Lost Billionaire Heir: Billionaire Cowboy Sweet Romance (Texas Ranch Romance Book 8)

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Lost Billionaire Heir: Billionaire Cowboy Sweet Romance (Texas Ranch Romance Book 8) Page 9

by Sophia Summers

  Once they were seated with their plates in their laps, Libby looked over and smiled. “Well, I certainly didn’t feed you guys like this at my little doll cabin.”

  “No, but you saved us from starvation, both physically and emotionally.”

  “So what are you guys going to do for the rest of your lives?” Libby set her plate down, picked up her glass of lemonade, and took a long drink.

  “We’re not sure, but next week, our grandfather’s lawyers are coming here to meet with us,” Michael blurted out.

  “Why would they do that? Does he want to know you now?” Libby leaned over to look at Jacob, who was looking out over the lake.

  What was wrong with Michael? He hadn’t wanted to let her know anything about this change in his circumstances yet.

  Jacob stood up and walked over to the porch railing, keeping his eyes toward the lake. He rolled his eyes at Michael who raised his hands palms up. “Libby, our grandfather died about the time we left the foster care program. The lawyers have been looking for us, but since we weren’t using our real names, it has taken them this long to find us.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. You never even got to know him. So how did they find you here then?” Libby walked over to stand next to Jacob and looked out toward the lake. It was a brilliant evening. The sunset was spectacular with every red you could imagine lighting up nearly half the sky. It seemed to cast a red glow on the lake and surrounding trees.

  “Carson did some digging around and found out about our grandfather. The lawyers are coming next week to discuss our inheritance with us.”

  Libby’s eyes lit up, and she took Jacob’s arm. “This is awesome, Jacob. We can learn how to manage our finances together. I’ll share what I learn if you share what you learn with me.”

  They sat back down and continued eating their dinner.

  Libby touched Jacob’s arm. “It is such a worry to me. Michael, bring your plate over here and sit with us, there’s plenty of room, and we need to plan.”

  Jacob felt a huge relief now that Libby knew about the change in his circumstances. But it did bother him that she was acting so much like a friend, almost like a sister even. That was not the relationship he wanted at all. It was frustrating, but he needed to be patient.

  Libby started making plans immediately. “Listen, guys, I think we should focus on my problem first since most likely I will have more to deal with.”

  Michael laughed. “I think we’ll have plenty to deal with ourselves, Libby, but yes, we can focus on you first. Ladies first, you know.”

  “I can’t tell you how much better I feel already. As much as I wanted to take over myself, I was scared to death.” The steward walked over and gathered their plates. Libby leaned back, resting her head on the back of the swing, and sighed. “It’s funny. I often think about the promise we made years ago, and here we are, fulfilling it.”

  Jacob put his arm around Libby so she could rest her head there instead of the hard wooden slats of the swing. “Okay, we’ll see what we can find out next week and call or email you with any information that would be helpful. Maybe we could combine meetings. Maybe there’s a class or something we could take. Maybe we could get a tutor.”

  Michael started laughing first, and then they all burst out laughing.

  Michael got up off the swing first. “I think life is going to change quite a bit, so let’s just have fun the rest of your vacation here and then deal with the problem of our wealth management later.”

  Jacob knew he would not be able to do that. He was already feeling the pressure and responsibility of his impending wealth. His research into the wheat industry was enlightening, and already some ideas were forming on how best to lead in that area of the country’s agriculture.

  As he read articles in the agriculture magazines, sayings from his father came to mind. “Don’t start a job unless you plan to finish it.” “If a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” “If you don’t feel like smiling, smile anyway, and pretty soon, you’ll feel like it.” And his personal favorite: “If you feel depressed, work, and if you don’t feel better after, at least you will have accomplished something.” He could visualize his father’s face saying these words of wisdom as he was growing up.

  Farmers were a certain kind of person. He felt at home reading farm reports and feeling the culture of this industry. Even though his heart pained him every time he remembered the police visit to his home with the devastating news of his father’s death, in the last couple years the positive memories of his dad brought peace to his heart.

