Facing Calgary's Dream

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Facing Calgary's Dream Page 9

by Anne Stone

  He smiled and didn’t speak. Instead, he let her. “Yeah, it’s the photography.”

  He reached out to her again, and this time she drew near and slipped her arms around his waist. She laid her head in the crook of his neck and started sharing her dreams.

  “My dad and I were inseparable. I spent every waking minute with him at his studio. I helped him on his photo shoots, processed film, printed photographs. I did it all and I loved every minute of it. I was his protégé and I’d planned to follow in his footsteps. We had plans. I’d dreamed of being a photographer from the time I could hold a camera and take a half-way decent photo.

  “Then, my world came crashing down around me. When he died, it was as though the world had come to a halt. I’d lost my passion. I put my camera away and rarely took it out again. When Johnston asked me to head up the fundraiser and feature my own photography, I about lost it. I didn’t want to, but then I thought of my dad, and I wanted to make him proud. So I agreed.

  “Ever since the moment I took my first photograph again, my thoughts have been on my parents, especially my dad. It’s hard doing this. I want my gallery showing to be successful for Lakeview, but every time I pick up my camera, I see his eyes. I see him standing behind his lens snapping away. I see the happy baby having his first photographs taken. I see the high school graduate having their senior picture taken before they embark on a new life. And then, the last images of him. Of him standing there, watching me head off for my graduation not knowing that it would be the last time I saw him happily smiling at me. Telling me how proud he was of me knowing that I’d decided to follow in his footsteps.

  “I’d intended on getting my business degree and then an MBA. My dream was to take over his business when he retired. But then, it faded when my grandfather broke the news of their accident. I decided I couldn’t follow the dream because, as I look back, it was his dream. He wanted me to run the business and always reminded me of it. For some reason, I got my degree in education. Don’t get me wrong. I love teaching but now that I’ve picked up my camera again, I have to wonder if that’s where I need to be.”

  Ryne listened, all the while knowing she was coming to a realization that what she needed more than anything was to become that photographer she’d once dreamed of becoming. He held her tightly as she came to grips with her own dreams.

  “I’ve had way too many flashback memories since I started down this path. Often times, they come out of nowhere. Like today…We came out of the rose garden and walked towards the greenhouse. My dad loved that specific spot in the garden. The way the light gleamed off the glass roof. The smell of the blooming roses. And then I saw a man looking at the signage at the edge of the garden. At first glance, I thought it was my dad. The way he held his daughter’s hand. His posture. Everything about him made me believe it was my dad just out taking a leisurely stroll. And then he turned towards us, and I realized it wasn’t him. That moment took my breath away. Then I looked down at my hand. I was holding a camera. I looked up again and he was gone. Just as my dad was. Gone and never coming back.”

  Ryne ran his finger along the side of her face, causing her to look up at him. “I completely understand what you’re experiencing. What can I do to help you through this?”

  “Just do what you’re doing. Be there by my side. When I have that moment where I’m not quite sure whether I am in the present or past—just hold my hand and I’ll be okay.” She eased her hand up to the side of his face. “You’re becoming my everything. You always seem to know what to say and when not to say anything. You listen and don’t seem to judge me either. You let me be who I am, and I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Jen, will you come home with me?”


  “No silly. Home. Home to Calgary so you can meet my family.” He felt her tense momentarily, and then he heard the words he’d hoped to hear.


  “In a couple of weeks, but first I have to go to Greenwich and attend a soiree for Black Gold. I want you to go with me. Be my date. Meet the management team that’s behind me.”

  Her eyes brightened when he asked her to go to Greenwich. “I’ll go with you if you’ll go with me.”

  “I’d follow you anywhere.” He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Where am I going?”

  “To meet my grandparents. They also live in Greenwich.” He nodded at her request.

  “Of course, I’d love to.”

  Before they knew it, the sun was starting to set on their day. They’d made significant strides in their relationship. Jen had opened up and shared the pain that she’d been facing since agreeing to take part in the fundraiser. Ryne was thrilled with her decision to reveal what she’d been going through.

  That one conversation had opened the doors for him. He now understood the memories she’d been facing and carrying on her shoulders. He noticed the sense of calm that came over her once she shared her memories.

  He was excited to introduce her to even more of his world. She’d meet Adam and everyone affiliated with his success. His parents, brothers, and sisters.

  Ryne had a huge smile on his face. “Let’s go. We need to plan our trip.”

  “Now? Can’t we do that tomorrow?”

  “I want to do it now. I can’t wait for you to meet my family. I feel like we made a huge step in our relationship today, and I can’t wait to see where it takes us. Come on. It’s getting late, and the garden is getting ready to close. In fact, let’s go Skype with my parents. I know they’re just as excited to meet you as I am for you to meet them.”

  He reached for her hand. He didn’t want to overwhelm her with family especially after she’d further shared with him her story, but he was excited for them as a couple. “Ya know, it’s okay if you don’t want to Skype. I understand that I’ve thrown a lot at you today… I’m excited, that’s all.”

