Home > Romance > All In: ALL IN KNIGHTS OF MAYHEM > Page 9

by Brook Greene

  He places his hand on my back, ‘go get dressed, I said.” I spin and stomp like a little kid into my room, I throw the first tee shirt and shorts I come to on and go back into the kitchen.

  His face is awash with smugness, ‘easy babe, you might hurt the floor.”

  I plop back down on the stool, ‘hush or I will spit in your dinner.” He reaches for me and drags me off my perch and into him where he commences to tickling me within an inch of my life.

  I gasp for air, ‘stop!”

  “Better mood?” He continues his assault.

  “Yes! Yes!.” I can barely catch my breath.

  “Good,’ he leans in and kisses my forehead and then my lips, ‘see you tonight babe.” Then he gives my rear a stout swat and is out the door, leaving me breathless and dumbfounded once again.


  I sit and look at the door he had just exited out of with a simpleton smile plastered across my face. Suddenly realizing I must look ridiculous, I throw my eyes around the room just to make sure no one can see me pinning away. Exhaling the breath I had been holding for the better part of twenty four hours, I stand and stretch feeling the glorious aches littering my body.

  I clean up the kitchen and float through the day, shower then head out to the grocery store to shop for dinner. My body is actually humming, it is tuned and ready for another jam session with Leo.

  I stroll through the aisles perusing the selections, when my phone rings, its Piper.

  “Hey slut” I greet the little harlot.

  “Back at ya, well at least from what I hear.” Her giggles over take her, ‘you are the talk of the shop. Leo walked in today smiling, the man actually smiled, you little whore. I want it all, every little dirty detail, is he all I have heard?”

  I pause mid aisle, ‘the shop is what and what exactly have you heard?”

  “That is what you heard me say, you made the man happy. I have not heard him bark one rude order today. What did you do to him? I have heard he is a fucking dynamo in bed, the fucking part intended chick, so dish you are killing me here. I bet he is fucking ripped naked, he does have the finest ass around.”

  Her voice trails off as a smile splits my face at the thoughts from our time last night. I close my eyes so I can get the full image of his naked body moving over mine, as his muscles rolled and bunched with each calculated thrust he had made into me. And yes, his ass is one of the finest, ever.

  “Avery!” Piper shrieks on the other end of the phone, I grimace as her shrill voice pulled me from my mental stroll down satisfied lane.

  “Oh you know the usual,’ I smile at her disgusted sigh. I am not giving up the details, I am not one of those girls who kisses and tells, not even to my best friend. Leo doesn’t strike me as a man who wants his exploits broadcasted either so I change the subject, ‘hey who are you calling a whore, you are the one who has been gone since Friday, and what have you been doing might I ask?”

  “Everything legal you could think of and a bunch of illegal stuff, in all fifty states!” She practically screams, ‘he is phenomenal,’ she goes quiet for a moment then continues, ‘Lord Avery the things that man can do with his tongue.”

  “Oh my lord Piper stop, I want to be able to look Dalton in the eye the next time I see him. They call it dignity girly. You should go and buy some.” I laugh right along with her.

  Then I hear a scuffle and Piper’s voice is muffled it slowly fades as she is shuffled to the back ground of the conversation but not without a fight. I hear Leo reassure her she will get her phone back when he is done.

  “Hey babe.” Leo's voice is silky smooth as it flows over Piper’s commandeered phone.

  “Uh hey.”

  “What no babe this afternoon?” He sounds a little dejected from me not recognizing our more comfortable situation.

  “Oh, hey babe, is that better?” I retort.

  “Much, listen I got to lookin’ at those tires on your truck this morning when I left,’ he pauses and holds his hand over the phone and I can hear his rumbling voice shout something and then the distinctive sound of his hand dragging back off the phone, ‘you need to bring it down here to me.”

  “Oh Leo I don’t have enough money saved up right now, but I have been tryin-.”

  “Who said anything about money, where are you?” He interrupts me.

  “I am at the store, getting something to cook for dinner tonight.” I fumble with the few items in the cart I had chosen for the romantic dinner I was going to cook tonight for Leo. A bottle of wine, salmon steaks, asparagus and a few potatoes make up the contents.

