Under His Claw

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Under His Claw Page 2

by Viola Grace

  “Once a day is best. Every two days is better. Smaller wounds can be healed at the same time, but only a wound the size of my hand can be healed at once if it is a deep wound.”

  He cocked his head. “You claim to have healed dozens, but I have never heard of you before.”

  She swallowed. “There is a reason for that. The clutch of nightsiders which kept me prisoner and had me heal them; my mother killed them all and burned their nest to the ground.”

  He reached out and stroked her hair with his icy hand. “I can understand why. Such a treasure.”

  She stared into his eyes and she knew without doubt he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. Zora was now the healer to the vampire king of Arbor.

  She wondered what the dental plan was like.

  Four days later, she was standing beside the throne in a designer suit and heels with the bangles of ownership on her wrists. Her apartment had been cleared out and all of her information had been registered with the nightsider government. She was officially in the employ of the vampire king, and when it came to vampires, employee meant possession.

  Three days had healed some of the more obvious marks on Olvadi. It had also been enough time to witness a portion of the full debauchery of the dark court.

  Her days took on a pattern. She woke around two, got showered and dressed. Ate and, to her surprise, she was responsible for some of the communications of the vampire king. She was now one of an army of flunkies who had to make calls on behalf of Olvadi, invitations accepted and declined.

  Speaking to other nightsiders at gatherings was odd. Like anyone else, she had seen shifters on the news and felt certain she had seen them on the street, but actually calling their prides, clans, covens, and coalitions was bizarre.

  By the time the vampires rose, all the calls were made, the living ate again, brushed their teeth and attended the evening events in whatever capacity they were hired for. Zora wanted to make friends with some of the girls with a pulse, but they were hired as decorative food, and it felt like talking with a ham with good fashion sense.

  Octavia was usually at her side, with Wilhelm and Michael nearby. Octavia had been granted a reconstruction on the second day. Zora hoped to work on her other breast at a later time. Two hundred years ago, many rural areas had not been so accepting of vampires and Octavia had met an inquisitor who didn’t like women. It was hard to see her new companion’s joy over regaining what should never have been taken.

  After petitions, everyone changed and the true dark court took over. No government members, no outside humans, just the vampires and shifters enjoying an evening. Thankfully, the king only dragged her to it on her second night. Casual nudity was not something Zora was familiar with before that night, but she was definitely familiar with it after.

  Tonight, she was standing behind Olvadi and trying not to watch the shifters in the crowd. A few of the bolder men had sniffed her and pronounced her tasty. It wasn’t a description she was comfortable with.

  Zora fidgeted a little and Octavia gave her a stern look. Zora sighed and remained still with her hands folded in front of her.

  The petitioner was asking for permission to marry, and the young man at his side looked pleased and nervous.

  Olvadi leaned forward. “Come here, child.”

  The young man quivered with eagerness but he obeyed, kneeling in front of the vampire king.

  Zora tried not to roll her eyes.

  “Do you have children, Antony?”

  The young man whispered, “No.”

  “Are you of age?”

  The young man’s eyes flickered and even Zora could see the lie before it came out. “Yes.”

  Olvadi leaned back with a sigh. “Petition denied until he is twenty years of age, Leonard. You know the rules. It may have been acceptable at the turn of the century, but now, you must wait for eighteen months before you can reapply.”

  “But, your majesty, he is willing.” The older vampire whined.

  Olvadi looked at the petitioner. “And we have a treatise. Eighteen months and if you turn him before then or take him to another kingdom, you both end as ashes. Am I clear?”

  Antony pleaded, “But he won’t love me if I am older.”

  Olvadi smiled, leaned forward and stroked the young man’s hair. “Then, it is not love but lust, and you can both find better partners for it.”

  It was the last petition of the night and Zora sighed with relief. If she were lucky it would be another healing night.

  The court was dismissed, the king and his attendants filed out. When Octavia took Zora to her room and pulled out a wrapped chiffon gown, Zora winced. “Please tell me I don’t have to watch the orgy again.”

  “Olvadi wants you to take a lover. Since we cannot have you with a vampire, we need to select one of the shifters for you.”

  Zora froze as Octavia undressed her. “You said what now?”

  “A lover. You overreact and have no emotional outlet amongst our kind, so Olvadi wishes you to have one from the upper rankings of the shifters. He would offer you to the elves, but they are disturbing in the extreme. I am not sure you are up to the stresses of having an ancient being as a lover.”

  “Stop saying lover.” She shivered in her new silk underwear and lifted her arms for Octavia to drop the dress over her head. Being dressed was something she had gotten used to over the last few days. Octavia could move more quickly than she could and when the zipper went up, she stepped back and circled Zora so quickly the skirts flared.

  “Take a look.”

  Zora looked in the mirror, and as she watched, Octavia braided her hair into a loose coronet and pulled tendrils out to cover her neck with light wisps of dark hair. It was more of a tease to the vampires than it was an actual covering. The gown was black at the hem rising to a green around her waist which brightened to emerald at her shoulders. It made the amber of her eyes brighten in intensity and her black hair gave her skin an ivory cast. She could pass for a vampire if no one watched her move.