  “Okay, let’s get an early start tomorrow. I need to go to bed. This was a great day.” Libby stood up and reached up to hug Michael and Jacob. She lingered longer in Jacob’s arms but swiftly left him, walking toward the lobby door when the hug was over.

  Libby walked back into the lobby of the ranch house with tears in her eyes. She didn’t want to have to hurt Jacob. He wanted more than she could give at this time.

  She was still feeling the joy of taking control of her life for the first time. Becoming emotionally dependent on another person was not possible. Libby looked forward to being friends or even family and could not imagine a life without them in it, but that was all she could give right now. It just hurt her to know she was hurting Jacob. The look in his eyes pierced her heart. She could feel the wanting there in his arms when she hugged him.

  Did she love him? Yes, she did, but not in a romantic way like she did as a young girl.

  Had she loved Chad? Not really, not in the movie type of love you see on the screen with bated breath and yearning hearts. It was more of a convenient relationship. She was more thrilled with the idea that all the other girls wanted him and she got him. She knew in her heart, however, that he was much more fascinated with her wealth than with her personally. He outright admitted it at the dinner with the Carsons.

  When she got to her room, Chad had emailed her. He apologized for his rude behavior, again declaring his willingness to help her in any way she might need. She felt, however, that his outburst was how he truly felt and this steady, reliable friend image he was trying to portray was an act. That made her trust him less. The way he had taken the breakup seemed too good to be real; not many men would be so accommodating or so constant after a breakup.

  Libby had to admit she was in love with being in love, like the love in her youth. That love, when everything was new and desperate, was the love she pined for in the late evenings before she went to sleep. But she didn’t think she could ever find that love again. Even though right here before her was Jacob, the boy from her dreams, now a man.

  Granted, he had grown into a male force. She felt the power of his masculinity just being near him. Gone from his features was the tentative young boy. But in his eyes, she could sometimes get a glimpse of that boy. What remained was a man who had lived what Libby considered to be an incredibly hard life and still was able to have such kind eyes.

  Her phone rang. It was Chad. She dreaded talking to him again so soon after their breakup but was curious to see what he had to say.

  “Hello, Chad.”

  He seemed very casual and unencumbered with hard feelings and told her about a trip some of their old schoolmates were taking to the Virgin Islands. They had all pooled resources and rented a horse ranch for a week for the riding club’s reunion this year. It sounded fun as Chad listed the opportunities there, like trail riding through the jungles and racing on the beaches. Libby wanted to go, if only Chad would not be there.

  “Well, that does sound like a lot of fun, and it would be neat to get together with the old crew again. I’ll need to think about it and let you know in a couple days. Just tell everyone I love the idea but can’t decide yet.”

  “I’m here now checking out the islands. It’s going to be great.” Chad was quick to get off the phone and didn’t even mention their relationship at all. This impressed Libby. Maybe he could get over the breakup and be a friend.

sp; Libby thought more about the trip with their old college friends. That would be so much fun, and she certainly needed a chance to get away and rest. The problem was, of course, if Chad used the opportunity to try to convince her to get back together. But if he acted as he had on the phone, it would be fine.

  Libby took the elevator up to her room. How could she be so exhausted? Her eyes kept closing as she rode up one floor. The door opened, and she felt the breeze from the opened terrace door at the end of the hall. Her hair blew behind her as she took a deep breath of wonderful country air. She opened her door, walked in straight to her bed, and fell face forward onto the fluffy down comforter. There she planned to stay all night as she drifted off to sleep.

  At about 2 a.m., Libby was pulled out of her deep sleep by the constant ringing of her cell phone, which she had left in her pocket.

  “Hello,” she said, her voice scratchy to her ears.

  On the other line, she heard someone speaking very fast something about Chad.

  “Wait, can you please slow down? I didn’t understand you.” Libby got up, walked over to the table, and took a drink of water.