  “Great, get some hamburger meat and buns and come to the shop so you and Piper can cook, while we put tires on your vehicle.” So not what I had in my cart or what I had planned for an evening with Leo. Then I look down at the phone in shock and wonder exactly who it is I am talking to. Did sex with him have such a dramatic effect on him? Was his attitude strictly from being sexually frustrated or was it the product of the talk we had along with my revelations?

  “See you in a few babe.” I can hear him bring the phone down away from his ear.

  “Um Leo wait.” Realizing I am not doing the romantic thing but the completely public thing with the brothers of his MC.

  “Yeah?” His tone attentive and patient waiting for me to finish my thought.

  “How many am I feeding?”

  “That would be info you need, sorry, let me get a head count and I will call you back ok?” His end goes silent and I stand stupefied staring at my phone and feel as my stomach churns from the roller coaster that this man keeps me on.

  I proceed to the bread aisle and wait for him to call me back. I didn’t have to wait long as my phone begins to ring, ‘hey babe around fifteen.” He clips with the urgency of needing to get back to something.

  “Can do, I will be there in about thirty minutes.” Unable to hide the excitement I am feeling at the fact of spending time of any kind with Leo.

  “K.” The line goes silent.


  I pull up at Mayhem to see Leo leaning up against the step railing, smoking and talking to that blonde. She didn’t look happy either because Leo was basically ignoring her. He turns to watch me pull to a stop, he butts out his smoke and I watch as she stomps off.

  “Leave it running.” He calls to me as he comes down the steps and heads my way.

  I step out as he rounds the door and takes me up in his arms, ‘hey baby.” He leans in and kisses me. His lip ring tickles my lip pulling away I press my fingers to my mouth, ‘that sweet smile, bags in the back?” He asks as he releases me to round the vehicle lifting the back gate to get to the groceries I had just purchased.

  “Yes.” I answer as movement behind makes me turn.

  Dalton comes out of the bay door, ‘hey gorgeous.”

  Dalton slips into the driver’s side and slides the seat back to accommodate his long legs but not before banging his knee into the steering column, ‘aw shit, hit my fuckin’ knee.” He groans as he rubs it trying to ease the pain.

  Leo circles the vehicle with all the bags in his one hand and shuts the gate with the other, ‘come on lets go, Dalton will take care of the rest.” He places his hand at the small of my back, half leading me half pushing me in the direction of the back of the compound.

  Dalton pulls away with my black SUV, ‘the kitchen is this way.” I let him lead me to our destination, ‘kitchens back here.” I watch the eyes fall on me as I walk through the garage. I recognize several of the faces from the other night, and the rest are just staring in amazement at the woman that tamed the beast, hopefully.

  Piper is already in the kitchen moving things around, ‘I don’t know how you guys find a damn thing in this place.” Her head is under the cabinet rearranging the pots and pans.

  Leo looks at me and raises his eyebrow. I wave my hand at her, ‘oh just let her be, things have to be her way all the time.”

  He places the bags on the counter then turns to kiss my forehead, ‘hav
e at it.” He swats my ass as he walks by and out the door, leaving me smiling at the conformability we have fallen into.

  I turn to see the full on gaze of Piper’s blue eyes on me with a dazzling smile plastered on her face, ‘Oh how sweet, look at you two acting all coupely.”

  “Shut up Piper.” I start to take the things out of the bags and organize them on the counter, ‘that is not what we are.”

  She jumps to her feet, ‘oh yes it is girly.” She starts to poke me in the side.

  I smack her hand away, ‘stop it Piper’. I try to distract myself with the bags of food and turn my head so she cannot see the huge smile splitting my face from her revelation.

  She slides up beside me taking me by the shoulders and turning me to her, ‘so you never did give me all the juicy details today.”

  I look at her and shake my head, ‘a true lady never kisses and tells.”

  “Shit girl you did more than kissing, so spill it.” I turn to put fresh condiments into the fridge to dodge having to answer even though inside I am doing a happy dance.