  Octavia disappeared and reappeared in a cutout evening gown a minute later.

  “Why a lover?”

  “Because you flinch at our touch. Now, shall we go?”

  It wasn’t really a question, so Zora went.

  Chapter Three

  Subtle music filled the air and dancers cavorted on wide tables. If not for the clothing, it could have been a scene out of ancient Rome.

  Zora and Octavia followed Olvadi and the other two bodyguards to the head table. Zora sat on his right, Octavia on his left.

  A tiny crystal glass full of blood donated by one of the employed humans was placed in front of Olvadi. He lifted it to his lips and inhaled briefly before drinking. Everyone relaxed and the music picked up in cadence and volume while food was provided for the vampires and the others in attendance.

  Olvadi took Zora’s hand in his, and he spoke, “So, Zora. Which one would you like to have sex with?”

  She blinked rapidly. “What?”

  Even forewarned, she thought she had more time to think of a way to dissuade him.

  “Warm bodies need contact to remain emotionally healthy, and since contact with vampires disturbs you, you will take one of the shifters here as your lover. They have all agreed to honor your choice.”

  She blinked. “They have agreed?”

  Olvadi waved his hand around the room.

  Zora noted a lot of faces turned toward hers. “They have all been invited here because of their position and attractiveness. Octavia selected them all.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  His hand tightened into an icy cuff. “You will choose, or they will. If they have to fight for your attentions, I cannot guarantee your safety, and since I have guaranteed your safety, I am ordering you to choose one of these men and take him to your room tonight. I will know if you have not followed my orders. You will not like the result.”

  She swallowed at the fire in his eyes. He had been almost fatherly toward her over t
he last few days but apparently it was over.


  “Now. Octavia will help you make your choice. She will conduct the introductions.”

  Zora swallowed and got to her feet.

  Octavia mirrored her and came to her side. “Do not worry. It is a simple thing. In the morning, he will have gotten his way and you won’t have to worry.”

  “Oh goody. Simply one night of humiliation.”

  “No one you don’t want. Let me help you pick and you will not be disappointed.”

  Octavia had seemed to have a slight big-sister streak when it came to Zora, or so it had appeared. It was going to be a trust issue, but at least she was confident none of the shifters would do permanent damage.

  Octavia bypassed a few who had a predatory gleam in their eyes and introduced her to a wolf, a tiger and an eagle.

  Albertus, the wolf, took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “It is a delight to meet you. If I am chosen, I promise you a fascinating evening.”

  She swallowed and smiled weakly. “A charming offer. I will consider it.”

  Raynard, the eagle, gave her a sneering glance which had her stomach flipping with unease. He kissed her hand as well and looked her over. “Not as thin as I had hoped, but you will do.”

  Zora jerked her hand back. “You won’t. Thank you for coming.”

  He gripped her arm and pulled her toward him. “You misunderstand. I was invited to fuck you.”

  Octavia struck him in the chest, and it sent him flying back into a crowd watching an orgy.

  Conrad, the tiger, supported her by the elbow. “Are you all right?”

  She blinked and smiled weakly. “Yes, thank you.”

  There was a disturbance in the entryway, and Zora looked to the king. He lifted his hand and the tawny-headed contingent strode in and came over to greet him.

  It seemed a fairly even meeting, but the two males were sizing each other up. They spoke softly and Olvadi nodded in her direction. When the other man turned to look, she looked at Conrad and smiled brightly. “So, did you come here strictly to meet me? I am flattered.”

  Conrad was handsome, dark haired and he had the loveliest blue eyes she could have ever imagined. Her body warmed at the thought of him on her and inside her. For one night, he would be more than enough.

  She opened her mouth to ask him to come with her when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She was whirled around and a mouth closed on hers. Heat bloomed the moment she tasted him. Her heart pounded and she felt herself being bent backward.

  The smell of warm male swirled around her and she held onto his arms for balance as her senses were spinning for purchase.

  When he held her upright and released her, he was grinning and his heart was pounding. “Pardon my tardiness. I am Regick, invited shifter.”

  Octavia was in the background making a negative motion.

  Zora turned to Conrad, but he was gone, as were the other offered suitors. She frowned at Regick, “What did you do to the others?”

  He smiled, “Nothing, nor did they want me to. I have heard you are in the market for a companion for the evening.”

  She blinked and looked around again with an air of desperation. Olvadi caught her gaze, and he nodded his head toward Regick.

  Softly she whispered, “I suppose I am.”

  “Would you care to go for a walk in the lower gallery? The portraits there are stunning.”

  She looked around again. “I was supposed to—”

  “In good time. We have all night and Olvadi isn’t getting any older. He will wait until he rises tomorrow before you will be put to the question.”

  Zora was still wrapped in his arms, and she had no choice when he began walking through the crowd, and it parted for them. Whatever he was, even the vamps moved around him.

  He led her down the grand staircase and into the gallery. While she hesitated, he had no such restraint. He simply kept his arm behind her and walked with her to the gallery, two vampires trailing behind them.

  “You seem to have landed in a peculiar position, miss.”

  Regick chuckled and paused in front of an image of Olvadi destroying a village in his younger days as a crusader.

