Seductive Illusion

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Seductive Illusion Page 3

by Desiree Holt

  The thought alone made his cock as hard as a spike, pressing against his fly. He was grateful the other passengers’ self-absorption prevented his hard-on from becoming the talk of the party. But that made him think of exactly where he’d like to put his rigid shaft. In her mouth, gliding past those soft, pouty lips. Between her breasts, while he squeezed them together to create friction. And most of all, in her cunt that he couldn’t seem to stop fantasizing about.

  She’d be wet and pink and oh so tight. The muscles would grip his cock like a velvet fist while he plunged into her again and again.

  He watched a man approach her and lead her possessively through the crowd. He had to restrain himself from pushing through people and dragging her away. When a second man joined them, their attentions very clear, he nearly ground his teeth to powder.

  Fuck no, he wouldn’t share his woman with another man. If Sonia needed a little three-way action he’d pleasure her with his cock and a dildo, but no other man would take what was his.

  When she moved away from the lecherous males he relaxed. Good. He had big plans for her. For the two of them. And they didn’t include strangers…ever.

  He leashed his natural instincts while he silently reminded himself in only a few more hours she’d feel the heat of his claim. After that no one would dare touch his woman.

  * * * * *

  Although the huge dining room was full, the level of noise was nowhere near as loud as it had been at the cocktail party. A quartet on a small stage next to the dance floor played soft music as a counterpoint. Everything was red and white, with yet more hearts spinning from the ceiling and cascading over the snowy white tablecloths. The tables were filled with people in evening clothes wearing every type of mask imaginable. But one thing Sonia noticed about all of them—the masks completely covered their faces except for eyes and lips.

  Her own mask, which had been contained in the red and white shopping bag, was black velvet covered with rhinestone hearts and other fake red jewels, and fastened at the back of her head. For tonight’s event she’d chosen the gown that matched the mask. It too was velvet, strapless, cut much lower than she was used to so the upper swell of her breasts was fully exposed, then nipping in at her waist and flowing out from there.

  Remembering her assignment to Table Four, she looked around the room to see in what order the tables were placed.

  “May I help you find your seat?” A waiter materialized at her elbow.

  “Yes, please. Thank you. I’m looking for number four.”

  “Right this way.”

  He guided her through the maze to a table where one empty seat remained. Seven ornately masked faces turned to her as the waiter pulled out her chair.

  The man on her right, in an exquisitely cut tux and a red devil mask that covered his face from his forehead to the tip of his nose, stood and motioned the waiter away.

  “I’ll take care of this.” His voice was a deep whisper, as if he’d had laryngitis or had somehow injured his larynx.

  Maybe he was a spy or special ops agent and he’d been wounded on a secret mission, she thought. Then she laughed silently at herself.

  I need to put a lid on my imagination. Special ops? Yeah, right. More than likely he’s a plumber with a four-pack-a-day habit.

  Sonia seated herself in the chair, spreading the folds of her gown. “Thank you,” she told the man.

  “My pleasure,” he replied, sitting back down, his gaze never once leaving her. Something about the intensity of his stare struck a chord in her, but she shrugged it off. No one on the ship knew her and she knew no one.

  For a brief moment Sonia thought his voice had a familiar sound to it, but she brushed it away as a trick of her ears. The coarseness masked the true quality of his voice. It definitely wasn’t either Mark or Trent. She wasn’t sure if she was glad or disappointed. Having two men interested in and flirting with her went a long way to boosting her self-confidence.

  Sipping at her water, she stole a glance at the man, shocked to find his eyes fastened on her breasts. A lean, tanned hand reached out and a finger brushed lightly against the exposed swells.

  “A piece of glitter from your mask,” he told her, not in the least apologetic. “But I’d take any chance to touch your breasts. From what I can see they are exquisite.”

