Taking You Home

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Taking You Home Page 24

by Cooper Davis

  And thank God I knew my way home once I finally found it.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Cooper Davis, please visit www.CooperDavisbooks.com. Send an email to Cooper at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Cooper! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CooperDavisBooksNewsletter/

  Look for these titles by Cooper Davis

  Now Available

  Boys of Summer

  Bound by Nature

  The mind may forget, but the heart remembers…

  Bound by Nature

  © 2010 Cooper Davis

  A Forces of Nature Novel

  It doesn’t take Hayden Garrett’s college degree to figure out why Officer Josh Peterson is the last man alive he wants to face. Not because of the council’s harebrained idea to broker peace between their clans.

  It’s the sweaty palms that prove Hayden never got over his embarrassing attraction to his alpha rival. Mate with him? Nothing fills Hayden with more desire—or dread. Josh doesn’t have a gay hair in his fur. At least not one he owns up to.

  Despite Josh’s reputation for being a connoisseur of female flesh, he’s always cared about Hayden. In a different world, they might have been friends. Now, face to face after five years, the bitterness in Hayden’s eyes fills Josh with regret for what could have been—should have been.

  As Hayden and Josh journey through rituals—and intimacies—that will knit their souls for life, passion and anger flares, revealing a powerful secret. The truth about a long-ago sharing of hearts, bodies and souls that ended in tragedy…

  Warning: Steamy love between two rival alpha werewolves, a pregnant moon that inspires mating urges, and one shy guy who knows exactly what he wants.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Bound by Nature:

  Hayden could have just gone ahead and shot himself. At least it would have gotten the torture over with. Butterflies kicked around inside his gut, his heart pounded with expectation, and his palms sweated with the worst kind of dread and embarrassment. No fucking way was this prearranged meeting going to end well. It wasn’t even going to happen. The hair along Hayden’s nape kept prickling, giving him a bad feeling about the whole set up.

  The council elders had decided that drastic measures were called for in order to stop recent escalating violence between the two rival packs in the area. Lately the aggression and marking had breached boundaries, and just last week two males—one from each of their packs—had wound up dead after a bloody brawl. As a result, the elders demanded a peace settlement. That’s why they’d arranged this meeting between Hayden, second in line of his own pack, and the secondary Alpha from the other clan.

  Hayden was hardly involved with pack policies or dealings these days, but as heir apparent, he’d shown up as requested. And Joshua Peterson—curse his unreliable, smug ass—was supposed to be here representing his own pack in the exact same capacity. Hayden cringed inside just thinking about seeing the other wolf.

  Josh Peterson was literally the last man alive he wanted to face, not about anything and definitely not about the council’s current proposition. Now, it appeared Josh didn’t even have the balls to show for the sham of a meeting.

  Hayden had known the idea sucked from the first moment the council members approached him, suggesting this unique way of brokering peace between the warring clans. “Given your special…situation,” they’d said, “we thought this initiative might have particular appeal to you.”

  Because he was gay he was supposed to roll over and play dog? Supposed to be satisfied with taking a rival and near enemy as a lifemate? Hayden couldn’t imagine anything more mortifying than binding himself to a man whom he’d always wanted, but who would never return his own desires and longings. Especially not with as primal and powerful the mating act was between any two wolves, gay or straight. The supernatural bonding linked their souls and bodies together, a process that began during sex and continued to solidify over a period of weeks. Weeks when two literally became knit together as one. Weeks when the sheer power of the connection inhibited the mated pair’s ability to transform from human to werewolf.

  Hell, no, he didn’t want to share anything that intimate or emotional with Joshua Peterson, not now, not ever. Hayden had finally gotten over the damned guy, and he wanted to keep it that way—not talk about some jack-off council member’s idea of them mating for peace.

  Hayden snorted at the ludicrous nature of the proposition. He was gay, had been sure of it since he was fifteen. Josh, on the other hand, was a strong, brooding alpha male who—although also unmated—probably didn’t have a gay hair in his fur. At least not one he’d willingly own up to.

  Great, perfect plan, especially given their past. Hayden buried his face in his hands, shuddering at the memory of that horrible December night five years earlier. He shivered at the images flashing through his mind, hating that a spiral of desire shot straight to his cock. He felt it swell, pressing tightly against the rough denim of his jeans, and he shifted slightly in his seat so he wouldn’t ache so badly.

  Yeah, dude, you’re over the guy. Clearly.

