Facing Calgary's Dream

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Facing Calgary's Dream Page 19

by Anne Stone

  It was a black-tie affair held in one of the prestigious hotels in downtown St. Louis. Johnston had given her the day off before the Saturday evening soiree. The silent auction had been assembled in the back of the ballroom. She’d skillfully set up the gallery in a special room that she and Ryne had agreed upon to showcase her photos.

  The morning of the party, Jen woke with a blistering headache. She assumed it was a combination of nerves and lack of sleep. She’d been a frazzled mess since putting the finishing touches together. She prayed she hadn’t been too confident in her abilities. All four of her grandparents were attending, and she couldn’t wait to see Rowena and Miles. They’d spoken several times a week since her visit in June. She wasn’t sure if Ryne was as excited but knew he’d make the best of their stay.

  It had taken her weeks to find her dress. She wanted to feel comfortable and not confined as she moved about the evening. She’d chosen a sleeveless ankle-length rose colored A-line dress with an asymmetric hemline. It flowed freely around her and gave her the room she needed.

  She knew she looked good when she answered the door, and Ryne’s eyes practically popped out of his head. He was speechless as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. It took him a moment to get his bearings and then he ran his hand along her cheek. “You look stunning. I’m going to be the luckiest man there. I’m escorting the most beautiful woman in the world, and I can say she’s all mine.”

  Shyly she looked at him, still unused to his compliments. Every time they were together, he told her how beautiful she was or how lucky he was she was in his life. It never got old.

  “Did Rowena and Miles get in okay?”

  “They did and they can’t wait to see you.”

  “Ughh. Thanks. I certainly hope they behave themselves at least while they’re at the fundraiser. I don’t need them questioning my motives.” He chuckled and reached for her wrap securing it around her shoulders. “Ready, love?”

  She nodded and as she started to pull away from his arms, he pulled her in closer. “Will you promise me something tonight?”

  “Sure, anything as long as it won’t get me into trouble.” She giggled.

  “Trouble? I thought you were a saint and never lost your way.”

  “Sweetheart, that’s where you’re definitely wrong. I’d been lost for so long, but I didn’t realize it until you entered my life.”

  “I hope I helped you find your way.” She nodded again. “Promise me you’ll enjoy every minute of this fundraiser. Put all your worries aside because there’s not a thing we can do to fix it.” He ran his hand along her back. “Well, maybe we can fix some things, but…” He looked into her eyes holding her gaze. “I’m so proud of you. So proud of your work. And don’t let anyone ruin your happiness tonight, okay?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “One last thing.”


  “Know how much I love you. I thank God every day that you were behind the wheel that night. My life hasn’t been the same with you in it. I’ve found peace, happiness, and more importantly, love. Whatever you decide, know that I’ll support you one hundred percent. Whether you remain teaching or reclaim photography, it doesn’t matter to me. Just be happy.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. “Ryne, thank you for helping me find myself again. I hadn’t realized I was lost, but I was. I feel freer than I’ve felt since that awful night. I love you so much. Thank you for taking a chance on me. As it was, you really didn’t know who that madwoman was that almost ran you down.” He grinned at the reference she made to herself. “I want to tell you I’ve made my decision.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

  “I’ve certainly struggled deciding the right thing to do, but what I learned from you and your family is I need to take that chance. Spread my wings again. I may fail but at least, for the moment, I have you in my life.” As she said those words, she conveyed to him her decision. “I’m going to resign at the end of the year.”

  “I know it was a hard choice for you to make, but I believe it’s what you need at this point in your life. Honey, whatever happens remember you’ve got me forever.” He leaned in and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her lips.

  They arrived at the hotel an hour before the scheduled start. She ran through her exhibit one last time while Ryne checked with the hotel’s event coordinator. Everything was good to go. They were just waiting on their guests.

  Ryne also had a huge surprise for her and he wanted her to discover it all on her own.

  While he stood at the entrance to the ballroom, he realized the change in her. She exuded a confidence he hadn’t seen before. He was proud of her decision. Since returning from Canada, he knew she’d struggled with her future plans. He never pressed her or gave his opinion knowing she had to come to her own conclusion.

  He looked up and saw five people coming his way. He was excited he’d been able to pull off his surprise with none the wiser. He welcomed his guests and motioned towards the gallery where he’d seen Jen moments ago. She was in there, alone. He hoped his surprise would calm her nerves. He couldn’t wait to see her face when they greeted her.

  He neared the doorway and motioned for his surprise to stand outside her vision. He entered and took in her beauty as she straightened one of her photos. He was so proud of her. “Jen, I’ve got some guests that would like to meet you.”

  “Ah sure, hold on a minute.” He waved the five into the room.

  “Okay, Ryne, I think it looks good.” When she turned and saw the visitors, the sheer joy that radiated from her face made his surprise all worthwhile.

  “Oh my God,” she screamed as she ran towards Jacklynne’s outstretched arms. Not only had she come to the fundraiser but also Jacques, Philippe, Etienne, and Rafael. “I can’t believe you came,” she uttered as she continued to hug his mother.

  “Of course we came. We couldn’t not support you and Ryne on this endeavor.”

