Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Flameover: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 11

by Esther E. Schmidt

  I stride closer. Holding Paula at gunpoint I bellow, “This ends now you murderous bitch.”

  “You’re not going to shoot me, Kain. Leontine will be dead if you do and you will never see your daughter again. You see, I kidnapped her and am holding her hostage in a place I only know the location of. This bitch here is going to sign those papers, give me the key to the safe where the bonds and money are and then I’ll be out of your way. No interference from any of you. I will give you the location of your daughter when I have what I want.” Paula acts if she’s in full control but I know the bitch is lying.

  Lee whimpers on the ground and I can’t spare her a glance or I’ll break.

  “Kain,” Archer says as he steps out of Hooligan’s. The fucker must have landed the helicopter somewhere and entered through the back.

  The moment is broken and the window of opportunity is rapidly closing.

  “Paula,” I snap. Her eyes land on mine and I growl out the words, “No one shoots my woman, threatens my kid, and lives to tell about it.”

  I fire the gun at the same time Grant jumps Gordon, taking him down to the ground and quickly overpowering him. I rush forward to place my boot on Gordon’s hand, making sure he can’t fire any bullets as Grant shoves his other hand behind the fucker’s back, snapping cuffs on the idiot.

  “Thanks,” I grunt.

  Grant nods and gets to his feet, dragging Gordon up to place him on his knees in front of him.

  “Kain!” Lee screams my name in pure agony as I rush toward her.

  Grayson appears out of nowhere and drops to his knees next to Lee and puts a large bandage on her leg to put pressure on her injury.

  “Denise?” Lee croaks. “She didn’t say where she took her. We need to find her, Kain.”

  I stroke her cheek and place a kiss on her forehead. “Sssshhh, sweetheart, it’s okay, don’t worry. Denise is fine. Well, I do have to tell you something but other than that she’s fine.”

  “But Paula took her. Where is she?” Lee wants to say more but closes her eyes and hisses at the pain shooting through her leg. EMTs rush to the scene and demand for me to move but I can’t leave her alone.

  “She was lying. Paula was lying her ass off in an effort to buy her way out of here. She was desperate and knew her time was up. So was Gordon for that matter, he knew there were no other options left but land his ass in jail. My mother called me mere moments ago and told me Denise fell off the swing and hurt her chin. Ivy, Chopper’s old lady, tended to her wound and placed butterfly strips on her chin. She was baking cookies with my father when I ended the call.”

  “She was lying?” Lee croaks, tears running freely over her cheeks.

  “Absolutely,” I say in all fierceness. “Our little girl is eating cookie dough at this very moment and I don’t think I’ll be getting the cookies she promised to bake me.”

  Lee chuckles on a sob and I can see the relief mixed with pain painting her face.

  I have to step away to allow the EMTs to get her on the stretcher and into the ambulance. Without words I get inside as they rush us to the hospital. After a few hours the injury Lee sustained is treated, she’s conscious, and we finally have a room to ourselves. She’s still groggy and disappointed she has to stay in the hospital, but at least she’s alive and on her way to recovery.

  “I spent weeks letting my ankle heal and now this,” she grumbles adorably.

  I give her hand a little squeeze. “Look at it this way, I’m now able to pamper you for a few more weeks.”

  I’m met with a full-on glare and she rips her hand away from underneath mine.

  “What time do your parents get here?” Her eyes go to the clock on the wall.

  I don’t have to check the time. “They will be here any minute. Are you sure you’re up to it?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me. Gordon and Paula have been dealt with and I want to go home. Why they are keeping me here is beyond me,” she huffs and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

  I lean back into the chair I’m sitting in. “You lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion along with a truckload of other meds and shit, the doctor explained it all and you know it. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop the bitch from shooting you,” I sigh and anger flares inside of me.