  He was here for his people, not for Joshua—well, for Josh’s people, too, in a strange sense. They were all werewolves, after all, a secret that bound them together, even as it separated their two packs, which was how the council had managed to gain Hayden’s participation so far. Because of one simple reason: He believed peace was possible between their clans. In theory, at least, the elders’ idea made sense. What better way to bring harmony and unify their packs, than through their younger alpha males bonding to each other? Such same-sex pairings were not entirely unheard of among werewolves, although extremely rare.

  So rare, in fact, that Hayden remained single and unmated at almost twenty-seven years old. Joshua Peterson, on the other hand, was a prowler of women, a connoisseur of what lay between their feminine legs. Normally Josh hung in bars just like this one, going on the hunt every weekend. Hayden had sometimes glimpsed him across the way, working his moves, and what he’d observed left absolutely no doubt as to how straight the other wolf truly was.

  It was also obvious enough why Josh didn’t have a mate himself—he wasn’t going to lay down with a female and let himself be claimed or mated. So why in hell did the council think Josh would roll over for any male wolf, Alpha or otherwise?

  Yeah, this plan was fucked already. And mortifying as hell. Hayden didn’t need his Dartmouth degree to realize what a field day Josh and his pals must be having over this situation. No doubt they’d been guffawing about this meeting ever since it was set up two weeks ago.

  Hell, they were probably watching Hayden through the front window even now, observing his nervous binge drinking while patting old Josh on the back. Good work, buddy! He still wants you! Just like he always did, the faggot freak.

  Hayden squinted at the large plate glass window at the front of the saloon, but it was too dark to see outside. Now he was becoming paranoid.

  Just calm down and get it over with, he coached himself. If Josh didn’t show, he would have fulfilled his duty, end of discussion—and knowing Joshua Peterson like he did, Hayden was sure he’d never turn up tonight. Good ole smirking Josh would leave him feeling like a total ass, and laugh about it for the rest of their natural lives.

  Hayden buried his face in both hands again, cursing the elders. This mating was a total wet dream for them…and an utter nightmare for him.

  A blast of cool air hit his fevered skin, and Hayden glanced up, squinting blearily. Only then did he realize he’d already gotten a bit drunk, but not so wasted that he knew his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Oh, yeah, he recognized that confident, graceful stride, as well as the police uniform and stocky build of the man wearing it. He gave a half-hearted wave as Josh approached the back booth Hayden had selected for the meeting.

  “Hey, man,”
Josh said, his voice deeper than it had ever been in the past. His body was bigger and bulkier, too, and they had to adjust the table slightly to accommodate his muscular form. Josh slid into the booth, dumping the contents of his pockets on the table between them—wallet, cop’s badge, car keys.

  “Not even a hello for an old friend?” Josh asked with a smile, the look in his eerie-light eyes seemingly sincere. The man pulled off a ski cap, raking fingers through hair that still curled slightly despite how short he now wore it.

  “You’re late,” Hayden said sullenly.

  Why couldn’t Josh have just saved them both the trouble at this point? Hayden stared into his beer, feeling miserable and deciding that he might definitely be halfway drunk.

  Joshua flagged a passing server and ordered a Sprite. Then, he turned back to face Hayden, relaxing into the booth seat. “I’m really sorry, buddy. The boss grabbed me for a last minute ride and couldn’t get out of it. I hated making you wait.”

  Hayden met his gaze, tapping his Blackberry. “This never rang.”

  “I’m not allowed to make personal calls while on duty, Hayden.” Josh’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept smiling. “What, you gonna grill me the whole time or what? I’m here, aren’t I? Same as you.”

  “For this totally fucked-up and fucked-over plan.” Hayden shook his head, peeling at the label on his beer bottle.

  Josh’s expression darkened. “You never used to sound so jaded.”

  “A lot’s happened in my life since….”

  “Since we got together last,” Josh finished smoothly for him, his expression open and not unkind.

  “Yeah, since my innocent youth.” Hayden laughed bitterly, staring across the bar.

  “I’d hate to see you lose your dreams, Hayden,” Josh said gently. “You’re the smartest guy in our crowd, with so much potential and talent. Don’t get cynical.” Josh leaned forward, planting hands openly in front of them. “Promise me that you won’t.”

  “Why should you fucking care?” Hayden pinned Josh with a hard gaze. He had no clue about all that Hayden had endured since that night five years earlier. If Hayden had become cynical, it was with damned good reason. “Huh? Why should you give a shit what I do or how I live, Peterson?”

  Josh’s vibrant, lovely eyes never so much as blinked. He stared at Hayden for a long, intense moment, then in an extremely quiet voice said, “Simple, Hayden. Because more than you’d probably believe right now, I do care.”

