Angel For Christmas

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Angel For Christmas Page 12

by Caroline Clemmons

  “I hope things work out for the two of you. She’s nice and a good teacher. Both of you being foster kids, you’d understand each other’s background.”

  “Her mom killed herself, too. Her dad never visited but wouldn’t give up his parental rights. That’s why she grew up here.”

  “Lots of screwed up people in the world. Too bad when they have kids.”

  Mike raised his beer and took a swallow. “On the other hand, I’m glad our parents had us. I’m glad Katie’s parents had her.”

  “I’m off work now. You still let everyone off on the 22nd?”

  “Yeah, I was hoping to spend some time with you.”

  “Why don’t we four do something unforgettable? Of course, Suzi and I have to be back for the children’s home Christmas Eve party, but that gives us two days.”

  “Hell, I’ll take off tomorrow. What did you have in mind? Want to go to the mountains?”

  Jacob mulled that option over then shook his head. “Too much danger of getting snowed in yet I was hoping for special.”

  “How about a trip to Maui?” Mike exhaled a whoosh of breath. “No, too much time in the air for two days’ stay. Florida?”

  “Great. Suzi and Katie would probably enjoy the warmth of the beach at this time of year. Remember that great resort on the Keys?”

  Mike leaned forward. “Look, Katie wouldn’t go for us staying in the same room at this stage. You okay with them having their own rooms?”

  “Oh yeah, Suzi wouldn’t spend the night with me either. Be great if she would, but she wouldn’t. Anyway, I don’t want to risk her getting pregnant and me leaving her.”

  “You are going to work this out, aren’t you?” Mike looked at him over loaded chip.

  “Trying.” In his mind, he speculated on the things he could say to sway Gabriel and Michael.

  Today in church he’d asked for guidance and sent up his prayers for understanding and leniency. He’d never prayed as much in his entire life as he had this month. The Almighty always answered prayer, but the answer wasn’t always yes.

  Mike checked his Rolex. “Hey, it’s not late. Let’s call the girls and ask them before we get caught up in plans.”

  Jacob took out his phone and pressed Suzi’s number. Mike stepped into the other room, cell phone in his hand.

  After both women had excitedly agreed, Jacob scratched his head. “I’ll have to hustle in the morning to get some summer clothes.”

  “Aw, that’ll only slow us down. I’ve got enough for both of us.” Mike stood. “I’ll go on home and gather up what we’ll need. We have a reservation at the resort and I told the pilots to be ready in the morning.”

  Jacob was overcome with a mixture of sensations—joy, sorrow, anticipation of something good, dread of something bad. “Odd to be planning this, but I’m excited about the trip.”

  Mike hugged him. “Same for me. Pick you up at eight in the morning.”


  Suzi was ready early the next morning. She could hardly believe Jacob and Mike had invited her and Katie to Florida for two days. Mike must have unlimited resources. How lucky for them he was sharing with her and Jacob and Katie.

  Wearing a stern expression, Paddy stood in front of her. “Now listen here, Suzi Q. You’re a big girl but don’t you be letting Jacob take advantage of you.”

  “I won’t, Paddy. We’re dropping off the bank deposit on the way and then we’re flying in Mike’s airplane. We’ll be back by noon on the 24th. You can let Mr. Gray and Mr. Wallace pick up the presents and take them to the gym. And, remember I’ve invited three children to come home with us from the Christmas Eve Party and stay until New Year’s Day. Their names are Missy, Billy, and Henry.”

  “I’ll do my part. You go have fun.” She pointed her finger at Suzi. “But, not too much fun, if you know what I mean.”

  The doorbell rang and she kissed Paddy’s cheek and gave her a hug. “I understand. Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you. You take care of yourself.”

  Jacob carried her suitcase to Mike’s car and stashed it in the trunk. They waved at Paddy and drove to pick up Katie at her apartment nearby. After a brief stop at the bank to hand in her deposit and get a receipt, they were on the way to the airport.

