Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Marla Monroe

  Double Her Pleasure

  Jayson and Joshua have wanted Haley to be their wife for several years now. They think she is finally ready to handle them both. Will she balk at the idea of two men and embrace them as a family? Or is there something else going on that they aren’t aware of?

  Haley doesn’t want to lose the most important people in her life, and she thinks that if she succumbs to their ménage proposal she will lose their friendship. They have been there for each other through everything including life and death. She isn’t sure a possible long-term relationship is worth losing the very real one she has now.

  When she is kidnapped and realizes she may never see them again, she knows she has made the wrong choice. She prays that they will find her in time so she can beg for their forgiveness and a second chance.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 62,385 words


  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Marla Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-958-3

  First E-book Publication: August 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Haley climbed down from her horse, Sugar Cube, and led the big gelding into the barn. As she began wiping him down, she wondered where Jayson and Joshua were. They usually either met her somewhere during her ride, or were there waiting for her when she got back. Something must have happened to require them elsewhere.

  She’d been boarding her horse in their stables ever since they built the house and barn. She and the men had been best friends since fifth grade and all during high school. The only time they had been separated was during college. Jayson and Joshua went to Montana State University in Billings to study farm and ranch management under their agriculture department while Haley spent two years at the local community college. She got her two-year degree and became a paralegal. It hadn’t been her original choice, but she didn’t have the money or the grades to go into animal husbandry.

  While she enjoyed her job to some extent, it didn’t really fulfill her. She was loyal to her bosses because they had taken a chance hiring her straight out of school, but she wasn’t in love with her job.

  Despite the distance between them, they still managed to spend every holiday and summer vacation with each other. After her parents were killed in a plane crash in the Rockies, they had been there for her. She found herself spending more and more time with their family. The Crowleys treated her like one of their daughters. Soon, she felt as at home at their place as she did at her own home, especially after her parents were gone. Living alone proved to be difficult for her at first, and she welcomed each and every opportunity that came up to visit them.

  The Crowleys were well known in Silver Creek, Montana, and even in Billings. They had a massive ranch, the Lazy C. Haley, on the other hand, was a little fish in a little pond. She made just enough money to get by and was happy. She worked for Hoffman and Johnson as their paralegal. When Jayson and Joshua returned from school, they bought the spread adjacent to their parents and named it the Rocking C Ranch. They built a house just like they wanted and began building up their herd. Haley was proud of them.

  “Wonder what came up to keep them away,” she said to Sugar Cube.

  She finished grooming him and then washed and put away her tools. She should work on her saddle, but she needed to do her Saturday chores worse. Between grocery shopping and housework, her Saturdays tended to be pretty busy. She always went riding first thing in the morning with the rising sun. She loved the early part of the day when everything looked new and exciting.

  Just as she climbed into her SUV, Joshua emerged from the ranch house. He jogged over to her and leaned against the passenger door when she rolled down the window.

  “Where you going, baby girl?”

  “Got to get on the road. Housework calls and waits on no man—or woman for that matter.”

  He smiled. “If you would marry us you would never have to do housework again.” It was his standard reply.

  Haley knew he didn’t mean anything by it.

  “Sorry we missed you this morning. Got some things going on we needed to take care of.” Joshua frowned then quickly turned it into one of his lazy smiles. “Going out to The Watering Hole tonight?”

  “Depends on if I can get everything done in time to get ready or not. Maybe.” She really had more to do today than usual.

  She and the men usually met up at the local bar in town for a few drinks. Lately, she hadn’t gone as much. While she had been dating Matt, he didn’t like her hanging out there, and now that they were on the outs, she p
lanned to spend a little more time there on Saturday nights with her friends.

  “I’ll be looking for you there. Don’t disappoint an old cowboy,” Joshua said.

  “Right, old my ass. We’re about the same age.”

  “I’m three months older than you.”

  Haley grinned. “Big deal. I don’t hear Jayson moaning about being old, and he’s older than both of us.”

