Put Out (Kilgore Fire Book 5)

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Put Out (Kilgore Fire Book 5) Page 17

by Lani Lynn Vale

  It pulsed with the beat of his heart, and the ruddy red tip looked like it was in need of my mouth.

  But when I went to place him where I wanted him, he pushed me back down, then went as far as to roll me over on my belly.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered. “You move, I’m pulling out of you.”

  Stunned by this new side of Bowe, I stayed where I was, flat on my belly, with my arms stretched high over my head.

  Bowe straddled my outstretched thighs, and then slowly started to massage my ass cheeks.

  His thumbs dipped between the part in my thighs, and I nearly groaned when they both went up and in, straight to my pussy.

  His thumbs were wide, and it’d been over a couple weeks since I’d had him, so the invasion of two thumbs was enough to send my entire lower half up off the bed.

  It didn’t hurt, per se, but it also took some breathing on my part to find the pleasure of the act.

  But the moment he started to suck on my neck while he fucked me with his thumbs, I was a goner.

  It took literally two strokes of his thumbs and a little neck play for me to come.

  I had no hope for it. There was nothing I could do when it came to Bowe.

  If he wanted me to come, then I was coming. There was no stopping him when he wanted something.

  And that, I saw, was the error in my ways.

  Bowe wanted me and he would do anything to get what he wanted.

  With my ecstatic pussy clamping down around his thumbs, he slowly withdrew them from my body, then let them trail up the middle of my back. The act left a trail of wetness all the way to the base of my neck.

  A trail that he started to lick up the moment he was finished making it.

  Lick after lick had him on the path straight to my pussy in a matter of moments, leaving me with nothing else to do but close my eyes and imagine the moment he finally got to my pussy.

  But all my imaginings had nothing on the real thing.

  When Bowe’s mouth found the base of my spine, he leaned down and buried his face between my legs.

  When I tried to move them further apart, he stilled my hips.

  Worried that he couldn’t breathe, I tried to open them again, only to be rebuffed by a slap on the outside of my thigh.

  “Still,” he said between licks.

  I moaned into my pillow, crying out each and every time his tongue found a particularly sensitive spot.

  He spread my ass cheeks apart, and licked me from front to back, making my whole entire body jolt when he got close to my back hole.

  And his dark chuckle didn’t help matters.

  Nor did the feeling of his stubble making the insides of my thighs burn.

  After long minutes of him eating me from behind, I was a freakin’ mess.

  My whole body felt like it was lit with electricity going to my every nerve ending.

  The moment he would feel me start to quicken, he’d pull away, massaging my ass or thighs.

  Just when I was about to start cursing, he pulled away and I felt him straddle my thighs.

  His thick cock pressed into me, and easily slipped between the slippery mess I had going on between my thighs.

  His cock slid straight into my pussy, not stopping until I was filled completely.

  The course hair surrounding his cock pressed into my pussy lips, added into the way his mouth started to gently suck my neck, had my entire body going into sensory overload.

  I knew, just as well as he did, that I’d come the minute he started to move.

  But what did he suspect would happen?

  He’d eaten me out for what felt like hours!

  “Please move,” I begged. “Please.”

  “What do you say?” he rasped against my neck, punctuating that remark with a lick and small suck. “Tell me what I want to hear, and I’ll move.”

  Before I could reply and scream my love for him, his beeper, the one that announced him having a SWAT call, started to chirp.

  He stilled as a vicious curse flew from his lips.

  I cried out in dismay as he started to pull out.

  But he surprised me and slammed back inside, once. Twice. Three times.

  Then I started to come.

  My eyes crossed. My nerves exploded in bliss. My hands clenched the comforter underneath my body.

  And I was lost.

  Everything hit me all at once, and I cried out.

  His groan followed mine, and all too soon he pulled out, leaving a wet trail of his come behind as he went.

  I rolled to my side, hoping to trap the mess between my thighs, and watched him dress quickly.

  And without another word to me, he left the same way he came.

  I stared at the door for long minutes, willing him to come back.

  But he didn’t.

  And I was left feeling completely empty.

  Sleep came finally, but by then I knew exactly what I had to do.

  Chapter 22

  Sending dick pics are for amateurs. Real men disappoint their women in real life.



  “This has to be a fucking joke,” I muttered, my eyes following the path of the third suitcase that’d sailed over the balcony in the last five minutes. “I left my warm, willing girlfriend for this.”

  Downy and Nico, other members of the SWAT team, chuckled.

  “I left my wife with two sick twins,” Nico sobered. “She’s going to fucking kill me when I get back.”

  I looked over at him.

  “I don’t think she’ll kill you,” I drawled. “She likes you too much.”

  He snorted.

  “There are times where I contemplate that fact,” he acquiesced. “But I know she loves me. It’s just hard for her to show when she’s got puke all over her.”

  A round of chuckles followed that comment.

