The Tycoon's Scandalous Proposition--A Marriage of Convenience Romance

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The Tycoon's Scandalous Proposition--A Marriage of Convenience Romance Page 16

by Miranda Lee

  Dismay swamped Kate, and her forehead bunched up into a troubled frown.

  ‘What?’ he asked.

  She shook her head at him. ‘I’m sorry, Blake, but it’s all getting a bit too much.’

  ‘What is?’

  ‘Everything you’re doing for me.’

  He sighed. ‘You’re not going to say no again, are you?’

  ‘Coaches like that are very expensive. I’m not dumb. I know what they cost.’

  ‘But I can afford it,’ he told her, her voice tight with obvious frustration. ‘My movies are raking in heaps.’

  ‘That’s not the point. People will say I’m a freeloader, or a gold-digger. I know you said I shouldn’t worry about what other people think, but I do.’

  Blake scowled. ‘They wouldn’t say either of those things if you were my wife.’

  ‘Your wife?’ Kate exclaimed.


  BLAKE COULD HAVE cut his tongue out. He’d done it now, hadn’t he? But, damn it all, he was beginning to see everything he wanted getting away from him. And he couldn’t bear it.

  The shock on Kate’s face just about killed him. Clearly marrying him was the last thing she wanted, or would ever do. And whilst one part of him found pleasure in this undeniable proof that she was nothing like Claudia, the rest of him was plunged into the most alien despair.

  True to his nature, however, Blake refused to admit defeat. With a will of iron he climbed out of the pit and put his intelligence to finding the right words to say to her, finally adopting what he hoped was the right expression. One of mild exasperation.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ he said, with a flourish of his left hand, ‘I know exactly what you’re going to say. We’ve only known each other a week. You don’t marry someone you’ve only known for a week.’

  ‘I... I wasn’t going to say any of that at all,’ Kate denied, feeling both flushed and flustered.

  Because of course she would marry him in a heartbeat if he loved her. The brevity of their relationship didn’t matter. She already knew more about him in a week than she’d learnt about Lachlan in four years. Kate knew down deep that Blake was a decent man. Caring and kind and above all fantastically good in bed.

  ‘I was going to say,’ she went on, having to force out the words, ‘that I would only marry you if we were both madly in love with each other.’ Blake’s not loving her was a deal-breaker. Kate needed her husband to love her. ‘I’m sorry, Blake, but marriage without love is not for me.’

  ‘I see,’ Blake bit out. ‘Well, that’s it then.’ He looked at her for a long moment, his dark eyes searching hers as the corner of his mouth lifted in a strange smile. ‘You wouldn’t consider it even if one half of the couple was madly in love with the other?’

  The truth behind his statement hit Kate with a squall of anxiety and embarrassment. ‘Oh, no!’ she wailed, her stomach churning. ‘You rang Lachlan, didn’t you? And he told you. Or Maddie told you. I knew I should never have told her. Oh, God...’

  And she buried her face in her hands momentarily, before looking up at him again with anguished eyes.

  Blake shook his head at her. ‘Kate, I don’t know what in hell you’re talking about. I haven’t rung Lachlan. Though I will. Soon. He needs to be sorted out. But I haven’t yet. And I certainly haven’t talked to your sister.’

  Kate blinked in confusion, then blinked again—until suddenly she realised what this meant. If he hadn’t talked to Maddie or Lachlan then he didn’t know she loved him. So he had to have been talking about himself.

  Her heart flipped right over at the enormity of her discovery.

  ‘Are you saying that you’re actually in love with me?’

  His smile carried amusement. ‘Not “actually” so much as madly. Yes, Kate, my sweet. I’m madly in love with you. Is that so surprising? Now, what on earth were you going on about just now? What was it you told Maddie that she shouldn’t have told me even though she didn’t?’

  ‘Oh. Yes. Oh. No. Oh. Well...’ God, she was babbling like an idiot.

  ‘Out with it, woman. No lies, now.’

  ‘I... I told her that I love you.’

  Blake seemed stunned. ‘You love me?’