  The end of the year is the start of a whole new beginning…

  With This Ring

  © 2009 T.A. Chase

  A Tabloid Star Story

  Josh Bauer and Ryan Kellar sweated through a turbulent start to their relationship. Now that they’ve embarked on a life together, filled with family friends—and each other—Ryan’s suffering sweaty palms again. For an entirely different reason.

  It’s not the heat they generate every time they’re alone together. It’s not even the crush of people at Josh’s jam-packed birthday party. It’s the birthday present Ryan’s carrying in his jeans pocket. The one that could make him the happiest man in the world, come New Year’s Eve.

  If Josh says “yes”…

  Warning: Hot guy on guy sex. A happily married couple and a rocking New Year’s Eve party guaranteed to keep you up all night.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for With This Ring:

  Snow drifted across the bright blue sky, transforming the Vermont hills into a picture perfect winter wonderland postcard. Skiers dotted the slopes, racing down or riding up. Even with all the movement, there seemed a hushed expectancy to the air, like everyone was waiting for something special to happen.

  Ryan Kellar snorted silently. The only one waiting was him as the hours crawled closer to midnight and one of the biggest moments in his life. New Year’s Eve and his wedding.

  “Ry, are you all right?”

  He turned away from the windows in the dining room to find his parents eyeing him with mild concern. He smiled and nodded. “I’m fine, Mom.”

  “Not having second thoughts, are you?”

  “If I didn’t have second thoughts while planning the wedding, Dad, what makes you think I’d have them now?”

  His dad shrugged. “Well, your marriage won’t be legal in most of the country and the tabloids will go crazy once word gets out about this.”

  He and Josh had talked about the whole tabloid angle. After everything that had happened to them when they first met, avoiding any publicity should have been foremost in their minds. Yet neither Ryan nor Josh were willing to hide in a closet or act ashamed of loving each other.

  “We’re hoping no one will spill the beans about what’s happening tonight. We only invited friends and family, plus Morgan is providing security. No one without an invitation gets in.”

  “Good thing we remembered to bring ours.”

  Ryan laughed as his mom’s mouth dropped open. He recognized the voice. Garrett Johnson and CJ Lamont strolled into the room, hand-in-hand. Ryan tapped his mother’s shoulder.

  “It’s not polite to stare.” He nudged his dad. “Do you have a napkin for Mom to wipe the drool off her chin?”

  She blushed and Garrett winked at her before kissing her cheek.

  “Mrs. Kellar, I see where Ryan gets his good looks from.”

  The pleasure in his mother’s eyes made Ryan swallow his snicker. CJ’s fond expression told him that the man was used to Garrett’s subtle flirting.

  “All you actors can’t stay away from the beautiful ones, can you?” Ryan’s dad joked.

  “No, sir. We can’t.” Garrett focused his gaze on CJ.

  CJ blushed as well and Ryan’s gut tensed. God, he hoped Josh would look at him forever like Garrett looked at CJ with such longing, love and desire in his eyes.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Garrett Johnson and his partner, CJ Lamont.” Ryan remembered his manners long enough to introduce his parents to his friends.

  “Soon-to-be husband, actually.” CJ held up his left hand, showing off a brushed yellow gold band.

  “Awesome news!”

  Ryan whooped when the pair nodded and Garrett revealed his matching band. He hugged them both tight and waved down a waiter.

  “We need a bottle of champagne.”

  The waiter nodded before heading toward the bar.

  “Celebrating already?”

  Whirling, he spied Josh leaning in the doorway between the lobby and the dining room. He kept his gaze on his fiancé as Josh strolled through the room toward him. Josh slipped his arm around Ryan’s waist and Ryan relaxed against him.

  “Garrett. CJ. Glad you could make it,” Josh greeted the men.

  “Congratulations. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” CJ slapped Josh’s back. “Maybe we’ll pick up a few pointers for our wedding.”

  “Seriously?” Josh grinned. “That’s great news. So you’re going the wedding route as well, huh?”

  Garrett laughed. “Yes, we are. Kasey and Gram are having a commitment ceremony, but we decided we wanted the whole shebang.”

  “Your brother and his partner are engaged too? It’s an epidemic.” Josh took the bottle from the waiter while Ryan passed out the glasses.

  Josh extracted the cork with a soft pop and managed not to spill a drop of the bubbly liquid. Ryan admired the confident way his lover poured the champagne.

  As the others laughed and toasted, Ryan thought back to the night he asked Josh to marry him.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or d
ead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Taking You Home

  Copyright © 2011 by Cooper Davis

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-321-6

  Edited by Tera Cuskaden

  Cover by Scott Carpenter

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: January 2011





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