  “He’s only five minutes older than I am.” Joshua smirked at her.

  She snorted and started the SUV. “Got to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Be careful, baby. Rough roads out there.” It was another of his standard replies.

  Haley could always count on him. She waved out her window and headed down the gravel drive toward home. The farther away from the ranch she got, the more she missed them. She shook it off and concentrated on what she needed to accomplish today. First, groceries and her dry cleaning, and then she would focus on housework and laundry. Ugh. She hated housework. Too bad she couldn’t take Joshua up on his offer. She smiled. Being married to one of the brothers would come with lots of benefits, like never having to do housework again. She sighed. It would mean choosing between them, and she could never choose between them. They would never expect her to.

  By the time she had folded the last towel and put it away, Haley was worn out. She glanced at the clock and groaned. There was just enough time to shower and get ready to go if she pushed it. Did she really want to go out tonight? She grinned. Hell yeah!

  Maybe she could talk one of the men into a game of pool. She was pretty damn good and could give them a run for their money. She loved beating them. They got so pissy about it. Hopefully this time Matt wouldn’t be there. Matt was the ex-boyfriend from hell. He’d gotten too bossy and controlling. He hated the time she spent with Jayson and Joshua. They were her best friends. When he forbade her to spend time with them, it had been the last straw. She ended it with no regrets at all. Later, she realized they hadn’t really had much in common. Why she had gone out with him in the first place, she didn’t know.

  Matt was the reason she had snuck out the last time. He kept after her saying she belonged to him. She didn’t want to make a scene. If they made one, Jayson and Joshua would get involved. They were very protective of her, and she really didn’t want them involved.

  Haley quickly showered and washed her hair. The entire time her thoughts of her men dominated her mind. They were good-looking men. Jayson stood a half inch taller than Joshua. His six foot four inches towered over her five foot three inches. His rich brown hair fell just below his collar when he forgot to get it cut. Broad shoulders accented a wide muscular chest that narrowed down to a trim waist and tight butt. He had washboard abs to go along with the rest of the package. His face was chiseled perfection with a square chin and hazel eyes the color of changing autumn leaves.

  Most people thought Joshua to be the exact image of his older brother with the same muscular build and ruggedly handsome face. Haley knew the little differences though. Like he was that half inch shorter than his brother, and he had a dimple in the cleft of his chin. He had just a little less chest hair than his brother. Then there was the constant devilry in his eyes. He could always be counted on to do something outrageous when you least expected it.

  Haley loved them both like brothers. That was why when she caught herself thinking a little too intimately about them, she shut down the naughty thoughts and concentrated on something else. Like now, her mind kept focusing on how good they looked in tight blue jeans and an equally tight T-shirt that showed off their chests. Her heart skipped a beat when they wore black. With their hats pulled down low they looked every bit the wild cowboys they were. Haley brushed away the traitorous thoughts and focused on getting ready.

  Her forest-green blouse would look good with her new jeans and dress boots. She never wore the cute strappy shoes a lot of the women wore when they went out. She didn’t dress up on weekends, period. Dress clothes were for work, and she hated every minute she had to be in them. She felt more at home in jeans and work boots. Tonight, though, she could be herself and have a good time. The men would be there and she could always count on them for a few dances. Yeah, the night ahead looked great.

  * * * *

  Joshua waited on Jayson in the living room nursing a beer. His brother had gotten tied up on a phone call and was running late. It gave him time to think about Haley and how he could convince her she belonged with them. He and his brother loved her more than anything, but how to approach her with the unorthodox proposal of a three-way marriage? They planned to share her between them. Neither one of them would ever make her choose between them, but they couldn’t stand the idea of anyone else having her either. She belonged with them.

  “Ready?” Jayson asked as he bounded down the stairs. Joshua shook his head. Jayson needed a haircut again. He always put it off, said he didn’t have time for it, but Joshua knew it was because Haley liked it long. Jayson kept his cut a good two inches shorter than his brother did, when he cut it. It was the only way most people could tell them apart. Haley, on the other hand, had always been able to tell them apart. It was another reason she was made for them.