  She was impressed when they went to a part of the airport where private planes were in hangars. The jet they boarded was large enough that she felt safe and they had both a pilot and a co-pilot. Still, it was much smaller than a commercial aircraft. When they were in the air, Jacob linked their fingers.

  She squeezed his hand. “Could you imagine anything more luxurious?”

  He grinned and tilted back his seat. “Pretty comfy, isn’t it?”

  “Honestly, Jacob, you take everything in stride. Aren’t you even a little bit impressed?”

  He gazed into her eyes. “I’m amazed at what I’m looking at now.”

  She ducked her head. “There you go, flattering me again.”

  “Not flattery if it’s true.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself, Jacob. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “If you couldn’t have come I wouldn’t have either. I want to spend time with you while classes are out.”

  She met his gaze. “What a nice thing to say.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her gently. “I’ve wanted to do that all morning. Longer, ever since we parted last night.”

  “You do know how to turn a woman’s head. I’m excited about our trip to Florida. I’ve never been there, have you?”

  “Yes, a few times. Mike’s booked us into a great resort right on the ocean with a fine beach and a swimming pool.”

  “I like wading in the surf up to my ankles. For swimming, I want nice, clear water so I know what’s in there with me.” She wriggled as a shiver raced down her spine.

  He laughed. “Not a bad idea. You afraid of sharks?”

  “Of course, but not just them. I dislike slimy, slithery things I can’t see. But, being in a warm, sunny location right now will be great.”

  “Stretching out in the warm sun with a refreshing adult beverage sounds good after the cold.”

  Later, when they checked into the resort, Suzi and Katie shared a suite with two bedrooms connected to a large living area. Each room had large windows that offered an ocean view and the living room’s glass doors opened onto a lanai.

  Katie stood in the living area’s center and turned slowly. “Can you believe we’re in this fabulous place? When Mike said you and I would share, I thought he meant a bed.”

  “Me, too. Incredible, isn’t it? Apparently, Mike does things like this frequently. Imagine having that much money?”

  “A lot different than our salaries, and that’s not a dig at the children’s home pay scale. Teachers everywhere are undervalued.” Katie picked up her purse. “Let’s get changed into summer clothes or our swimsuits. I’m not a strong enough swimmer to brave the ocean, but that pool looks heavenly.”

  “Hmm, the guys didn’t say what we’d be doing except lunch, did they? I opt for summer clothes we can wear to the dining room. We can swim later.”

  Katie laughed. “But not for an hour, remember?”

  “Yes, Mother.” Suzi made a face at her dearest friend. “Lazing in the shade with one of those exotic drinks that come with an umbrella sounds perfect to me.” Suzi carried her makeup case to the bedroom she’d use for two nights.

  Katie laughed. “I don’t think they put umbrellas in ginger ale.”

  “From the way they fawned over Mike, I’m sure the staff would do whatever he asked of them.”

  “You’re right. I noticed they couldn’t do enough for him.”

  Suzi whirled, too excited to merely turn around. “He must be a frequent guest and a hefty tipper. For me, the entire experience is surreal and dreamlike.”


  Jacob gazed around his and Mike’s shared suite that was identical to that of their… what should he call them? Dates was too impersonal. They weren’t fiancées but he wi
shed he could propose to Suzi.

  How many times had he stayed here or in places like this and taken the luxury for granted? But, he didn’t consider himself insensitive. He tipped well, he was polite, and he didn’t make unreasonable demands. Still, he drifted through life without strong personal connections other than with his brother.

  Mike and Jacob had always been a team. How many times had they said “Us against the world” both growing up and after they’d built the business? Jacob had been gregarious, a shrewd businessman, a computer guru, and a philanthropist.

  But, now he understood what Gabriel had meant. Indirectly Jacob had helped many people. Whose life had he touched personally?

  When he remembered how much valuable time he’d wasted in his former life, he wanted to kick himself. Each second of every day should be savored. He’d had the money to make a real difference—and in many ways he had—but he’d missed the mark.

