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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  “I guess I hadn’t expected her to put up that much of a fight,” Jayson said.

  “I knew she would. She’s stubborn that way. Plus, think about it, Jayson. We’ve been friends for nearly twenty years. We’ve been there for each other through really rough times. She doesn’t want to lose that. Hell, I don’t want to either, but I know we can make this work.”

  “We have to. I love her so much it hurts not to have her next to me all the time.”

  “We’ll get her there, Jayson. We’ll get her there. The next thing is to figure out what Matt is up to and why he’s still after her.”

  “I’m all for beating the crap out of him until he understands she’s off limits.”

  “Not yet. He wants something. If it’s Haley, then we’ll think about beating the crap out of him. I think it’s more than that. He pursued her pretty damn hard in the first place. There has to be a reason. He didn’t act like a man in love back at the bar last night.”

  “I still can’t believe the bastard hit her. What in the hell was he thinking? No one would have let him get away with that. They just stepped back because we were there.”

  Joshua leaned back against the bar. “I’ll do some digging, and if that’s not enough, I’ll get Richard on it.” Richard was their lawyer and could find out anything. Plus, Joshua trusted him.

  Jayson finished his beer and tossed the can into the recycle bin. He stared out the window for a few seconds then sighed.

  “I’m going to go check on the horses. I’ll be back in a little while. Whose turn is it to cook tonight?”

  “Mine. You’re off the hook.” Joshua chuckled at the huge grin that spread across his brother’s face.

  “In that case, I’ll be back by dinnertime.” He opened the back door and headed toward the barn.

  Joshua watched him through the window before turning away and contemplating what to have that night. Even as he went about working on the meal, his mind was on Haley and what their next step should be. He knew Jayson was in the same boat on wanting her as soon as possible. They’d had a hard-on for her for several years. Now that she was within their grasps, the waiting was killing them.

  Joshua and his brother had dated plenty of women in an effort to be sure of who and what they wanted in life. It didn’t take long to realize they were running away from their feelings for Haley. She had seemed to be off limits because of their close friendship. Finally, though, they had sat down and talked about it with each other.

  Jayson had admitted that he wanted her as their wife and was tired of dating other women.

  “She’s the one, Joshua. I can’t imagine being happy with anyone else. I want her in our home and in our bed.”

  Joshua had agreed and they had begun to plan on how to accomplish their dream. Now that it was within their grasp, he was getting nervous. He was never nervous. He was the one who made the difficult decisions and faced the problems head-on. He couldn’t afford to let anything get in the way of courting Haley.

  Once he had the meal ready and simmering on the stove, Joshua rang his brother’s cell phone.


  “Dinner’s on the table. I’m going to start without you.”

  “On my way. Don’t eat mine.”

  He grinned. Ever since Jayson had been really late to dinner one time and Joshua ate his portion in addition to his own, it had been an ongoing joke between them.

  Jayson walked in the kitchen and headed straight for the wash room to clean up.

  “The horses are all fine. Firebrand is plumb ornery. He tried to bite me again. I swear every time we go to an auction that I’m going to sell that horse.” Jayson walked back into the room drying his hands on a paper towel.

  “You’ll never sell that horse. He’s the best stud we’ve got. I’m counting on a nice foal from him next spring.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem. You’ve been filling his head with thoughts of getting some. Stay away from my horse, Joshua.”

  “Sit down and eat before I grab yours with mine.”

  “Do you think Haley will be better Friday when we take her out, or will she have stiffened back up some?”

  “I think she’ll be fine once we get on the road. She’s nervous. It will take a few times before she isn’t that way anymore. Don’t get your hopes up that we’re going to be able to claim her in a matter of weeks. I have a feeling this is going to take some time.” Joshua bit off a piece of bread.

  “I just want her close by, Joshua. Yeah, I want inside her so badly that I can’t think straight half the time, but more than that. I want her to care and love us like we do her. I want to wake up next to her every morning and see her face across the table every day.”

  “We’re getting there. She’s special, so you can’t expect for her to jump into bed with us. If she did, she wouldn’t be the woman we love. She wouldn’t be Haley.”

  Jayson nodded, and they finished their meal in silence.

  Chapter Six

  Haley changed clothes for the third time and was down to the wire. The green floral sundress would have to do. For better or for worse, she was wearing what she had on. There was no more time left to change her mind. They would be there in the next five minutes. The doorbell rang.

  “Ah, hell.”

  She hurried to the door without shoes. After checking to be sure who it was, she let them in.

  Jayson pulled her in for a quick kiss. Then he stepped back and looked at her.

  “You look great, baby girl.”

  “Real nice, Haley, except you need shoes,” Joshua teased her.

  “I’m running behind. I’ll be right back.” She hurried into her bedroom and was putting her shoes on when they walked in her bedroom to watch her.

  “Um, guys. It’s my bedroom.”

  “Yeah, but you’re already dressed, so why does it matter?”