  ‘Yes. Yes, I love you. Very much.’

  ‘Wow... I never dreamt...’ His hands lifted to run rather shakily through his hair. His gaze searched her face with an air of wonder. ‘I thought it was too soon. I thought...’

  ‘I know what you thought, but you were wrong. Lachlan means no more to me now than Claudia does to you. The moment you came into my life I saw that he was just a cardboard cut-out hero, whereas you are the real thing.’

  ‘I’ll have to remember to use that line in one of my movies.’

  ‘You will not!’ she said. But she was smiling.

  ‘Right. Now, can we go back to that earlier part of our conversation where I suggested you become my wife?’

  ‘Oh, that part.’

  ‘Well, what do you say?’

  The temptation to just say yes was acute. But...

  ‘You need to ask me properly first—with an engagement ring in your pocket. And the wedding won’t be taking place until after I get my first independent acting job, gained by my own efforts and no help from you.’

  ‘Done!’ he agreed, grinning as he whipped out his phone.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Kate asked breathlessly. She was still in a bit of shock at the speed of everything.

  ‘I’m calling Carlos.’

  ‘Yes, boss?’ Carlos answered. ‘You ready to be picked up?’

  ‘Yep. But we won’t be going straight home. I need to do some shopping first. Oh, and bring Juanita with you.’


  ‘Yep. I know how much your wife likes jewellery. She’ll know exactly where we should go to buy an engagement ring.’

  ‘I’m sure she will,’ Carlos replied gleefully. ‘See you outside in about ten minutes, boss.’



  BLAKE LAY BACK in bed with his fiancée in his arms, feeling happier than he could ever have imagined. His original quest to make Kate happy had been achieved—she hadn’t stopped smiling or admiring her engagement ring for the last hour—but his own happiness exceeded anything he’d ever experienced before.

  Who would have believed that an old cynic like him could find true love—and with an actress, no less? It was the ultimate irony. But a logical one in a way. Who else would he have so much in common with? Who else would understand him the way Kate did?

  Byron was going to be surprised. Or perhaps not. Since marrying Cleo and becoming a father Byron had become an old softie. He would rejoice in their news and give Blake his heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Blake vowed to ring and tell him in the morning.

  He wouldn’t, however, be ringing Lachlan. If the rumour mill was correct he’d soon be severing his connections with Fantasy Productions anyway. Blake didn’t bother to hope that Lachlan’s new venture would fail because it probably wouldn’t. Action heroes didn’t have to be great actors. Blake didn’t really care either way, but he vowed not to have anything more to do with the man—either personally or professionally.

  ‘Will you stop admiring that damned ring?’ he said now, pretending to be angry, ‘and give your new fiancé some much-needed attention.’

  ‘Rubbish. You’ve had plenty of attention. I still can’t believe we’re engaged.’ And she wiggled her left hand back and forth, the five-carat brilliant-cut solitaire diamond glittering under the light of the bedside lamp.

  ‘Well, Carlos and Juanita believe it. They wanted to throw us a party tomorrow night, but I said no because Sunday is their day off. Instead I’m going to take my wife-to-be out for the day. I’ve booked lunch for us at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and then we’
re going to drive down to my favourite country club and I’m going to start teaching you how to play golf.’

  Kate grimaced. ‘That’ll be a disaster. I’m not very sporty, you know.’

  ‘With your build? You’ll be a natural.’

  And, surprisingly, she was.

  Kate smiled during the whole drive home. They hadn’t gone in the limousine, instead taking Blake’s Porsche.

  ‘I was good, wasn’t I?’ Kate said smugly as they walked hand in hand up the steps into the house.

  ‘You sure were. Too good. In no time you’ll be beating me. Well, perhaps not. But you could probably beat Byron.’

  ‘Darling Byron. He seemed genuinely happy for us over the phone, didn’t he? And not at all shocked.’

  ‘Men like Byron never get shocked. Not like mothers.’

  Kate was taken aback. ‘You told your mother?’

