The Battle Lord's Lady

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The Battle Lord's Lady Page 14

by Linda Mooney

  “They’ll do in a pinch. I can do much better with the right tools.”

  “Don’t get angry at me for this next question, but did you intend on snagging my scabbard? Or was that a happy coincidence? Were you aiming elsewhere?”

  She threw a double handful of water over her face, erasing the soap and the mustache, then smiled. “I was aiming for your trouser leg, but I’d forgotten you lead with your left. So I got the scabbard instead.”

  “I lead with my left?”

  Atty nodded. “Don’t you notice such things with your enemies? Which hand they prefer? Which foot they lead with? Which ear they favor, or if they squint if they’re looking in the distance?” She blinked through the droplets trailing over her skin. “Yul?”

  “Uhh, somewhat,” he managed to find his voice. Her skin had taken on a flushed hue from the warm water. With her hair down, and the playful twinkle in her eyes, she no longer resembled the trembling warrior girl who had faced him down in the forest clearing.

  Rising slowly to his feet, he walked over to the tub and kneeled down beside it. He dipped a hand in the water as he kept his eyes on her face. Atty watched him, curious but unafraid.


  He leaned over and found her lips. She hesitated for only a moment before lifting her wet hands and gingerly touching his face. Pulling back, Yulen searched her eyes as the tips of her fingers played over the several days’ growth covering his cheeks and chin. “Does it scratch?” he murmured.


  “Sorry. When I take my bath, I’ll shave.”

  She pulled back slightly in surprise. “You’re taking a bath?”

  “Yes,” he chuckled at her expression. “You weren’t the only one soaked to the bone today, you know.”

  “Do you want me to get out now?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “Enjoy yourself. I’ll get in after you’re through.” He moved the hand he’d dipped into the water and his fingers found a smooth silkiness. Slowly he let them glide over the firm skin until he reached the inside of a knee. Atty kept her eyes locked on his, but he knew he was now in territory where she couldn’t claim expertise.

  She moved her leg slightly, away from his fingers. Undeterred, Yulen lowered his hand further, unmindful of the water wrapping itself around his arm and already soaked shirt sleeve. He reached her leg again and knew it had nowhere else to retreat. The tips of his fingers stroked the tendons under her knee, then began to draw slow circles over her skin as he gently, carefully followed a secret path toward her belly.

  Atty moved slightly, making the water splash against the side of the tub. Her gaze danced between his eyes and his lips as she began to feel things she’d never felt before. His touch tickled, yet it also sent little prickles of heat into the pit of her stomach and lower. She took a ragged breath, too frightened to move. Afraid that if she did again, he’d stop whatever he was doing.


  “Shhh.” He leaned inward again to kiss the side of her mouth, mindful of his rough exterior. His right hand lay across her shoulder, barely touching her neck as her wet hair lay like heavy silk across his fingers.

  Now his left hand had reached the top of her thigh, but instead of continuing upward, his fingers turned and slowly, tantalizingly, torturously started to dip into the juncture between her legs. He found the soft curls hidden between their valley, and moved himself lower to part her lower lips and tease the sensitive flesh until she moaned softly against his cheek. Her little nub was already stiff. A gentle brush with his fingertip, and a shiver ran through her body, forcing her to grasp the collar of his shirt. Yulen felt her eyelashes brush against his temple when she closed her eyes. She was slowly melting from the undeniable sensations he was bringing to her as he continued to rub her clit, spreading her legs to allow him easier access. And although he couldn’t deny the demands of his own body or his pulsing hardness pressed against the side of the tub, he knew he had to prepare her for that moment when her body would be ready to accept him. Otherwise, her first time would shatter her, instead of bringing her the kind of pleasure he wanted her to remember...and want again.

