Facing Calgary's Dream

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Facing Calgary's Dream Page 25

by Anne Stone

  He was stunned by her request. “You what?”

  “You heard what I said. There will be fewer people to worry about needing to travel, and it feels right to me. Outside of this house, which I know more than likely I’m going to have to sell, it feels like home. I haven’t spoken with your mom about it, and she might not want all the brouhaha, but I believe the ranch setting will be absolutely perfect for our wedding. You love it there, and I’ve grown quite fond of your country and home. So that’s it. I choose the ranch.”

  He playfully ran his hand down her tresses and swept them behind her ear. He wanted to get a better look at her beautiful face. The face he’d soon be waking up to on a daily basis. “My mom’s going to go crazy. She’ll love that you want us to be married there. Now the next question…When?”

  She raised her finger. “I’ve given that a lot of thought, too. If, and I know it’s a big if… If the Generals were to make the Stanley Cup finals.” She paused as she heard him groan. “Hey, there, you’ve got to think positive.”

  “Okay, when we compete in the finals…”

  “That’s better, I checked the calendar and the seventh game of the series is scheduled for the middle of June. Taking that into consideration, I thought you’d need a little time to recoup. How does two weeks sound?”

  “Get married in two weeks? That’s impossible.”

  “No silly,” she smiled broadly at him while she played with his shirt. “Two weeks after the Cup finals.”

  “Got you. I guess I got lost there for a minute.” He smirked.

  “You certainly did.” She playfully patted his shoulder. “Now back to my suggestion. I know July first is Canada Day, and it’s a national holiday. How about we get married that weekend? That way, those of your friends that have to work will have an additional day they can celebrate with us.”

  He startled her as he sat up quickly, practically knocking her off the couch. Placing both hands on either side of her face, he kissed her with a force she wasn’t used to, and then he jumped from the couch.

  “What’s wrong, where are you going?”

  He grabbed his phone that he’d set down on the table after speaking with Et. Checking the time, he realized it was later than he expected, but his parents stayed up later than normal during the winter because they enjoyed watching their sons’ hockey games live on satellite television. Rafael had a game in Arizona and, fingers crossed, his parents were up watching.

  He didn’t think twice when he pulled up their number and dialed. To him it seemed like forever, but after only two rings his dad answered. “Ryne, is everything okay? You normally don’t call this late.”

  “Everything’s perfect, Dad. I need you to get Mom and put the phone on speaker.”

  They heard the click, then his mom’s voice. “Ryne, I can’t believe you’re calling this late. Is something wrong, are you injured?”

  “Mom, I just told Dad everything was fine.” Jen snuggled him.

  “That’s good to hear. So why the call?”

  “Hi, Jacklynne?”

  “Oh Jen, is that you?”

  “It’s us,” he said as he reached for her hand. He winked at her. “Mom, Jen has a question to ask you and Dad.”

  Shyly Jen started in, unsure how his parents would take her request. “Hi, Jacklynne and Jacques.”

  “Hello there, dear. And have you forgotten you can call us Mom and Dad now?”

  “No, I haven’t.” She squeezed his hand, unsure how to ask them her all important question. “Ryne just got home a little while ago. I haven’t seen him since Christmas.”

  “Oh honey, I’m sure you’re happy he’s home. I know how lonely it can get when he’s away. I remember those days well.”

  “I’m sure you do.” She looked at Ryne. He batted his hand at her and mouthed the words, ‘ask her.’ She swallowed and took the plunge. “So, we were sitting here talking about the wedding.”

  “Honey, what did your friends say about your engagement?”

  “I haven’t told them yet.”

  “What? Why?”

  “It just didn’t feel right with Ryne on the road. I wanted to wait until we could tell some of our friends together. But that’s not the reason for our call. I was wondering…”

  “Yes, honey, go on, what is it that you need?”

