River of Bones_Destroyermen

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River of Bones_Destroyermen Page 53

by Taylor Anderson

  “Where’s everybody else?” she asked, looking at General Blair.

  Shinya didn’t allow him to respond. “You’ve all seen the maps we’ve compiled, based on those we captured,” he said. “They’re constantly updated by scouts”—he nodded at Ixtli and Bustos—“and aerial reconnaissance.” He frowned. “Those updates are essential, and you’ll start seeing them daily now because this General Mayta is an industrious man. He continually strengthens the defenses around El Corazon and changes the dispositions of his troops.” He shook his head. “But maps never give the full effect, and this place allows us a panorama of the ground itself that we won’t likely see again. Look upon it and commit it to memory as best you can.” He handed Blas an Imperial telescope, but she glared at him and passed it to Audry. Her naked eyes were almost as good, and Audry was their colonel, after all. Audry took a brief look and then handed the telescope to Garcia.

  “As you know and now see, our objective could be difficult,” Shinya continued. “Mayta’s force is believed to be larger than Tenth and Eleventh Corps combined. The fleet remaining at his disposal is also larger than originally thought, and we must assume it’s been improved in some way. Observation planes have reported little interference by Grikbirds of late, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t many here. It could only mean Mayta doesn’t care what we see—or wants us to see certain things.” He blinked dissatisfaction in the Lemurian way. “Honestly, I’m inclined to take our time and develop a careful strategy. Too much remains unknown and the stakes are enormously high. Add the fact that El Corazon is not lightly named. It’s the heart of the western Dominion, possibly second only to New Granada itself, and is also the heart of the enemy’s control of this side of the Pass of Fire. I suspect they’ll defend it . . . fanatically.”

  He took a deep breath and glanced at Governor-Empress Rebecca. “Unfortunately, we don’t have as much time as I would wish. A representative of the NUS now with Second Fleet has confirmed collusion between the Dominion and the League of Tripoli, obviously—to me—because of the strategic importance of the pass. Bad enough that the Doms should have it, but backed by the League, they could hold it against us forever. That would prevent any possible cooperation between us and our NUS allies.” He smiled wryly. “They’re understandably anxious about that, since they’d then be alone, at the mercy of the Doms and the League. They’re adamant that we strike at once and are preparing to attack the east side of the pass with their fleet, while landing a ground force of their own at the mouth of the river leading to the very heart of the Dominion.” He blinked dubiously. “This in spite of some inconclusive but troubling observations made during Captain Garrett’s bold scout in his prize, Matarife.”

  “I don’t like it either,” Rebecca said, “but we are running out of time, and the NUS is determined to eliminate the Dom threat before the League can become a significant factor.” Her small voice hardened. “So am I. Simultaneously with the NUS attack from the East, High Admiral Jenks and Second Fleet will also strike there”—she pointed at distant El Corazon—“landing another entire corps. They will land every Marine from every ship if they must,” she added grimly. “We, on the other hand, as has long been planned, will support the landing with an attack on El Corazon from the landward side.” She managed a small smile. “None of this is news to any of you, and I’m sure it’s well known to the enemy as well by now. That’s why you, the leaders of the Sister’s Own, are here.”

  “Over time, each regiment and each division in the army has asked for the honor of leading the attack on the Pass of Fire when it comes,” Shinya said, looking into every face. “But I brought you here alone to tell you first that the Sister’s Own Division will not only lead the attack, as I promised, but you’ll all be involved in planning it. Your division has the most combat experience in the army, and you all bring valuable and unique insights about the enemy to the planning table. We must combine them.” His gaze finally fell on Blas. “And, unlike your experience at Fort Defiance, you must all be aware of every aspect of the plan we make if it’s going to succeed.”

  For a moment, no one said anything; then Blas blinked amazement. “I’ll be daamned!” she blurted. “Did you just aa-pologize?”

  Shinya’s frown deepened. “Take it as you will, but let there be no mistake: we may well be facing the greatest battle ever fought in this hemisphere. We’re unprepared, underequipped, and, even with reinforcements, we might be outnumbered.” He glanced at Rebecca. “We also have very little time to remedy any of those things, so let’s make the most of it.”