  Carefully, he began to slide his middle finger inside her. Her inner heat throbbed as her tight channel closed around the digit. Gradually, he pushed further inside her until he reached the thin membrane blocking his path. Yulen retreated his finger, but kept his hand covering her mound as his thumb continued to play with her nub. She hissed and involuntarily arched her back in response. Dipping his head, he found a pale pink nipple that had breached the surface of the water and closed his mouth over it. Her reaction took them both by surprise. She cried aloud and clutched him, dragging him partly over the rim of the tub as she pressed herself tightly against his chest. Yulen had to pull back or risk falling head-first into the water.


  She was literally shaking as she opened her tear-filled eyes. “Don’t stop,” she whispered, begging.

  “I’m afraid I must,” he apologized in a ragged voice, then cleared his throat. He sat back on the heels of his boots and began to unbutton his dripping shirt. She watched his fingers as if mesmerized by their power over her.

  “Are you getting in with me?”

  “I think you need to get out now and let me in. Are you finished?”

  Mutely, she nodded and got to her feet. Yulen paused to stare at her glistening body as it was revealed in the candlelight. How he could have ever thought of her as a girl... Her hunter’s garb had done its job too well, camouflaging not only her extraordinary beauty, but the strength of her passion he knew lay smoldering inside her. If that moment ago was any indication of her hunger, Yulen knew he would find himself seriously challenged to satisfy her demands. The mere thought of it made him close his eyes and shudder in anticipation.

  Atty quickly toweled herself off, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching as the Battle Lord eased himself into the tub. She smiled as he sucked in a breath between his teeth.

  “Sore muscles?” she asked, working now on trying to untangle her wild mane with just her fingers.

  “Hush,” he ordered with a touch of amusement in his voice. “Could you hand me the razor and mirror? I forgot to bring them over here.”

  She found the items on the table and turned, prepared to toss them to him. Yulen saw the playful look that came over her face, and he held up his hands in surrender.

  “I yield!”

  Atty laughed aloud, her face flushed. Hurrying over to him, she dropped to her knees and leaned in to give him a joyful kiss. “Forgive me, but I love you,” she murmured softly against his mouth. Smiling, he brushed back a handful of her damp hair and brushed his lips across hers.

  “No more than I do you, Atrilan,” he affirmed. “Curse me for being a fool, but when you left, I had never felt so empty or afraid in my life. I can’t let you go. Not now, not even after you train my men.”

  “Then we might have a problem,” she smiled softly.

  “Think so?” he teased. As he expected, she raised up slightly to stare incredulously at him. “I was kidding,” he admitted with a grin.

  “So what are we going to do?” She rested her chin on her fingers that curled over the edge of the tub. “You know I can’t stay with you. I mean...”

  “I know what you mean, but I can’t worry about that. Neither can you. All I know is that you have to be with me. Beside me or behind me, I don’t care. Just...” He groaned loudly and threw back his head. “God, Atrilan! You’ve made me tongue-tied!”

  “I know what you mean. When you kissed me, it was like I couldn’t think for myself anymore.” Thick lashes brushed her blue brows as her eyes lifted up to his. “What’s going to happen tomorrow? When we reach your compound?”

  “Well, for tonight, we’re going to try and get some sleep.” He couldn’t help but notice the curtain of disappointment that closed over her eyes. Reaching over, he gently touched the tip of her nose. “No lovemaking, my blue-haired warrior. Not until
we get to Alta Novis.”

  “Why?” She glanced down at where her breasts rested against the side of the tub. “Don’t you want me?”

  “Oh, God, in the worst way,” he laughed softly. “But, like I told you earlier, I want our first time to be special.”

  Atty made a face. “You’re wanting me to teach your troops first before we do, so that if I lose my skills, my coming back with you won’t be a wasted effort. Right?”

  Yulen immediately grew serious. “Wrong,” he told her, leaving no room for doubt.

  “Then why?” She shuddered suddenly, surprising herself. “Just then...what you were doing to me,” she said in a softer voice, trailing off.

  He leaned over to kiss her forehead. “I didn’t say I couldn’t do that again to you,” he murmured.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Go get in bed. Get the sheets warm for me.”