  She moved away from his mother and then found herself enveloped in Jacques’ warm embrace.

  “Jen, you’re a part of the family. Sorry, the girls and Jules couldn’t make it.”

  “I’m just surprised you’re all here.” She hugged both Etienne and Rafael.

  Philippe was the last in line to congratulate her. He had a blank expression on his face as he drew her into his arms. “We wouldn’t miss this event.”

  “But how? How were you able to leave training camp?” she said addressing his brothers.

  “We worked it out in advance. This event is important to you and Ryne, so it’s important to us too.”

  “I’m so shocked.” She made her way to Ryne’s open arms. “I can’t believe you did this for me. Thank you.” She found herself enveloped in another embrace as he kissed her cheek.

  “Sweetheart, anything for you. I knew you’d love it if we could all support your showing.”

  “No matter what happens tonight, you’ve made my day. I’m overwhelmed.” Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of some people as they neared the entrance to the room. His heart dropped only because he wasn’t sure what to expect.

  “Jennifer?” He watched as her head spun towards the doorway and the familiar voice. There stood the rest of her family. Miles and Rowena along with Wilford and Rose were dressed in their finest. He watched as an expression of love filled her face as she approached her grandparents.

  He went to her side as she welcomed her family. Leaning in, he kissed both Rowena’s and Rose’s cheeks. “Thanks for coming. It’s so nice to see you again.” He then reached out his hand to shake both Miles’s and Wilford’s.

  “I hope we’re not interrupting something important,” Wilford said as he surveyed the crowd.

  “You’re not. In fact, it’s perfect timing,” she said. Ryne moved aside so she could lead them into the room. “I’d like to introduce Ryne’s family. His mom, Jacklynne; his father, Jacques; and his brothers Philippe, Etienne, and Rafael. His brot
her Jules and sisters, Olivia and Emma, weren’t able to attend.”

  Ryne wasn’t the least bit surprised when Rowena rushed towards his parents. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you,” she said as she waved her arm about. She took a closer look at Etienne and shook her head. “Are you twins?”

  “Yep, we are,” Etienne commented and approached Rowena. “It’s nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Rowena commented as she glanced towards Ryne, quirking her brow.

  “Don’t take that the wrong way,” Etienne said, back peddling. “Jen spoke about you when she visited us this past summer.”

  “That sounds better.” She harrumphed. “I’m pleased to meet you. Did you come all the way from Winnipeg?”

  “No, Grandma Ro. They live in Calgary.”

  “That’s right. I knew they came from somewhere north of the border.”

  Ryne took control and introduced her grandparents to his family. He sighed and sidled up next to Jen. “I hope they’ll get along.”

  “They will. Rowena was just testing the waters. You know what she’s like.”

  “That I do.” He wrapped his arm about her and watched as they discussed Jen’s photos.

  “Is this you, Ryne?” Rose asked as she pointed to the last photo she’d added to the collection.

  “That’s me.”

  “I love it! Jen, I have to have a copy of this.” He wasn’t the least bit surprised with how her work was received by not only their family but, later, by everyone who attended the gala.

  At the end of the night, Ryne dropped onto a chair just inside the ballroom. They were the last ones remaining, outside of the cleaning crew. He reached out and guided her onto his lap. “I’d say this was a huge success, thanks to your photography.”

  “It wasn’t just my photos. It was everything. From that to the auction, to the dinner, and then the dancing. Everyone seemed to have a phenomenal time. I know I sure did, that is, when I could take it all in.” He squeezed his arms around her.

  “One thing we didn’t get a chance to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  He eased her off his lap and held out his hand. “Shall we have this dance?”

  “What about the music?”

  “I think we can manage.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she swayed along with him. It didn’t matter that the band had stopped playing for the night. He had a tune that’d been playing in his head all day long and that’s what he danced to.

  Almost instantly he felt her relax as she settled into his arms. The stress of the evening was over. Their event was a huge success, and Johnston had already begun to talk about it becoming an annual event. As he’d listened to Johnston’s excitement, he knew that more than likely, Jen and he wouldn’t be a part of it.

  He had a lot on his agenda in the coming months. With training camp fully underway, he’d spoken to Adam about his options and how he wanted to proceed with his career. For the first time in several years, he’d be able to spend a portion of the holidays with his family. He knew what he wanted to do, and he just needed to convince Jen to join him.

  He could see she was exhausted. They’d promised both of their families that they’d meet for brunch the following morning. “Let’s get you home,” he whispered as they swayed about. He felt her nod against his chest. He grasped her hand and guided her to the main hallway of the hotel. Looking back towards the ballroom he murmured, “We did it, Jen.”

  “We did and I’m glad it’s over. Now, I have to break the news to Johnston.”

  “You have plenty of time to do that. You’ll know when the time is right.”

  He escorted her out the door and to the garage. He knew how tired she was, so he helped her into the car, then reached for her seatbelt and clicked it into place. He hadn’t even made his way out of the garage when he heard her even breathing. She’d fallen asleep. She was spent with the worry and hours she’d put into the event. Now it was over and they could concentrate even more on their relationship. He had plans and he couldn’t wait to share them with her.