  (L)—Lemurian, or Mi-Anakka

  (G)—Grik, or Ghaarrichk’k

  Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Patrick Reddy, USNR—CINCAF (Commander in Chief of All Allied Forces).

  First Fleet Elements

  USS Walker (DD-163)

  Cmdr. Brad “Spanky” McFarlane—Minister of Naval Engineering.

  Cmdr. Bernard Sandison—Torpedo Officer, Acting XO, Minister of Experimental Ordnance.

  Cmdr. Toos-Ay-Chil (L)—First Officer.

  Surgeon Commander Sandra Tucker Reddy—Minister of Medicine and wife of Captain Reddy.

  Lt. Sonny Campeti—Gunnery Officer.

  Lt. Ed Palmer—Signals.

  Surgeon Lieutenant Pam Cross

  Chief Boatswain’s Mate Jeek (L)—Former crew chief, Special Air Division.

  Chief Engineer Isak Reuben—One of the original Mice.

  Chief Gunner’s Mate Dennis Silva

  Earl Lanier—Cook.

  Wallace Fairchild—Sonarman, Anti–Mountain Fish Countermeasures (AMF-DIC).

  Min-Sakir “Minnie” (L)—Bridge talker.

  Corporal Neely—Imperial Marine and bugler assigned to Walker.

  Lawrence “Larry the Lizard”—Orange-and-brown tiger-striped Grik-like Sa’aaran.

  Pokey—“Pet” Grik brass-picker.

  Diania—Steward’s Assistant and Sandra’s friend and bodyguard.

  Gunnery Sergeant Arnold Horn USMC—Formerly of the 4th (US) Marines.

  USS Mahan (DD-102)

  Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Patrick Reddy, USNR

  Cmdr. Tiaa-Baari (L)—XO.

  Chief Quartermaster Patrick “Paddy” Rosen—First Officer.

  Lt. Tab-At “Tabby” (L)—Engineering Consultant and First Officer.

  Lt. Sonya—Engineering Officer.

  Chief Gunner’s Mate Pak-Ras-Ar—“Pack Rat” (L)—Gunnery Officer.

  Torpedoman 1st Class Fino-Saal (L)—Acting Torpedo Officer.

  Juan Marcos—Officer’s Steward.

  USS James Ellis (DD-21)

  Cmdr. Perry Brister

  Lt. Rolando “Ronson” Rodriguez—XO.

  Lt. (jg) Suaa “Suey” Jin (L)—Sound Man, Anti-Mountain Fish Countermeasures (AMF-DIC).

  Lt. (jg) Paul Stites—Gunnery Officer.

  Lt. (jg) Johnny Parks—Engineering Officer.

  Chief Bosun’s Mate Carl Bashear

  Taarba-Kaar “Tabasco” (L)—Cook.

  Salissa Battlegroup

  Admiral Keje-Fris-Ar (L)

  USNRS Salissa “Big Sal” (CV-1)

  Captain Atlaan-Fas (L)

  Cmdr. Sandy Newman—XO.

  1st Naval Air Wing

  Captain Jis-Tikkar “Tikker” (L)—Commander of Flight Operations (COFO), 1st, 2nd, 3rd Bomb Squadrons; 1st, 2nd Pursuit Squadrons.

  USS Tarakaan Island (SPD-3)

  In self-propelled dry dock.

  USS Sular (Protected Troopship)

  Converted from Grik BB.

  Frigates (DDs) Attached

  Des-Ron 6

  Awaiting new ships or appointments:

  Captain Jarrik-Fas (L)

  Lt. Stanly Raj—Impie XO.

  Cmdr. Muraak-Saanga (L)—Former Donaghey XO and sailing master.

  Lt. Naala-Araan (L)r />
  Des-Ron 10

  USS Bowles***

  USS Saak-Fas***

  USS Clark**

  MTB-Ron-1 (Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Number 1)

  11 x MTBs (Numbers 4, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18–23)

  Lieutenant Nat Hardee

  Assault Force

  1st Allied Raider Brigade—“Chack’s Raiders” or “Chack’s Brigade”

  Lt. Col. Chack-Sab-At (L)

  Major Risa Sab-At (L)—XO, Chack’s sister.