  She obediently walked over to the bed and looked around. “Where are the nightgowns?” she asked.

  “What nightgowns?” he said, raising one eyebrow and grinning.

  She turned to look over her shoulder at him. It was then he noticed the two little dimples on her backside, just below her hips. “What are we gonna wear? It’s gonna get cold tonight,” she predicted matter-of-factly.

  “Let it get cold. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you warm.”

  The flush on her face brightened to a deep red. Wordlessly she slipped under the covers to wait for him. Yulen hurried to finish soaping down and washing off, then shaved. The water was easing his muscles to the point of languidness. He had no doubt they would sleep deep tonight, despite the need that was awakening in both their bodies.

  After he dried off, he replenished the fire before crawling into the bed next to her. He’d noticed her eyes taking in his naked form, lingering for several seconds on his halfway distended erection, and he wondered if she’d ever seen a man unclothed before. For a split-second he felt a stab of jealousy, which he quickly dampened. It didn’t matter any more. He was going to be her first lover. No other man had claimed her, and after today, no other man would claim her. Ever. As long as he lived, he would be her only lover.

  Her only lover. Strangely, the implication connected to the phrase didn’t frighten or intimidate him. He could only hope that when he finally broached her with the same suggestion, it didn’t scare her.

  Her only lover. For the rest of their lives.

  Yulen smiled to himself. They would reach Alta Novis tomorrow. And then...

  Chapter Twenty


  Sometime during the night, Atty rolled over in his arms. Her soft buttocks nestled against his crotch as she found a comfortable position and drifted back to sleep, but it was too late for him.

  Yulen opened his eyes, no longer able to rest because of the veil of fire sweeping under his skin, seething in his blood and making him sweat with need. His erection felt like someone had rammed a pole through it, until it quivered and wept for release.

  He couldn’t make love to her. Not yet, and definitely not now, but he had to find a safe middle ground somewhere. There had to be an answer, and one that would not compromise the budding emotions still growing between him and Atty. And there definitely was no way he was going back to Alta Novis and using one of his ready and willing mistresses to assuage his needs before he took her.

  His hands shook as he reached around her and found a sweet breast. If he couldn’t make love to her the conventional way, then he would need to bring himself—with a little help. And he had no doubt Atty wouldn’t mind.

  The full, round warmth in his palm felt natural. Perfect. The nipple was immediately responsive beneath his insistent fingers, and soon he felt her drifting out of sleep.


  “Shhh. Let me love you.”

  Her answer was a slight nod. Her partially damp hair moved across his belly and chest like a bolt of silk, making him groan from the sensation.

  He wouldn’t last long, but neither could he rush it with her. Letting go of her breast, he slid his hand downward until he reached the juncture between her thighs. Atty shifted her position, turning slightly onto her back to allow him access to her. Yulen felt her hand rest on top of his, fingers curved over his knuckles, to follow him.

  He dipped his middle finger into her folds to find the little button already becoming taut for him. A little shiver ran through her body with the first stroke, and he nosed the back of her neck.



  “Afraid?” he whispered, hoping she would say no.

  “A little.”

  “Don’t be. Relax. Enjoy. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  “Promise on your heart?”

  The request drew a smile from him. “I promise on my heart.”

  His other arm was under her waist. Pulling her tightly against him, he was able to find her breasts with his other hand where he could play with her nipples as his fingers stoked her need between her thighs.

  Atty squirmed. Her breath became little gasps as she writhed. Yulen shifted himself again, and this time managed to bury his erection between her buttocks where her movements masturbated him.

  Harder. Faster. Yulen closed his eyes and pressed his face against the back of her neck. He continued to hold her tightly as Atty’s incoherent cries of release suddenly filled the room. He kept her back and buttocks pressed firmly against his raging need and continued to manipulate her as she arched her body and shuddered violently. It wasn’t until she began to melt against him that he found his own release within the grip of her butt cheeks. Afterwards, he sighed into her fragrant waterfall of hair flowing over his chest.

