Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 4

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “I think we need to let your mommy join us for those last ones, don’t you think?” Kain asks Denise, who in return nods vigorously.

  Kain steps toward me and I instantly hold my hands up. “No, no, no, wait. I can’t. Even if it’s been three days, I’m still not able to stand or kneel for that matter.”

  Kain completely ignores my words and scoops me up. “Your ass can sit in the dirt, Lee. The washing machine can handle your dirty,” he leans in next to my ear and adds on a whisper, “panties.”

  I squeal and mutter, “What the hell, Kain?” underneath my breath and grab his shirt that’s all wet and clinging to his chest because Denise threw that water all over him.

  His chuckle vibrates through his chest and all of this is making my emotions create havoc on my body. It’s as if I’ve landed my ass into the twilight zone and I have no clue how to get out.

  “Leontine? Is everything all right?” Gordon’s voice rings out through the backyard and my whole body grows tight.

  Ugh, I don’t want to face Gordon, let alone have him come into my private space while I’m trying to hold it together. My fist is still buried in Kain’s shirt and I pull myself closer against him in an effort to seek support.

  I don’t want to deal with him. It’s not as if I don’t want to deal with my company, because I do, and I just checked everything online this morning and all seemed under control. I even sent out some emails, including answering one of his so he doesn’t need to come in person.

  “What are you doing here? This is private property,” Kain says in a harsh tone.

  “This might be private property, but you’re keeping me away from my employer,” Gordon replies with a firm voice.

  Kain carries me toward Denise who is on her knees making tiny holes to place the seeds in.

  “Denise, sweetheart, can you show mommy how to plant those seeds?” he asks our daughter.

  He always uses her full name now that he knows I named her after his mother.

  He places a kiss on the top of my head and murmurs, “Stay here and let me deal with this.”

  “It’s not like I have a choice,” I grumble and point at my ankle.

  Kain chuckles but it’s cut short when Gordon asks, “Why aren’t you at your own home, Leontine? I figure it’s completely cleaned by now since I noticed all the windows have been restored. I could help out or arrange for some form of assistance if you would like to return home without any interference from him.”

  “Annoying piece of shit,” Kain mutters underneath his breath and heads for Gordon.

  “Be nice,” I say in a firm tone and it earns me a glare from Kain in return, which makes me smile.

  These last few days he’s been caring, protective, and sweet. He told me he would take care of my house but I didn’t think of going home since Denise clearly enjoys it here—mostly the overload of attention she gets from Kain—and to be honest, so do I.

  I know Kain has to go back to work in two days. Maybe it would be easier for all of us if I went home. With the sexual innuendos in mind, him being near all the time, and reminding me of how much pleasure he gave me all those years ago. It’s like waving candy in front of my face while I’m on a diet.

  I glance over to where Kain and Gordon were standing but they’re gone. My phone starts to ring and I reach inside my pocket to take it out and see it’s Paula, a woman my father hired a few months ago to be the person between me and my company. Even if I’m dealing with a lot of stuff nowadays, if it wasn’t for her, the pile would be bigger.

  “Hey, Paula,” I quip while grabbing some dirt with my other hand and cover the seeds Denise placed into the tiny hole she made.

  She presses her hands on the dirt to make sure it’s covered up good and it makes me praise her, “Good job, Denise.”

  Yes, I’ve decided to use Denise now all the time instead of Deni. The smile Denise gives Kain when he uses her full name warms my chest and it’s a reminder of a foundation that’s obviously settled between all of us.

  “Just checking in. I have a few things I need for you to sign, so I’ll probably swing by sometime next week if that’s okay.” The tiny sounds in the back indicate she’s glancing through papers and that’s typical Paula, always the multitasker. Handling a phone call while getting ready to deal with the next thing on her agenda.

  “Well, you have my address, shoot me a message when you’re headed my way so I’ll have coffee ready for you.” Paula has always been straightforward and maybe a bit pushy since she’s a workaholic and an overachiever. Though she’s easier to deal with than Gordon.

