Married to the Russian Kingpin: Sokolov Brothers Book One

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Married to the Russian Kingpin: Sokolov Brothers Book One Page 6

by North, Leslie

  Viktor couldn’t help but laugh with her. “And what did the adults on the field trip say when you kept asking?”

  “They explained it to me—you know, the difference between the two words—and thought it was pretty funny. Now that I look back on it, it is pretty funny I guess, but I was mortified at the time. I felt so stupid.” She leaned forward and looked him over. The suspicion had faded from her eyes and she looked genuinely happy to be there with him, he realized.

  Viktor found himself enjoying their conversation, too, and took a moment to appreciate her beauty. His gaze swept over her. In the moment, he felt torn. How could he be attracted to someone who might potentially want him dead?

  He didn’t have much time for the question, though, because her next words took the breath right out of his lungs.

  “Speaking of kids. Why were you at a children’s home yesterday?” Alexandra asked after another few bites of breakfast.

  Viktor stared at her. If he let her know he had tenderness in his heart, then she would see him as a target. He couldn’t allow that to happen—not with what her family had done. “What? A children’s home... I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t play dumb. I saw you. Roman took me to a café—don’t worry, I was supervised the whole time—and I saw you walk out of Pathways.” She tapped her upper cheekbone playfully. “Saw you with my own eyes.”

  Viktor took a long drink of coffee to stall while his mind raced. When he had allowed her to leave the bedroom yesterday, he’d assumed she would just spent time around the house, arranging her things or watching television. Pathways was his secret. If he confirmed he’d been there, what would she think of him?

  “It’s okay, Viktor, geez.” She set her fork down and looked at him. Her expression softened. “It’s a beautiful way to pay tribute to your father, you know. Visiting children who don’t have fathers.”

  The look in her eyes—it was deep and warm, and it lit Viktor’s soul like nothing before. He felt uplifted just by the way she was looking at him. And she wasn’t mocking him for visiting Pathways, like the men he knew would have. Her words rang true, and echoed right into his heart.

  “I…” Viktor searched for something to say, but came up short. Across from him, Alexandra just stared into his eyes with a lovely, sweet smile.

  He rose silently from the table, came around to Alexandra, and grabbed her by the shoulders so that he could raise her up, and then he kissed her.



  Alexandra’s manicured brows raised in surprise when his warm mouth pressed against hers, then lowered when her eyelids fluttered shut. She placed an arm around Viktor’s neck and ran her fingers over his close-cropped hair.

  She kissed him back with slow, delicate ease. He tasted like coffee.

  Was he finally starting to warm up to her? He had flown off the handle last night, but the breakfast this morning, his attentive listening, and the look in his eyes when he’d leaned in for this kiss… it all led her to believe that maybe she had a chance with him after all, to build a real marriage like her parents had.

  Or was she wrong, she wondered, even as she returned his kiss. Would this turn out like yesterday, with an interruption followed by his rage? Alexandra desperately wanted to understand Viktor, to know that he loved and respected her as his wife. Still, nothing could be guaranteed to her, least of all now, and so she tried to push uncertainty out of her mind and focus on the fluid motions of his mouth instead.

  The kiss deepened gradually. He’d pulled her up out of her chair so that they stood in an embrace, lips locked and eyes closed, cocooned in mutual attraction. This was different from their wedding night, when Alexandra had tried to seduce him. There was sweetness between them now, affection instead of raw hunger.

  Alexandra pressed herself against Viktor. He hugged her close, then broke the kiss to gaze into her eyes, and she saw real longing there. Hope and joy radiated from her heart, and through her body, finally making way into her expression. She smiled up at him with absolute adoration, hoping her true emotion shined through, and he returned her look. His eyes had partially lidded.

  It was the first time Alexandra had ever seen him look at her like this. She inhaled, then leaned in to begin the kiss anew.

