Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel

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Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel Page 17

by R Weir

“We have a body. Need you to come down and see if you can identify it.”

  He gave me the address, so I turned around and headed where the GPS led me. When I arrived, the place was closed off by cops. After showing my ID I was told to park and was taken by a police car to a point and by cart the rest of the way. Like all golf courses, it was wide open green grass, mostly hidden today by traces of the recent snow, with a few trees lining the fairway. We drove into a more wooded area near Bear Creek that divided the course. Several officers, uniform and plain clothes were mulling around along with Mallard. With little acknowledgement he walked me down to the body. I never liked looking at a corpse but it was part of the job at times and this was the second one in a week, a new record for me. He uncovered it and it was immediately recognizable as one of Roland’s two goons. Blood covered his neck, shoulder and a sizeable amount of his shirt. The ME came over to give his analysis.

  “Hit in the neck, most likely by a bullet,” he stated. “Severed the carotid artery and bled out quickly. Looks like they tried to put pressure on the wound, but it was too late. I imagine death happened almost instantly.”

  “He was dumped here?” asked Mallard.

  “I would say so. If he died here, there would be more blood on the ground. I’m certain once we get some tests it will match what we found in the truck last night. I understand this may be your handiwork.”

  Killing was never a fun thing to admit to or to see. But in this case, it was hard to feel too sorry for the body before me.

  “Though I couldn’t see the faces, I do know this man. He fits the description of one of the two men leaving the salon after setting it ablaze. One of them took a shot at me and I returned fire into the back of the truck while they were driving off. So yes, it would seem this is my doing.”

  “Who is it?” asked Mallard.

  “It’s one of Roland’s enforcers; either Dirk Bailey or Merrick Jones. I never learned which was which. It’s definitely one or the other. Any ID?”

  “Nothing. We’ll get a match on fingerprints. He certainly will be in the system.”

  “Any idea why they dumped him here?” I asked.

  “None other than the place is closed this time of year. They keep a small staff here in the winter to do maintenance. One of them saw something from a distance and got close enough to see it was a body and called it in.”

  “Any security cameras?”

  “We’re checking. If there are, they only cover a small area. Nothing this far out.”

  I turned around, gauging the range. It was a long ways from the entrance, with no roads other than golf paths.

  “They would have had to carry him out here.”

  “Or they drove a cart. We are verifying if any were accessible and could have been used. Probably won’t lead to anything.” Mallard pulled out a stick of gum and began chewing. “Art, do you need to do anything else?”

  “We are combing the area but likely we won’t find much else. We’ll be taking him away shortly.”

  Mallard and I stepped away from the scene. He offered me some gum, which I accepted. It was strawberry flavored and probably was turning my tongue red, while the sugar was boring a hole in my teeth. But the flavor was pretty good.

  “I found Dona,” I stated once out of earshot of anyone.

  “Did you talk with her?”



  “She lives with Roland, something your file didn’t mention. The address you gave me was his house.”

  “Is she his girlfriend?”

  “In a manner of speaking; she is his sex slave. He owns her.”

  He didn’t appear shocked by the news; been out on the mean streets too long to be surprised.

  “You believe her?”


  “You’re certain. You also believed Emily. I recall she used her pussy to persuade you. Any chance this is the case again?”

  “Wow, you sleep with one client, have to shoot her and you’re branded for life. All we did was talk in Chili’s, nothing else. She didn’t even offer to do me, which is apparently her only talent. Her words, not mine. No, she is telling the truth.”

  I lied about the offer part. It seemed I always had to hold something back from Mallard. Stubbornness always won out when dealing with him.

  “So what else did you find out?”

  I spelled out everything to him as we walked across the nearby green. He listened intently to every word I detailed, what she had said, and our plan for now to hide out. He seemed to remember all and wasn’t taking notes, wanting to keep my involvement off the record. As I finished up he stopped dead in his tracks, turned and looked at me hard.

  “She needs to come in and make a statement?”

  “Yes, she does, but for now we need to decide what is required to assist her.”

  “I’m not in the business of assisting her; I’m in the business of catching a killer. You need to bring her down to headquarters.”

  “She doesn’t know who killed Jack. She isn’t going to give you anything you can use. Her statement only exposes her to Roland. I promised I’d help her.”

  “I don’t care. Go get her, or tell me where she is and I’ll bring her in.”

  “Not yet. I need to think through the proper course of action. He will kill her before she can testify.”

  “Jarvis, not this ‘more time’ crap again! I went through this with you and the Emily slut previously. I teamed up with you because I thought you’d be helpful, and this isn’t. Bring her in by tomorrow morning or I’m going to run you in for obstruction of justice.”

  Mallard took his finger and poked me in the chest. If he hadn’t been a cop, I’d have grabbed his hand, crushed it and knocked him to the ground. My eyes met his, the hard glares on our faces matched in intensity. I hoped he’d take a swing, but he walked away in a huff back towards the dead body. I followed along a few feet behind, wondering if I’d be made to walk all the way back to my car. Screw him. I’ll sing out loud all the way back like I’m enjoying myself!

