Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel

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Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel Page 13

by R Weir

  Trey and I headed back to town, and with my directions we arrived pretty quickly. We found the manager and she reluctantly agreed to let us in.

  “She moved out a couple of days ago. No notice, no nothing. Someone in the building saw people moving stuff out and told me later. Didn’t leave a damn thing in there.”

  “Any description of the men?” asked Trey.

  “Who the hell cares? A bunch of big colored guys is all I know.”

  Letting us in, we saw what she said was true. Other than the dirt and stains on the carpet, the place was empty. No food in the cabinets or fridge, and no clothing or furniture left behind. It had been completely cleaned out.

  “At least I get to keep the cleaning deposit,” said the manager.

  “We’ll need to get the rental agreement, payment methods, copies of checks, anything at all,” said Trey.


  “We’ll need our crime guys to go over it and see what we can find. Don’t let anyone in until we say so. And don’t have the place cleaned.”

  “I can’t leave it empty for too long,” said the Manager. “I need to collect rent to make a living.”

  “For now, you’ll need to rough it. No one in or out but us. Give me the key, please.”

  She handed it over and stormed away. There wasn’t much they were going to get from the room but some fibers here and there would confirm she lived there. They might get lucky, but it didn’t look good. Trey grabbed some crime scene tape and placed it over the door. He called Aldon and gave him the news. We sat and waited for the CSI unit to arrive.

  “Care to spill to me what is going on?” asked Trey.

  “As I said, I need to wait until I talk with my client.”

  “The Denver cop who hired you. The meeting with Melott and the deal you made with him.”

  “Good memory. Why didn’t you tell Aldon?”

  “I may in time, but figured I’d give you some leeway. I doubt you’re involved, but a woman was killed, and like Aldon, I don’t care for it.”

  “Neither do I,” I said.

  The question was what I could do about it? Apparently, this case wasn’t finished after all.

  Chapter 24

  The crime scene team arrived and started going over the apartment. Trey had received all the lease information from the Manager. DMV had provided a license plate on a nineties Chevy Malibu Ariela owned, but for now was missing. I was free to head back to Denver to consult with my client, but remain available for further questioning. I had not mentioned Leather to either of them but I wondered what had become of her. One would think both would have been disposed of, but so far there was only one body. She lived nearby is what Ariela had said. Could she have gotten away or was she more involved than what had appeared? Her crying scene might have been an act. In my anger, I might have missed the charade. I would keep her in the back of my mind and possibly track her down if necessary. Though with the only name I had being Leather I’d doubt it was listed in the Yellow Pages. A trip back to The Hustle asking to see her probably would be a bad idea without the Marines for backup.

  I contacted Bill and gave him the scoop. He didn’t care Ariela was dead and didn’t want to get dragged into this any further. As far as he was concerned, they had broken free and wanted to keep it this way.

  “She used my son, so the hell with her,” he said bitterly. “And don’t go telling Ray. He doesn’t need the additional stress.”

  The client was always right, but I still didn’t feel good about this. This wasn’t closure, but going against Bill’s wishes wasn’t an option. Although, I planned to revisit it with him, if necessary. Digging into this further at this time would only lead to Melott coming after all of us. This certainly wasn’t on my bucket list of things to do.

  Feeling a bit worn, I grabbed workout clothes and swimming trunks and headed for the gym. Vigorous exercise always helped clear the head and I decided to do the full complement today so I could let go even for a short while. The place was busy with everyone working off the heavy Thanksgiving turkey dinners, the flab index higher than normal. After showering I didn’t care to go home, so I called Melissa.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Wrapping up my day—how about you?”

  “Well, I was feeling like some company. You up for some dinner?”

  “Well, I have legal briefs I need to go over. Make me a better offer and I’ll weigh my options.”

  “There is an excellent restaurant up in Morrison I’ve been dying to take you to. It’s got dark lighting, candles and an expensive menu I would only spend on my best gal.”

  There was a long silence, and I think a little bit of shortness of breath on the other end. Apparently I’d hit a nerve.