  Carefully, gently, he removed his fingers from the wet heat between her legs, leaving his hand against her lower belly as his other arm remained where it draped across her chest, one delicate globe of her breast still resting in the palm of his other hand.

  It was still dark outside. Nothing stirred in the infant hours of the morning.

  Together they’d found her pinnacle, and in her ecstasy he was shocked to find himself launched over the edge as well. The realization, and the way she rolled back over to cuddle up against his length afterward, stunned him.

  He had never before experienced this with a woman, an experience where he’d found greater pleasure in his partner’s release. It was almost like a reawakening.

  Tenderly he brought the tangled bedclothes back up around them and wrapped himself protectively around her. He had no recollection of falling back asleep. Only of her soft breath tickling the hollow of his throat where her face rested.

  It was an insistent knock on the door that awoke him. Yulen groggily opened his eyes and looked out the window to see the last of the night’s stars fading in the dawning sky.

  The knock came again. A quick glance down showed him the sound hadn’t alerted Atty.

  Yulen pulled away from her warmth and got out of bed, walking over to unlock the bedroom door. MaGrath stood in the hallway with an armful of clothing.

  “I brought a fresh change,” he offered. Yulen nodded and stepped aside to let the man enter. “A servant should be here shortly,” he added, and his eyes narrowed as he took in the woman lying naked and half-covered on the tousled bed. “Yulen?”

  “Sheathe your claws, Liam. I kept my word.” He began to dress under the physician’s baleful glare. “Don’t believe me? Ask Atty, then.”

  “How would she know? She’s an innocent...or was, until last night.”

  Sighing loudly, Yulen kneeled over his side of the bed and brushed away a lock of hair from her face. The greenish-yellow bruises were the only signs marring her perfect beauty. “Atty. Time to wake up. Time to get ready to leave for Alta Novis.”

  She stirred, blinking sleepily as she slowly looked around her. He had not called her by her full name, which could only mean one thing. Spying the physician, she smiled softly. “Good morning, Liam.”

  “How are you this morning, Atty?”

  “Fine. Tired.”

  The answer raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you get enough rest?” he asked, giving the Battle Lord another one of his patented irritated scowls.

  “Yes, until about three this morning when Yulen woke me.”

  “Woke you? At three? Why?”

  Yulen decided to intervene before the conversation went any further, laying the clothing MaGrath had brought for her at the foot of the bed. “Hurry and get dressed. We’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast. There’s a bath at the end of the corridor if you want to wash your face.” Placing a quick kiss to her temple, he grabbed his weapons belt and practically pushed the man out the door.

  “Well, I can see that conversation on this ride home is going to be quite stimulating,” MaGrath wryly noted as they descended the wide staircase. Yulen ignored the remark and finished buckling on his weapons belt.

  As they entered the main room, most of the men were already seated and having their breakfast. When their commander walked in, several conversations ceased immediately, and Yulen had no doubt what they’d been discussing. Or in this case, who.

  He and MaGrath took their seats as if nothing was amiss and proceeded to help themselves. Talk around them slowly resumed to the normal noise level until all sound ceased again as suddenly as if a switch had been thrown.

  Yulen glanced up to see Atty descending the stairwell. She carried her bow and quiver in one hand, and the look on her face was guarded. She wore the new set of pants and long tunic, but she’d left her hair down, tied behind her ears with a simple strip of cloth. Clean, fresh, and in the bright lights of the main hall, she looked totally different from the dirty warrior girl they’d known from the past few days. Nor was there any denying the hint of womanly curves visible beneath the white linen shirt. Furthermore, there was no mistaking the dark indigo color of the slightly wavy hair that fell down her back.

  Someone at the table muttered “Mutah”, but no one challenged her as she advanced toward the table. It was MaGrath who finally spoke up.


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