  Chapter 32

  Statements were completed down at the station and I made the trek back home. Force of habit had me starting back to my actual home before remembering I couldn’t stay there. So I changed directions and headed to Kate’s. It was dinnertime and I was tired and hungry. I stepped inside finding the three of them finishing up their meal, pizza from the looks of it. I was eating so much, my pee was beginning to smell like pepperoni.

  “I ordered extra,” she stated. “Wasn’t sure when you’d be back or what you’d like, but plain cheese was always a good choice. Please help yourself.”

  I thanked her and sat down at the table. There was a pitcher of water and a couple of two-liter sodas. She brought me a glass with ice and I decided on water. The pizza was a little cold but I didn’t care. It was nourishment.

  “Didn’t feel like cooking,” said Kate. “It has been a long hectic and stressful day, and delivery pizza is always thirty minutes away.”

  “I’m assuming the police contacted you?” I asked.

  “Yes, they informed me it was Jack’s body,” she answered. “Damn him. What had he gotten himself into?”

  I didn’t want to reveal what I had learned from Dona. It would only add to her anxiety. I did give her a few details I did have.

  “So you think he was in debt to his boss and this is what got him killed?”

  “Yes, and why he was there on Saturday to get money from you. They returned thinking he could break into your safe.”

  “Idiot had to know I would have changed the combination. What was he thinking?”

  “Probably another stall tactic to buy himself more time. I’m sure he assumed he’d figure a way out one way or another.”

  “Sounds like Jack,” she said, looking at her kids, who nodded. “Always looking to make a bigger score. Damn fool.”

  “I am sorry about what happened.”

  “We want the killer caught,” Cody said. “He may have be
en a butthead, but he was our dad.”

  “Yes, we do,” added Darcy. “Can you catch them?”

  I looked over at Kate; she was in agreement, sadness in her eyes.

  “We are willing to hire you again,” she said. “We need closure and catching them will start the healing.”

  “I will do what I can,” I answered. “No guarantees, but I’m working on something right now with the Denver Police which may lead us somewhere.”

  “Thank you,” said Kate and she reached out and placed her hand on mine, squeezing it. “We have confidence in you. Do what it takes.”

  I smiled back while finishing up the pizza. I was tired and soon excused myself, needing to take a shower. Heading for the basement, I stripped down and was about to head to the bathroom when my cell phone rang. It was Melissa.

  “You must have sensed I was naked and called,” I said.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, with a serious tone verging on anger while ignoring my humor.

  “Yes. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, we’re sitting here eating a late dinner at work, flipped on the TV, and lo and behold I see your name in the news. Someone was killed and the place was torched. Why didn’t you contact me?”

  I had no excuse. I’d been so busy it hadn’t crossed my mind.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “So much going on I forgot to call. It’s been a hell of a last twenty-four hours.”

  “They didn’t say your name, but they said someone was shot, too. Was it you?”

  I didn’t want to answer, but didn’t want to lie either.

  “Yes. Only a minor flesh wound.”

  “You didn’t think I should know?”

  “I knew you were busy this week with this big case and I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “Well, it’s too late; I’m worried. What the hell is going on?”

  I explained some of the details of what happened, but left out a couple of others, like my discussion with Dona. I wasn’t lying to her, I told myself—only omitting some key facts.

  “Damn you, Jarvis,” she said. “Don’t do this to me. Shut me out. You did this before and nearly ruined us. I won’t go through it again.”

  “Honestly, I would have called you. There was so much happening. The day flew by.”

  “So, is your place inhabitable?”


  “So where are you sleeping?”

  “At Kate’s for now; she has a spare bedroom in the basement.”

  There was a long silence on the other end. I could hear breathing but no words.

  “Did I lose you?”

  “Sorry, I’m worried about you staying with another woman.”

  “There is nothing to be concerned about. We have been friends for a long time. Both her kids are here too. Nothing will happen.”

  “I hate not believing you but after what happened with Emily, I get nervous.”

  It was my turn to be quiet. I understood her worry since I’d screwed over her trust before. I was still gaining it back.

  “What can I say other than I only want to be with you.”

  “I do want to believe, I really do. When I’m with you I feel the connection. Only now that you’re staying with her, I’m afraid.”

  “Trust me!”

  “I’m trying but it’s hard.”

  “What do I need to do?”

  “I don’t know!” Melissa yelled out.

  I was in a corner and had to say something.

  “Dammit. Don’t you know I love you?” I shouted out back to her.

  The other end was quiet again. The breathing was more labored now.

  “Did you hear me?”


  “What do you have to say?”

  “I don’t know. I’m shocked.”

  “Well, I planned to tell you in a more romantic setting, but now it seems necessary.”

  “I’d like to answer you back. But I don’t know…I wonder if you aren’t saying it only to allay my fears.”

  “Believe me, I’m not. I’ve not said it enough in my lifetime to blurt it out blindly. I’m not that devious.”

