Diary of a Demon Hunter 4: Doubly Dying

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Diary of a Demon Hunter 4: Doubly Dying Page 6

by Michele Bardsley

  Auren nodded.

  The Goddess stretched out her hands. “Rise, Maggie.”

  To Rafe’s shock, Maggie’s eyes fluttered open. All her wounds healed instantly. She sat up, dazed, and turned to look at Rafe. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m so sorry. I love you. I don’t care about anything else, Maggie. We’ll work it out, I swear it.”

  “I gave your ring away,” she sobbed. “I loved that ring and I gave it away!”

  The God and the Goddess laughed. “Do not torture her, Raphael.”

  He grinned, pulling the ring out of his pocket and putting it on Maggie’s finger once again. “I got it back.”

  She cried harder, for once obviously not caring about showing weakness or acting like a bad-ass. Rafe wiped away her tears while ignoring his own.

  “The balance is restored,” said the God.

  “Where were you?” accused Maggie. “You think one human with a little demon blood can save the world?”

  “One did,” He answered. “Abatu is no more. Your father has been released from his prison and he walks in Heaven again.”

  Rafe heard Maggie’s gasp as a tall gentleman with black hair, kind eyes, and an easy smile ascended the hill. Maggie stood up and embraced her father.

  “You did well, Maggie my girl,” he said. “I love you.”

  Maggie released her father. “Daddy, this is Rafe. He’s… ah, my fiancé.”

  Abraham Mortis shook Rafe’s hand. “Congratulations. I would tell you to take care of her, but…”

  “I know, sir. She can take care of herself. How about if I agree to just love her for all time?”

  Abraham nodded. “That’ll do.”

  “And now, for one more task,” said the Goddess.

  The crystal which held Abatu’s twin daughter floated from the ground to the Goddess’ hands. “There is another choice. Destroy the one who might one day destroy the world or…”

  “Or what?” asked Maggie.

  The Goddess smiled.

  * * *

  One month later…

  In their bedroom, Maggie smoothed the sandalwood oil over Raphael’s chest. She palmed his nipples, leaning down to nip his chin. He tried to capture her lips, but she smiled and slid further down his body, rubbing the oil across his stomach and down his thighs.

  “I love you,” he said, as his hands drifted down her arms.

  “I love you, too,” she said. Their marriage had not been in Vegas, but in Heaven where the God and the Goddess had blessed their union. You couldn’t get anymore sanctified than that. And both her parents had been able to attend.

  It had taken days to get all the zombies returned to their graves. Even Phil had returned to his resting place. The demon hordes had barely started rampaging when Abatu died.

  Drak, the former high king in Hell, had resumed control of demonkind and reined in the rebellion. Demons were still assholes who needed ass-kicking, but at least they weren’t overrunning the Earth.

  The Otherworld problems were not easily solved. The High Council had been disbanded. The so-called neutral beings in charge of keeping the balance were no longer considered neutral. Even Celeste had felt the pinch of the new rules. Her club had been shut down, lest it create a place where beings from different planes could plot against the balance.

  Maggie didn’t much care for the Otherworld. Hell sucked, too. But Heaven, now there was a place she’d be happy to hang out for all eternity. The God and the Goddess told her and Rafe that there was more work for them to do. One day the world would need them again. And they had a very important task to take care of until that time came.

  Smiling as happiness entwined with desire, she lubed Rafe’s cock and stroked the thick member until Rafe begged for mercy. She cupped his balls, massaging them lightly as her hand continued torturing her husband’s cock.

  “Maggie,” he moaned. “That feels so good.”

  “I know what will feel better.” She rotated so that her ass faced him, and then she placed her knees on either side of his hips. Rafe guided his cock into her slick entrance.

  She rose slightly and lifted her hips. The delicious angle bumped her G-spot and sent pre-orgasmic tingles through her. She found a rhythm that tortured them both, panting and moaning as she worked his cock in and out of her.

  “Oh, Maggie!” Rafe slapped her ass and the stinging pain shot straight to her pussy.

  “Yes, Rafe,” she called out. “Yes! Oooooh!”

  Her orgasm quickened as he slapped her ass again. Sweat dripped from her breasts and raced down her neck and back. She could barely get oxygen into her lungs as pleasure curled within her pussy.

  “Rafe!” She gasped as the orgasm roared through her. The strength of it pushed Rafe’s cock out. She whipped around and sucked him greedily.

  He came within seconds, his hot seed hitting the back of her throat as he thrust deeply. His cock pulsed within her mouth as she sucked him dry, licking him down to the balls.