  “Zora. Call me Zora.”

  “Zora, then. You haven’t been here long.”

  She shook her head. “Less than a week.”

  “Why is Olvadi taking care of you by finding you a companion?”

  She blushed. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  “Oddly enough, he can be very stubborn for a creature who has passed ten centuries. He is taking excessive care with you, though. It is interesting.”

  She shrugged. “I am useful, I suppose. I was sold to him for the life of one of my ancestors.”

  Regick winced. “Ouch. A blood feud that goes back that far?”

  “No. My great-great-grandfather was a dick. He kidnapped me and exchanged me for his freedom. Blood for blood.”

  The vampire nearest her cleared his throat.

  She sighed. “And that is the end of conversation about me. You were invited here?”

  “A favor in exchange for a favor. It was more of a command performance.”

  She cocked her head. “You don’t seem the type to give in to commands easily.”

  He chuckled. “You know me well already?”

  “No, but there is something about the way you clear the space around you which tells me you are used to doing what you like. I had a teacher like you once. He wasn’t cruel, but he did lay things out in a no-nonsense way.”

  Regick chuckled. “I have never been compared with a teacher before. I don’t know whether to be flattered or check my wardrobe.”

  She glanced at the pristine shirt and immaculate slacks he was wearing. “Well, if upstairs is any standard of measure, you are overdressed for an orgy.”

  He chuckled. “I do not participate in the vampire festivities. I find the touch of the cool flesh disturbing.”

  She swallowed and he caught on.

  “So that is it. You can’t stand their touch.”

  She shivered and stepped back, crossing her arms and rubbing her biceps to shake off the shiver. “I can’t imagine it intimately, if it makes sense.”

  “It makes sense.” He put his arm around her and they continued their slow walk down the gallery of vampires in historical moments. Crossing the ocean-wearing cloaks and huge-brimmed hats, stepping foot in North America for the first time. The initial treatise with the natives that set the vampire foothold in the new world. When the human colonists arrived, the nightsiders already had a strong presence, and they crafted the rules and regulations. Their society had evolved into predators and prey living side by side in the cities, and the towns surrounding them were usually one or the other.

  The rest of the images were vampire kings and queens breaking ground at their palaces, portraits of courts and the memorable moments of modern day.

  She was becoming used to the scent and feel of Regick, and Zora clued in that this walk was actually foreplay. His fingers cruised over her back and ribs so lightly she didn’t even notice she was leaning into his touch.

  Zora laughed lightly, “You are very good.”

  He grinned down at her and his amber eyes glowed in the dim light. His hard jaw and the sensual curve of his lips kept her attention as he lowered his head to hers. “Who told?”

  She giggled, and he pressed his lips against hers, stroking her tongue with his. The rough texture and heady taste of him had her head spinning again.

  He lifted his head and whispered against her lips. “I won’t hurt you, I will take care to ensure your pleasure and your safe word will halt all interactions between us.”

  Zora closed her eyes and then opened them, meeting his gaze. “Carter is my safe word.”

  He smiled and nodded. “An easy one not to mistake.”

  “And easy to pronounce while distracted.”

  “Well, then, as the rules have been spoken, shall we?”
  Zora nodded nervously, her muscles tense and her mouth dry. “My rooms are up two levels and down the hall.”

  “Then, we had better make our way.”

  Again, he kept an arm around her and proceeded up the steps with her guards trailing after them. She was an asset and she needed to get used to being treated as such.

  When she had directed him to her room, he eased her inside and then closed and threw the bolt on the door.

  He shrugged. “It won’t actually hold them off but it will annoy them.”

  Zora retreated to lean against her desk, and she held onto her chair with both hands behind her back. She licked her lips nervously.

  Regick’s focus was on her mouth. He matter-of-factly removed his cufflinks and worked on his shirt until it hung open, exposing bare chest, which was crisscrossed with scars.

  The body hair on his chest had her fingers curling more tightly around the chair back. Out of vanity, the vampires shaved completely from neck to toe. There was not a chest hair to be found in the king’s court.

  Regick was a contrast to everything around him and Zora’s curiosity got the better of her. She released the desk and stepped toward him, flattening her hands on his chest and stroking the hair she found there.

  His hands came around her shoulders and he stroked her back. The cool air of the zipper opening caused a flutter of arousal in her pussy. It was strange what she wanted. She used to want to be alone, but now with her body constantly surrounded, she wanted to be alone with one other person and here he was.

  Regick eased her dress off her shoulders, and it caught on her hips. Her silken slip was all which separated her skin from his. He ran his fingers over her exposed back and the silk. “You are softer than the silk.”

  “You don’t need to flatter me. I am a sure thing.”

  He didn’t like it much. Her skirt hit the floor and he tossed her to the bed. “Well, since I don’t need to exude effort…”

  She skidded along her sheets with her silk chemise easing the friction of her slide.

  With short, angry movements, Regick removed his shirt, shoes, socks and trousers. He might be irritated, but his erection was long and hard, arching insistently upward. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed, forming claws and tearing her chemise from her. The small scrap of panties she wore was torn off with equal irritation.


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