Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel

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Twice as Fatal: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel Page 22

by R Weir

  Looking around, I realized where I was, understanding it was a dream, reality coming back into focus. I was thirsty and now hungry; the LED clock showed it was after midnight. I heard someone walking around upstairs, the ceiling above me creaking. I silently walked up the stairs and followed the noises. I wasn’t sure who would be up at this hour, but I wanted to make sure someone hadn’t broken in. I’d been cautious to verify no one was following after leaving Roland’s. There was no reason for him to track me back to Kate’s house, but then again I didn’t always have the foresight to anticipate everything. Sounds and light came from the kitchen and I found Kate raiding the refrigerator for food and wine. She was wearing white pajama tops and bottoms with fuzzy brown slippers, and in the glow of the fridge I could see right through them, so I could tell she didn’t have anything on underneath. Doing my best not to startle her, I failed. She turned and saw me, jumping an inch or so off the ground.

  “Damn!” she shouted. “Jarvis, you scared the crap out of me!”

  I tried not to stare at her, which was challenging, as she was pretty well put together for someone of around fifty. The light behind her left little to the imagination. If she noticed my gawking, she didn’t let on.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. I heard noise and wanted to make sure it wasn’t trouble.”

  “I was having a hard time sleeping,” she said. “A little cheese and wine usually works to make me drowsy. Well, mostly the wine. Would you care to join me?”

  The offer sounded serene, so we sat at her dining room table, the light above dimmed, creating a cozy atmosphere. She had two glasses, some white Riesling, Wisconsin cheddar and a knife for cutting. I poured while she hacked off several slabs for each of us. Her long hair was free of her signature twisted ponytail, a static frizz to it from having been slept on. It was as raw as I’d ever seen her, and still she was attractive.

  “How are you holding up?” I asked of her after a bite.

  “OK,” she replied. “I’m pretty bored. With no business to run, I have way more time on my hands. I’m down there every day checking on progress, making sure the work is done right. Mostly, I’m in the way because they know what they are doing. So I clean the house like it hasn’t been done in years to pass the time. Reading every book I have, some I haven’t read in years. Watch a little TV and find most of it boring or disturbing. Can’t do any shopping, I don’t have the money to spend. I’m running out of things to do.”

  “Any timeframe on when the salon will be ready?”

  “Probably after Christmas, though I forgot to mention that you can move back in Sunday morning. They’ll be all done with the lower level Saturday afternoon. Could even bed down that night, if you’re anxious to get out of here.”

  “Not anxious, but happy to be getting back to where I’m used to sleeping. I appreciate your putting me up.”

  She reached over and touched my arm. “No problem, Jarvis. I’m sorry my personal life spilled over into yours. Even though I hired you to catch Jack and now to find his killer, I didn’t want it to mess with your love life. I expected you to be gone a night or two and stay with Melissa. I hope there isn’t any trouble there?”

  I really didn’t want to burden her with my problems, but talking about it seemed the right thing to do.

  “There is some tension there. We haven’t talked for a few days.”

  “Is it because of this case?”

  “Yes, but there’s more. She has concerns about me staying here.”


  “You, mostly.”

  “Me? She is jealous?”

  “Probably; with good reason, though. I had an issue with a female client a few months back. I became involved physically with her. Melissa and I had started dating and the other woman said some things about her that I believed. So I stopped seeing her and ended up getting seduced into what turned out to be a mess.”

  “The lady you shot at Dave and Busters?”


  “Oh, man. I didn’t realize.

  “It was a stupid mistake. Something I’m amazed she forgave me for. Once you screw up like this it’s hard not to wonder if it could happen again.”

  Kate took a long sip of wine and followed it with some cheese. She rested her hand on mine and I tensed up. She sensed it, but didn’t remove it.

  “Jarvis, you are an attractive man. And damn, when I was younger I would have jumped you in a heartbeat. But I’m still trying to get over my husband, and I’m not a let’s-fuck kind of lady anymore. I need to find myself and when it’s time, find a good man my age to hopefully rock my world again. It’s way too soon for sex, and too early to jump in bed for the hell of it. Melissa has nothing to worry about from me.”

  “I know it and I told her,” I said. “I’ve even told her I loved her to ease her mind.”

  “Didn’t calm her concerns any?”

  “No. She couldn’t respond back in kind—at least not yet.”

  “I know what it’s like,” she replied. “I was able to get beyond the wedge, or in my case a wall, with Jack the first time. The second time I couldn’t, it was too much to overcome. I will say if she is worth it, hang in there. You’ll find each other if it’s meant to be.”

  She patted my hand and pulled it away. We enjoyed a little more cheese, and she downed another glass, the last gulp bringing on a deep yawn.

  “Well, the wine is kicking in,” Kate stated. “I’m going to head to bed. Can you put this away when you’re done?”

  “Be glad to. And again, thanks for putting me up and letting me bend your ear.”

  She got up from the table and headed towards the stairs. I watched her walking slowly, my imagination in overdrive on what she would be like in bed for the first time since I’d known her. Odd, but I do this with many women I see. She turned around, noticing me leering at her, and smiled.