  Sometimes I wish I could fire Gordon but the man is good at his job and has never really overstepped boundaries or anything. I do wonder if my father promised him another promotion of some sort to get into a relationship with me, but I’ve never addressed the issue and neither did Gordon.

  Not that it would matter or change anything. Gordon still creeps me out, and not liking a guy is never a good reason to fire someone, even more when he is making you money. Business is business and it needs to stay clean and clear.

  I should have reminded myself of this when I treated Paula more like a friend rather than an employee. Something my father suggested—like the way he suggested I should marry Gordon. Another big mistake since Paula felt more superior to me seeing my position within the company.

  Her true colors showed even more when I shared how my father wanted me and Gordon to hook up, and how he still showed interest. Paula told me I should be thankful since Gordon wasn’t picky when it came to women, and how most men wouldn’t want to raise other people’s kids.

  “Are you staying at your place? Is it safe again?” Paula questions and this surprises me a bit.

  “Why shouldn’t it be safe? I’m sure it’s all checked out and cleaned.”

  “I thought they said it was arson? Didn’t anyone tell you? Gordon mentioned it to me the other day before we went into a meeting.” Her tone is matter-of-fact.

  I’m completely stunned and have no clue what to say. Arson? Someone deliberately set fire to my house? One I just barely moved into? Cold water pouring over my hand makes me gasp while Denise giggles. I give her a smile—trying like hell to shove back the fear and shock running through me.

  I clear my throat and tell Paula, “I’ve been busy with Denise and my ankle doesn’t give me much option other than to rest and let it heal. Kain is dealing with all of the other stuff for me.”

  “Kain? The firefighter who is also a part of an outlaw motorcycle club? Those types only care for their own benefit, and I’m sure he’s set his eyes on your company and all the money he can take from you. A company your father worked hard for. One Gordon has invested his hard work in for years. And so have I for the last few months.” For the first time I hear distaste and a hint of anger flowing through her voice with complete silence in the background.

  Why is she mentioning my father and Gordon? As if I’m an ungrateful bitch who needs to prioritize the company over everything. I have been a part of said company for years and worked just as hard as any other.

  Only I choose to prioritize in a different way and combine it with other parts of life along with it. And who is she to judge? Kain might be a part of an MC, but he’s also a hardworking man, a firefighter no less.

  He also mentioned something about having millions linked with your name and people tend to want you for different reasons as soon as they know who you are. I didn’t question it back then but does Kain have money? His house and lifestyle don’t show he has an overload of money, and I never asked.

  In the end, it doesn’t matter. “Kain. The biological father of my daughter, yes, that Kain. Text me when you bring me the documents that need to be signed. Have a good day, Paula.” I hit the end call button and tuck my phone away.

  I mindlessly grab a handful of dirt and throw it in another hole Denise made.

  “Mommy, I didn’t put the seeds in yet.” Denise giggles.

  My eyes meet hers and th
is is when every single hint of worry slides away. The look on her face with her precious smile and twinkle in her eyes is the kind of love that’s unconditional.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I wasn’t paying attention,” I simply say.

  “Where did your mind go?” Kain quips from my left, scaring the bejesus out of me.

  His hands shoot out and one is cupping the back of my neck while the other is caressing my cheek. “Calm down, Lee. Everything is okay. Tell me what has you spooked. Who was on the phone just now?”

  My eyes slide to Denise. She’s not focused on us but on her hands, playing with the dirt. I whisper out my words in a rush. “Paula. She needs me to sign some papers. She also mentioned the fire at my house was arson.”

  “It was, but I’m handling it. I told you the day I brought you here your first priority was to get that ankle healed. It’s not something I can do for you; your ankle can only heal if you let it by taking the time to rest. Everything else? Yeah, I’ll handle the rest. And I deliberately didn’t tell you any of it because you need time to breathe, not stress out about this shit. And again, I’m handling it.”