  She reaches out and covers her hand with mine. “It’s not your fault. If there’s anyone to blame it’s me. They both wanted . . . I don’t even know what they wanted. Paula wanted money? Revenge? Gordon wanted the company? Me? They wanted Denise gone, that’s for sure. If I didn’t move here, I can’t even begin to imagine what would have happened if we wouldn’t have ran in to each other again. We owe you our lives.”

  “In the past, Lee. The shit we put behind us might have given us a rocky start but it means we are able to handle the future ahead of us. Because we know how to survive the bad and mellow it all out with the good, right? You’re okay, I’m okay, our little girl is okay.”

  She snickers and shakes her head. “Stop talking with the overload of ‘okay’ you put in there. It’s a little too much and it makes it unbelievable. Though I get the idea . . . we have learned so much in life already and will learn a little more every day. But I could seriously use some smooth sailing for a while.”

  I can’t help but snicker and lean forward to place a kiss on her forehead.

  The door swings open and Denise rushes in with a big box in her tiny hands. She comes to an abrupt stop and gasps, “Mommy, how can you hurt the same leg all over again? And look, I had an owie too.”

  Denise tries to point at her chin and almost drops the huge box she’s holding. My mother steadies her and helps her get on the bed. Denise carefully maneuvers herself to get close to Lee and hands her the box. With both her hands free she points at her chin where a bandage with dinosaurs is covering most of her skin.

  “Look at my owie, Momma. Ivy made it all better and I was a tough little girl. She said so, and I got a lollipop too.” Her shoulders sag. “I fell off the swing.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie. Mommy tripped and fell. I guess the both of us were a little unlucky today, huh?” Lee says and wraps Denise in her arms to give her a hug.

  “That’s why grandpa and I made chocolate chip cookies. We made them in the shape of four-leaf clovers. Grandpa said it helps if you eat those, they will fill your belly with luck.” She shoots Lee a grin and I could fucking cry right here and now.

  Fuck. How damn lucky am I with these two in my life? No need to fill my belly with those cookies, all I need are these two close, surrounded by the support of my family.

  Denise gives Lee a cookie and I swear she mutters, “Mommy is gonna have a huge ass soon because I’m going to need all the luck in the world.”

  Leaning in next to her ear I whisper, “I love your big ass, especially with my name on there.”

  She flushes adorably and shoves the rest of her cookie in my mouth. Groaning loud at the sweetness hitting my tongue, the both of us reach inside the large box for another cookie.

  “Damn, those are amazing,” I grunt.

  “Language, son,” my father says.

  He’s standing next to my mother who is leaning against him as she watches us. Love openly displaying in her eyes and it’s all aimed at us. I swallow hard and feel tears burning my eyes. One never realizes the love parents and those who surround you hold until you stop and see what’s right in front of you. It’s so easy to take things for granted and yet one breath at a time gives you the chance to slow your roll and relish in the love you’re engulfed with.

  “I fucking love all of you,” I croak.

  My father snickers and shakes his head. “Right back at ya, son. But you still need to watch your language.”

  All of us laugh and I release a deep sigh right after. Hopefully we get to experience more happy moments together, though I would prefer them out of the hospital and with everyone unhurt and healthy.



  “Why can’t we ke
ep going the way it’s been going the past few weeks?” I question and place the lasagna on the table.

  It’s been almost six weeks since I was shot and today is the day Kain started the conversation about my father’s company. Well, it’s my company but with both Gordon and Paula gone—me spending time in the hospital and recovering—Kain and his father have stepped in to make sure the company kept moving forward.

  I still can’t believe everything is behind us. I’m thankful Kain is a part of the MC which allowed him to step up and make sure I was safe. Even more lucky there were no consequences since Kain shot Paula. Though it was self-defense with her shooting me and holding us at gunpoint, but still.

  “Because it’s time. No excuses,” he simply says and starts to put some lasagna on Denise’s plate.

  “In my opinion it’s been going perfect the way it is,” I mutter and it earns me a glare in return.

  I know I’m fussing but not having to deal with the company is fine by me. I wasn’t used to dealing with it before my father died and avoided handling it after he died. I kept finding excuses to let Paula and Gordon handle most of it.