  His foundation helped hundreds of deserving people but Jacob had never met any of them. For the most part, they were faceless names on forms. He didn’t even sign the checks in person—a clerk took care of that chore. Now, he’d learned his lesson too late.

  Dear Lord, forgive me for my blindness. I beseech You to grant me the gift of remaining on earth with my brother and the woman I’ve come to love. I vow to serve in Your name. Amen.

  In the suite’s living room, he paced. “Mike, if… if the worst happens, promise me you’ll help Suzi by finding a good business manager to take over directing the children’s home and ease her burden.”

  His brother winced as if shot and pain etched his face. “I should yell at you and tell you ‘no way’, but I understand you’re doing your best. I give you my word I’ll help her in any way I can.”

  Jacob stopped pacing and faced Mike. “Thanks, man. That relieves my mind. I’m still petitioning, but I don’t have an answer yet.” His emotions were a jumble of anxiety yet relief that Mike would stand by Suzi and the children’s home. Maybe he was already leaving, bit by bit.

  No, please! Dear Lord, help me.

  “You realize the deadline is only three days away?” Mike scrubbed a hand across his face. “What am I saying? Of course you must be aware of time passing.”

  Every second. Every breath. Every heartbeat.

  “And my life’s ticking away. I want to spend every minute I can with you and Suzi.” Sorrow wrapped around him with a crushing force but Jacob forced a smile for his brother. “Shall we meet the girls and grab some lunch?”

  He vowed to make the most of whatever time he had left. He hoped that meant decades, but if it meant days it was beyond his control.

  Mike put an arm around his shoulders for a brief hug. “Come on, I can tell you’re thinking too much. This is supposed to be relaxing and fun.”

  “I’m not mopping or polishing, so I’m relaxed.”

  Mike chuckled. “Still can’t picture you doing anything that doesn’t involve a computer monitor.”

  “Picture it, plus I did a good job. Don’t believe me, ask my boss.”

  “Not a chance because, she’s obviously biased. She seems to wholeheartedly approve of you and I’m sure your janitorial skills aren’t involved.”

  “That’s a relief. I’d hate to be judged solely by how well I mop the bathroom floor.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  After lunch, Mike showed them brochures. “We can go parasailing, snorkeling, or boating outdoors. Indoors there are museums, art galleries, and shopping. Name your preference.”

  Katie looked at Suzi as if using telepathy then turned to Mike. “Since we have only a little time, would you mind if we just relax here around the hotel?”

  Mike took Katie’s hand. “Frankly, that’s my first choice.”

  Suzi looked at Jacob. “After things being so hectic leading up to the gala, my brain’s fried. We have the beach and a lovely pool and everything we could ask for right here.”

  He linked his fingers with hers. “Sounds perfect to me. What do you say we go check out that hammock for two?”

  She stood but eyed the target skeptically. “I’m not sure we’ll fit without landing on the ground but I’m willing to try. Don’t blame me if we tip over.”

  Jacob led her over and climbed onto the hammock. “Now, you join me. Very carefully.”

  The sling swung as she climbed in and she landed on him instead of beside him.

  He whooshed, “Oof. Hey, I said carefully.”

  She laughed and straightened beside him. “That was me being careful. I told you we might end up on the ground.”

  A gentle breeze swirled around them, redolent with seaside odors of fish, seaweed, and saltwater. Somewhere nearby, someone had used a lot of suntan lotion that smelled like coconut. Temperatures in the low seventies were perfect for snuggling in the hammock.

  He caressed her arm. “You want something to drink?”

  Her arm was across his waist. “Are you crazy? I’m not moving until we leave this horizontal swing. In fact, I may take a nap.”

  “After that lunch, a nap would be great. I might have ordered a few too many coconut shrimp.”

  “Only enough for several people. They were delicious, weren’t they?” She snuggled against him and yawned.

  “Now you’ll make me yawn.” And he did. “Are you enjoying yourself so far?”

