Scarlet Fever

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Scarlet Fever Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  “Why in the world would your father refuse to have your foot corrected?” A harsh note had come into Alex’s voice.

  “He was crazy,” Annalise interjected. “He told Scarlet that God had created her with a club foot, so that must be the way he wanted her to live. He looked upon the deformity as a judgment for her sins.”

  Alex visibly bristled at the revelation of Scarlet’s treatment at the hand of her father. “That was abuse. What sins could the bully have thought this gentle little girl was paying for?”

  Annalise turned to her future husband and his brother, continuing to explain. “I know, it was crazy. We had gone to Houston for a consultation on Scarlet’s foot the weekend that I was raped.”

  Ethan shook his head at the horrible memory. “That was the event that caused our six year separation. Misunderstandings and miscommunications almost cost us our love.”

  “It was partially my fault. I always regretted not having the surgery sooner. If I had, Lise wouldn’t have been alone on the street that night.” Scarlet spoke softly and sadly.

  “You couldn’t have stopped it. They would just have hurt you, too.” Painful memories clouded Annalise’s face. “Anyway, Scarlet had to live and go to school all of her life with that stupid clubfoot. The kids were cruel and even after she had the operation they still treated her like a pariah.”

  “I’m so sorry, Scarlet.” He placed a hand over hers. Carefully slipping her hand from under his, Scarlet added rum to some raisins for the bread pudding.

  “It’s over and done with, now.”

  “Yes. My beautiful sister is as good as new.” Scarlet didn’t look up at Annalise. She wasn’t as good as new. The operation had corrected her foot, but handed her a death sentence when her kidneys were ruined by her bad reaction to the anesthesia. Her parents had decided not to share that bit of news with their oldest daughter. Annalise had soon returned to college, thereby, distancing her from Scarlet and her problems.

  Sensing the tension, Ethan tried to change the subject. “So you have a degree in library science?”

  Scarlet laughed, “No, my degree is in environmental studies.”

  “What?” Alex sounded amazed. “I own and operate a conservation consulting firm.”

  They looked at one another with different eyes. “I bet we have a lot we could talk about.” Scarlet thought for a moment. “I knew you were involved in wildlife conservation, Annalise had mentioned your work with the whooping crane.”

  “Did you bring it?” Annalise asked mysteriously.

  At her question, the doubts came back. She remembered Alex’s voice as he quoted her nemesis, Rick LeBeau. ‘She’s always making things for people, thinking it will make them like her better’.

  “I’m sure that Alex doesn’t want my silly sewing project.”

  “Yes, he does.” Annalise looked at Alex for encouragement.

  * * * *

  It dawned on Alex that Scarlet had made him a gift, and because of his big mouth, she was hesitant to give it to him. “Scarlet, I would love anything you gave me. Especially, if you made it with your own hands.” Because of Scarlet and Annalise’s reminiscing, Alex understood a little more now. This went a long way in explaining Rick Lebeau’s stupid behavior. He had been one of the cruel kids that had made Scarlet’s life a living hell.

  A noise in the front room heralded the arrival of another brother. “Hey, Bobby! Come meet Scarlet!” Ethan announced loudly.

  Annalise rolled her eyes at Scarlet, “Boys!” was her one word explanation for her future husband’s behavior.

  “Go get both of their gifts, Scarlet,” her sister urged. “And, uh, if you have anything else. Hint. Hint. You can bring that, too.”

  “What makes you think that I have anything else?” Scarlet teased.

  “Well, I’ve only asked for it for years and years.” Alex watched the interplay between the sisters, wondering what Scarlet would bring out. After seeing the intricate work on the wedding gown, nothing would surprise him. He was wrong.

  Scarlet came back, literally loaded down with gifts. “Scarlet, this is our brother Bobby,” Ethan introduced them.

  “Hey!” Bobby stepped forward to give her a hug. “I’m so glad to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.” Alex watched jealously, knowing this is how their first meeting could have been if it weren’t for his ill-timed tirade.