  ‘Hell, no. That can wait until after we’re safely married. Same with yours. Then they can’t spoil anything, can they? Not once we’re a fait accompli.’

  Kate flashed him a questioning glance. ‘How long do you think it will take me to get a job?’

  ‘No time at all once your visa comes through.’

  ‘I can’t wait.’

  ‘We don’t have to wait, you know. We could fill in the marriage licence form online tonight and be in Vegas for a wedding tomorrow. What do you say?’

  Kate shook her head. ‘No. Let’s not be silly. Let’s wait. Do you want coffee?’

  ‘Yes, but I need to go to the bathroom first. Be back in a jiff.’

  Kate put on the coffee machine. after which she toddled off to the nearby guest powder room. When she returned to the kitchen Blake was there, humming as he took down two mugs.

  ‘You know, I rather like the idea of a Vegas wedding,’ Kate told him. ‘Provided I have a proper wedding dress and you wear a tux. We have to have decent photos to show our children.’

  ‘Children!’ Blake exclaimed, having not thought of their having children until that moment.

  ‘Well, of course. Don’t you want children?’

  Blake considered the idea, and then decided he did. Kate would make a wonderful mother. He wasn’t so sure about his own fathering capabilities, but he would give it his best shot—like he did with everything he attempted in life.

  ‘Yes, I’d like children. Though I don’t want a big family. Two would be enough. Though perhaps one would be better,’ he added drily. ‘No sibling rivalry then.’

  ‘True. Okay, we’ll settle on one until we see how the land lies. Of course I have to warn you that I might change my mind and eventually want six.’

  Blake laughed, then turned and drew her into his arms. ‘That’s a woman’s privilege, I guess. Though you’re not to change your mind about marrying me.’

  ‘As if I would.’

  ‘Tell me again that you love me,’ Blake urged, and pulled her even closer.

  ‘I love you, Blake Randall,’ she said, her eyes going smoky.

  ‘And I love you, Kate Holiday.’

  ‘Perhaps you should show me how much,’ she suggested saucily.

  ‘What about the coffee?’

  ‘It isn’t going anywhere.’

  Blake smiled, then bent his mouth to hers.


  Four and a half years later...

  KATE SAT AT her dressing table, putting the finishing touches to her make-up and doing her best to keep her nerves under control. Tonight was a big night for her. And for Blake. It was the premiere of the movie Blake had once promised to write especially for her—a romantic drama, with Kate as the heroine and not a nasty line in the whole script.

  Which had come as a huge relief!

  Up until now Kate hadn’t done any movies at all, concentrating on the television series which had been the first job offered to her, and which had gone on to be a huge success. She had already done several seasons, with more to come.

  It was part of what was called the domestic noir genre, and Kate’s character was a black widow type who was wickedly amoral, going through a new husband each season—one murdered, one dead of natural causes and the rest divorced—whilst having countless affairs on the side.

  According to the producer, she’d been chosen for the part for two reasons. She was a total unknown and she didn’t look the femme fatale type, which added an ironic edge to her actions and made her character compellingly fascinating to watch, making the audience wonder What next? all the time.

  Of course her character—Amanda—only ever married rich men, and she was always dressed to kill. And when Kate had fallen pregnant for real, towards the end of the first season, the writers had just written a pregnancy into the second season—though of course they’d made sure Amanda’s new husband wasn’t the father. More drama that way.

  The show was called The Career Wife, and it had already won several awards.

  ‘When can I start wearing make-up, Mummy?’

  Kate smiled at her daughter in the dressing table mirror. Charlotte—already nicknamed Charlie by Blake—was lying face down on the nearby bed, with her pretty face propped in cupped hands. She’d only turned three a few months ago, yet she seemed so much older. Though thankfully not too spoiled. Her English nanny had seen to that. And so had Juanita, who loved Charlotte dearly but refused to let her act like some pampered princess.

  ‘Not just yet, darling,’ Kate said gently. ‘Perhaps when you’re—’

  ‘Eighteen,’ Blake said firmly as he emerged from the bathroom, looking very suave in his black tuxedo.

