, too. I didn't wake you up, did I?"

  "No," she said, and her hands drifted down his chest to rest on his belt. "I wouldn't have minded if you did, though. I woke up cold."

  "Can't have that," he murmured. He kissed her again, taking his time, and lost himself in the heated passion of her response.

  She sighed as she retreated, and Kira scooped up the clothing before heading back into the cave. "We'll have to save that for later. If we get to the camera before lunch, maybe we can camp earlier rather than later," and she waggled her eyebrows at him before ducking back into the cave.

  Ethan bit back a groan and tried to concentrate on setting the fire, so he could put together some kind of meal. By the time she got dressed and dragged the sleeping bags and mats out into the open, Ethan had given up on the fire and instead handed Kira a couple of granola bars. "I took inventory. Things will be a little thin but we should have enough to make it back to the car, if you're not terribly picky."

  "Not about food," she said, and started digging through her pack. "We can hike faster, if we need to. Not quite as much ground to cover after we get this camera taken care of. If my equipment is still working, after all that rain."

  Ethan folded the mats and bags, strapping all of them to his pack when Kira wasn't looking. He wanted to take more of the weight, so if they had to move faster, she wouldn't feel the strain as much. She muttered as she unpacked the boxes and cables from her equipment bag, and frowned over each switch and connection. It was only when she used that little black box that displayed the pictures that she finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed backward against a fallen log. She smiled as she looked up at Ethan. "Looks like it's still working. Thank God."

  "Excellent." Ethan finished stuffing the camp stove and other gear into his pack, then sat next to her to finish his protein bars. He studied the pictures she reviewed with interest, though something in his chest tightened as she paused once more on the accidental photos of the strangers walking past the camera.

  He didn't like it. Neither did the bear. Those men didn't belong in his forest, particularly when Kira was with him. Normally Ethan would have no reservations about shifting into grizzly form and rampaging through whatever bad business those men were involved in, but he couldn't risk scaring Kira or endangering her in any way. His scowl deepened, and he retrieved a small pager-sized metal box from the top of his pack. It was an emergency beacon, and something he and Simon purchased when they first started doing tours into the backcountry. It was a last resort if the satellite phones failed and something catastrophic happened. Hitting the button and triggering the beacon had only one message: need help. Simon and everyone else he could muster would respond to the beacon, if it came down to it, and they'd be able to find the beacon on their GPS units.

  Kira shoved to her feet, all of her gear re-packed, and peered at the small box. "What's that for?"

  "It's an extra GPS logger," he said, shoving it in his pocket. "You ready to get moving?"

  "I am, but my pack feels a little light," she said. Kira shot him a scowl. "I can carry my own gear, Ethan."

  "I know you can," he said. He helped lift her pack so she could slide her arms into the straps without straining her back. "But I want to carry more, since we have to hike faster."

  "It's not fair if you take —"

  "It's fair because I want to do it," he said. Ethan leaned to kiss her again, then tweaked the end of her nose. "I want to do something nice for you."

  She snorted and brushed at her nose, still looking irritated. "And I appreciate that, but I would really prefer to carry my fair share."

  "I know. That's why I love you," Ethan said, not thinking, and pulled his pack on and concentrated on getting the straps set so the weight settled evenly. He almost froze when he realized what he'd said — love. But he forced himself to pretend that particular four-letter word hadn't slipped out, and instead held his hands up in mock dismay. "But my pack's alr
eady on, so we can just even things out tonight."

  Kira gave him another dark look, so damn cute Ethan almost couldn't stand it, but she didn't argue as they started back to the trail that would take them to the second camera. Ethan listened for any strange sounds in the trees around them, though half of his mind whirled with panic over what he'd said. They'd slept together once, known each other for maybe four days, and he'd said he loved her. Close enough that a normal woman might be spooked by it.

  He didn't push the pace too hard, particularly as they scrambled over fallen trees and rock slides, and paid attention to her breathing to make sure she didn't struggle. But Kira kept up, and a few hours into the morning, she passed him on a wide patch of trail and slapped his butt as she walked by. "Let's move with a sense of purpose, slick."

  It took every ounce of his self-control not to grab her up and tear off their packs and clothes and show her his sense of purpose. But Ethan only smiled and winked when she glanced back to gauge his reaction, and feigned disinterest. "Do what you gotta do, sweetheart."

  Kira laughed, tightened the straps on her bag, and strode faster. She set a blistering pace, enough that Ethan considered suggesting a break, but just before he swallowed his pride, she slowed, searched through the foliage, and checked the map. Kira grinned at him and dropped her pack. "The camera's right over there," she said, and nodded in the direction of a bunch of twigs and branches and other camouflage.

  "Good eye," he said, stretching and feigning a yawn so he could take a deep breath. He'd never live it down if he complained about how fast she moved. He wanted to grumble as he set the pack down and fished around for another protein bar. Bears were meant for power and mass, a heavy attack, not speed. Bears didn't race around through the forest.


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