  She didn’t have an argument for that. She just rolled her eyes and fastened the other strap on her sandal. When she stood up again, Joshua pulled her against him and kissed her a little more intensely than Jayson had. He held her tightly against his body. He had to know she would feel the outline of his cock against her stomach. Her breath left her lungs when he pumped it once into her belly. Then he pulled away with hooded, dark eyes and took her hand. They followed Jayson out of her bedroom and, once she had her purse, out of the house.

  It was Jayson who helped her up into the truck. She struggled with her seatbelt, so he fastened it for her. She was nervous. She couldn’t help it. Nothing was working right for her. Work had been a disaster. She’d had to completely rewrite two reports before she could turn them in to her bosses.

  “You’re shaking like a leaf, Haley. What’s wrong?” Joshua dropped his hand on her knee.

  “I can’t help it. I’m a little nervous.”

  “I think this goes beyond being a little nervous,” Jayson said.

  “Take a deep breath, Haley. Now another one.”

  “That helped I think.” She wasn’t shaking all over anymore. That was good.

  Now if only she could keep from throwing up. Her stomach was just as nervous as the rest of her. She kept telling herself she was being ridiculous. Jayson and Joshua were her best friends and had been for years and years. There was no reason to let their change in status from friends to boyfriends change how she felt about them or how she acted around them.

  Satisfied with her pep talk, she leaned back against the seat and felt what appeared to be Jayson’s arm behind her shoulders. When she began squirming in her seat, Jayson moved his arm down around her shoulders then pulled her against his shoulder. She slowly relaxed into his embrace.

  Since they were going to Billings, they had a little over an hour’s drive. She might as well be comfortable, and right then, Jayson was very comfortable. She didn’t even mind Joshua’s hand on her knee. He was tracing circles on the inside of it.

  “How long has it been since you’ve been to Billings, Haley?” Joshua turned and glanced at her before looking
back at the road.

  “Oh, gosh. I can’t even remember the last time. At least a year ago, and maybe longer than that.”

  “You should go more often. Wouldn’t you like to shop there some?”

  “I’m not much of a shopper, but it would be fun occasionally. I just don’t have much time.”

  “When’s the last time you had a vacation?” Jayson asked.

  “Oh, I had one last year. I repainted the house, remember?”

  “That was a working vacation. I mean an honest to goodness vacation where you only did what you wanted to do.”

  “I don’t know. I remember when mom and dad were alive we went places. I just haven’t really had the time to do much except take care of the house and work.” She frowned.

  Where were they going with this? Why the sudden interest in if she’d had a vacation or gone shopping in Billings? Something was going on, that was for sure. They didn’t ask questions for no reason. They had something up their sleeves. She needed to be careful with them. There was no telling what was going on in their heads.

  “You should get to have some fun, baby girl. Let’s plan a weekend trip in a few weeks. See about taking off Friday and Monday and we’ll spend some time just relaxing and generally having fun.”

  Haley looked over at Joshua to see what he thought about Jayson’s plan. The other man was smiling. Great, he liked the plan, too. She could already tell how dating them was going to go, two against one.

  “I don’t think I like the odds here.”

  “What do you mean?” Jayson’s brow furrowed.

  “There are two of you and only one of me. You can override all of my objections about something.”

  “We promise not to disagree with all of them, just some of them. How’s that?”

  “Joshua, tell him I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.”

  “Hey! I resent that. I’m totally trustworthy.”

  “What about that time you dumped me in the lake with all my clothes on?”

  “Oh, well, we were playing around.”

  “I would have frozen before I got home, Jayson Crowley.”

  “Let’s not talk about his shortcomings. Let’s talk about making that trip. Where would you like to go that you haven’t been before or in a long time?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I would start with Billings since it’s been so long. I can’t even imagine what I’d do there, though.”

  Joshua glanced over at her again and grinned. “Don’t worry, we’ll come up with some things.”

  That smile was a dangerous thing. It could mean something really good, and in that case that might be bad. Or it could mean something really bad and that would of course be bad. She wondered what this particular smile meant.

  After another twenty minutes of riding, they pulled into the big city of Billings. She looked around, thinking that the place had to have grown since she’d last been there. It was daunting to look at. She couldn’t imagine driving in it and knowing where she was going.

  They pulled into a parking lot of a restaurant where they got out and walked the short distance to the door. When they walked in, a maître d’ greeted them by name and escorted them to a table.

  “It’s so good to have you back. I hope you enjoy your dinner.” Then the man walked away.

  Almost immediately a waitress appeared. She smiled at the two men and seemed to be deciding which one Haley was with. She had the sudden urge to take both of their hands so the woman would back off. Instead, she gave her drink order and watched as the woman walked off, a definite extra sway in her hips. She smiled when it was obvious that the men weren’t paying any attention to the woman. They were looking at her.

  “What sounds good to you, baby girl?” Jayson asked.

  “I’m not sure. What have you had here that was good?”

  “I guess we’ve had just about everything.” Joshua looked over at Jayson. “I bet she would like the filet.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I want a filet. I would rather have a ribeye. I like how they taste better.”

  “Still, that’s steak.”

  Jayson grinned at her. “How do you want it cooked?”

  “Medium rare. Otherwise all the flavor is cooked right out of it.”

  “Do you like the edges a little seared?”