  ‘Eighteen?’ Charlie squealed, sitting up and scowling at her father. ‘Oh, Daddy, don’t be so silly. I think seven is a good age—don’t you, Mummy?’

  ‘Er...’ Kate didn’t know what to say.

  ‘Over my dead body,’ Blake growled. ‘Thirteen, my girl. And that’s my final word!’

  Kate smiled, noting how smug their daughter was looking, though she tried to hide it.

  She even came up with a sulky pout. ‘You are a meanie sometimes, Daddy.’ But, having said that, she added sweetly, ‘But a very handsome meanie.’

  He laughed. ‘Oh, go on—get out of here, you little minx. Your mother and I have things to talk about.’

  Charlotte scrambled off the bed and ran out of the room.

  ‘You do look handsome,’ Kate said as she stood up and headed for her walk-in wardrobe.

  Blake’s hand shot out to grab her as she walked by, spinning her round into his arms.

  ‘No, don’t!’ Kate squawked before he could kiss her. ‘You’ll ruin my make-up.’

  ‘Bloody make-up,’ he grumbled, but let her go. ‘Wait ’til I get you home later,’ he threw after her.

  She smiled over her shoulder. ‘Promises, promises...’

  Kate was still smiling as she reached for her outfit. It wasn’t a typical glamorous gown of the kind that most actresses wore to premieres and award nights. It was much simpler. Some would say conservative. It was a long cream crêpe skirt with a matching jacket, nipped in at the waist and then reaching down past her hips, giving her slim figure an hourglass shape. But Kate did add a touch of Hollywood glamour with a star-shaped diamond brooch and matching drop earrings, shown to advantage with her hair elegantly up.

  ‘You look utterly gorgeous,’ Blake said. ‘I love that outfit. Where did you get it?’

  ‘I had it made especially. I didn’t want to wear anything like I wear on my TV show. I wanted to look classier than that.’

  ‘Well, you certainly do. But sexy at the same time. Sometimes less is more.’

  ‘No more compliments or I might let you kiss me.’

  When he came forward with that look in his eyes she laughingly warded him off, snatched up her clutch purse and hurried towards the door.

  Blake sighed and hurried after

  ‘Thank you so much for minding Charlie for us tonight, Juanita,’ Kate said.

  Blake had give Charlotte’s nanny two tickets to the premiere, and she was coming with a fellow nanny whom she’d met in a local park and who had become her best friend. Juanita and Carlos had already seen the movie, at an early screening which Blake had organised to get audience reaction. They’d loved it—and so had everyone else.

  Kate still felt horribly nervous, her mouth dry and her heart racing. It was her first movie, after all. And what made her even more nervous was the fact that her parents and Blake’s parents were going to be there, Blake having generously paid for the four of them to stay for a few nights in one of the hideously expensive bungalows at the Beverly Hills Hotel, only a short walk from the theatre.

  ‘Money well spent,’ he’d declared when she’d protested at the expense. ‘You don’t honestly think I’m going to have them all staying here, do you? Heaven forbid!’ And he’d literally shuddered.

  Both sets of parents had eventually come to terms with Blake and Kate eloping to Vegas, but none of them had exactly been happy at the time. Kate could still remember the dire warnings which had come from her mother.

  ‘It won’t last, you know. Still, I suppose you can always get a divorce and come home...’

  Blake’s parents had been equally negative in their prognostications.

  ‘Not another actress, Blake. Oh, dear. Some people just don’t learn.’

  The arrival of Charlotte a little over a year later had certainly helped smooth things over—as had both Kate and Blake’s ongoing success. And a visit home to Sydney last Christmas had been a big hit. Charlotte had been at her adorable best and no one had been able to resist her charm.

  Even Maddie had fallen in love with her—dear, irrepressible Maddie, whose marriage to Lachlan had ended two years ago after Lachlan had been widely reported on social media as having affairs with every single one of his leading ladies. Though pretending to be heartbroken at the time, Maddie had happily taken a huge settlement—along with the house in Sydney they’d bought together—and promptly got back with Riley the plumber.


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