  She smiled. For once in the last several weeks, he believed she was happy. Her eyes glittered in the waning sun. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For everything you did for me today. You made me face my past, and I’m forever grateful for that. So, I’m game. Let’s call your parents, let’s make those reservations. For once in a long, long time, I feel free. I want to move on. Make new memories and maybe even decide on my career path.” She loudly smacked her lips on his cheek and rose, grabbing her camera bag. “Come on, let’s go. I can’t wait to meet your family.”

  Ryne reached for her hand, raising it to his lips. Brushing a kiss across her palm, he pulled her down the pathway towards the exit.

  He was thankful he’d taken that moment in time and led her to the alcove where she’d finally confessed the reason behind her sadness. They’d come a long way in their few short weeks together. Right there, in that moment, he realized the truth. He’d fallen in love with her and couldn’t wait to share her with both his professional family and his true family.

  Ryne knew she’d fit in without issue. She was so different from Whitney. She was loving, caring, and had a heart of gold. She was true to herself and her friends, whereas Whitney was all about herself. He was grateful he’d never introduced Whitney to his family. But now, he couldn’t wait to take Jen home. Skype was not the wisest of ways to introduce her, but he couldn’t contain himself any longer. He needed to share her right now with his family, and he hoped and prayed she’d love them as much as he knew they would love her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They hurried back to Ryne’s car. Just as they started to pull away from the parking lot, Jen’s phone rang. She looked down at an unfamiliar number. She hesitated answering because she didn’t want to interrupt the moment, but she answered anyway.

  “Jennifer,” she heard in a shaking unsteady voice.

  “Gram? Is that you?”

  “Yes, honey, it’s me.”

  “What’s wrong? You sound upset. Where are you calling from because this certainly isn’t your nu

  “It’s your grandfather.”

  “What happened? Where are you?” she asked anxiously, causing Ryne to pull over. He knew by the tone in her questioning voice that something was seriously wrong.

  “We’re at the hospital. Your grandfather wasn’t feeling well…”

  “Don’t tell me… Is he dead?” Gasping, she tried to take in air but with her heart pounding so fast she wasn’t able to. She was starting to hyperventilate. She felt Ryne’s hand on her leg as she listened to her grandmother. She felt his comfort immediately and found a way to slow her breathing although her heart kept pounding away.

  “Oh no, sweetheart, he’s still with us. The doctors believe he is having a gall bladder attack. I wanted you to know.”

  “Where are you? What hospital?”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t need to come. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Where are you?” she adamantly asked. She listened to her grandmother, discovering that he was at a hospital not far from where they were. “I’m on my way.” She looked at Ryne and he nodded. “I’ll be there in a little while.”

  Within minutes of taking her grandmother’s call, Jen found herself in her grandmother’s loving arms. Ryne had dropped her off at the Emergency Room entrance while he parked the car.

  Jen draped an arm around her grandmother’s shoulders and led her to a seat near the front door.

  Jen was concentrating so intently on her grandmother she didn’t notice Ryne standing beside her. It was her grandmother that pointed him out. “Ah dear, do you know this young man?” And that’s when she looked up into the handsomest face she knew. His eyes focused on her and in that moment she realized. Realized without a doubt that he was the man for her. She’d had feelings for days, even weeks, but now she knew that what she thought was a deep sense of friendship was more.

  Her heart fluttered and she gasped. Ryne saw the look of panic on her face. “Jen are you okay?” he asked as he knelt in front of her. She closed her eyes and reopened them. His eyes said it all to her. “Jen…”

  She reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I’m fine.” Swallowing, she turned to her grandmother. “Grams, this is Ryne Ferguson, my boyfriend.” She glanced over to him and smiled. It was the first time that she’d referred to him as her boyfriend, and it felt good to do so. But at the same time, she knew he was more than just a boyfriend. He’d become her best friend and the man she’d fallen hopelessly in love with. She’d never once shared with anyone her past or her dreams. Her grandparents knew about her change in career, but they didn’t know the extent of the turmoil she endured while making that decision.

  Ryne was it for her. Her feelings overwhelmed her. Thankfully, her grandmother took over. Jen listened as she told them what had happened earlier. She heard her grandmother’s voice but didn’t focus on what she was saying. Jen was mesmerized by Ryne’s eyes. She knew he was listening and even watched his mouth move as he spoke to her grandmother. Jen was in a fog. She was coming to grips with everything and didn’t realize Ryne was speaking to her until she felt his hand upon her leg. That innocuous touch brought her back to the present. She turned back to her grandmother. “I’m sorry, what did you say, Gram?”

  “You didn’t hear a word, did you?” Her grandmother knew her almost too well. “Where were you just now? I was telling you about our ride in the ambulance.”

  “I’m sorry, go on.” She focused solely on her grandmother’s words as she retold her grandfather’s trip to the hospital. When she’d finished, a nurse appeared, informing them that they were ready to transfer her grandfather to a room. Additional tests were in the works, and they hoped to release him the following day.

  “I’ll wait here, Grams,” she called out as her grandmother was escorted back to her grandfather.