  She didn’t know whether to smack him or ignore him. Then she remembered with their masks no one could tell who was who. She could allow him any liberties she wanted and who the hell would ever know? She had to admit that casual contact revved up the arousal that had been percolating in her body since the cocktail party. She giggled, thinking that cock-tail was the right name for it.

  The quartet swung into something slow and bluesy and the man beside her trailed a callused finger lightly down her arm. Sonia bit back a moan as an intense shiver ran along her spine.

  “It seems a shame to waste this music,” he told her. “Why don’t we dance while we’re waiting for the first course?”

  Without giving her time to answer, he rose, pulled out her chair and gently, but firmly tugged her to the dance floor. Then both his strong arms wrapped around her, pressing her to his hard-muscled body, his solid erection thick and hard against the fabric of his trousers. Through the fabric of their clothing she could feel the movement of every muscle in his body as if they were one person. Her knees immediately wobbled and she clutched at his lapels to steady herself.

  “Easy,” the devil whispered in her ear, the moist heat of his breath doing wicked things to her pussy. “I’ve got you.”

  They were barely moving, swaying in place in time to the music, his hips pressing harder against hers so she could feel every ridge of his thick cock. Her breasts were pushed against his chest. Her nipples so hard they nearly poked through the material of her gown. His hand was caressing her buttocks, arousing her with slow, tantalizing movements. Then he lowered his mouth to her shoulder and nipped it lightly.

  Sonia shivered, the pulse in her pussy she’d managed to get under control now pounding with needy insistence. This was a definite dance of seduction. As far as she was concerned it was only the clothes they were wearing that prevented him from sliding his erection into her and fucking her in time to the music. She felt heat creep up her cheeks beneath the mask.

  “People are watching,” she murmured.

  “No, they aren’t,” he disagreed in his low, hoarse tone. “They’re too busy with their own activities. Look around.”

  She turned her head slightly and sure enough. Couples on the floor as well as those still seated were heavily into their own activities, oblivious to what anyone else was doing.

  “There are some restrictions,” he reassured her. “If we weren’t on the dance floor I’d strip that magnificent gown from your body and feast on every bit of you with my mouth and tongue.”

  “B-But you don’t even know me,” she stammered, stunned by the force of his desire and her response to it.

  “I know that you make my cock sit up and take notice.” His voice was low and warm like thick syrup or melted chocolate. “I know before the night is over I’m going to fuck you in more ways than you ever thought possible. If you have any objections, you’d better go see about changing your table assignment. Otherwise I’ll consider you mine.”

  Sonia didn’t know if it was the man, the situation or the erotic visions suddenly dancing through her brain, but changing tables was the last thing she planned to do. She tightened her arms around his neck.

  “All right then,” he said in that low, sensual tone. “You’re mine.”

  The possessive words should have insulted Sonia’s inner feminine person, but the feel of soft lips teasing her neck dashed any thoughts of objections.

  “And are you mine?” she dared to ask in return. Never in a million years would she imagine those words coming out of her mouth. But something about the music, the sense of freedom of the ocean surrounding them and the safety of her mask gave her the courage she’d always wanted.

>   Full male lips curved in a half smile in the opening for his mouth. “For as long as you want me, angel.”

  “Oh okay.” Great. Way to sound like an experienced femme fatale Sonia scolded herself while her face heated in embarrassment.

  “Good, then you can tell your previous play toys you’re taken for the duration of the cruise.”

  “Excuse me? Play toys?”

  “Those two arrogant idiots I saw hit on you at the cocktail mixer.”

  Sonia stopped dead on the floor, frozen to the spot. “You’ve seen me. My face. Oh god. How did you know it was me when I sat down next to you? Our identities are supposed to be a secret.”

  He laughed softly. “I’d know those luscious breasts anywhere, with or without a mask. And don’t worry,” he murmured. “I’ve wiped your face from my memory so I can concentrate on your wonderful body. But I meant what I said about your fan club.”