  21st (Combined) Allied Regiment

  Major Alistair Jindal (Imperial Marine)—1st, 2nd Battalions of the 9th Maa-ni-la, 2nd Battalion of the 1st Respite.

  7th (Combined) Allied Regiment

  Major Enrico Galay—Former corporal in the Philippine Scouts; 19th Baalkpan, 1st Battalion of the 11th Imperial Marines.

  1st North Borno Regiment

  Brevet Major Abel Cook—Temporarily in place of Major I’joorka.

  1st Sergeant “Moe” the Hunter

  Land-Based Air

  Mahe Field—Army/Navy Air Base Seychelles

  Colonel Ben Mallory

  3rd (Army) Pursuit Squadron (3 x P-40Es, 2 serviceable)—Remnants of 4th, 7th, 8th Bomb Squadrons; 5th, 6th, 14th Pursuit Squadrons

  3rd Pursuiters

  2nd Lt. Niaa-Saa “Shirley” (L)

  S. Sergeant Cecil Dixon

  At Grik City, Mahe, and Comoros Islands

  USS Madraas (CV-8)—8th Naval Air Wing.

  USS Sular—Protected troopship converted from a Grik BB.

  AEF-1 (First Fleet Allied Expeditionary Force)

  General of the Army and Marines Pete Alden—Former sergeant in USS Houston Marine contingent.

  I Corps

  General Lord Muln-Rolak (L)

  1st (Galla) Division

  General Taa-leen (L)

  1st Marines; 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th Baalkpan

  2nd Division

  General Rin-Taaka-Ar (L)

  1st, 2nd Maa-ni-la; 4th, 6th, 7th Aryaal

  II Corps

  General Queen Safir Maraan (L)

  3rd Division

  General Mersaak (L)

  “The 600” (B’mbaado Regiment composed of “Silver” and “Black” Battalions); 3rd Baalkpan; 3rd, 10th B’mbaado; 5th Sular; 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines; 1st Sular

  6th Division

  General Grisa (L)

  5th, 6th B’mbaado; 1st, 2nd, 9th Aryaal; 3rd Sular

  1st Cavalry Brigade

  Lt. Colonel Saachic (L)

  3rd and 6th Maa-ni-la Cavalry


  Colonel Will

  Consolidated Division of “Maroons,” Shee-Ree, and Allied Advisors

  III Corps

  General Faan-Ma-Mar (L)

  9th & 11th Divisions

  2nd, 3rd Maa-ni-la; 8th Baalkpan; 7th, 8th Maa-ni-la; 10th Aryaal

  Hij Geerki (G)—Rolak’s “pet,” captured at Rangoon, now “mayor” of Grik POWs at Grik City.

  Preparing for Deployment

  XII Corps—Half-trained Austraal volunteers with rifle-muskets.

  XIV Corps—Militia out of Baalkpan, Sular, and B’taava.

  Land-Based Air

  Lt. Araa-Faan (L)—Commander of Flight Operations (COFO) at Grik City.

  Lt. Walt “Jumbo” Fisher—Pat-Squad 22, Comoros Islands.

  TF Bottle Cap

  Arracca Battlegroup

  USNRS Arracca (CV-3)

  Commodore Tassanna-Ay-Arracca (L)—High Chief, 5th Naval Air Wing.

  Lt. Cmdr. Mark Leedom—Commander of Flight Operations (COFO).

  USS Santa Catalina (CA-P-1)

  Cmdr. Russ Chappelle

  Lt. Michael “Mikey” Monk—XO.

  Lt. (jg) Dean Laney—Engineering Officer.

  Surgeon Cmdr. Kathy McCoy

  Stanley “Dobbin” Dobson—Chief Bosun’s Mate.

  Major Simon “Simy” Gutfeld—3rd Marines.