  “Bobby, I’ve looked forward to meeting you, too. Congratulations on your winning season with the Longhorns.” As she offered her compliment, she handed him a tapestry that was about four foot by four foot. Bobby took it slowly, not understanding what she was handing him. “I made it for you. Annalise sent me a photograph of you making a great catch. I used the picture to free-hand the needlework.” Bobby held it up, pointing out all of the amazing detail.

  “Wow, Scarlet! I see Bevo, the band, the canon—there’s even Mack Brown. This is utterly fabulous! I can’t believe you made this for me.” Once again, he captured her in a hug.

  When she turned around to pick up another gift, Bobby looked at his brothers and made a solemn, stage-whispered, announcement. “She’s gorgeous. I’m in love.” Bobby was kidding, but Alex actually snarled his displeasure.

  “Back-off, little brother.” Alex was the biggest of the brothers, and right now, he aimed to put the fear of God in his younger sibling. He didn’t say, ‘she’s mine’, but the message was crystal clear. The brief exchange was not lost on Ethan or Annalise.

  When Scarlet stood in front of Alex, her demeanor was more reserved. He took the tapestry from her hand and held it up. It was the same size and shape as Bobby’s. The background was a tree-shaded bayou, and in the center a majestic whooping crane took flight. “I took this photograph one weekend at the Big Thicket national preserve.”

  Alex had to sit down. He had never been more moved by a gesture. “Scarlet, I don’t know what to say. I have never received a more wonderful gift.” He wanted to say more, but now wasn’t the time. Annalise was crowding around, anxious to see what her sister had for her and Ethan as a wedding gift.

  “Is it what I think it is?” She was practically panting.

  “Yes.” Scarlet finally gave in and handed her sister a King-size quilt. “A double wedding ring.” Ethan had to get up and help his future wife. The quilt was huge and the colors were jewel tones to match the theme in the master suite. “I hope I got the tones right. I’m sure I did, you told me often enough.”

  As Annalise stuck her tongue out at Scarlet, Ethan examined the small stitches. “I’m impressed, Scarlet.”

  “My sister can do anything.” Annalise announced proudly.

  “I think I smell bread pudding.” Bobby followed his nose. As everyone pitched in to get the food on the table, Ethan sidled up to Alex. “Have you told ‘Lise about the cakes, yet?”

  Alex let out a low hiss. “No. As the prospective groom, why don’t you do the honors?”

  “I guess I have to begin to take some responsibility.” As they sat down around the table, Scarlet’s Creole dish garnered rave reviews. Finally, Ethan cleared his throat and jumped into the conversation. “Uh, sweetheart,” he began.

  “Uh-oh, I know that tone.” Annalise pierced him with a curious stare.

  “Sweetheart, the bakery where you ordered your cakes burned down today.” Ethan just threw it out there and then—he dodged.

  Alex and Bobby were also very still. Obviously, they expected the worst.

  Instead of a hysterical explosion, Annalise calmly turned to her sister. “That French white cake you make with the lemon-raspberry filling…can you make it for a hundred and fifty people?”

  “I’ve done it dozens of times. White chocolate frosting?” Scarlet didn’t even act surprised. Her sister nodded. “What type of decorations?”

  “White roses and white hydrangeas. And a chocolate ganache grooms cake?”

  “I’ll have to make a trip into town for pans, tips, tubes and supplies.”

  “But you’ll do it?”

  “Consider it done. I’ll get what I need tomorrow, that way I can make the flowers and decorations ahead of time. I’ll wait till the day before the wedding to actually bake the cakes, that way they’ll be fresh.” Alex, Ethan and Bobby watched the exchange with mouths ajar.

  “Well, knock me down with a feather.” Ethan whispered under his breath. “I wasn’t expecting calm and reason.” Raising his voice to a normal level, he asked Scarlet. “Are you some kind of rural wedding planner?”

  “Heavens, no,” Scarlet replied, modestly. “I’m just the church lady. For the past four or five years, I’ve put together every wedding in three counties. I’ve got it down to a science.”

  “That’s why I wanted her to come early,” explained Annalise. “I knew that if anything went wrong, I’d have an expert close at hand. Besides, I haven’t got to spend any quality time with you in ages.” She ran an affectionate hand over Scarlet’s hair, playfully pulling on her braid.