  “We can go to Lookout Mountain and look over the city,” I added.


  “Do some necking and a little making out.”

  “Wow, it’s been a while since I went up there. Do people our age neck?”

  “If they don’t, they should. Time to relive your youth. Does this sound better than doing lawyer work tonight?”

  “Absolutely. Do I need to get dressed up?”

  “Yep, nice duds, but not too nice. You know my wardrobe is limited.”

  “What time?”

  “Does seven give you enough time to beautify?”

  “No extra time needed. My beauty requires little effort to impress you. Pick me up at my place. I’ll be waiting.”

  Limited as my wardrobe was, I still managed to dress well enough for a fancy night out. Black slacks, gray sweater and brown loafers. No tie, as I hated them. I put on my brown suede leather jacket and was off to Lakewood. When I arrived a few minutes before seven, Melissa was there looking radiant. Even in work-in-the-garden clothes she was pretty, but now she was extraordinary. With little effort, she was striking. She had a silver dress with thin black rope as a belt, matching over-the-shoulder purse and short-heeled pumps, with a red button up sweater to keep her warm. I moved forward and kissed her on the lips softly, trying not to mess up her light coating of lipstick and makeup. Her face glowed in excitement. She looped her arm in mine and we walked to the Mustang and were off to dinner.

  Morrison is up in the foothills west of Denver, a small quiet town. In November, there would often already be snow on the ground at this elevation, but the warmer than normal weather had melted the little bit that had fallen so far. The crisp air felt good as we got out of the car and walked right in. I had reservations, but the place was quiet and we were seated in a booth, a candle lit to provide a romantic atmosphere in the darkened space. I sat next to Melissa holding her hand. The waiter brought us water and I ordered an extravagant red wine, supporting the mood. After the good and bad of the last few days, I wanted happiness again, and it was right next to me.

  The menu was expensive but I didn’t care. We agreed to share a meal and decided on duck with a honey glazing, seasoned potatoes and a salad. Melissa enjoyed the salad, while I had some fresh made bread provided with the dinner. Green was one of my favorite colors, though green food wasn’t. I broke off a large piece while staring at her.

  “So what is the occasion?” Melissa asked. “Getting together during a week night is unusual for us.”

  “We had a breakthrough yesterday with Ray and I was on cloud nine. After a downer morning I wanted to feel good again, and who better with than you?”

  “What was the breakthrough?”

  “We got him to admit his problem. I had a brainstorm on getting through to him and it worked…” I explained what all had happened.

  “Wow, this is marvelous news. Bill actually said ‘I’ll be damned!’”

  “Yep, might have been as giddy as I’d ever seen him. It was almost orgasmic.”

  “So what was the downer today?”

  “I rather not spoil the mood. It would be best to forget it for now.”

  “Hey, buster, if we are going to be a couple I need to hear the good and the ugly.
Keeping it from me won’t bring us any closer together.”

  It was good to hear.

  “There was a dead body I had to go identify today…” I explained in vanilla detail what had happened. Though the event was a downer, it felt good to talk with her about the bad along with the good.

  “So horrible,” Melissa said. “Poor woman. Do you think they’ll get her killer?”

  “Hard to say. I’m inclined to dig into it further, but would put Bill and his family at risk. I’m afraid it is up to the Sheriff’s office and Greeley police to find her murderer. I can’t solve all the crime on the front range.”

  The duck arrived along with the potatoes and it was simply delicious. We ate in silence, each of us looking at the other between bites. She was very stylish while eating, being brought up by her strict, mannerly parents. She lived in a different world than I had: the detective and the lady. I knew I was a lucky man.

  After dinner, we decided on a light dessert of ice cream on a chocolate brownie with caramel sauce. I paid the check with plastic and left a super tip while Melissa went to the ladies’ room. When she returned, I walked her to the car and hugged her tightly before opening the door. Once inside we glanced at each other and said at the same time “Lookout Mountain” and laughed.