  “They’re not mine,” she denied. “I mean I don’t know them I just met them earlier.”

  Possessively her masked man drew her closer to his rock-hard body. She almost melted at the feel of his sculpted muscles flexing with every graceful movement of his legs.

  “And you only met me ten minutes ago yet you’ll be spending every night filled with my cock.” The desire in his eyes made all the air suddenly leave her lungs and she stumbled over her feet trying to regain her breath. “But don’t worry,” he told her. “I’ll make sure they understand the change of plans.”

  “Wait, how do you know about Trent and Mark? Were you at the mixer earlier? Did we meet?” Sonia racked her brain, mentally flipping through the various men she’d met, but none matched up with the alpha male currently sweeping her through intricate dance steps.

  Again he gave her that teasing half smile. “Let’s just say I saw you.”

  What the hell did that mean? Either he saw her or he didn’t. That meant he’d seen her face too. Oh lordy. How on earth could she go through with this when he’d know her if he saw her unmasked? That was the advantage of this whole cruise—to be able to kick your inhibitions because your partner was a stranger.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  “Look, I think there’s been some misunderstanding.” She halted their movements and led him to a quiet, empty corner. “I think it’s pretty obvious that I want you, but that was before I knew you’d seen my face.”

  “That shouldn’t make any difference,” he replied immediately as he slowly swept his fingers down the naked skin of her arms. “Besides, looking at your body crowds everything else out of my mind. Just let yourself go. We’re two strangers about to enjoy every one of our sexual fantasies.”

  “No,” she shook her head, trying to rise above the need growing stronger with each sweep of his hand. “It can’t be that easy.”

  “Why not?” He leaned his dark head down to whisper hot moist kisses over her shoulder and up to her neck. “Don’t you ever let yourself go? Toss aside your inhibitions and let yourself live.”

  “Of course not,” she responded before thinking. “I mean, there is a time and a place to misbehave.”

  A dark laugh escaped him. “And on a singles cruise ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico at a masked ball is not the correct venue?”

  When he put it that way she felt like a prude. Coming on the cruise, buying all new clothes was supposed to ensure her inner puritan didn’t come sneaking in. Damn it, being a wild and free woman took a lot more work than she imagined.

  Feeling awkward and self-conscious, Sonia tried to push past her mystery partner, but her hand landed on heated steel that didn’t budge an inch no matter how much pressure she used. “Please, let me go. I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

  Expecting him to step aside, Sonia jerked back in shock when he cursed low and hard. “Son of a bitch.” A hard hand clasped her upper arms and held tight. “You promised you were mine. I won’t let you go back on your word. You belong to me.”

  “Please, you’re hurting me,” she said, trying to pull her arm away.

  Immediately he released her and stepped back. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’m not usually such a callous beast. But you…bring out the animal in me.”

  She opened her mouth to reply but found it impossible to get the words out when his lips swooped down to capture her own. Shock held her immobile at first. No man had ever manhandled her and while her masked man’s grip was firm he made sure to gentle his strength.

  Need roared to life in her veins, heating her body from the inside out. When his tongue teasingly traced the seam of her lips, Sonia opened her mouth, eager to experience his taste.

  He didn’t disappoint. Thrusting deep and hard into her mouth, he took her over, pulling her pliant eager body against his delicious hardness. Her erect nipples pushed against the velvet covering and she desperately wished the barriers away. Skin to skin she wanted to rub her sensitive flesh against him, like a cat in heat. To absorb his scent, his heat into her own body until she could wallow in everything…

  With a jerk Sonia managed to pull their lips apart. A tingle of pleasure raced to her pussy as she noticed his heavy breathing and passion-swollen lips.

  “Why did you stop me?” he demanded, his voice harsh with building need.

  How stupid could she be? Even on a cruise dedicated to sensuous delights, she refused to sleep—have sex—she corrected, with a nameless man. “I don’t even know your name.”