  Ethan pinned Alex with a stare. Alex shut his eyes, considering how long it would be before he forgave himself for the way he had treated Scarlet. She had come to help, to sew the dresses and spend a few days with a sister that she hadn’t seen in a long time. He looked at Scarlet, fully expecting her to cast a disparaging look his way. But she didn’t. She looked happy. He let out a sigh of relief.

  Annalise stood up and began to clear the table. “You two cooked, we’ll clean up.” She nudged Ethan, who reluctantly agreed.

  “I have seed pearls to sew.” Looking at Alex, she enquired. “Is there a corner that I can work in? I only need a chair and a bright light.”

  “My bedroom,” he answered with a straight face.

  His loaded suggestion didn’t faze her a bit. “I wouldn’t want to be the cause of you missing your beauty sleep. Is there another place?”

  “Sure sweetheart, follow me.” He led her to the media room. There were several comfortable chairs and some high-powered lights near the game tables.

  “Perfect.” She seemed to be more at ease with him, thank God. “Could you show me where you put my things? I think I’ll get ready for bed and then I’ll work until I can’t keep my eyes open.” Every word painted a picture in his mind. A hot steamy shower. A soft, silky nightgown. A warm, cuddly woman. “I put you in the room next to mine.” No explanation necessary.

  She didn’t ask for one.

  * * * *

  Following him, she felt the tingles begin anew. Watching him walk, the movement of his amazing butt in those tight, tight jeans made her tongue grow thick in her mouth. The hall wasn’t narrow, but – swear-to-God – his shoulders seemed to brush both walls. He opened the door to her room and let her go ahead of him. He didn’t leave her much room, so her body briefly brushed his. She heard his harsh intake of breath. She felt his heat. A dampness began to make itself known between her legs. A totally new experience. Still, Scarlet knew what it was.

  After all, she was a librarian.

  The room was charming and furnished with comfort in mind. “This is wonderful, Alex. I’ve never seen a nicer room. It’s too much.” There was a Queen-sized sleigh bed, a roll top desk, a Lazy-Boy recliner and a roomy armoire. The colors were warm earth tones, highlighted by shades of burgundy and mauve. “This is more than I expected. If you need this room for other guests, I’m used to something much, much smaller.”

  “Size of the room wasn’t the determining factor, love. I wanted you close to me.” They stood still, just looking at each other. Electrical currents seemed to arc between them.

  “Which bath do I use?” That was a natural question for her to ask, since she was imagining him naked. A vision of him with water droplets all over his body was making her heart pound.

  “You have your own, let me take you.” Leading her to the oversize bathroom, he showed her the walk-in shower and the claw-foot tub. Stacks of towels, bottles of lotions and salts, everything that anyone could possibly want.

  “Alex, I’m not used to luxuries like this. I don’t even know what half this stuff is for.”

  “Do you want me to stay and help?” He sounded as serious as a heart attack.

  At that, she laughed. “No, maybe I can muddle through.”

  “Can I sit with you while you work on the dress?” He asked so sweetly it gave her a warm shiver.

  “Sure. I’d appreciate the company.” This friendship business wasn’t so hard.

  “Good.” Then he proceeded to knock all thoughts of friendship out of her head. Stepping close, he placed a soft, sweet kiss just to the right of her trembling lips. Every cell in her body commanded her head to turn, just so, so she could move her lips into range for the heady contact. She controlled herself, barely. “I’ll be waiting.”

  * * * *

  She was so cute, he could hardly stand it. He hadn’t known what to expect when she told him she was going to get ready for bed. Any of his other female acquaintances would have emerged in silk teddies or sheer baby doll pajamas. When she had come out covered in white eyelet from head to toe, Alex had had to reevaluate his whole definition of sexy. The robe was even long-sleeved. The only skin showing was her face, her fingers and her little bare feet. Alex’s response to her chaste, angelic outfit was not so pure. He was as hard as the Rock of Gibraltar. It was a good thing he had changed into lounge pants and a loose, long, button-up shirt. It hid a multitude of sins.

