Be with Me

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Be with Me Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  That dark moment in his life years ago had never left him. He’d wondered about what might have been, or how his life would be now had his fiancée and child lived. But here he was, starting this all over again, and once again, the control was not in his possession.

  Refocusing on the issue here and now, Tanner addressed his cousin. “You going to the cookout over at Jax’s tomorrow?”

  Cash nodded. “I’ll be there. I have to train a lady at six, so it will be after that.”

  “You seeing her outside the gym?”

  Cash snorted and stood up to pull off his own gloves. “We dated once. We’re more friends than anything. She’s training for a competition, so her schedule is pretty strict right now.”

  There were all types of people who came into Cash’s gym. People who just wanted a healthier lifestyle, people who wanted to strength train, athletes who wanted to push their endurance, and those who trained for a variety of competitions. All shapes and sizes came through the doors, and Cash took pride in his place and in each and every client. This was his life, his family.

  Mainly because his own family had fallen apart when Cash was younger, and Cash refused to fall into the downward spiral of his pill-addicted father. That was Cash’s dirty little secret, one he didn’t share because he was too proud of where he’d come after his mother’s death and his father’s hellish attempt to cope.

  “They’re here,” Cash murmured.

  Tanner didn’t move, but his eyes started scanning the place. He took another swig of his water and noted two Caucasian men, probably no more than twenty-three. They both had black gym bags slung over their shoulders as they made their way toward the locker room. No cameras were allowed in areas where people took off their clothes, so this would have to be an area Tanner checked out personally.

  Without a word, Tanner picked up his gloves and headed to the locker room. He went to the locker he’d been using and pulled out his cell, pretending to check texts as he eavesdropped.

  The guys were muttering about something in the next aisle of lockers. Tanner strained to hear what they were saying, but could only make out a few words. Something about “a bag” and “ten o’clock.” Tanner checked the time and noted it was just a little after nine. Looks like he wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

  All of this could be nothing, but it very well could be something major, and Cash deserved Tanner’s undivided attention. Anyone who had a tip on drugs deserved his full focus, for that matter.

  Tanner knew he couldn’t possibly save everyone or stop every single illegal activity, but each time he was able to make a difference, he knew he was in the right career for the right reasons. He was damn good at his job and would stop at nothing to keep his small town and its residents safe.

  A text flashed across the top of his screen. He nearly dropped his phone at the unexpected vibration.

  I’ve been busy all day, but wanted to let you know dr appt scheduled for Monday @ 2

  He pulled in a deep breath and started to reply two different times, but deleted each one. This was real. He was going to be a father and he was going to have to push aside his past and man up now, because Melanie needed him. Their baby needed him.

  She might not want to admit that she needed help and support, but she did. No way in hell would he miss that appointment. He wanted to know how healthy Mel was, how the baby was doing, if there were any red flags or worries they should be concerned with at this point.

  Damn it. She’d just found out about the pregnancy and he was already mentally freaking out. He had a long way to go.

  The guys on the other side were still chatting. Tanner blocked out his fear and worries. He had to focus on this moment for now and reply to Mel later.

  “He’s nothing but a little bitch,” one guy complained. “I’m not afraid of him.”

  They’d yet to say anything incriminating, and Tanner hadn’t seen or heard their names before. So far, they were just guys working out. But Tanner wasn’t about to brush aside Cash’s concerns. Tanner had nothing else to do tonight, so sticking around here was just fine. He needed to work out some frustrations anyway and exorcise those demons from his past.

  The woman and children he and his team were supposed to extract last night had backed out. Well, the woman had. Her kids hadn’t had a choice, which only pissed Tanner off all the more. He couldn’t save those who didn’t want to be saved, he’d discovered that a long time ago.

  But, damn it, he wanted those kids out of that house. He wanted the mother to realize that she was worth more than the shit she put up with on a daily basis.

  Locker doors slammed, pulling Tanner back into the moment. He stared down at Melanie’s text again. As the guys walked out, not paying him any mind, he used this moment to shoot off a quick reply.

  I’ll be there. See you at the cookout

  The second he’d hit send, he realized how ridiculous that sounded. He’d already told her he’d be at Jax’s for the cookout. Like some awkward teen with his first crush, he hadn’t known what else to say. Damn if this whole situation wasn’t making him a fumbling mess.

  Maybe if he wasn’t reliving the worst time of his life, he wouldn’t be in such a panic. Oh, he was positive he’d still be scared, but having lost two people who meant so much to him, he honestly wasn’t sure he could go through another loss. Which is why he needed to keep his heart out of this equation. Being physically attracted was fine, and actually he couldn’t put a halt on that even if he wanted to. Everything between him and Mel had to stay superficial.

  Tanner even feared getting too attached to the baby just yet. Because losing a child was a whole other level of hell he still didn’t want to talk about. Cash and Jax knew what he’d been through, but even they never brought up the delicate matter.

  If Tanner delved too deep, he’d go into full panic mode, but he couldn’t go there. The only way to get through this was to remain ahead of his feelings and tell his past to shut the hell up.