  “Thanks for the staring at my body,” she said happily, “now and earlier. I hope you enjoyed the view. It’s fabulous to know the old broad can still turn the head of a young stud.”

  She walked up the stairs slowly, and I’d never look at her as only my landlord ever again.

  Chapter 40

  Saturday came, and I started gathering together my stuff I’d brought to Kate’s with plans to move back this evening. It was wonderful to have a place to stay, but I was ready to get back to my own residence and bed. All my clothes had been cleaned, all the furniture too. Carpeting had been freshly shampooed and the walls painted. A little food to restock the kitchen and I was set.

  I still hadn’t heard from Melissa, so, having a fair amount of energy, I decided to spend the afternoon working out. I ran, lifted, punched and swam all the vigor out of me I could. My body had healed up nicely and was strong and quick as ever. I knew tomorrow was the big day where all the parties would meet in Greeley. I had to be there to broker the deal, get them all together. Physically I was ready to go, but mentally I was still trying to find myself. It didn’t matter; I had to be there and sell the whole thing. If I could walk out of there in one piece, everyone with smiles on their faces, I would have accomplished a lot. This was only the beginning. One step at a time. Patience, again, was the key. More internal pep talks required.

  After finishing, exhaustion enveloping me, I showered and hit the grocery store and then met the contractor at my place. We walked through, and once I was satisfied, he handed over a key and left me. I pulled out a beer and sat down, turning the TV on. Tired and alone, I nodded off for some time until I heard the door opening, Melissa in all her beauty standing before me, carrying some takeout with her. She threw her arms around me, kissing me for a long time. She was wearing black jeans, a silk blouse, heavy jacket and black boots with heels where we could almost see eye to eye.

  “Are you hungry?” she said. “Tony paid for dinner for us. Another case finalized successfully. He told me to get some food, expense it and go see Jarvis.”

  “How’d you know I was here?” I asked.

�I stopped by Kate’s first and talked for a minute. Said you were moving back and were feeling down about us. She gave me a little advice.”

  “Which was?”

  “Show up at your door and jump your bones?”

  “Were those her exact words?”

  “No, but this was…” She preceded to whisper in my ear their conversation, strolling towards the bedroom, removing her clothes along the way.

  I walked after her. “What about dinner? Won’t it get cold?”

  “That is what ovens and microwaves are for. Besides you’d don’t want me to get cold, do you?”

  I followed in hot pursuit, stripping as fast as I could. When I made it to the bedroom, she was completely naked, her beauty with or without clothing was immense, the surge in my body intensifying. I needed a release from all the good and the bad from this last week. My whole being had been tense and, finally, I had what I coveted. No foreplay for this moment, but good old-fashioned hot lovemaking, her legs wrapped around me. It wouldn’t be long, though neither of us cared, as we had been waiting for this moment. We both cried out within minutes. It may have been a quickie, but it was an eye-popping one.

  In each other’s arms we rested, catching our breath. After cleaning up and putting on some clothing, we warmed up our food and sat at the table eating. She had brought some roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw and rolls. I provided a couple of bottles of beer to complete the meal. We ate silently, each of us staring at the other. I wanted to blurt out again how I felt about her, the languor of desire still fresh on my mind, but I held off. There was so much to talk about, but I wanted her to start it and I didn’t want to push.

  When finished, we retired to the sofa and she curled up against me. I tossed a blanket over to keep us warm. Her body radiation was nearly sufficient without the cover.

  “Jarvis, we need to talk,” she said after several minutes of silence.

  “I’m all ears.”

  Her head was on my chest, her eyes staring off into the kitchen, not wanting to meet mine while she spoke.

  “I’ve held off telling you how I felt after what you told me over the phone. Relationships can be hard for me. So, I’m cautious.”

  I sat and listened. I could feel her pulse pounding in her chest. She was nervous talking about this.

  “When the ‘L’ word was used in the past it rarely lasted. My fault, their fault, it didn’t matter. After our initial false start and your dalliance with Emily, putting myself out there is challenging.”

  “Perfectly understandable,” I said. “I’m grateful you gave us another shot.”

  “Can you guarantee it won’t happen again?”

  I paused to choose my words carefully.

  “Absolutes are difficult when it comes to my life.” I replied. “I can tell you for the past weeks I’ve had strippers giving me lap dances that could be classified as borderline intercourse and a woman who is a sex slave throwing herself at me because it’s the only life she knows. Each time, I resisted because you were on my mind—the person I most wanted to be with. I can’t guarantee anything because this has been a weakness for me in the past. It is a work in progress and I have some growing to do. What I can say is, I’m trying to be a better man to be with you.”

  “What about me going back to school?”

  “If it’s what you want to do, I’m all for it.”

  “It will be difficult. It provided stress to my previous relationship.”

  “Yes, it will be. So will being involved with a private detective whose cases tend to gravitate to the seedy side of life. All we both can do is try and see where it leads.”

  “I do want to finish my schooling and be a lawyer. I’ve already registered at Colorado University to start up again after the first of the year.”