  He slowly backed her up against the table as the kiss continued. She almost leaned back into the orange juice, but regained herself and took a step to the side. Her hands slipped from his neck and she broke the kiss to gaze at him and run her hands along his powerful shoulders.

  Memories of their first lovemaking session made her body warm, and her sex ache. He was impossibly attractive. Even with him fully clothed in a well-tailored suit, she could see his rock hard muscles under the fabric. Could remember the smell of his skin, and the tattoos of falcons which lent him a dangerous edge.

  When he returned her simmering expression and she saw the mutual need in his eyes, she slowly reached down to massage the erection which had begun to stir.

  Viktor lifted her by the hips so she was sitting on the table and leaned over her possessively. Their lips met again. One of his arms hooked around her to hold her steady, and excitement blossomed in her stomach as she realized he planned to take her right here on the dining room table.

  What if the staff walked in? She blushed, but found the thought erotic.

  Alexandra wrapped her arms around Viktor’s neck and squirmed against him, still relishing the hardness of his body under his suit. He reached between them to slip a hand up her dress then. His fingers were large, and just as powerful as his body, but his touch was gentle and sensual.

  She could feel his breath hot against the side of her neck. He toyed along her thigh, then crept upwards at a teasing pace. Her own breathing hitched with need when he found her wet outer lips and circled them. At an agonizingly slow pace, he continued to tease her until his index finger found her clit.

  “Ohh. There.” The words had tumbled from her in a low moan. He smiled against her face, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and massaged her until she was panting.

  Her body was begging him for more, and she moved her hips to help him. The table swayed gently with her motions. The dishes clacked.

  When Alexandra felt she could take no more, she grabbed him by the collar and mashed their mouths together. Tongue slipped against tongue, their passion simmering to a boil. Her breath escaped in ragged gasps, and Viktor seemed just as turned on as she was as he panted against her mouth.

  Viktor’s hand left her dripping pussy to tug down his fly and release his straining erection. His cock was hard and ready for her, pulsing with its own rhythm. She stared at his massive erection and imagined it inside of her.

  Viktor pulled her underwear down past her heels until the lace panties were on the floor, and then he exhaled sharply, looking at her center. His hand found his shaft and pumped it a few times, as though putting on a show for her. She watched him with, ravenous, and bit her lower lip.

  After a moment of playing with himself, Viktor leaned back down and guided his cock between Alexandra’s thighs. She opened her legs further for him.

  Alexandra felt the weight and heat of Viktor’s cock slip along her inner thigh, just as his fingers had, to press against her clit. She moaned and he used his crown to massage her until both of them were slick and trembling with anticipation.

  She struggled to breathe. Viktor’s own breath against her neck had picked up. Occasionally, a chesty rumble would escape his lips.

  “So…” Alexandra sighed slowly. “Does this mean you believe me?” The question had been a flirtatious whisper against his ear, but Viktor froze. She felt his body tense against hers.

  “What?” he asked.

  Alexandra nuzzled against his shoulder and whispered again, “Does this mean that you believe me when I say I’m innocent?”

  With a single, swift motion that left her wobbling backward, he pulled back and stepped away. Alexandra struggled to keep her balance without Viktor there
to hold on to, and slipped back down to the floor. She frowned at him, trying to understand what had just happened, but Viktor’s eyes had grown cold again. He glowered at her and tucked his erection back into his pants.

  Then he left the room without a word.

  Alexandra leaned back on the table, unsteady. Her body was still aroused and hungry for him, but her heart felt like shattered glass in her ribcage. She tugged her dress down and bent to retrieve her panties.

  While she pulled her underwear back on, she wondered once again if she even had a chance with him; she’d thought they were past his doubt, but now… Her parents had mentioned that a good marriage took work, but wasn’t him trusting her something that had to come before even that?

  An arranged marriage can sometimes take even more work, Alexandra thought, trying to convince herself that they just needed time, but she wondered if the strange and unfortunate circumstances surrounding her marriage to Viktor were insurmountable.