  “Wow, you know your steaks. That sounds good to me.” She grinned at Jayson.

  The waitress returned and Joshua ordered for her. Jayson ordered the wine. Evidently the waitress had decided that since Joshua had given her meal choice that Jayson was free. She gushed over him until Haley finally had enough. Haley grabbed his hand and pulled him down for a brief kiss then did the same to Joshua. After she had done it, she felt the heat run up her neck into her face. She couldn’t believe she had done that.

  The guys looked smug. No doubt they had enjoyed her little jealous display. Damn! There would be no stopping the teasing from that. To their credit, they didn’t say anything during the dinner. She managed to eat most of her steak, but only half the potato. She turned down dessert. The men didn’t, and before it was over with, she’d accepted one bite from each of their forks.

  The same waitress returned with their check but didn’t stick around long. She had obviously gotten the picture. She almost felt sorry for her. They were handsome men.

  “How about some coffee at Starbucks?” Jayson suggested.

  “Sounds good,” she and Joshua said at the same time.

  They drove over to the coffee shop and took advantage of the nice weather to sit outside. They sipped their drinks and talked about different things, but none of them serious. She felt comfortable with them now and didn’t even mind when they each touched her arm or her shoulder. Sometimes one of them would brush her hair from her face. Maybe she was really relaxing with the idea of dating them.

  At nine thirty, they headed for the club. Joshua said they would have two good hours of dancing and then they would need to head home. That sounded like a good idea to her. She would be worn out if they danced for two hours. With two men and one of her, she would be hard pressed to get a bathroom break.

  They parked down the street about two blocks and walked the rest of the way. It was obvious that the club was already in full swing by the thump, thump, thump that greeted them less than fifty yards away. It rattled in her chest and throat. They greeted the bouncer and, after paying their cover, walked inside to the deafening music and dull roar of voices trying to be heard over it.

  “Let’s find a table or somewhere to stand first.” Joshua spoke loud in their ears.

  He led the way with Jayson following, keeping Haley secure between them. They made two passes around the building before finding an abandoned table that was a little out of leaning range for Haley. She gave her drink order to Jayson. It was nearly twenty minutes before he made it back with all three of their drinks.

  “Once we finish these, we’ll dance the rest of the night. We won’t be able to hold our table and dance, too.”

  Haley realized he planned on all three of them dancing at one time. Not two at a time like she had thought. It took her a few minutes to compose herself after that shock. Looking out over the crowd, she decided it didn’t really matter. There were so many people you couldn’t tell who was dancing with who anyway. The butterflies in her stomach settled down.

  She sipped her drink, thinking to put it off for a while, but realized that was cowardly and finished hers right behind Jayson. They said good-bye to the table and, holding hands, they squeezed their way onto the dance floor.

  The band played good old Southern rock that kept them clapping and swinging for three songs in a row. Then they switched to a slow song and she found herself surrounded by her men. Joshua was in front of her holding her shoulders while Jayson had his hands on her hips behind her. They all but plastered themselves against her front and back. The rigid pressure of Jayson’s cock in the small of her back only made her more aware of Joshua’s pressing against her belly.

; Haley drew in a deep breath, and Joshua’s scent hit her senses like a tidal wave. He smelled of musk and woods. She knew that Jayson’s scent was different. His smelled of pine and fresh rain. She inhaled again and felt almost dizzy.

  When a fast song began, the men didn’t move away, they just did the bump and grind with her between them. She couldn’t help getting turned on by the feel of their massive cocks rubbing against her body. The longer they danced, the more aroused she became until she knew her panties were soaked, and she dreaded sitting down because it would probably leave a wet spot wherever she sat.

  Finally, after a little over an hour of nonstop dancing, Joshua called it a night and they made the adventurous walk through the crowd toward the front door. As they squeezed through the throng, she was very thankful to have both men to keep the sweaty dancers off of her. They emerged through the door and out into the night.

  The air outside was significantly cooler than inside the club. Haley began to shiver as it hit her sweaty body.

  “Come on, Joshua, Haley is shivering. We need to get her in the truck.”

  They hurried the two blocks to the truck where Jayson opened the door and helped her up. Haley remembered too late that she was wet with her juices and hoped they would put it down to being sweaty from dancing and the press of bodies.

  Her relief was short lived when Jayson turned and nuzzled her neck with his nose. He nipped at her skin then licked over the small hurt.

  “I can smell how turned on you are, Haley. God, I want to lick your pussy so badly it’s killing me.”

  “Jayson.” Joshua growled. “We agreed we wouldn’t push her.”

  “I can’t help it. She smells like coming home.”

  Haley whimpered when Joshua nibbled along her jawline then sucked at her earlobe.

  “We need to go before we get in trouble for lewd behavior.”

  Joshua pulled away from her and leaned back against the seat for a few seconds, taking deep breaths as if to clear his head. Then he cranked the truck and pulled out onto the street. Haley opened her eyes and looked over at Joshua. His breathing still wasn’t quite back to normal. She couldn’t believe she affected him that way. Jayson, she could believe. He was so much more laid back than Joshua.


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