  The person on the other line explained that Chad was in the hospital and her number was the only one they could find to call in his wallet. “What’s the matter, how is he?” Libby was becoming very alarmed. Of course her number was the only one he had. He didn’t have a family now.

  The officer explained that he was beaten pretty badly; someone found him in an alley behind the hotel. He was unconscious; they needed some family member to speak for him and be responsible for his bills. The police had some questions as well.

  Libby blew out the air in her lungs and steadied her shaking hands. “I’ll cover his bills and will leave to come down at once.” She walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. “Take good care of him.”

  Libby threw a couple of changes of clothing in a bag and called Uber for a ride to the airport. She jumped in the shower and then dressed for the day. She would not speak to Jacob or Michael. They would stop her, she was sure. Helping Chad was the least she could do after she had dumped him. It broke her heart that her phone number was the only one he had listed if he needed help. She had left him with no one else.

  Libby sighed. “Well, I can’t take him back, but I can help him.” She quietly walked down the stairs and over to the lobby counter to leave a note addressed to Jacob and Michael. Then she walked out onto the porch to wait for her ride.

  Sitting on the large bench swing and looking at the moon over the lake was beautiful and calming. The crickets were singing. Once in a while, she could hear a splash in the lake. She hoped it wasn’t another alligator.

  It wasn’t her nature to take off to a foreign land to rescue someone. The adrenaline her nervousness was pumping into her system gave her a burst of energy. She got up and started walking along the drive toward the ranch gate. As the Uber driver came down the drive, she waved and got in the back when the driver stopped.

  “Take me to the airport, please.”

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, the first thing that entered Jacob’s mind when he woke up was the happy face of Libby as she said good night to him and Michael. He stretched and leaned back against his pillow. The roosters were crowing, and soon the horses would be coming in for their morning grain. He loved the smell of the dew on the grass in the morning. Life was good.

  He and Michael slept with their windows open on each side of the room. At night when the wind kicked up sometimes, he laughed as it swirled over him, taking the hot, humid air with it and out the other window. Where could he live with such luxuries? These were things money could not buy. So how could a person be more content than he was at that moment? He really couldn’t imagine. The fact that Libby was so excited to team up with them to learn how to manage their wealth relieved some of the anxiety Jacob felt. He would be glad to see the lawyers and get a better idea of what he was facing.

  Michael stirred and rolled over on his bed. “Hey, how long have you been awake?”

  “I just woke up and was enjoying a quiet moment before we begin the day.” Jacob sat up in bed and picked up his extra pillow, which had fallen on the floor during the night. “I think it’s going to be a great day.”

  The phone rang; it was Raelyn so Jacob put the phone on speaker.

  “Hey, guys, why don’t you come up for breakfast. Carson wants to show you something.” Raelyn’s happy voice always made Jacob smile.

  Michael sat up, smiling. “Okay, we’ll jump in the shower and be right up.”

  “Thanks, Raelyn. That will be great.” Jacob stood and walked to the bathroom with his towel.

  “Every time we go up there, we hear some pretty exciting life-changing news.” Michael started shaving as he looked in the mirror. “I wonder what it will be this time. He might outdo himself.” Michael laughed.

  “Well, I don’t think he can come up with something more life-changing than ‘you just inherited 50 billion dollars.’” Jacob laughed as he jumped into the shower.

  Michael laughed. “I guess not.”

  They both dressed and walked up the hill to the house. Halfway up, they could smell the bacon cooking. Birds were chirping, and a squirrel squawked at them for disturbing his day. They looked up and saw Carson sitting on the porch with a file folder.

  “Hey, men, let’s sit here while Raelyn finishes. I did follow up on Chad, and what I found did surprise me. He’s in a mess of real trouble. It’s much worse than I imagined.” Carson opened his file.

  “What, is Libby in danger?” Jacob started pacing on the porch.