  Frigates (DDs) Attached

  Des-Ron 9

  USS Kas-Ra-Ar**

  Captain Mescus-Ricum (L)

  USS Ramic-Sa-Ar*

  USS Felts**

  USS Naga***

  The Republic of Real People

  Caesar (Kaiser) Nig-Taak (L)

  General Marcus Kim—Military High Command.

  Inquisitor Kon-Choon (L)—Director of Spies.

  General Taal-Gaak (L)—Republic Cavalry Commander.

  Courtney Bradford—Australian naturalist and engineer, Minister of Science and Plenipotentiary at Large for the Grand Alliance.

  Captain (Brevet Major) Bekiaa-Sab-At (L)—Military liaison from the Grand Alliance and Legate under General Kim; now directly commanding the 23rd Legion.

  Optio Jack Meek—Bekiaa’s aide, Inquisitor Choon’s liaison, and Doocy Meek’s son.

  Prefect Bele—Bekiaa’s XO.

  TFG-2 (Task Force Garrett-2)

  (Long-Range Reconnaissance and Exploration)

  USS Donaghey (DD-2)

  Cmdr. Greg Garrett

  Lt. Mak-Araa (L)—XO.

  Lt. (jg) Wendel “Smitty” Smith—Gunnery Officer.

  Chief Bosun’s Mate Jenaar-Laan (L)

  Surgeon Lt. (jg) Sori-Maai (L)

  Marine Lieutenant Haana-Lin-Naar (L)

  Major “Tribune” Pol-Heena (L)

  Leutnant Koor-Susk (L)

  Alferez (Ensign) Tomas Perez Mole—League prisoner (Spanish).

  USS Matarife (Prize Ship)

  In Indiaa and Persia

  Allied Expeditionary Force (North)

  VI Corps

  General Linnaa-Fas-Ra (L)

  5th Maa-ni-la Cavalry

  Detached Duty, shadowing General Halik

  Colonel Enaak (L)

  Czech Legion

  The Czech Legion, or “Brotherhood of Volunteers,” is a near-division-level cavalry force of aging Czechs, Slovaks, and their continental Lemurian allies, militarily—if not politically—bound to the Grand Alliance.

  Colonel Dalibor Svec

  At Baalkpan

  Cmdr. Alan Letts—Chairman of the United Homes and the Grand Alliance.

  Leading Seaman Henry Stokes—Director of Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI; formerly of HMAS Perth).

  Cmdr. Steve “Sparks” Riggs—Minister of Communications and Electrical Contrivances.

  Lord Bolton Forester—Imperial Ambassador.

  Lt. Bachman—Forester’s aide.

  Leftenant (Ambassador) Doocy Meek—British sailor and former POW (WWI), representing the Republic of Real People.

  Surgeon Cmdr. Karen Theimer Letts—Assistant Minister of Medicine.

  “King” Tony Scott—High Chief and Assemblyperson for the Khonashi of North Borno.

  USS Fitzhugh Gray (CL-1)

  Cmdr. Toryu Miyata

  Lt. Cmdr. Ado-Sin (L)—XO.

  Lt. Robert Wallace—Gunnery Officer.

  Lt. Sainaa-Asa (L)—Engineering Officer.

  Lt. (jg) Eno-Sab-Raan (L)—Torpedo Officer.

  Ensign Gaat-Rin (L)

  CPO Pepper (L)—Chief Bosun’s Mate.

  Eastern Sea Campaign

  High Admiral Harvey Jenks—CINCEAST.

  Second Fleet

  Fleet Admiral Lelaa-Tal-Cleraan (L)

  USS Maaka-Kakja (CV-4)

  “Flag” Captain Tex Sheider

  Gilbert Yeager—Chief Engineer; one of the original Mice.

  3rd Naval Air Wing

  2nd Lt. Orrin Reddy—Commander of Flight Operations (COFO), 9th, 11th, 12th Bomb Squadrons; 7th, 10th Pursuit Squadrons; Orrin Reddy, though as reluctant as his cousin to assume higher official rank and still stubbornly considering himself a 2nd Lt. in the US Army Air Corps, has been named “Flag” COFO of Second Fleet.


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