  “Piper.” I exhale propping up on the open fridge door, ‘let me just say he is everything you have heard and more.” Her over eager squeal has me winching when I am pulled into a bear hug.

  “I am so happy for you Avery, you deserve this and so does he.” She is jumping now while she claps her hands together.

  I open my mouth to ask her what she means by, he deserves this too but I am interrupted mid sentence by the kitchen door swinging open banging against the wall making us both jump. Mavis saunters in smelling like the south side of a French whore. I blink my eyes a few times trying to keep them from watering due to the overbearing smell of her cheap perfume.

  “Hey new bitches, Leo sent me back here to see if you two needed any help with his food.” She takes off her sunglasses exposing two big brown eyes loaded with too much makeup.

  Piper turns putting her hands on her hips, ‘take a long walk off a short pier bitch, and no we don’t want any help from you.”Piper rudely brushes by her to stand next to me.

  She looks at her nails over dramatizing the fact she is board out of her mind, ‘you sure,’ she stops looking at her nails and lands her eyes on me, ‘cause I know how Leo likes it.” She trains her gaze on me, crossing the room stopping dead in front of me, ‘you are just a fascination, a new play thing, let’s say. He will tire of you and when he does I will be waiting, just like I always am.” She clicks her teeth with her long fingernail as she gives me a once over, ‘right body type though, but you are a brunette. He likes blondes so if you want to hold onto him for any length of time baby, I suggest you find a bottle of bleach for your hair.” She reaches up to twirl a strand that had escaped from my ponytail, I shrug away making her drop the length of hair.

  I feel the knot in my stomach clench at the thought of Leo being anywhere in the vicinity of this woman, ‘no thanks, we don’t need your help. I believe we got it covered.” I am pleasant Damnit I am pleasant.

  “Fine I will just go back out there and keep the men occupied.” She turns and leaves the kitchen.

  I turn to see Piper take out her phone, ‘hey Dalton baby, get Mavis off the fuckin’ lot. She was just back here talking shit to Avery about Leo.” She is quiet for a moment.

  “That is what I said, yep. Thanks baby, you will be richly rewarded.” She ends the call and turns to me with a devious smile, ‘the bitch is outta here!” Then she goes back to what she was doing before we were interrupted.

  “She is his ex isn’t she?” I stand hold my stomach willing myself not to vomit.

  Piper comes over to me and takes my hands in hers, ‘no honey she’s not but they have booked time.” The sympathy in her eyes is touching.

  “Oh god, I am going to be sick.” I lean back against the counter for stability. I shake my head, ‘I don’t know why I am getting so upset anyway. He said there are no expectations for us.”

  Still looking at me, ‘I wouldn’t let it bother me, besides everyone but Beeker has had a turn at that doorknob.” She half smiles but I can't muster the happy to join her.

  Taking my hands from hers I turn shaking my head, ‘whatever this thing with us is, it's temporary at best. So I am going to squash it and let it be.”

  “That’s my girl.” Piper goes to heaping burgers on a serving tray.

  We say little as we prepare enough burgers to feed a small army. But the thoughts of Mavis and Leo run on a continual loop in my head. Her arms around his neck, his lips on hers, I think I have just made myself sick again.

  I notice the sounds from the other side of the kitchen have stopped, ‘get out of your head Avery, don’t ruin this by over thinking and running through nine thousand scenarios of what might have happened.” She crosses and takes my face in her hands, ‘live in the moment, and enjoy the now. Forget about everything else and just revel in the fact you are being taking care of by a sexy as hell man.” Her eyebrows shoot up, ‘okay?”

  Nodding my agreement is the only action I can muster after the impromptu visit by senorita slut.



  Dalton’s phone rings pulling his attention away from our impromptu meeting, we fall silent as we let him answer the call from Piper, because if we didn’t he would fidget in his chair driving us all crazy wanting to check his voice mail.

  Ramon looks at me, ‘where is Cowboy?” Nodding his head in the direction the empty chair next to me.

  I sit up leaning my elbows on the desk, ‘he had his girl today, I told him he didn’t really need to be here.”