  Lookout Mountain sits high above Denver with a wonderful view of the entire city. At night you see the maze of city lights twinkling in an amber grid. It’s a fabulous site, and once parked, you can see how large the area and its suburbs are. I found a secluded spot and we sat with the motor turned off gazing off in the distance. It was almost like a clear starry night, littering the landscape below us. No heavenly constellations, though with enough imagination you saw what you wanted. I turned to her in nervous anticipation, putting my arm around her. The bucket seats and stick shift would be an issue. I looked at her with an expression of “what should we do?” She pointed to the backseat where we’d have more room, and crawled back there.

  Having some foresight, I had tossed in a blanket to keep us warm in the cool night air. Once situated, I turned into her, gazing into her eyes and sensing sexual tension. I kissed her lips with a heated caress, softly at first and with each touch it became firmer, and we locked in full passion. Her perfume was exciting, as was her persona. Kissing was overwhelmingly sensual with her. She met my aggression with her own. I moved over to ears and her neck, sucking and licking. Her breath became harder, my hands touching her breasts, feeling her chest moving in and out. Grabbing one of my hands, she slid it down her dress and under her skirt, parting her legs, gliding me to her pleasure zone. She was not wearing any panties, so it made it easy to slide my fingers inside her.

  “Someone is going commando,” I said faintly into her ear.

  “I pulled them off in the bathroom,” Melissa whispered back. “I was getting so horny thinking about us coming up here after dinner, I was afraid I was going to soak through them as your fingers can tell.”

  And hot she was. I continued kissing her, sliding one finger and then two, in and out with a smooth rhythm that drove her crazy. She started moaning louder and louder, as I felt her body tense up in excitement. She screamed out in ecstasy over and over, her breath rising and falling with each orgasm. I went faster and faster until she pulled my hand away when she had all she could take. She needed a minute to recapture her oxygen and compose herself.

  “Despite my religious upbringing, I’d always wanted a boy to finger me when parked, but would never let them,” she admitted. “I would let them kiss me and fondle my breasts, but nothing below the belt, even though deep down I desired it. But Mother’s voice always was there, telling me to save myself for the right man.”

  “I feel lucky you allowed me to be your first,” I said with a smile. “Listening to you almost got me off too. Hearing you cry out was so hot. I enjoy giving you whatever pleasure you desire. All you have to do is ask.”

  Her eyes lit up with excitement and ask was what she did.

  “You know what else I wanted to do with a boy when parked?” Melissa said.

  “Tell me.”

  She leaned over and whispered in my ear a four-letter word I don’t believe I’d heard her use before, the expression sending a shudder to my excited body. Her hand reached down slowly and unzipped me, pulling my pants down enough so she could climb on top. While looking me in the eye, a sensual glaze behind her pupils heightened my desire. My arousal in solid state, my eyes meeting hers, I was enjoying the sensation with each up and down motion, sliding me in and out of her, testing the rear suspension of the Mustang. When I whispered to her that I wouldn’t hold out much longer, she quickened the pace even more, as she wanted to feel me explode inside her. My body tensed until the full wave of pleasure was released for both of us, our cries echoing within the car, for I, too, experienced a first for me while parked.

  Chapter 25

  The rest of my week was pretty quiet. I had sent off a bill for both cases and had checks in hand and deposited. I wanted to celebrate, doubting I could eclipse my evening in the car with Melissa. But I’d be damned if I wasn’t willing to give it a try. The weekend neared, so my mind wandered over numerous options on what we could do to top it, when I heard some loud noises coming from upstairs in the beauty salon. Sounding unpleasant and what appeared to be a man yelling, something went crashing against a wall, shaking the ceiling. I grabbed my .38 and headed out my door, dreading what I was going to find.