  “I don’t like to be blindsided. I need to know.” I take a deep breath and add, “You might think it’s necessary to keep me in the dark, but I know firsthand how information coming straight from the source makes all the difference. Besides, not saying anything in some cases can be interpreted as lying. I don’t want anything to stand between us again.”

  “Understood.” The corner of his mouth twitches and his face inches closer. “Nothing will stand between us again.”

  Wait. What? I’m still processing the way he gave me those husky words when his lips touch mine. Soft. Gentle. Tingling with the promise for more. My eyes close involuntarily and I surrender to the hint of pleasure he lights up inside my body.

  His sexy chuckle makes me flash my eyes open. Dammit, was I swooning like an idiot while the kiss was already over? Ugh, why, and how does he do this?

  I can feel my cheeks heat as Kain says, “No need to mention I like mommy, huh?”

  Shit. Why does this man suck up all my attention? How can we kiss in front of her? This must be confusing for Denise, and yes, for me too.

  “You’re a boy and if a boy kisses a girl, they get married. I saw it on TV. Are you going to marry my mommy?”

  “Holy shit, talk about movie time giving a twisted sense of education here,” Kain grumbles, and when his eyes hit mine, I can clearly see a glint of mischief and determination in his eyes.

  I know exactly what he wants to say but it’s too soon. We need to think about things and come up with a plan how to tell her instead of—

  “I just might, because I not only like your mommy, I also happen to be your daddy,” Kain easily supplies.

  “Crap on a cracker, why did you do that?” I hiss underneath my breath.

  Denise’s eyes ping pong between me and Kain. I hold my breath while Kain just gives her an easy smile.

  She suddenly shrugs and says, “Okay, you can be my daddy. But I’m going to need more water.” Denise holds out the watering can for Kain.

  “Come on, you can fill it yourself, and I’ll help you. But first I need to get your mommy out of the sun, she’s looking all flushed.” Kain scoops me up and brings me into the kitchen. He puts me on my feet near the sink and I balance on one leg while I wash my hands.

  Kain grabs one of the chairs from the kitchen table and guides me to it. He grabs another one and places it in front of the sink, lifting and placing Denise on it to allow her to refill the watering can herself.

  When she’s done, he lifts her off the chair and she heads out back into the yard yelling, “Thanks, Daddy!”

  Kain is frozen to the floor as he keeps staring at our daughter who skips back to the dirt and starts to play.

  “Yeah, don’t get all sentimental and shocked. If you’d told her you’re the king and she’s going to be a princess, she would have believed you too. She’s three, Kain. You can make her believe anything you want. But do you know what the biggest catch is? Making it reality. So, you’d better stick to it because this is something you started. And if you think it’s all fun and games now and can ditch when things get hard? Remember that I’m the one who needs to pick up the pieces. I will always be the one who will be there for her. Always.” My chest is heaving and my voice trembles.

  For the first time I’m facing the biker Kain. There’s no doubt about it. The menace and anger radiating from him is an overwhelming presence. But this concerns my daughter and I’m going to stand my ground, no matter who I need to face or what I have to overcome; she’ll always be my number one priority.

  She won’t ever endure the emptiness I felt when there was no one there to hug you when things got hard or when you simply needed one of your parents. I balance myself on one leg and put my hands on my hips to make a stand.

  All it does is make the menacing biker fade and the damn man’s mouth twitches. Is he internally laughing at me? Does he think this is all a joke? I’m about to give him hell but he slowly shakes his head, making my anger spike even more.

  “She’s mine, Lee. I’m not going anywhere and neither is she. You’re not the only one who is going to be there for her; always no matter what. Because I’m going to be standing right next to you through all of it. And in case you didn’t realize it yet, you being the mother of my kid also makes you mine. Mine to—”

  “What?” I snap, the words Paula mentioned earlier hitting me hard. “I can’t believe you just said that.” All anger fades and the only thing hitting me is defeat. “Paula was right.”