  “You do realize the choice isn’t very hard to make, do you?” Kain says and spears a green pea on his fork. “And why are there peas in my lasagna?”

  Denise giggles and I try to hide my laughter.

  Kain raises his eyebrow at me but it’s Denise who answers. “I love green peas and mommy once said any recipe you make is personal and you can perfect it to your own taste. So, peas, Daddy. You don’t like my peas?”

  Kain chuckles and reaches out to stroke his finger along Denise’s cheek. “I like the peas, sweetie.”

  Denise beams and starts to eat her lasagna.

  “You might think the choice is easy for me, but I really don’t know what to do,” I sigh.

  Kain tilts his head slightly, chews slowly and places his fork on his plate. “What have you been doing all these weeks? Besides recovering. I mean the time you focused on the company that once belonged to your father. Have you shown interest? Asked me or my father for updates? My dad is retired and don’t get me wrong, he likes doing this for you but I think it’s time you looked forward and make decisions for you and the company. Future stuff.”

  Future stuff. I should probably tell him I peed on a stick this morning and found out I’m pregnant and would like nothing more than to focus on our children, family, friends, and organizing conventions from time to time like I’ve been doing.

  Kain reaches behind him and grabs a file to place it on the table and slides it toward me. “My father has been dealing with everything and has glanced over the contracts your father asked the lawyers to draw up before he died. The company he reached out to who were interested in a merger are a good fit. It’s all here in the file. You can either follow through what your father had planned, or you can sell it, or hire new people to run it for you and then you’d still have to oversee everything every now and then.”

  I release a deep sigh and mindlessly stab at my lasagna, knowing very well Kain is right and I’ve been avoiding it for a long time.

  “Thank you.” I eye the file and would like to stab it with my fork instead of dealing with it. “Did you ask your father what he thought was best?”

  “It has to be your decision, Lee.” He points at the file. “But my dad put the papers of the merge your father wanted at the top of the pile. That should say something. But again, your company, your decisions. And that reminds me, I have to go to Vegas in a few weeks to handle my company; the usual personal check in I always do from time to time. Want to make it a family vacation thing? I hate leaving you guys for a couple of days.”

  A fork clatters on the table and Denise is staring at me, waiting for my answer.

  I point my fork at her. “Finish eating, Denise.” I glance back at Kain. “We will all go.”

  “Yay!” Denise squeals and jumps off her chair to head for the kitchen.

  I’m about to tell her to get back to the table but Kain slowly shakes his head. “Leave her be, she needs to get something she and I planned.”

  My eyebrows scrunch up. They planned something? Denise runs back into the room with a large box he always puts the cookies in she loves to bake with her grandpa and grandma.

  “Cookies are for after dinner, sweetie,” I tell her but she shakes her head and places the box on my lap.

  It reminds me of the box I put the two pregnancy tests in to give Kain later. Yes, I took two to make sure the first one was correct. And even if the last few months together have been amazing, and we both have our eyes set on the future; on our family, I’m still nervous how he will react when I tell him I’m pregnant. Though it shouldn’t be such a surprise since the man has refused to use a condom ever since we reconnected.

  “Open it, Mommy,” Denise says and is bouncing on her feet, clapping her hands while staring at the box.

  My gaze finds Kain to see if he can give me a hint as to why this is so important. He doesn’t give anything away and just stares right back.

  I grab the lid. “Did you make some special clover, good luck cookies again?” I question and open the box to find a tiny black jewelry box inside. I gasp and put the lid back on.

  Standing abruptly, I place the box on the table and wipe my sweaty hands on my summer dress. Holy shit, he’s going to ask me to marry him. He can’t. I can’t. I have to tell him I’m pregnant first. What if he freaks out and doesn’t want to get married? He needs to know. I spin on my heels and open the drawer of the tiny desk in the corner. I grab the box and stalk back to the dinner table where two confused people are staring at me.