  Alexandra turned to look their breakfast over, but she had lost her appetite. Her eyes meandered around the room. Her breathing was still uneven, but now it was sadness that gripped her instead of lust.

  Her eyes blurred with tears. When she wiped them away, she noticed an ornate wooden cabinet sitting in the far corner of the dining room. It took a minute for her to register that the cabinet was, in fact, a mini-bar.

  Alexandra’s legs carried her to the fancy piece of furniture, her knees weak. She wanted to go after Viktor, to try to talk to him, but what would she say? Viktor’s personality flip-flopped so much, and he had been so scary yesterday that Alexandra figured anything which came out of her mouth would only enrage him.

  She sighed and rummaged open the liquor cabinet. When she found the vodka, she returned to the table and poured some in her orange juice.



  The world came into existence slowly as Alexandra woke. She turned onto her side, and noticed the blanket was tucked in around her. Her eyes snapped open fully. The bedroom blurred and swayed for a moment.

  Pain thumped against her temples, and then she remembered the vodka.

  What time was it? She looked to the nightstand to see the clock’s digital display: 4:48 p.m. Next to the clock sat a large glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. Alexandra sat up slowly, popped two tablets, gulped down the water, and took a breath.

  She must have hit the bottle a little too hard at breakfast. Was it Viktor who had tucked her in, or a staff member?

  Hopefully Viktor, Alexandra thought. Even if she hadn’t been conscious for it, imagining herself in his strong arms helped ease the pain of rejection. And maybe, if it had been him, seeing her in that state would have made him realize how upset she’d been by his leaving her like that.

  She rose from bed lethargically and disappeared into the bathroom. While she brushed her teeth, Alexandra replayed the scene from breakfast in her head. She remembered the emotion behind Viktor’s kiss. It had been real, she was sure. They had kissed before that, yes, but there was something about their embrace at breakfast that had felt like their first real kiss.

  Until Viktor had flipped out and left. Alexandra stared at her reflection, feeling gloomy.

  When she stepped back into the bedroom, a familiar shape was leaning against the open doorway.

  “Glad to see you’re up,” Viktor said. His tone was even and unrevealing. Alexandra couldn’t tell whether it was nice-Viktor or cold-Viktor who faced her, though. She turned the bedside lamp on, then looked back over to him. She saw softness on his face, and almost sighed with relief.

  Alexandra bit her lip as she went to speak, however, suddenly unsure what to say. She wanted to ask about breakfast, but she also didn’t want to risk losing him again.

  Best to not say anything about earlier, perhaps, and just see where this went, she thought.

  “Was that you?” She pointed to the bottle of painkillers and the empty glass on the nightstand. Viktor nodded.

  “I found you asleep downstairs. Don’t worry, nothing embarrassing. Just figured you’d be more comfortable up here in bed than curled up on a rug in the dining room,” he said. Alexandra felt a twinge of embarrassment despite his reassurance.

  “Thanks.” Her voice had come out soft, bordering on a whisper.

  Viktor offered a close-lipped smile. “There’s a place I’d like to take you,” he said. “A nice restaurant my family has owned for a long time now. It’s special to me, and, since you’re part of the family now, hopefully it will be special to you, too.”

  You’re part of the family now. The words lingered in Alexandra’s mind.

  Was she really? How could he say that when he still suspected her and her father of murder? Yet, despite her hesitation, his words sounded genuine. Alexandra felt confusion tugging her in multiple directions.

  “Viktor…” Alexandra’s voice trailed off as she struggled to choose her next words. “I really appreciate you taking care of me, and putting me to bed. And I really appreciate the reservations for dinner.”

  “But?” Viktor asked, clearly sensing her hesitation.

  “But you keep going hot and cold on me. Just when I think we might have finally started to really build our marriage, well…”

  “I get scary again,” Viktor finished for her. Alexandra could only be relieved he’d said it himself, so that she didn’t have to, and nodded meekly.