  Would he think her a naïve fool? To need something so easily given yet so easy to lie about in order to appease both her mind and body?

  “Oh angel, I’m sorry. You simply go to my head and other parts of my body.” He rubbed a particularly hard and hot part of his body against her stomach. “My name is…Evan.”

  “Evan,” she repeated, feeling something inside her loosen. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Evan. I’m Sonia.”

  Wait. Should she have given him her real name? Too late now.

  His smile blinded her and for a split second it reminded her of Chase’s perfect grin, the one that always made her knees weak. Just like Evan’s did. How strange to meet two men with the same effect on her. Luckily, Evan was interested even if Chase was not.

  Finally she’d be able to live out a few of her “CEO and the naughty secretary” fantasies. Thanking the stars for putting Evan on this cruise and in her path, she reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his smoothly shaved cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  Confusion darkened his wicked brown eyes. “For what, angel?”

  She shrugged and gave him the truth. “For wanting me.” Sonia looked past his wide shoulder at the movement near their table. “Oh look, our dinner is here. Let’s go. I’m starving.”

  And she totally needed to gather in her scattered thoughts.

  Chapter Three

  Evan trailed stupidly after Sonia. She kissed him like tomorrow didn’t exist then pulled away to eat…food? How had this situation gotten so out of hand? He’d walked in tonight with the perfect plan to seduce the sexy, curvy Sonia. Everything had gone as planned right until the second she pulled away from him.

  His cock throbbed in agony. In any other circumstance Evan would’ve waited until his erection softened enough to allow him out in public, but in this place, where there were no rules for seduction, he didn’t dare leave an innocent like Sonia on her own. No telling what type of horny loser would try to move in.

  “I forgot to eat lunch this afternoon,” she confessed prettily as he imagined a rosy blush climbing her cheeks. “Too nervous about tonight, I guess.”

  “Then you’ll want to clean your plate.” Automatically Evan pulled her chair out then leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Because you’re going to need all the energy you can get. I don’t plan on sleeping until Sunday.” He meant every word.

  “Sunday?” she gasped. “But that’s when we dock back in Corpus.”

  “I know,” he said, sliding a white cotton napkin onto his lap, then looked up and winked. “Like I said, eat up.�

  Sonia didn’t reply, simply turned her attention to the attractively presented meal, stopping only when the dessert tray was offered.

  Signaling his choice of chocolate turtle cake, Evan turned to her as she shook her head at the waiter. “You don’t enjoy sweets?”

  Sonia gave a self-conscious laugh. “It’s obvious I enjoy desserts a little too much.” She patted hips Evan considered completely drool-worthy. “And unfortunately it shows.”

  “If that body is the result of eating sweets,” he told her, “please let me order an entire cake for you. Because, angel, your luscious body is the star in every one of my x-rated fantasies.”

  Her lips formed a perfect O as she studied him. “Thank you, but I really don’t want anything.”

  Determined not to let this intelligent, beautiful woman retreat to her shell, Evan dragged their chairs closer and held up a slice of the gooey cake to her lips. “Come on, live a little. Give in to temptation.”

  Sonia laughed at his play but opened her mouth grudgingly. His cock throbbed as those pretty plump lips closed over the fork tines, desperately wanting to take the place of the flatware.

  He continued to feed her bites, his need building with every innocent moan or swipe of her pink tongue. When the last piece disappeared into her mouth, Evan grabbed his water goblet and downed the remainder of the glass.

  With a hard thunk he dropped the crystal back to the table then grabbed Sonia’s hand and pulled her from the chair.

  “It’s time, angel. I doubt I can last another ten minutes much less hours. I need you naked in my bed sitting on my face.” His breath came harsh and fast as every word he spoke caused his zipper to cut deeper into his growing erection.

  “Now?” Sonia asked, looking around their table. The others were too absorbed in groping their dinner partners to offer her an excuse to re-take her seat. “But what about the dancing?”


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