  “Let’s go. I don’t want to miss Haley if she shows up. Lately she’s been sneaking out early.” Jayson grabbed the truck keys off a hook by the door.

  “What’s up with that?” Joshua asked, following behind his brother.

  “Don’t know, but I’m thinking it has something to do with her breakup with Matt. She says it was a mutual decision that they didn’t work out, but I wonder.”

  “You don’t think he hurt her, do you?” The idea boiled his blood.

  He’d teach the bastard some manners if he hurt Haley.

  “I don’t know. I just think it’s odd she doesn’t stick around till closing like she always has.” Jayson pulled down the drive in the big four-door rig.

  Joshua noticed his brother’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel. Yeah, he thought Matt had upset Haley all right. They’d find out for sure tonight. She’d have to tell them. He knew his brother wouldn’t take “nothing” for an answer now.

  The Watering Hole looked stretched to the limits by the looks of the packed parking lot. Jayson managed to find a spot next door in the junk yard’s lot. There were already several other trucks parted there. He looked around but didn’t see Haley’s Nissan Pathfinder. That wasn’t saying anything considering the number of vehicles parked there and the dim lighting in the area. She could already be there or come in later. He just hoped she came.

  “Come on. We aren’t going to find her car out here in this mess. Do better looking for her inside. She sticks to that group of tables by the band.” Jayson started walking toward the door.

  Even before they got there, the music of the band could be heard through the walls. When he opened the door, it blasted him as loud as any rock band the kids listened to today. But this wasn’t the screeching metal rock. It was his kind of music, Southern Rock. Good ole country music. He and Jayson parted the crowds as they made their way toward the bar. If it wasn’t because of their size, it was because of their dangerous aura. Most people in Silver Creek knew not to mess with them, and by default, Haley. If Matt had forgotten that, they would enjoy reminding him of the fact.

  “Give us the usual, Tug,” Jayson shouted over the din to the bar tender.

  “Two bottles coming up,” Tug said.

  The big burly bartender pulled out two bottles of beer and opened them before sliding them across the bar to Joshua and his brother. He’d put it on their tab.

  “Seen Haley tonight?” Joshua asked.

  “Yeah, she came in about thirty minutes ago. Last I saw of her, she was giving Tim hell on the pool table. You’d think that boy would have learned by now not to play with her.” Tug ambled off to serve someone on the other end of the bar.

  Jayson laughed. “You going to let her talk us into a game?”

  “Of course. It ain’t
a good night till we watch Haley shoot pool. Besides, I have an idea.”

  Jayson shook his head. They made their way through the crowd to the back room where two pool tables were in use. The far right one had Tim bungling a shot and Haley smiling big as a hundred watt bulb. Nothing she liked better than to bilk a sucker at pool, and Tim fell into that mold lock, stock, and barrel.

  “Tim, what are you doing playing with a pool shark like Haley?” Joshua asked.

  Jayson leaned against the wall and took a swig of beer. Joshua circled around the table and grabbed Haley around the waist.

  “How you doing, baby?” He kissed her forehead then ducked when she tried to bop him on the head with the pool stick.

  “Don’t try to distract me. I’m taking his money. He was fool enough to lay it down. I’m smart enough to pick it up.” She grinned at poor Tim.

  Tim scratched his head and groaned. He knew he was a goner now. All Haley had to do was sink the six ball and then call the eight ball. It was already over. He didn’t even wait to see if she made them or not. He picked up his empty beer bottle and tossed it into the trash.

  “I’m out of here before I lose my lunch money for next week.” Always good natured, Tim walked toward the other room and the swelling crowd.

  “Are you even going to bother sinking those?” Jayson asked as he pushed away from the wall.

  “Of course. I have to in order to win fair and square. Who knows, I might actually miss.” She grinned

  Joshua knew the chances of that were slim and none. Still, he teased her unmercifully.


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