  All he could do was be there for Melanie, make sure she was safe and comfortable . . . because he couldn’t take another soul-crushing loss.

  Shit. Tanner raked a hand through his hair and shoved his cell back into the bag in his locker. After shutting the door harder than necessary, he headed back out into the main part of the gym.

  He didn’t want Melanie to ever believe he wasn’t interested in what was going on with their child. He just didn’t know how to compartmentalize his fears. Getting too attached at this point would be a mistake that could potentially lead to disaster. He would be there, he would be supportive and anything else Melanie needed. But he couldn’t allow himself to feel.

  Melanie deserved someone who would open up and love her for the amazing woman she was. For reasons he didn’t want to address, the idea of her finding a man to settle down with only sent rage through him. Tanner didn’t want another man to help raise his child. He tried to tell himself that was the only reason, but thinking of Melanie and how passionate yet shy she’d been with him . . . hell.

  He couldn’t have it both ways and he damn well knew it. He either had to go full on with her or pretend to just be friends and support her with the baby.

  Fisting his hands at his sides, Tanner set off to the free weights and refocused on the potential threat to Cash’s gym. Thinking of Melanie and how damn perfect they’d been together wasn’t helping. Thinking of her with another man sure as hell wasn’t doing anything to calm him.

  Tanner grabbed a set of weights and stepped away from the racks. He headed to the corner, hoping to work his shoulders and triceps, and hopefully overhear whatever those two guys were discussing.

  With each rep and burn in his muscles, Tanner tried to hone in on the conversation about ten feet away. Never before had a woman interfered with his thought process while he was working. Technically he wasn’t working, but in a sense he was.

  Melanie kept shoving her way into the forefront of his mind. He replayed their intimate, heated night over and over. They’d d
anced around each other for months. He’d told himself taking her home would be wrong on so many levels. But when it came right down to it, he hadn’t been strong enough to say no.

  “He better bring the right amount this time.”

  Tanner nearly missed the quiet statement from one of the guys across the way. One was down on a bench while the other stood at his head spotting each press. The man standing was talking, but not loud and definitely not saying anything that would perk up most people’s ears. Tanner wasn’t most people.

  “If he tries to cheat me again—”

  “Shut up,” the guy lying on the bench demanded. “He knows what will happen if he can’t pay up.”

  Things were definitely getting more interesting. Tanner changed out his weights for heavier ones and did another set of reps. The guys didn’t say much else, at least nothing of interest to him as they switched positions and started chattering about a woman on the elliptical across the way. Tanner purposely kept his side to them so he wasn’t directly staring.

  In the wall of mirrors, he spotted Cash talking to some redhead. Tanner did a double take. Not just any redhead. Jade. Cash crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head, then said something that had Jade propping her hands on her hips as if she were annoyed. Cash leaned closer to Jade and said something else, to which Jade turned her head as if she didn’t want to hear it.

  Was Cash flirting with Jade? Damn it. Their close group was getting even smaller. Though Tanner couldn’t see Jade and Cash together. That woman was feisty and independent. She’d been secretive about why she wasn’t in a hurry to get back to Atlanta. Rumor was she’d had a seven figure career and had walked away without even giving notice. Why wasn’t she rushing back to that cushy life, and what had driven her away?

  Cash might be flirting, as Cash often did with women, but Jade was his total opposite. Cash preferred his ladies falling all over him and batting false lashes his way. Besides, he rarely dated anyone from the gym.

  Just as Tanner started to rack his weights, Jade hauled off and slapped Cash. The few people in the gym turned and stared. Tanner stilled, wondering what Cash would do. Obviously not hit her back; Cash had never laid a hand on a woman.

  Tanner couldn’t help but wonder what had transpired between them for Jade to get so angry. Those two, though, they pressed each other’s buttons.

  Cash simply dropped his arms at his sides. Jade did the same and they looked as if they were at some sort of standoff. Finally, Cash said something else and turned and walked away.

  Tanner shook out his tired arms and crossed to the pull-up bar. He wasn’t stupid enough to interject himself between Jade and Cash. They were adults and could work out whatever issues they had. He had other reasons for being here right now.

  He’d gotten in ten pull-ups when a young man came in. Instinct told Tanner this was the guy the others had been waiting on. Mid-twenties, ripped muscles, glancing around as if looking for someone.

  Casual as you please, Tanner made his way to the locker room. If anything was going to happen, it wasn’t going to be out in the public area for everyone to see.

  He wanted to already be set in the locker room so he didn’t appear to be following. That room would be the key to catching any criminal activity, if there was indeed something going on. Those guys would know exactly where the cameras were located and would use that to their advantage.

  Tanner grabbed a gym-issued towel on his way to the back. Swiping at his forehead and neck, he pushed through the doors and headed to his locker. He rolled the towel and draped it around his neck, then typed in his locker code. His arms and shoulders burned from the workout, but he wasn’t complaining. He needed to stay strong and fit for his job.