  Ryne took her grandmother’s seat and slipped his arm around her. “He’s going to be alright,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

  They sat in the waiting room, watching the hustle and bustle as patients and family members came and went. She’d held tightly onto his hand while she rested her head on his shoulder, waiting for news of her grandfather. She dozed off momentarily. She was safe and secure in Ryne’s arms; then, the tightening of his hand woke her.

  “They’re moving your grandfather to his room,” she heard. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she stood, pulling him up beside her. They made their way through the hospital’s halls towards a man that meant the world to her.

  They waited in a nearby room while nurses finished the transfer. A soft-spoken nurse interrupted their quiet. “Are you with the Steeles?”

  She was paralyzed and heard Ryne immediately speak up. “Yes, we are.”

  “You can go in to see your grandfather now.” She saw Ryne shake his head and felt him tighten his arm about her.

  “Come on, I’ll walk with you.”

  “You’re not coming in?”

  “I’ll wait out here. It needs to be family. I can meet him another time when he’s feeling better.”

  She reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “What’s there to understand?” He motioned her towards the room. “I’ll be waiting right here, I promise.” She felt his fingers slip away from hers as he pushed her into the doorway.

  A half hour later she found Ryne exactly where he said he would be, waiting right outside her grandfather’s room. The wall supported him as he leaned heavily against it.

  She took one look at him and knew something wasn’t right. The way he leaned against the wall said it all. His hip was bothering him. “Ryne, what are you doing,” she called out as she neared his side.

  “What do you think I’m doing? I’m waiting for you.”

  “You shouldn’t be standing like this…your hip.” As she led him to the waiting room, she felt a hitch to his step and realized he was limping. After all their walking earlier in the day, he shouldn’t have continued to stand, especially on the tiled floor without some type of padding. She knew he had to be in pain.

  “I’m fine. How’s your grandfather?”

  “He’s still in pain but feels better. They think they’re just going to keep him overnight. Enough about him; we need to get you home so you can take your meds.”

  “Jen, I’m fine. Don’t you want to stay here longer?”

  “No. My grandparents basically sent me home. My grandmother’s best friend is going to take her home. We’re free to go.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I am.” He gave her the look that she’d become accustomed to of late. The one where he drew his eyebrows in and frowned. She pulled him down the hallway towards the elevators. What she wanted most of all was to take care of him. She knew he was in pain just by the way he held his jaw. She wrapped her arm around his waist while they waited for the doors to open. “Let’s go home,” she said as they entered the elevator. She felt his arm wrap securely around her when the doors closed.

  As they drove towards his hotel, his facial expressions changed. The closer they got to his hotel, the more she became aware of his pain. He clenched his jaw even more and scrunched his eyes. She reached over and patted his leg. “We’re almost there.”

  “Yeah,” was the only comment he made as he drove through the entrance to the parking garage. He whipped the car into a space right next to the entrance and threw the car in park. That’s when she noticed how tightly he gripped the steering wheel. His knuckles were white, and his temple throbbed as he clenched his jaw.

  She threw open her door and made it to his side before he’d even opened his door. Slowly he eased himself from the car. If she hadn’t been so focused on him, she might not have heard the groan as it escaped his lips. But she did. She slipped her arm around his waist, led him to the doors, and called for the elevator.

  “Lean on me,” she said as they stood against the elevator wall. She felt his weight when he followed her request. In fact, she was surprised he’d listened
to her. She helped him down the hallway, then grabbed the key card from his hand and opened the door. She helped him to bed and watched as he painfully sat down on the edge and ran his hand through his hair.

  She headed towards his bathroom. “Where’re your pills?” He motioned towards his bedside safe. He gave her the code and she pulled out the pills so quickly, the bottle flew out of her hand and rolled under the bed.

  She dropped to her knees. “I can’t reach them…” She scooted further and before she knew it, she was almost all the way under the bed, grunting as she moved across the thick-piled carpeting.

  “Got it,” she called, then tried to extricate herself. She couldn’t move. Frustrated, she cried out, “I’m stuck.” She heard his laughter.

  “Here, I’ll help you,” he said as he slid from the bed, groaning in the process.

  “I don’t need your help. You need to stop. You’re in pain.”

  “I may be in pain, but I can’t just leave you stranded under my bed.” His hand gripped her ankles and she felt a little tug. The next thing she knew she had been freed and was staring right up at him. He grabbed her hand to help her sit upright.

  “Whew, that was close. I thought I was stuck.”

  “You were but thanks to me…” and that’s when she saw the color of his eyes change. They became darker, more intense, then he reached out, sliding his hand up her arm behind her neck. He cupped the back of her head and his lips found hers.

  She laid her hands against his chest and pushed away. “I thought you were in pain.”

  “I was, I am, but I took one look at you and couldn’t stop myself. You’re beautiful. The expression on your face when you were freed was priceless.”

  All of a sudden a pain shot through her backside and that’s when she realized she wasn’t sure where his pills were. She leaned over and pulled the pill box from underneath her. “I wondered what I was sitting on.” She smiled. “Come on, let’s get you your pills.” She jumped from the floor and reached for his hand.


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