  “Mine had that last week,” Miller said. “Sorry if I gave it to you.”

  “At least I don’t have it yet,” Nico shrugged. “Usually I’m the first one to go down with it. Getting the stomach flu, twenty-four hours or not, ain’t no fuckin’ joke.”

  I agreed.

  Things that used to affect me in only small amounts now took me down to my knees.

  “How long do you think we’re going to have to watch this shit?” Foster grumbled. “If they’re not going to arrest him, then what the fuck are we doing here?”


  I rushed into the classroom, full SWAT gear, sans my guns, and immediately jogged to the front of the room.

  We’d been there at that shit hole all night watching that bastard throw a temper tantrum.

  And now I was late giving my final.

  I’d likely hear about this from administration, but they knew what I did before they allowed me to teach the damn class. They could kiss my ass.

  “Have you all turned in your study guides?” I asked them impatiently, purposefully avoiding looking at Angie.

  “Yes, sir,” a few of the ladies in the front spoke.

  Jade and her friend, Alicia.

  I hid my grimace and immediately looked away from them before who I really wanted to look at caught my eye.

  If I looked at Angie, I’d likely have to go kiss her mouth, and we couldn’t have that.

  Not on the last day of school, anyway.

  I was almost there. She almost wasn’t my student.

  We’d managed to keep it PG this long, another hour wouldn’t hurt.

  “I’m giving y’all an hour to take this. You don’t need the two hours that we were allotted. Promise.” I pulled the tests out of my back pocket and handed them out individually.

  For some reason administration made us hand each student a different copy of the test with the questions scrambled.

  It was a bitch to do, although I did see the merit.

  “Everyone have a pencil and a Scantron?” I questioned them.

  I got a bunch of ‘yes sirs’ and finished handing out the tests to the last tables.
  When I turned around, I finally let my eyes feast on Angie’s body.

  She was facing the front of the room, but I could tell she was aware of my attentions.

  Her breathing was heavy, and her hand was clenched so hard around the cup in front of her that she was bending the sides.

  As I walked past her, I gently took the cup from her hands before she spilled it and set it at the corner of her desk before walking to the front of the room.

  “You may begin,” I told the class.

  The moment they flipped the tests over, I scooped up the study guides and flopped down into my chair, utterly exhausted from the night’s events.

  The last thing I wanted to do was read over study guides for their extra credit, but since I had nothing but time for the next hour, I pulled out a red Sharpie from my shirt pocket and started grading.

  From time to time I looked up, my eyes automatically going to Angie, and found her scribbling furiously on her test.

  Satisfied that she was doing okay, I turned back to my grading.

  It was when I was on the fourth study guide from the bottom that I started to have suspicions.

  I knew for a fact that, before I’d left class earlier in the week, I’d told them all to do their own study guides. That this wasn’t a group project. Yet, after two very nearly similar worded study guides, and then getting to Jade’s who’s was identical to the other two, I realized that they thought I was stupid.


  Why the hell else would they all write the same damn thing for each answer?

  I knew for a fact that they’d heard me.

  After writing a ‘33’—if they were going to pool their answers, they were going to all share a 100 in my book—on each of their study guides, I finally got to the last one and smiled.

  Angie’s was more detailed than anyone else’s. Each question had a paragraph of words underneath of it explaining her answer, and it made me smile to read them.

  After writing a hundred on top of hers, I sat back and waited as the tests started trickling in.

  Angie came up at the same time as her friend she’d studied with all day yesterday, and I had to grit my teeth when he put his paper on top of hers.

  I really didn’t like that guy.


  He may be exactly what she explained him as, but that didn’t mean that I had to like the fucker.

  I hated the way his eyes watched Angie move.

  Hated the way his hand came out to pat her on the shoulder.

  If I hadn’t been the teacher, I might’ve very well ripped his hand off at that moment in time.

  “Good?” he asked my woman.

  Angie smiled, and then turned her eyes to me.

  The vulnerability in them nearly gutted me.

  I had to clench my hand on the leg of the desk I was sitting at to keep my hands from reaching for her.

  Lucky for both of us, she went back to her seat and completely ignored her new study buddy.

  I released my grip and waited not so patiently for the rest of the tests to be turned in.

  “Time is up in five minutes,” I called out.

  Jade looked up, her face a look of utter pleasure, and then stood with her test in her hand.

  She looked over at Alicia, who nodded, and I narrowed my eyes.

  What the fuck was that?

  Five more tests were turned in, and all were accounted for.

  “All right, ladies and gentlemen.” I picked up the tests as well as the study guides and tucked them under my arm. “Y’all have about fifteen minutes and I’ll run these through the grading machine. I’ll give you your grades when I get back.”

  When everyone nodded, I left, purposefully avoiding Angie’s gaze directed at me.

  I hustled out of the room, and went directly to the office area where the grading machine was located.

  Immediately, I ran the tests through, a painstaking task since there were four different versions, and picked them up minutes later.