  “I don’t think so as long as she’s not with him, but these people are not good. Chad has been gambling and is in a lot of debt. I think they were giving him time to pay them, knowing he was engaged to a fortune. But now that she has broken off the engagement, they will come after him for their money.” Carson flipped through the pages. “I know these people; they have business all over the world.”

  Michael also stood and started pacing. “What should we do? We should warn Libby about this today.”

  “Yes, you can bring her over here, and I’ll go through the file with her. I didn’t find any other evidence or history of drug use.”

  Raelyn came out on the porch. “Those hotcakes won’t be hot forever.” They all got up and went in for breakfast.

  It was still too early to wake Libby after they had breakfast, so Jacob and Michael went to the stable to finish up chores for the day. The palomino was stomping his feet by the stable stall door. Each stall opened up to the pasture and had half doors into the stable so a horse could come in and put his head through the top half of the opened door. The palomino stallion was waiting impatiently for his grain with his head through the gate. These horses knew the time, and it was running late for their daily grain.

  “I’m sorry, boy, we had Raelyn’s hotcakes for breakfast.” Jacob put grain in the feedbox and started brushing down the stallion. He hummed as he went, thinking about Libby and helping her once and for all to get as far away from Chad as possible. This new information should settle that problem.

  When they were finished feeding and brushing down the horses, they had a few minutes before the guests started arriving for their morning trail rides. Jacob washed his hands in the sink. “I’m going to run over and see if Libby is up for breakfast yet.” He ran out the stable door and over to the ranch house. Just as he came running up the steps, Mary came out with an envelope in her hand.

  “Jacob, this was addressed to you and Michael. It’s from Libby.” Mary’s eyes were cast down.

  “Where is she? Why would she give me a note?” Jacob’s heart was in his throat and beating wildly.

  “I don’t know where she is, Jacob. Perhaps the note will tell you.” Mary waited for Jacob to read the letter.

  Jacob opened the letter and started reading. He jumped up and ran over to the barn to get Michael and Carson. Please, God, keep her safe. How can she be so pigheaded? We
would have helped her.

  Just as he turned the corner to run into the stable, he ran into Carson.

  “She’s gone to find Chad in the Virgin Islands. He’s in the hospital badly beaten.” Jacob paced back and forth.

  Michael ran over to hear the news. “We’ve got to stop her.”

  “Okay, men, settle down. There’s a way to do this; let me see her note again.” Carson read it over. “She probably left around 2 a.m., so she’s already gotten on that morning flight to the Virgin Islands. I’m going to go up to my office. Raelyn and I will find the best way to help. You two get the horses ready for the guests. Michael, can you lead the trail ride today?”

  Michael nodded, and Jacob followed Michael into the barn.

  He called back, “Sure, I’ll start getting the horses ready.”

  “I’ll help, we have to do something. If those people Chad owes money to are the ones that beat him up, Libby is in great danger going down there.” Jacob could barely handle his job with the horses. They were all acting up and being uncooperative. “What’s wrong with these horses?”

  “Well, if you’d calm down, they would too, Jacob. Take a deep breath. They can smell your fear.”

  Jacob had to smile. He took a deep breath. Carson and Raelyn were probably the best people to help Libby now. He needed to have faith that all would be well. Jacob decided to accompany Michael with the guests on the trail ride.

  It seemed like forever to get these guests down to the river trail and back up around the other side of the ranch.

  One woman kept complaining that her horse didn’t want to do what she said. “I told him to turn right, for Pete’s sake!”

  Michael had to stop and give her a lesson in horse commands while Jacob took the rest of the group up to the high pasture. The ranch was beautiful. The high pasture was covered with large oaks. Michael always felt like he was entering a sacred place when he immersed himself in these particular woods. It seemed quieter here, and looking around, all you saw was forest on every side. Even the birds seemed to chirp with a sort of reverence. He wondered what had happened here over the centuries. The guests could feel it; they all stopped talking and looked around with wonder. He led the group along the high trail as they all took in the beauty of this particular portion of the ranch.


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