  Reaching the stairs to the salon, I kept my gun at my side and out of sight. At the door opening, I peered in through the glass and saw three men inside, two standing and one other in motion threatening Kate. It was her soon-to-be ex, Jack. He was yelling something about wanting money while tipping over a shelf of hair products onto the floor. I saw Kate, two of her co-workers and four female customers up against a mirrored wall, scared to death. I pulled out my cell phone and called 911. I intended to wait for the police when I saw Jack grab Kate by her shirt, pulling her toward him and slapping her in the face twice, with threats to do worse. Waiting now wasn’t an option so I walked in, the bells chiming, announcing my arrival. All the parties turned my way and I raised my gun, pointing at the three of them.

  “Gentlemen, I suggest none of you move or I’ll shoot you,” I said firmly.

  Jack’s eyes focused on me still holding Kate and realized who I was. It was the opening Kate needed; twisting free from his grip, she kicked him in the balls, the metal-tipped biker boots she was wearing unleashed the perfect pain for his groin. He doubled over and dropped to his knees. She kicked him again in the face, breaking his nose, the blood instantly running everywhere.

  “You son of a bitch,” Kate yelled out. “How dare you lay your hands on me?”

  There was a loud “ow” from the other women, and a change from fear to smiles. Jack was down, but was trying to get up.

  “Jack, I’d stay down if I were you,” I stated, “or she is going to inflict more damage on you which will only bring more glee to the ladies’ hearts.”

  One of the other two men started to move, but I drew back the hammer on the .38.

  “Another inch forward will get you shot!” I said. “Both of you on the ground, now!”

  Each of them did as they were told, but with a glare of cold, steely eyes. I recognized them as the two muscle-bound men who had met Jack at Eddie’s Bar to collect money. Dirk and Merrick, as I’d learned earlier, were dressed in dark jeans, sneakers and leather jackets with weapons underneath I’d leave for the Denver cops to find. I stood there firmly and pulled out my license to show the police as I’d heard their sirens outside. They entered, guns drawn, and I held up the ID, putting my .38 in the air, the hammer no longer cocked.

  “My name is Jarvis Mann and I’m a private detective hired by the owner, Kate Tanner, who is standing over the bleeding man on the floor. He and the two others prone were busting up the place when I intervened. They are all armed.”

  One of the officers knew me and walked over beside me, his gun
lowered slightly.

  “Jarvis, give me the weapon,” he said. “Sit on the ground until we can sort this out.”

  Soon came in a flood of officers to handle the scene. Ten minutes later I was allowed to get on my feet, once they got information from Kate and handed me back my .38. I stepped over to her and see if she was alright, as she was being attended to by a paramedic for a darkening bruise on her cheek. She gave me a weak smile while holding an ice pack to her face.

  “Nice shiner you’re going to have,” I stated.

  “His nose and balls will be worse,” Kate replied.

  “Two well-placed kicks; I have to say, I’m impressed.”

  “The bastard had it coming to him. I’d have cut them off if I’d had a knife!”

  “He ever hit you before?”

  “No. There were a couple of times in the past I thought he might. He always knew I’d give it right back to him. I’d have done it sooner if he didn’t have his goons for backup and I was worried they’d hurt the other ladies. You came in, he was distracted, and so I pounced and struck back.”

  I nodded, happy she had extracted a measure of retaliation. I saw them pulling Jack off the floor in handcuffs, the paramedic now cleaning him up and packing his nose with gauze. Our eyes met, and his cold stare hadn’t softened any from his beating. I knew I’d be seeing him again down the road.

  “What did he want?” I asked.

  “Same old thing—money,” Kate answered. “He said he owed someone and needed it fast or he was in trouble.”

  “How much did he want?”

  “Everything I had here. We only keep a little bit in the register, but he knew I stashed cash in the floor safe. He wanted the combination, but I wasn’t about to give it to him. I generally have a grand or more in there from the week’s receipts before they are picked up by armored truck. He needed all of it or the two men with him were going to take it out of his hide, or so he said.”

  This wasn’t good news for Jack. If he owed them money it meant either he was skimming from collections and they caught him, or he was gambling again and lost more than he could pay back. Might have been why he had been raiding Kate’s bank account before she cut him off. No matter, he was desperate for cash and now he was going to get all of them put in jail, which wouldn’t help his cause any.


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