  “I was hoping— no we were hoping—that if it’s not too much trouble, you’d let us have the wedding at the ranch.” They heard a gasp and then dead silence. “Are you still there?” She waited momentarily. “Ryne, did we lose the call?”

  She heard Jacklynne as she cleared her throat. “No, sweetheart, we’re still here. Are you sure you want to have the wedding here and not in St. Louis?”

  “I’d really like it there. I’ve fallen in love with the ranch and the entire Ferguson family.”

  “But Jen, what about your family?” asked Jacques.

  “It’s really just me and my grandparents. I have a few close friends but that’s it. It’s easier for us to travel the distance than for you all to travel here. I hope we’re not asking too much, but I’d love to have it there, especially if Calgary becomes our home.”

  “What’s that? Ryne are you being traded?”

  “Mom, not that I know of. I think what Jen is referring to is I’d like to retire there someday, and she’s getting used to the fact that Calgary will eventually become our home.” He raised his finger to his lips so she wouldn’t contradict what he’d said.

  He’d spoken again with Adam, and he hoped that by the end of the season he’d be a member of the Calgary Storm. He didn’t want to get his mother’s hopes up too soon, especially if things didn’t work out.

  “So, what do you say? Can we get married on the ranch? I’d love nothing better than to make my future wife pretty happy right about now.”

  “Nothing like putting the pressure on them,” Jen said in a snarky manner.

  “Honey, I’m not.” He pulled her close waiting for his parents’ reply.

  “We’d like nothing better than to host your wedding. So yes, you can have your wedding here. Have you decided on a date?”

  “How does the weekend of Canada Day sound?”

  “Perfect,” Jacklynne said. They could hear tears in her voice. “We’ll be honored to do this for you.”

  “Son, it’s getting late for you and us. Why don’t we talk in the morning?”

  “Okay. Hey before we go, how’s Rafael doing tonight?”

  “Eh, he’s had two penalties and two goals, so all in all a good night for him.”

  “Thanks, Mom and Dad,” Ryne said as he prepared to end the call. “We love you.”

  “We love you both,” Jacques chimed in before the call ended.

  “That wasn’t so bad.” He again winked at her.

  “It went better than I thought it would,” she said.

  “Jen, how can you say that? You must have known they’d say yes. They love you. You’re family.”

  “Not yet I’m not.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you.”

  “Ryne, I’m not picking a fight with you. It’s just your parents have welcomed me from the first moment they met me. It’s still almost impossible for me to believe they care for me as much as they do.”

  Jen tightened her arms around Ryne and held on for dear life. She loved him more than words could express. He had become her rock and always seemed capable of helping her down off the mountain of doubt that seemed to pop out of nowhere.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The next morning Jen woke bright and early. A sense of calm filled her. She’d told Ryne the evening before she was going to inform Johnston of their engagement and her decision to return to photography.

  As she drove into the parking lot, she recalled the look of sheer pleasure that crossed his face when she told him of her plan. The smile and the glimmer of love in his eyes stayed with her throughout the night and lived with her in her dreams until she woke.

  She’d been so caught
up in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Ryne’s car so she didn’t realize he was there until she entered the building and heard his voice. She hurried into the office and found him sitting across from Johnston, sharing a cup of coffee. “Jen, look who the cat dragged in.”

  Ryne stood and reached for her hand. Leaning into her, he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and slid his hand around her waist. She knew his affection had come as a complete surprise to Johnston. Only a few people knew of their relationship and how close they’d become. With an astonished look on his face, Johnson motioned to Jen. “I see you’re early today. Have a seat for a few minutes so we can chat with Ryne.”

  She nervously smiled at Ryne and sat in the chair beside him. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him before turning back to Johnston. “I was pleasantly surprised when Ryne walked into my office this morning.” Johnston took a sip of his coffee. “So Ryne, what brings you by Lakeview this bright and early, especially on a Monday?”

  Ryne looked at Jen and reached out to her. Grasping her hand tightly in his, he motioned to her to share their news.