  When she was finished, Maggie rose to her knees, and grinned. “Wanna do it again?”

  Rafe flipped her and held onto her wrists as he nuzzled her breasts. He sucked on her aching nipples. Maggie moaned as renewed pleasure coasted through her. She wrapped her legs around Rafe and drew him closer.

  His cock was already hardening again as he played with her breasts. She arched against him and rubbed her cunt against his cock.

  Rafe kept hold of her wrists as he demanded, “Put your legs together.”

  She did as he asked.

  His cock pierced her thighs and found her slick entrance. He pushed inside her and groaned.

  He fucked her slowly, his lips plucking at her nipples until he built another fire, one which burned higher and hotter until she came.

  As her orgasm sucked at his cock, he let go of her wrists. “Press your tits together.”

  She pressed her breasts against each other, and Rafe extracted himself from her pussy and moved up until he could fit his cock into the cave formed by her breasts.

  He held onto the headboard as he fucked her breasts, which were lubed by her own sweat and come. Maggie heard his sharp intake of breath, then his cock pulsed hotly against her flesh.

  His come showered her collarbone and neck in thick, hot spurts.

  After a moment, he managed to unclench his hands and roll onto the bed. He used a corner of the sheet to wipe Maggie’s neck clean.

  Maggie smiled then whispered, “You wanna do it again?”

  He laughed, but his response was stalled by a distinct cry sounding through the monitor on the nightstand. Rafe reached over and grabbed it. “She’s awake.”

  They put on robes and walked to the nursery next to their room. Now their underground facility housed a shape-shifting grandmother, a necromancer, a human, demon, and their baby, and this child.

  Their adopted daughter.

  “Sssshhh,” said Rafe as he scooped the fussing infant into his arms. She quieted, looking at him with big, green eyes.

  “She’s so beautiful,” whispered Maggie. She tugged on a tiny fist. “Do you think we did the right thing?”

  “Yes,” said Rafe. “She deserves a life. She deserves a chance to make her own choices.”

  Maggie nodded. Love had bloomed suddenly and fully within her for this baby. This little girl was hers and Rafe’s and nothing else mattered.

  “I’ll fix her some demonfire,” said Rafe as he handed her to Maggie.

  “What are you fussing about? Hmm?” asked Maggie in that silly tone all parents used with their children.

  The baby cooed as the distinct odor of poop wafted to Maggie’s nostrils. “Ew. That’s why your daddy handed you over.”

  Maggie took her to the changing table and put her down. As she unsnapped the pink sleeper, she looked at her daughter and said, “Now is that any way for an angel to act?”

  Michele Bardsley’s Diary of a Demon Hunter series

  Diary of a D
emon Hunter 1: Death Unwept

  Maggie Mortis hunts and traps demons while searching for the soul-sucking bastard who murdered her parents. Her only friends are the handsome Guardian Damian and his assistant, Elise. Then tragedy brings into her life the gorgeous half-demon Raphael… who offers protection, steamy sex, and the chance to fall in love. If the world doesn’t end first…

  Diary of a Demon Hunter 2: Death Unhonored

  Maggie Mortis continues the search for Abatu -- the demon king who killed her parents. Along the way, she finds a possessed kitten and a new assistant -- who thinks she’s pregnant with the Anti-Christ. Oh yeah. Maggie’s also the prize in a testosterone-fueled battle between her new half-demon lover and her former vampire bedmate. What’s a demon hunter to do when her sex life is in mortal jeopardy?

  Diary of a Demon Hunter 3: Death Unsung

  When the demon that killed her beloved Guardian barters for protection, Maggie Mortis wants to shove a scythe into Magnus’s scaly ass. Unfortunately, he has the information she needs to find her missing lover Raphael… so she makes the deal and gets a ticket straight to Hell.

  Meanwhile, her home has become a way-station for homeless demons, she tells the High Council to fuck off, and then there is her newest assistant, a grandmotherly Elf with secrets of her own. But hell, she knows how to bake the perfect sugar cookie…

  Michele Bardsley

  Michele Bardsley put pen to paper in junior high in the form of angst-filled poetry, angst-filled journals, and angst-filled short stories. She went to college to be a journalist, but she ended up majoring in marriage and motherhood. She promptly failed housework, plant care, and staying calm when faced with big owies.

  Michele loves to hear from her fans! Visit her website at MicheleBardsley.com or email her at [email protected].

  To view her other Changeling Press titles, go here:





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