  Taking a seat at the table with my red Sharpie, I started to go through the tests.

  Most of the grades were mediocre, making me wonder if they even looked at the study guide.

  Funny enough, Jade’s test, as well as Alicia’s, and the other girl they split the study guide with, Tamara, were all fucking one hundreds.

  There was no way.


  How fucking convenient that all three got the same grade.

  What’d they do, blow the head of the nursing department to get the test?

  It was the same test at all three campuses, and I wasn’t allowed to make it myself. So it was possible that she got the test ahead of time.

  I’d wanted the chance to make my own test, but since I was so fucking busy, I didn’t fight it. I mean, they all used it. It should be fine, correct?


  And the more I looked at their three tests, the angrier I became.

  When I moved on to the other tests, my anger remained.

  Then I got to Angie’s test and my eyes bulged.

  She not only didn’t answer any of the questions, she wrote all over the freakin’ Scantron as if this test wasn’t the second most important test she would ever take in her nursing career.

  The words were written all over the Scantron, across the answer bubbles, and continued to the essay portion of the test on the back.

  My heart beat hard in my chest as I started to read.

  I love you. I love you. I love you.

  I can’t say it enough that I love you. I love you more and more every day. I miss you when you’re not there. I miss you when you’re in the other freakin’ room.

  This morning was the second worst morning of my entire life. You leaving without a backwards glance was enough to pull my heart out of my chest.

  I never ever want to experience that again.

  I want to wake up beside you.

  I want you to crawl into my bed on the mornings you get home, and warm your body up with mine.

  I want to have more babies with you.

  I want to have you at my side, forever and always.

  Sorry doesn’t even begin to be enough to apologize for what I did to you. You never deserved to hear those words come out of my mouth. You’re a wonderful man who I would be proud to count on as Elise’s father…if you’ll have us.

  When my father left, it was debilitating.

  When you left…let’s just say if I didn’t have Elise, I would be doing just about anything right now to take you off my mind.

  Please forgive me.

  Please give me you back.

  I love you.

  I love you so much that I know you’ll forgive me.

  That’s why I did this.

  Why I purposefully failed this test.

  You mean so much more to me than my career. Hell, if I could do anything to show you just how much I cared I’d do it. For you.

  Please don’t be mad at me anymore.

  I would not fail her.

  That was what she was wanting me to do, I knew.

  Which I wouldn’t do. Not ever.

  I’d accept her apology, though.

  With an idea in my brain, I walked swiftly to the door, stopped by the shredder to shred the tests, and headed to my classroom and shut the door with a loud bang.

  “The tests were…interesting,” I said to the class as I walked into the room. “But I expected better from you all.”

  Groans filled the room around me, and Jade looked at Alicia, then back to her friend Tamara who sat directly behind them.

  “I’m sorry to say that some of you didn’t take the study guide seriously. When I said to do it, I expected each and every one of you to do it without complaint. I gave you a week to do it. I told you over and over again to do it. And I’m sorry to say that those of you that didn’t, will now receive a zero on their final exam. Those of you who shared your answers…” I looked directly at Jade, Alicia and Tamara. “Well, you will share the
grade that you received. Since essentially the same answers were turned in, I’ll count the grade it received once and split it equally between you.”

  Hisses filled the room.

  The smile on my face never waned.

  “Those of you who took the study guide seriously, you passed. Those who didn’t…well. I hope you were paying attention to the rest of the year and your grades are okay.” I crossed my arms. “Class dismissed.”

  When everyone was gone and it was just Angie and I remaining, I grinned.

  “Please close the door.”

  Her eyes widened, but she did as she was told and closed the door.

  I moved until I was directly behind her.

  “I love you too, you know.”

  Her breath left her in a whoosh.

  “Love you more than racing.” I placed a kiss against her neck.

  “Love you more than my job.”

  Another kiss.

  “Love waking up to you.”


  “Love your daughter.”

  I dragged my lips along the back of her neck.

  “I love you so much that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Her breath stalled in her chest, and I reached into my pocket for the ring I’d been carrying with me since that horrible day with the tornado that changed our lives.

  “I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life.” I circled my hands around her chest, grabbing the hand that was lying flat against the door, and slowly slipped the cold ring onto her finger. “I want to make more beautiful babies with you.” I inhaled, loving the scent of her hair. “And I want to move into a house that you and I both love. I want to show you how a real man treats his woman. I want to show you each and every day how much you mean to me.”

  I paused long enough to let my words sink in.

  “Will you be my wife, Angie?”

  Her breathing became ragged and I felt a splash of tears on my forearm.


  I’d like to say at this point we didn’t cross a line.

  But I’d be lying.

  The moment she said yes, my control slipped.

  As did my cock, slipping right out of my pants.

  And yep, her sweats slipped to the ground, too.

  Sure enough, my cock slipped right inside her tight, wet heat.


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