  She cleared her voice. “I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, and I realized that the time has come.” She looked down at their clasped hands. She knew Ryne was aware of her nervousness and felt his thumb rub alongside her hand, providing her with the support she needed. “I wanted to give you ample opportunity…”

  She turned to Ryne and demurely smiled again at him. She needed his strength to continue. Once again she felt his love as she looked into his eyes. His eyes sparkled full with the feelings he had for her. One squeeze of his supportive hand allowed her to finish.

  “I want you to know this decision has been a long time in coming. Johnston, know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me here at Lakeview. Last year, you presented me with an opportunity I wanted absolutely nothing to do with. The fundraiser was like a thorn in my side, especially when you asked for a gallery showing. I hadn’t picked up a camera in I can’t tell you when.” She shook her head trying to clear the memories. “You added Ryne to the mix and I had no out. In time, he made me see that I needed to follow through with the showing and confront my past.”

  “That wasn’t my intent, Jen. I remembered your talent and thought we’d be able capitalize on it to raise money for Lakeview.”

  “I understand that and I’m thankful we did. But along the way, I realized how much I missed being a photographer. Through Ryne’s encouragement and with the success of the showing, I’ve decided I can’t deny what I truly want to do with my life. Photography is my passion, and I’d thrown it all away when my parents died. Because of you and Ryne, I’ve decided I can’t ignore my calling any longer. I want you to know that I’ve decided not to return to Lakeview next year. I have to follow my heart and right now that’s being with Ryne and the career I’ve put on hold for way too long.”

  With that, she lifted her hand. And there, sitting on her ring finger was Ryne’s engagement ring. She knew he’d been totally surprised by her first announcement but was completely thrown off guard when she raised her hand.

  Shocked and almost stuttering, Johnston said, “I..I… Is that what I think it is?”

  “It certainly is,” chimed in Ryne. “Jen and I are engaged.”

  Quickly overcoming his shock, Johnston stood and practically ran to her side. He pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you. Did this just happen? I had no idea you were even a couple.”

  Sheepishly she said, “No, we got engaged at Christmas.”

  “Christmas. How come I’m just finding out about it?”

  “Because I wanted to wait until Ryne returned from his road trip to tell everyone. He’s been traveling since right before New Year’s, and it didn’t feel right sharing the news without him by my side.”

  “So when’s the lucky day?”

  “The first of July. We’re getting married in Canada.”

  A perplexed look crossed his face. “Canada, why Canada?”

  Again, she squeezed Ryne’s hand. “Because my family’s there.”

  “I thought your grandparents lived here and on the East Coast.”

  “They do.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My family, which now includes Ryne’s, is mainly from Canada. He has a gazillion siblings, and I didn’t think it was right for them to have to travel all this way when I have only a few family members and friends that live here.” He nodded approvingly. “Ryne and I are going to throw an engagement party here in a few weeks, and then I hope to have a little something here in St. Louis after the wedding. That way, my friends who can’t come to Calgary can still celebrate with us.” She looked at Ryne as she said this and discovered a supportive look cross his face. The idea came to her out of the blue when Johnston had questioned her reasoning for getting married in Canada. A party was the perfect answer, she thought.

  Jen looked at the clock and jumped from her seat. It was almost time for the bell to ring, and she needed to get herself organized for the day. “I hate to hurry out of here, especially after dropping our news on you this morning, but I need to get a few things together before the day begins.”

  “I’m sorry I kept you, but I’m thrilled with your news. Why don’t you come by my office during your morning break, and we can discuss your plans in a little more detail.” She smiled and nodded. She ran her hand across Ryne’s shoulder as she headed out of the room. “To say I’m surprised about you two is an understatement. How did you keep your relationship under the radar screen for so long?”

  “We didn’t do it intentionally,” he said. “A few people knew about us. In the end, we didn’t want it broadcast all over the city. It’s not like we didn’t go out and do things, but we also didn’t make a big deal about it either.”