  The next morning, they met their families for brunch.

  When he arrived at her house shortly before nine to pick her up, he’d knew she was running behind because she flew open the door and all he saw was a blur as she ran back up the stairs. He heard her yell that she’d be a minute. She was longer than her promised minute, and he could see how tired she was. Her eyes were puffy and with dark circles. One look at her red-rimmed eyes and he wondered whether she’d gotten any sleep.

  He was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. She’d stopped one step above him and looked him squarely in the eyes. “Did you sleep okay?” he asked.

  “I did,” she claimed as she eased her arms around his neck. Brushing a kiss to his cheek, she said, “We need to go. You know how I hate to be late.”

  “Yeah, I do,” but he refused to move. He brushed his hand across her face securing her hair behind her ear. “Let’s be honest here. Did you sleep?”

  “I did, but I also had dreams.” He watched her closely as she told him about her dream. “We were in the room where the gallery showing was held last night. I heard a muffled voice and I turned. There standing before me was my father. I can remember the smile he had on his face.” She looked away from him. “He told me how proud he was of me and my decision to go back into the business. I reached my hand out to him, and he started to come towards me. And then, he faded away. His last words were, ‘I love you my sweet princess. Never forget that.’ Before I could say another word, he was gone.”

  “Ah honey…”

  “I kept calling out his name and he never came back.” Tears started to form and fall from her eyes. “I kept calling for him and calling and then I woke up.” He swiped the tears from her face.

  “Sweetheart, he was telling you he approved of your decision. I know he’s proud of you and what you accomplished. I’m sure when the time is right he’ll seek you out again.”

  “I hope so. It was so good to hear his voice, if only for that brief snippet in time.” He grabbed ahold of her fingers and motioned for her to follow. He snatched her coat and shepherded her out the door.

  They were the last to arrive at the restaurant. As they walked into the room, she turned to him. “You know I hate being late.”

  “We’re not late, they’re just early,” he chuckled. “Look at my watch, dear. We’re right on time.” She playfully slapped at his chest. “Come on, let’s join everyone.”

  He noticed that Rafael was missing. “Where’s Rafael?” he asked his father.

  “He had an early flight. He was sorry he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.”

  “I’m sorry too. I’ll text him later.” He made his way to his mom and kissed her cheek. “What time is your flight?”

  “Early afternoon. Don’t worry about us. We’ve got a car already scheduled to pick us up.” He glanced at Etienne who was enmeshed in a conversation with Rowena.

  “Poor Et,” he said to his parents. “I see Rowena’s got him cornered.”

  “Yeah, she does. She’s taken with the two of you being twins. He’s doing his best to appease her. I think he’s done a pretty good job.”

  He whispered in his mother’s ears, “At least he’s keeping her out of my hair. I think I’ll buy him a case of beer in thanksgiving.” He watched his mom’s expression.

  “She’s not that bad, Ryne. She’s concerned about Jennifer. What grandparent wouldn’t be especially since she’s alone.”

  “I get it, I do, but I thought I’d vetted myself with her. I’ll have to try a little harder, I guess.”

  Ryne looked up and saw Philippe approach Jen. For the first time in quite some time, he seemed at ease. He’d carried a blank expression the night before, but today he seemed more himself, relaxed. His brother hugged Jen, kissing her cheek. He knew they’d developed a special bond after their conversation. He was grateful to her for helping. In the time his fa
mily had been in St. Louis, he’d noticed glimpses of the old Philippe, seen life in his eyes, and actually heard his laughter on occasion. Jen was a godsend to both of them, and he hoped that she continued to forge her relationship with his brother.

  They were close enough that Ryne could hear their greeting.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t have a chance to talk last night,” Philippe said to Jen.

  “Phil, did you forget I was a tad bit busy.”

  “I didn’t. I need to tell you this before I have to go.”

  “What is it?”

  “Thank you. Thank you for our talk this summer and also for our ongoing conversations. You’ve helped me put perspective on my situation. I’m seeing things clearer lately, and I just wanted you to know that.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You’re good for my brother.”

  “He’s good for me, too, Phil.” On that note, Ryne joined them. “Oh hey, there honey,” she said. “Phil and Etienne have to leave in a little bit. We need to get started on breakfast. And I also want to share my news with everyone.”

  Ryne spoke up getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s eat. But first, Jen has an announcement to make.”

  “I wonder if they’re getting married.” He caught Rowena’s comment. If she thought she’d been whispering, she hadn’t. He whispered in her ear, “Nope, not yet.” He knew she’d been so focused on Jen that Rowena hadn’t heard his approach. “You’ll be one of the first to know, that’s for sure.”

  All eyes were on Jen. He was so proud of her. “I want to thank you all for coming to last night’s event. I’m so happy that you could share our night with us. It meant the world that you were here,” she motioned to his family. “It was so unexpected and I know how difficult it was for Philippe, Rafael, and Etienne to get the time away. I’ll always remember that. I think, no I know, we had a successful fundraiser. I won’t know the totals for a while, but I do know the gallery showing was successful. I’ll be processing prints for weeks to come.


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