  He watched her spread the bridal gown out, so the skirt lay in her lap. Opening a round tin, she took out a needle and thread and began to sew on teeny-tiny seed pearls. “What do you do for fun?” she asked him out of the blue.

  “I like to go out to dinner and a movie,” he answered off handedly, without thinking.

  “Is that what you’d do on a typical date?”

  He couldn’t believe she was asking these leading questions. “A typical date. It could be dinner and a movie or dancing at a club or a picnic at the lake. I’ve been on many typical dates. How about you? Tell me what you normally do on a date.” He watched her work, mesmerized by her nimble little fingers and the way she held her tongue at the corner of her mouth as she worked.

  “I’ve never been on a date.” She didn’t pause or blink or hesitate.

  “You’re kidding.” The thought that she had never been asked out, escorted to a restaurant, taken care of, coddled or spoiled, just broke his heart. He had a lot of things to make up for. Time was wasting away.

  “Think about it. I had a club foot until I was almost seventeen. All of the guys grew up knowing me as the cripple girl. It’s like when a fat kid suddenly slims down, it really doesn’t matter, no one will ever see them any other way but fat.”

  “I can’t believe your dad did you that way.”

  “Mom and Dad were strange. Haven’t you wondered why our mother isn’t coming to the wedding?”

  “No, not really. We’ve never discussed it.” Alex took a deep breath and dove in. “Will you go on a date with me, Scarlet?”

  “No.” It wasn’t said harshly, just conversationally.

  “Why?” Not that he was taking ‘no’ for an answer.

  “Because, you feel sorry for me. That’s why. A pity date would be worse than no date at all.”

  Alex didn’t know what to say. So he just told the truth. “I don’t like the way you’ve been treated. In fact, it infuriates me. I’d like a few minutes alone with every guy that has ever hurt you, including your dad. The pitiful thing is, I’m one of them. I hurt you too. And if I could turn back time, I’d do it in a heartbeat. When you greeted Bobby, so casually and naturally, I wanted to die. Looking back at our first few minutes together, shame just eats me up. A date with you would make me the happiest man in the world. And pity wouldn’t have anything to do with it.”

  Scarlet’s hands stilled. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say, yes,” he coaxed, tenderly.

  “I can’t. There are things that you don’t know.”

  “Tell me. There’s nothing that we can’t work out, if we try.” He
wanted to go to her, but he held himself back.

  “Some things can’t be fixed, Alex. And I’m not talking about anything you’ve done or said.” She met his eyes. “We’re okay. As far as I’m concerned, our first meeting today is irrelevant. You are important to my sister. I’m thankful that she has a family like the three of you. She’s very blessed.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong. I promise, before God, that I’ll make everything right for you. Let me try, Scarlet. Please, let me try.”

  With tears in her eyes, she looked at Alex. “I wish you could. You don’t know how much I wish you could.” All was quiet for a few minutes. They sat companionably. She hadn’t said yes to the date. But, then she hadn’t really said no, either. Instead, she had issued some kind of a mysterious challenge. And he was just the man to pick up the gauntlet and run with it.

  “Tell me what else you do for fun,” she pressed.

  “I like to play touch football, swim, rock climb, and horseback ride. Basically, if it’s outside I enjoy it.”

  Scarlet blushed, getting a faraway look in her eye.

  Alex kept talking. She didn’t say anything. “Are you listening to me?”

  His amused question seemed to startle her a bit. “What did you say?”

  “What’s the matter, babe? Are you picturing me all hot and sweaty?”

  “Yeah, but you knew that,” she said blushing.

  Alex was thrilled. She was opening up to him, settling down, even flirting a little. “I like to hear you say it. Turnabout is fair play, what do you like to do for fun?”

  She stopped sewing and stared him down. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “When it’s late, and dark, I go out into the night…” She whispered, building up the story. Then she laughed. “To the cemetery—with my camera.” At his confused look, she clarified. “I ghost hunt.”

  “Ghost hunt? Like on the Sci-Fi Channel?” He couldn’t believe it.


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