  Romans face turns up, ‘oh look at the big man getting all soft, after just one romp in the sack with the infamous Avery.” He laughs and dodges the beer bottle I chucked at him.

  “Has nothing to do with it fucktard.” I lean back again and smile inwardly because she has had quit an effect on me, in the way Roman thinks but I would never admit it to these ass wipes.

  Leaning to pick up the glass, ‘oh I think it does.”

  Dalton closes his phone, ‘shit.” He curses as he stands.

  “What is it,’ I lean into the table clinching my fists.

  “We have to go and clean house, Mavis was just in the fucking kitchen with Avery.” Dalton heads for the door

  My stomach slightly wrenches, ‘did she say anything?”

  Nodding, Dalton continues, ‘no, she was just going off about you and her knowledge of what you like.” He levels his eyes at me.

  “Fuck!” I nearly make a hole in the wall with how hard I stand slinging the chair backwards, ‘she is gone for good.” I storm out of the office to come face to face with a smug Mavis leaning up against her car.

  When she sees me, she refocuses her attention from her nails onto me, ‘met your new fuck toy,’ pushing off with her hip she stands and slithers over to me, ‘impressive, even for you Leo.”

  I shudder when she comes into my personal space, ‘Mavis, your time around this place has come to an end. Get the fuck out and don’t come back, ever. Do you hear me?”

  Her sick tickling laugh grates my nerves as she lays her hand on my chest, ‘oh Leo baby, you know you will be calling me back when you tire of your little plaything.”

  As gently as I can, I take her wrist and remove her hand from my body. I don’t know what I was ever thinking, keeping her around, ‘no Mavis, not this time. You need to leave now or I will make the call.”

  She jumps back, ‘you wouldn’t.” She grimaces in anger.

  Laughing deep, ‘oh you have no idea how much I would love to,’ stepping to her only to get my point across, ‘Mavis stay away from her, stay away from me, and I better never see you back here ever.” I step back crossing my arms over my chest as she stews over what I have just threatened her with, ‘so Mavis what is it going to be, leaving in hand cuffs or what?”

  She pokes one of her sickly fake nails into my chest, ‘this isn’t over ass wipe, you are not the only one who knows people.”

  This peeking my anger to all
new realms of pissed off, ‘are you threatening me bitch because you know it will not end well for you.”

  Her gratified laugh is nauseating, ‘you are so self centered Leo, not everything is about you. Just remember you are the one who let this go.” She steps back and makes a sweep of her body with her hands.

  Nearly gagging at the thoughts brought forth, ‘not one bit to fucking soon, should have done it a long time ago, now leave.”

  She snorts as she pushes back, walking to her car, she stops before she gets in, ‘Remember Leo, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” With her last comment still hanging in the air, she got in her car and left.

  Releasing a long breath, I turn to find Roman and Dalton had come out of the office. Roman was the first to speak, ‘sorry man but hey she is gone now and Avery want let her shit in.”

  Rubbing my hand down my face I let out a long breath, ‘man I hope so.” I need to get back to Avery and make sure the only damage Mavis has done is give Avery a slight hint of the jealousy bug. I can deal with that, I couldn’t come back from Mavis blowing the lid off of everything else.

  Dalton slaps my back trying to reassure me, ‘come on, nothing you can do about it now, let’s go eat.”

  I send a silent thank you up to whomever for my brothers and the support they have always given me. I turn to follow them back into the kitchen where Avery is and just the thought of seeing her lightens my mood.



  The kitchen door being yanked open again jerks me from my thoughts, ‘is the food ready yet?” Dalton stands in the door frame rubbing his belly when he is pushed from behind by Roman.

  “What the hell man?” Dalton turns and punches Roman's arm which in turn has Roman retaliating by pushing Dalton into the sink. Children, they remind me of two hundred pound children.

  After the scuffle is finished by a little chastising from Piper, Roman looks at me crossing the room encircling me in his arms, ‘the bitch just left and she better never come back, she be nasty.” He smiles raising my hopes as he leans in and kisses my hair.


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