  “Now just hang on, what the fuck did Paula say? Because I was going to say ‘mine to protect’ before you cut me off,” he says, while he plows a hand through his short hair.

  I narrow my eyes, skeptical of his reply. “You’re not the slightest bit interested in my company? My money?”

  His head falls back and laughter rips out. And yet humor is lacking when he pins me with a hard stare.

  “Woman, the whole fucking reason I gave you a fake name before you screwed my brains out was so you weren’t after my damn money. Hell, I could buy your company from the spare change in my back pocket.” He shakes his head. “This Paula bitch needs to shut her piehole about things she doesn’t know or understand.”

  “You’re rich?” I squeak.

  No wonder he made the comment about having millions linked with your name. Dammit, I should have asked sooner.

  “That’s something I never flaunt around since it doesn’t define a person and some people you run into change when they become aware of your bank account. Am I a fair and honest guy? Hell yeah. A firefighter? You bet your damn life on it. A biker, through and through. Rich? That’s the term people use to point and label. I have investments and like to see things from a business side, enhance and prevail only in small doses and behind closed doors. My business isn’t anyone’s business. Except for when I show my face at the companies I own. The personnel and clients need to see the boss every now and then. A face to the company, personal, but also to let them know I have my eyes on everything. But first and foremost, I am the guy you see in front of you, not the amount of cash linked with my name.”

  “Well, excuse me, mister know-it-all. I’m glad you set the record straight and allow me to do the same. I am not yours. I might be the mother of your child but that’s where our connection ends.”

  With my next breath he’s in my personal space, hovering over me as he growls, “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re mine, Lee,” and crashes his mouth against mine.


  – KAIN –

  My eyes are fixed on the woman who drives me crazy and fills my body with the longing to possess every damn inch of her. She doesn’t get it. Maybe I don’t get it either, but that woman and our little girl—hell, all of us—are bound together and should be one family. It’s something you have to work for, understand the dynamics and communicate. And yet I feel like we’ve lost
too much time already.

  “I’ve agreed to let Gordon come by tomorrow morning to talk things through. Up to you if you want or need to. I told him you’d send him a text bright and early tomorrow with the time.” She doesn’t respond to my words and just keeps staring at the TV.

  She’s been giving me the silent treatment ever since I slammed my mouth over hers right after I voiced my claim over her in the kitchen this afternoon. I know I’m moving too fast but those results stating in black and white I’m the father aren’t some words on a piece of paper. It’s a responsibility. My responsibility.

  Ever since I discovered Denise existed it’s as if a piece of my soul has been ripped off and is prancing around out in the open. Walking this fucked-up world without any protection. Well, she’s got me, and her mother. But goddamned, she’s tiny, innocent, and just the thought of someone hurting her is eating me up.

  And I’m not freaking out being a newfound father. Okay, maybe I am. But someone set fire to their house. It seemed like someone wanted to give them a little scare since the fire started in the garage. But the idiot who placed the steel bucket with burning wood in there didn’t think of all the smoke filling up the space.

  You might think fire is dangerous but smoke is the real killer. The whole garage was filled with smoke and so was the house. Smoke is a mixture of gas and heat, one damn spark can become a sea of flames.

  Fire is a lot like water, it seeks the path of least resistance. It’s always hungry and looking for food. Half of her garage was filled with boxes she still needed to unpack, talk about fuel for the fire. She could have lost everything including our daughter and her own damn life.

  Placing the beer I just grabbed from the kitchen on the table, I lean back and watch Lee snatch it up and take a long swig and keep it in her hands for safekeeping.

  “That’s my beer,” I state.

  She gives me a glare and snaps, “You take what you want and claim it as yours without asking. So, now it’s my turn. This beer is mine.”


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