  I swallow hard and place the box on the table, sliding it in front of Kain. “You have to open mine first.”

  I take a seat and pick up Denise to place her on my lap.

  Kain takes the box in his hands, opens it and glances inside. His eyes go wide when he sees what’s inside. He quickly closes the box and puts it back on the table. His eyes hold mine in place. Seconds go by where no words are exchanged.

  “You peed on a stick?” he finally croaks. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. That’s why I took two tests instead of just one,” I tell him as Denise glances up at me and then at Kain. “Mommy peed on a stick? Why did she pee on a stick? Dogs pee on a stick. Why did she—”

  Kain chuckles and I can’t help but laugh too, though mine comes out as a nervous one.

  Kain points at the box in front of me, the one Denise gave me. “Open and give me an answer.”

  I roll my eyes and mutter, “If it is what I think it is you should ask me the question first.”

  Opening the tiny black box, I’m absolutely stunned at the beauty of the antique ring inside. I carefully take it out and hold it closer to my face.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I whisper.

  “Daddy says it’s special,” Denise beams. “We went to the store yesterday where they cleaned it. The lady who made it all shiny and pretty said it was very special too.”

  I glance at Kain who is staring proudly at Denise. His eyes find mine and he tells me, “The ring belonged to my mother. Roan and Broke kept it locked away to be able to give it to me when I needed it. When my father was killed, they boxed up all his stuff and found the ring in a tiny safe along with other personal stuff from my mother. As a kid I remembered my adoptive mother taking it out and putting me on her lap to tell me about my birth mother. Showing pictures, bracelets, reminding me who my parents were.”

  “I was named after my . . . my . . . bio granny.” Denise nods with a proud grin and shrugs, knowing she understands and yet can’t find the right words.

  It seems Kain explained it all to her and planned all of this together to make it a special moment.

  “Yes, you were,” I croak and place a kiss on her forehead.

  I slide the ring on my finger and focus on Kain. “It’s absolutely gorgeous and I’m honored. Thank you.”

  “Gimme the right words, Lee,” he says and rais
es one of his eyebrows.

  I roll my eyes but a smile tugs my lips when I tell him, “Yes, Kain. I will marry you.”

  Kain stands and strolls around the table to place a sweet kiss on my mouth. When he pulls back he says, “I expect you to pee on some more sticks in the future.”

  A laugh escapes me and I shake my head. “Let’s handle one at a time, okay? The last time was hard enough, and I have to do it all over again in a few months. I’m just happy I don’t have any morning sickness like I had the last time.”

  “Maybe it’s a boy?” Kain whispers.

  “Or a little hellion of a girl,” I whisper back.

  “Can I pee on a stick too?” Denise’s voice jerks both our gazes to land on her. She looks at us expectantly and I’m trying not to laugh while Kain actually looks horrified as he says, “Not any time soon. Fuck. Not ever.”

  I smack him on the chest and explain to Denise, “What we mean by peeing on a stick is to do a test. Here, let me show you the stick because it’s not a normal one where dogs pee on, sweetie.” I reach over and grab one of the two pregnancy tests inside the box. “Mommy took this test to see if I was right, and I was. This stick will show lines if you pee on it and have a baby in your belly. And Mommy has a baby in her belly. A little brother or sister is growing inside. Do you understand what I’m explaining to you?”

  Denise’s eyes go wide and slide to my belly. Her tiny finger gently presses against me. “There’s a whole baby tucked in there?”

  “The new baby needs to grow. He or she is tiny right now and it will take a few months to grow. You will see your mommy’s belly get bigger and bigger until your brother or sister is ready to come out and meet you,” Kain easily supplies.

  “Mary had a little sister last week and now she’s a big sister. I’m going to be a big sister too?” she asks, her face filled with adoration mixed with excitement.

  Denise has been going to preschool and really enjoys making new friends. Mary is amongst her new friends and like Denise said, Mary’s mother gave birth to a little girl last week.


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