  “This is a wonderful vacation. I’m grateful to you and Mike for including me. Katie said the same.”

  “Remember that without you, I wouldn’t be here. I want to spend time with you. Time alone, like this.”

  “That’s nice, Jacob. Can I ask you something?”

  “Fire away.”

  “Mike said you might be leaving the children’s home unless you could get out of a prior commitment. Are you going away?”

  He caressed her face. “Suzi, there’s nothing I want more than to remain with you. While we’re here, can we concentrate on now and not worry about the future or the past?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Even though they were lying close, he increased his embrace. “Not simply what I want but what I need. Being with you is exactly what I require.”

  Suzi thought their time swimming, dining, dancing, and wading in the surf passed too quickly. Early Christmas Eve, they boarded the plane to return to Serenity Springs.

  She sat beside Jacob and levered her seat to its almost reclining selection. “I’m so rested I have to fasten the seat belt to prevent me floating around the cabin.”

  “I’m pretty relaxed myself. Nothing like a couple of days away to recharge our batteries.”

  “Thank you for a wonderful time.” She sighed. “I hope the toys got moved to the school correctly. I also hope our new Santa will show.”

  He clasped her hand. “No, no, no. You can’t worry or you’ll undo the time away. We can deal with facts when we land.”

  “I can’t help myself. Fairytale time is over and I have to return to reality. At least, with your help, I don’t have to agonize over making the loan payment or keeping the school functioning.”

  “You need a new furnace. What you have is a relic. Probably what Mrs. Dinosaur used to incubate her eggs.”

  She grinned at him. “I admit The Beast is bad, but not quite that old. I believe it’s original to the school. I’d have to check records.”

  “Don’t waste your time. That thing is ancient. When new, it was deluxe. I’m sure your grandfather went first class. When did the school open?”

  “Forty-eight years ago. In two years, we should have a jubilee celebration for our graduates.”

  “Right.” He lay with eyes closed but she didn’t think he was asleep.

  She might as well try to catch a few winks because she’d be busy from the minute they landed. Sleep evaded her. Her brain swirled with thoughts of tonight’s party and all she needed to accomplish to make it special.

  She thanked God for Jacob. What a difference Jacob had made in her life. She would never have managed to get the schoo
l out of debt without him—not in time to save it from foreclosure. More than that, she enjoyed their spending time together.

  Was he as fond of her as he appeared? She hoped he was because she’d fallen hard for him. Not one to give her affections lightly, she sensed with all her being that this man was The One.

  What if he left the school? Would she still be able to see him or would he move on and forget about her? She had never considered herself memorable, but when she was with Jacob she was different. He made her feel beautiful and smart and capable.

  How many times had she criticized women who needed a man to feel good about themselves? This wasn’t the same thing exactly. She accepted who she was and that she was good at some things, like helping troubled children. She earned her salary and didn’t need a meal ticket.

  At the same time, she did need Jacob. Not because she couldn’t function alone, but because she enjoyed being around him. When they were working together, he never demeaned her or made her feel stupid as her father had. Instead, Jacob praised her for her capabilities and helped her when she felt out of her depth.

  Isn’t that what a man was supposed to do for the one he loved? Yes, and that’s what Jacob did for her. He was the man she wanted as her partner for life. Dear heavens, she hoped she hadn’t set herself up for a broken heart.

  They landed and Mike drove her to her house.

  “Thanks for an amazing vacation, Mike.”

  Jacob hopped out of the car to carry her bag. “I’ll drop my bag off and be back here soon to do whatever you need.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  “After a relaxing trip, suddenly everything’s rushing toward me. Thank you for saying you’ll be here, Jacob. That means a lot to me.”

  She called to Paddy, “Come hear about my stay in Florida. I brought you a surprise.”

  Jacob leaned back in the limo and stared through the tinted window at Suzi as she waved before closing her front door. As soon as they dropped Katie by her place, he took the seat beside Mike.

  “Listen, I don’t want my pickup left at the school for Suzi to deal with after… you know.”


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