  After pulling out his duffel bag, Tanner checked his phone once again. Disappointment surged through him that Melanie hadn’t responded. What would she have said, though? And why the hell was he looking for a text like some love-struck teen?

  Damn it. He needed to get a grip. Melanie had done something to him when they’d slept together. She’d gotten under his skin and he damn well didn’t like it.

  Why couldn’t sex just be sex? There had been a time, not so long ago, that he could have sex and move on. He made no promises and women knew exactly where he stood.

  Melanie had been different from the beginning, though. The steel exterior wrapped around vulnerability dug deep into his soul and gave him little choice but to be drawn to her.

  He hadn’t come out and asked, but she’d confirmed his suspicions when she’d said she hadn’t been with anyone in the two years since her divorce.

  That in itself made him want her all over again. The fact that she’d chosen him to move on with—

  Commotion behind him cut off all his thoughts. Melanie had to be pushed to the back of his mind. He couldn’t keep wondering about her, about the baby, not when he was working or trying to focus. Not when he was trying to hold his emotions together.

  Needing to think of a quick distraction, Tanner quickly stepped on his opposite shoelace and untied it. When the group of guys came around the corner, Tanner propped his foot on the bench and proceeded to tie his shoe. Anything to delay leaving the locker room.

  Unfortunately, the trio spoke too low, and when they went around the other side of the lockers, all Tanner could hear was the sound of a locker opening, a zipper on a bag, and some whispering.

  Shit. There was something going on and he had no way to prove it. His instincts rarely failed him and he was convinced Cash had been given accurate information from the other gym member.

  Tanner was a patient man, though. He had to be in his line of work. It sucked at times. The waiting game was never one he enjoyed playing, but it was necessary to ensure the proper channels were all clicked off.

  Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Tanner zipped his own bag and headed out the door. In the main gym area, he saw no sign of Jade or Cash. He didn’t want to approach Cash right now anyway. He needed to talk to him in private and not where those guys could see.

  Since videos in the locker room were out of the question, he’d have to speak with his captain about placing an undercover here in the evenings.

  As soon as Tanner got into his truck, he shot off a quick text to Cash that there was something suspicious going on and he’d get back to him on the next steps to take. He didn’t want Cash doing anything that could potentially scare these guys away.

  Tanner drove through the main part of town, passing the quaint shops that had been around for decades. With the holidays approaching, they’d gone all out with the fodder, pumpkins, mums. Most businesses had fall wreaths on the doors. He loved protecting a town that took pride in its appearance. The buildings might be old, but the owners kept them up with fresh paint, plants, clean sidewalks in front of their doors.

  Macy Monroe, third-generation owner of Knobs and Knockers Hardware, had been a good friend of his since school. She always had a great seasonal display in front of her store. They’d actually dated a couple times, but she’d always been more like a sister than anything.

  Tanner headed toward the other side of town, where he lived. His eyes were drawn to the old Civil War–era home on the hill. Bella Vous. The women’s only resort and spa had been the biggest thing to happen to Haven, Georgia, since the once dry town passed a liquor law ten years ago.

  What had been most impressive about this women’s resort was the fact that three brothers opened the place in honor of their late sister. The Monroe boys had all been hellions in their own way. They’d been just a few years older than Tanner in school, but he remembered them. The three boys and one girl had all been adopted by the Monroes. The crew hadn’t been related at all and had filtered into Haven at different points in their lives.

  One of the guys, Liam, was married to Macy. Liam hadn’t been too keen on the friendship between Tanner and Macy at first, but Liam had quickly come around and saw that Tanner posed no threat to their relationship.

  Hell, Tanner
would never break up a relationship. He didn’t have the time or the mental energy to date anyway.

  When Melanie had mentioned him going on about his life, or whatever lingo she’d used, he’d been pissed. Did she honestly think he wasn’t going to stick around for her? Did she believe he was that much of a prick that he’d get her pregnant and just move on? Like he’d just go out on dates with other women. What fool had she been married to, and why did she ever accept anything less than the best?

  Maybe it was time someone showed her that she was worth so much more than the shit she’d endured. Not that he was looking to take this into a full-fledged relationship, but Tanner wasn’t going anywhere . . . and neither was Melanie. She was about to discover how a real man treated a lady.

  Chapter Five

  Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul

  on fire.

  —Mel’s Motivational Blog

  The crisp fall evening couldn’t be more perfect for a cookout and bonfire. There was just enough chill in the air to make the fire cozy and comfortable.

  Livie sat on Jax’s lap while his daughter, Piper, put another marshmallow on her roasting stick. Melanie couldn’t help but wonder if she’d have a girl. Would her daughter have blond hair like hers or dark like Tanner’s? Would she have those dark eyes framed by inky lashes like her father?

  Or maybe she’d have a boy and he’d be strong and a protector like Tanner. Either way, Melanie’s excitement grew more and more each day.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  Melanie glanced over her shoulder as Cash walked down the stone path in Jax’s backyard.


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