  “Our first breakfast together,” she said. “Right after, you tried to lock me in the bedroom.” Alexandra wasn’t sure if she had found courage, or if her emotions had just started spilling out. Either way, it felt good to finally get what she was feeling off her chest. She continued, “Then, this morning’s… almost-sex. It felt like it was going to be amazing, it felt like we had something… and then you just left me there.” Alexandra’s chest tightened with sadness. “Dinner sounds nice, but how can I enjoy myself if I’m constantly wondering when you’re going to flip on me and get mean again?”

  Viktor didn’t seem hurt by her words—he didn’t even seem surprised. He just remained in the doorway, looking contemplative. Alexandra waited for him to fly off the handle, but instead, he closed the distance between them and wrapped her up in a tight hug.

  She felt herself melt against him, all over again. He was large and strong, and she felt safe in the moment even though the conversation had grown tense.

  “I’ve been involved in the mafia almost my entire life, Alexandra. I have been a husband for only a few days.” He’d spoken slowly against her, and Alexandra inhaled, memorizing the scent of his cologne. His words touched a deep part of her spirit, and she felt forgiveness flooding her, despite her misgivings.

  “So,” she said, “where are we going for dinner?”

  * * *

  Alexandra wore a deep blue dress and heels, and Viktor wore a perfectly-tailored charcoal grey suit. When she’d been about to put on her makeup, Viktor had insisted she use as little as possible so that she didn’t ‘hide her natural beauty.’ She’d done as he’d asked.

  The restaurant was small and clean, with atmospheric track lighting, pictures of Russian landmarks on the walls, and a pianist positioned toward the front who played gentle classical music. The crowd was sparse. Viktor led them toward a private table in the back. He pulled Alexandra’s chair out for her and, when she sat, he pushed it in before seating himself.

  He’s really trying, Alexandra thought. She smiled at him for the first time since early that morning. The low mood lighting captured the masculine edges of his face and Alexandra tried not to stare as she admired how ruggedly handsome he was.

  A thin waiter with large black eyes and a reedy voice took their orders. Alexandra selected Chicken Kiev, and Viktor ordered roast duck. While they waited for the food to arrive, Viktor continued to ask about her family. Alexandra answered as best she could, but when the questions kept coming and he didn’t seem to be sharing anything about himself, she couldn’t help starting to grow suspicious of him.

Was he just trying to pump her for information so he could accuse her father? Or was he genuinely trying to get to know her? Alexandra’s mind bounced back and forth even as they spoke.

  When the food came, the conversation waned as eating took priority. Alexandra hadn’t realized how hungry she had been until she tasted the chicken. Halfway through the dish, she looked over to Viktor to find him watching her eat with a small, pleased smile.

  Heat rose to her cheeks when she saw him looking at her like that. Maybe, just maybe, this was the real Viktor. Alexandra allowed her hope to reignite anew. Instead of allowing doubt to cloud her night, she returned his expression and wondered why she felt like a schoolgirl when their eyes met.

  Perhaps his outbursts were just him grieving his father, and with time she would see more and more of the kind man across from her. After all, if he really was so heartless, why would he volunteer at Pathways?

  “Viktor,” Alexandra said warmly, learning forward to catch his eye, “you’ve been listening to me ramble on about my family for a while now. Why not tell me a little about yourself?”

  “What is it you want to know?” Viktor asked, one of his eyebrows raising as if he didn’t understand why she would ask.

  “Hmmm. I don’t know. Let’s see…” Alexandra tapped her chin. “Do you have any funny stories to share? I mean, I even told you about the time when I was five and I used toothpaste as hair gel to give myself a mohawk. Anything like that?”

  Viktor looked relieved, as though he had been expecting a difficult question, and she wondered what on earth he’d expected. He stared into his mostly-eaten plate of duck in thought. “You mean something funny I did as a kid?” he clarified.


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