  “I completely understand wanting your anonymity when you’re in public. I see what our parents here at Lakeview go through being recognized and it can be overwhelming at times.”

  “It can be and that’s one thing that I don’t want Jen to have to encounter too often. She’s been really good about it so far, but sometimes it can definitely weigh on you.” Ryne glanced at his watch just as the bell rang. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stop by Jen’s classroom before I go. I know she’s pretty excited to share our engagement.”

  “Sure.” Johnston stood and extended his hand to Ryne. “Your announcement threw me for a loop. I can’t even remember if I said congratulations or not, but congratulations,” he said shaking Ryne’s hand. “You couldn’t have found a better woman than Jen. She’s had a rough go of it since her parents died.”

  “She has. But you know what? I consider myself the lucky one. She’s made such an impact on me and my family’s life already, and I can’t wait to see where we go in the next fifty years.” He raised his hand motioning goodbye. “I’ll see you soon.”

  By the time Ryne made his way down to her classroom, the daily announcements were being broadcast. He peeked into her room and noticed the children had all gathered around her. They were sitting in a circle towards the back of the room.

  He slowly opened the door and eased in. Her back was to him, and she was so enthralled with telling them a story, she wasn’t aware of his presence. As he leaned against the wall, a smile crossed his face. Even though he knew of her doubts as a teacher, she mesmerized him with her tale as she weaved her story. He listened intently and then laughed out loud at one part along with the class. No one had noticed him until they heard his guffaw, and then all eyes were upon him.

  The kids were flabbergasted with his presence. Jen turned, acknowledging him. He strode to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. “I think you remember Ryne Ferguson,” she said, smiling at him as she reached up to squeeze his hand.

  Her students’ all nodded. He felt her movement and realized she now stood at his side. He started to say something when one of her students let out a huge gasp. “Is that what I think it is, Miss Steele?” the girl sitting at her feet

  He wasn’t sure what she was going to say or do, but she wrapped her arm around his waist and said, “Yes, Francine, your eyes are not deceiving you.” Her hair hit the side of his face as she spun her head and looked up at him. “Ryne and I are engaged. We’re getting married.”

  Her class broke out in whoops and screams. It got so loud that Alison came running into the room. She glanced back and forth between them and then spotted Jen’s ring. Her hand flew to her mouth, and she dashed over to pull Jen into a hug. “Carson and I both saw this coming. Is it recent?” She reached for Ryne. She held on tighter than he expected, causing him to grunt. “Oh, sorry about that. I’m so excited for the two of you.” She grabbed Jen’s hand again, raising it to examine her ring. “When did this happen?”

  Jen pulled in her lips as she gazed into Ryne’s eyes. She ignored Alison and turned to her students. “Let’s everyone return to your desks and grab your math books.” She pulled her hand from Alison’s. “How about I fill you during our break? I need to settle them down.”

  “Sure thing,” Alison scurried from the room calling over her shoulder, “I won’t tell Carson. It’s my little secret, right?”

  Ryne nodded. He followed Jen to her desk and whispered, “Sorry about the commotion. I thought this would have played out a little differently.”

  She placed her hand on his cheek. This was her first day openly wearing her engagement ring. Since returning to school, she’d worn it on a chain close to her heart. “It’s alright. I didn’t think I’d be able to keep it a surprise for much longer, especially with me wearing this rock on my finger.” She glanced at her hand. The ring glowed brilliantly in the light and Jen raised her eyes to his — sparkling with her excitement.

  She pressed her lips together to keep from smiling, but he knew she couldn’t keep the effervescent smile from him. She was happy. Their announcement to her class and Johnston played out just the right way.

  He chuckled at her comment. “I guess not. I’ll talk to you later.” He squeezed her hand once again and started out the door. Winking back at her he said, “Have a good day.”


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