  “I need some time to think this over. I need to get back to work.”

  “I understand. Let’s plan to get away when all of this is over—my case, your case. Let’s go away for a week or two, somewhere exotic and learn what we are to each other.”

  Again there was a long silence.

  “Come on, Melissa, you know I mean it. Kate is only a client and a friend.”

  “Yes. We can go away together. Decide where this is going.”

  “Thank you.”

  Melissa hung on the line for a few minutes.



  “I do care for you. Please be careful.”

  The call went dead but my heart was racing a hundred miles an hour. I couldn’t believe I’d said the words. I’d certainly meant it and had no concern about her not saying it back. Now all I had to do was live up to them. This was what scared me the most.

  Chapter 33

  After a restless night of sleep, the next morning I called Mallard and had it out with him again about bringing Dona in for questioning. The argument went on for ten minutes. It felt like one of my endless fights with an old girlfriend, which never went anywhere, minus the makeup sex afterwards.

  “Detective, she doesn’t know anything,” I said for the fifth time.

  “It is for me to find out,” he replied. “I’m the officer on this case and you are a lowly gumshoe who I asked for help. I’m still in charge. If you won’t bring her in, tell me where she is and I’ll send a car to get her.”

  “No. For now, no one else will know where she is.”

  “Jarvis, you are getting my blood pressure up. I’m about to come over there and toss your ass in jail for obstruction.”

  “I’ll bring her in but she needs representation.”

  “Fine; a court-appointed one can be provided.”

  “I want someone with a little more experience. Come on, give me a day to get my lawyer down there with her.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  “No, I’m not. If he is available today I’ll come on down. I need to contact him and see what his schedule is. I doubt he is sitting around waiting for me to ring him for legal advice. Tomorrow, at the latest.”

  There was a pause and I could hear his chair squeaking from his agitated rocking while thinking why’d he’d ever asked for my help in the first place. I seemed to be making everyone upset on the phone these days.

  “I want a call today from you if she isn’t coming in by 5 p.m. tonight. If you don’t, I’m putting out an arrest warrant for you.”

  “You are so kind, o great one.”

  I don’t think he liked my sarcasm as he slammed the receiver down. It wouldn’t have been a good day for him to get a physical because he wouldn’t pass. I imagined his face red with anger and laughed out loud. Being a pain in his side was enjoyable. I got on the line with my lawyer after a ten-minute wait on hold. Apparently I wasn’t at the top of his hit parade either.

  “What do you want?” said Barry Anders.

  “Good to hear your voice, too,” I replied.

  “When you call, my day gets messed up. So let me put it more bluntly; what the fuck do you want?”

  Any more venom across the circuits and my phone might burn up!

  “Can’t an old friend say hello?”


  “So cold, Barry, but of course you are right. How is your schedule today and tomorrow?”

  “For you I’m booked. Besides, didn’t I already drive up to Greeley to save your ass?”

  “It’s not for me. It’s for a lovely lady who needs someone with your skill looking out for her while Denver Detective Mallard questions her.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “The opportunity to sit next to her, smell her perfume, look at her pretty legs. She likes the short skirts and has outstanding thigh

  “This won’t put food on my table.”

  “Come on—a little pro bono work for your old friend. She’s broke right now and I don’t want her to have a green Public Defender in there with her.”

  “How come everyone you want me to help out is pro bono? I can’t remember the last time I got paid by one of your referrals.”

  “Deductions are good for a man in your tax bracket,” I replied. “Besides, you have a good heart and a lecherous one. Who knows, she may be forever in your debt.”

  “In debt is where I’ll end up working for you,” Barry said. “Let me check my schedule.”

  As I sat listening to rotten hold music, I wondered when people said they were checking their schedule if they really did. Or was it more of a ploy to give the impression of being busy.

  “I have some time tomorrow after one. How long will you need?”

  “Well, you know Mallard, he is pretty thorough. I’d say at least two hours.”

  “So, the Evans precinct?”

  “Yes. I’ll tell Mallard sometime between one and two.”

  “Call me before one so you can let me know what I’m saving her from.”

  “Deal. Thanks, Barry. You are a swell guy. I owe you an expensive steak dinner and some beer.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You always say it and I’m still waiting for you to come through. I have a better chance of your client sucking my pecker!”

  After I was done with Barry, I called Mallard and let him know. He wasn’t completely happy but at least he had a time when we’d be there. If we didn’t show, it was my ass! For now I’d wait to call Dona. I didn’t want her to get spooked.

  The rest of the day was open, so I planned on taking advantage of it. A good vigorous workout, maybe sit in the gym hot tub for a while and a nice lunch out. While gathering my duffle bag, the chime on my phone pronouncing I had a text went off. This one was from Raven saying she needed to talk. I texted her back, asking where she was and when she wanted to meet. It always felt strange texting back and forth when a simple call could more quickly provide answers. It was how their generation communicated, so I played along. She was in Denver staying at her parents so I suggested Boone’s. She was anxious and said at 10 a.m., so my workout would have to wait until after.


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