  “I’m happy for you and will help however I can. I’m thankful to have met you all those months ago.”

  “As am I, although without Janet it may never have happened.”

  “The receptionist at Bristol & Bristol?”

  “Yes. She commented you were cute. I answered her ‘yes’ and she encouraged me to give you my card. Said it was time for me to get back on the horse. It had been some time since I’d dated. If I didn’t, she said she would.”

  “Wow, as I recall she didn’t even give me a second look.”

  “She is coy with men. Being pretty, she doesn’t need to be overt. They usually fall all over her to get her number.”

  “Well, I’m glad she pushed you. I guess I owe her some flowers.”

  “She is also the one who said to give you another chance. Though if you fucked up again, I should cut them clean off.”

  Though the image was not pleasant, I had to laugh.

  “Can we make it despite our failings?” Melissa said.

  “No reason not to try. I’d rather try and fail than not try at all. I care about you. I love you.”

  She stopped talking, and I saw tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

  “I love you, too,” she said into my ear.

  Little more needed to be said as we lost ourselves in the moment.

  Chapter 41

  I sat in the Mustang, the heater running, the teen temps chilling the car. My mind went through all the events of the last month; so much happening, if someone had described them to me I likely wouldn’t have believed a word. Too surreal to be factual: the cases on two fronts, now coming together. It was a hairy mess, but I was in a hairy business sometimes. It was a big gamble, what I aimed to accomplish. If I pulled this off it would be a miracle. Normally I didn’t trust in them, but today I was trying to stay positive.

  There were a few cars in the parking lot already, so The Hustle group likely was inside, getting prepared, dressed or undressed in this case. About ten past eleven, Roland’s car rolled in, an expensive black BMW, all shiny and freshly washed. Out stepped Dirk from the passenger side, and another new man from the driver’s side I’d not seen before. He was tall and muscular, with goatee, dressed in all black, with a lengthy coat and leather driving gloves. His head was covered with an Oakland Raiders ball cap, his long blonde hair sticking out the back in a ponytail. He opened the door for Roland and his skinny frame stepped out, freakish as always. I joined them at the front entrance.

  “Jarvis Mann,” said Roland. “Are we ready to do this?”

  I nodded.

  “This is my new man, Rocky,” he said. “His job is to watch after you. Do anything stupid and he is to kill you. Is this clear?”

  “Nothing is going to happen unless you start it,” I stated, keeping an emotionless expression. “I’m here for the payday and to set Dona free. Let’s go inside so the show can commence.”

  Through the entry way I noticed the guard I’d fought with previously was there. He wanted to pat each of us down, but Dirk and Rocky would have none of it. He called for Mack and Grady, who came as backup.

  “My men are carrying,” stated Roland. “They either keep their weapons or we walk. You have my word nothing will happen so long as the event remains civil. I’m an important man who requires protection.”

  The three men scrutinized the scene, and Grady made a quick call. After talking with someone, they agreed to let us in with our guns. I was relieved. I was also armed with a new .38 I’d picked up to replace the one the police were still holding. It was reassuring to have it on my back hip, hidden by my brown leather jacket. It was my only backup on this day, which I hoped I would not need. All eyes were upon me: Dirk, Mack, Grady and now Rocky, with a steely gaze, the first three with an axe to grind, the fourth ready to shoot me if necessary. I was in the lion’s den and felt like a chunk of raw meat the cats were savoring to tear to pieces, from the glances I was receiving. Calm on the outside but nervous on the inside, I did my best to keep everyone in my field of view, eyes on a swivel alert for the slightest threat. I pulled out a big piece of gum and began chewing, finding it calming.

  Roland reached the
front table and scanned the empty stage.

  “Who is running this show?” he asked out loud. “I’m a busy man.”

  Out from the back room walked Marquis, all calm and cool-looking, in his expensive tailored white suit and polished shoes. He strolled over to Roland and put out his hand, but he refused to shake on anything for now.

  “I am the proprietor of this establishment,” Marquis said, pulling it back. “What shall I call you?”

  “Sir for now,” answered Roland. “No names are necessary. I’m here to see the merchandise.”

  The way it was said made you think he was there to see furniture or a car. To him it was a sex garage sale. I felt like a pimp bringing all of them together. Another new tagline: The Pimp Detective.

  “OK,” replied Marquis. “Ladies to the stage.”

  Out they all marched, in various sizes and races. All were wearing high-heeled shoes, a G-string and no top. There were eleven girls altogether and each smiled brightly. Their ages barely legal, eighteen to early twenties. I wasn’t sure the age limit for a place that served liquor, but I imagined a couple of them were too young. Of course no patron would ever complain, and certainly Roland wouldn’t.

  “Please ladies show me your stuff,” commanded Roland. “Twirl around, bend over so I can see your ass. Rub your hands on your body. I want to see you play with yourself. The more you enjoy, the more likely you’ll get a big, hard tip from me.”

  Roland laughed at his own joke, and his two guards chuckled nervously, well after he started. I sat and smiled, but it was all an act. I never imagined the sight of several beautiful, naked women to be a turn-off, but this whole scene felt sickening.


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