Time for Change

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Time for Change Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Please,” she said, moaning against his lips.

  She didn’t know how he managed to walk her across the apartment as she wasn’t a small girl, but right at that moment, she didn’t care.

  Once inside the bedroom, he placed her on her feet, tearing at the dress. She heard the fabric rip and cried out as he did the same with her panties and bra. Nothing was saved as he tore at her clothing until she stood before him naked.

  “You’re so fucking sexy.” Hands gripped her hips, tugging her close. She gasped, wrapping her arms around him.

  Her breasts smashed against his hard, masculine chest. She couldn’t believe she was naked with him. Chris was older than she was and could have any woman he wanted, yet here he was, wanting her.

  He gripped her ass hard, making her yelp. Breaking from him, she watched avidly as he removed his jeans. Chris wasn’t wearing any boxer shorts, and his thick length sprang free. “I’m going to fuck you hard tonight. You won’t be able to walk for the next week.” They both stood naked, facing each other.

  With the other men she’d been with, Rachel would usually try to cover up her nakedness. Chris didn’t make her feel like covering up. The heat in his eyes built her confidence along with the evidence of his arousal.

  The man before her was not put off by her added weight. She knew she could probably lose a lot of poundage, but the diets were never good. Going to the gym to work out made her feel wrong. She hated it all.

  “You’re thinking too hard. Stop thinking. In fact, I forbid you to think about anything but me.” He stepped closer, invading her space once again. His cock bumped her stomach. Chris had to be the longest man she’d ever seen. Licking her lips, she returned her gaze to his.

  “That’s right, baby. Look at me, not at the floor or my cock, me.” His grip left her ass to cup her face. “This is where I’m with you.” Chris touched her head. “I’m in here. This has always been coming.”

  He leaned in close, and she scented the coffee on his breath. Had he been waiting up for her?

  His breath fanned her face. She let out a moan, wanting him to break the small gap between them and take her lips. Rachel wanted him to take from her. He was so much bigger than she was. The muscles in his arms were huge.

  The time he spent at the gym was well worth it.

  “No closing your eyes,” he said.

  Lips touched her. His lips were gentle at first, soothing almost with how light he was being. Fingers caressed her cheek falling down to cup her neck and tilt her head back. Her body felt sensitive as if her skin was not her own. Chris was the one in control of her body, not her. He knew how to work her into a frenzy, and he was only just kissing her.

  She growled in frustration, pausing Chris’s kiss.

  “Am I going fast enough for you?” he asked, whispering against her ear. She’d never been seduced like this. The other men were fast and rarely gave her an orgasm. Chris was taking his time, and that she wasn’t used to.

  “No, you’re fine.”

  “You’ve never had a man take his time with you, have you?”

  Rachel kept her mouth shut. She didn’t need him to mock her lack of experience with men or their inconsiderate behavior.

  He moved his hands down to cup her breasts. “No one has taken the time to love these. Your tits are firm and need a lot of attention.” Down his hand went to her stomach. “Your curves are in all the right places. I can’t wait to grip onto you while I fuck you hard and take what I want.”

  “Why are you saying these things?” she asked.

  “Because they’re true.”

  She gasped as his fingers slid through her slit, touching her clit, going down to finger her entrance.

  “You’re soaking wet. I bet I could have you screaming within seconds. Has anyone brought you to orgasm through sex, or do they make you bring yourself off?” he asked.

  Her face couldn’t get any hotter if he tried. “Don’t, Chris.”

  “I want to know, and I’m not going any further until you tell me the truth.” His fingers stilled on her clit. She tried to move, but he kept her steady with another hand on her hip. The strength in his grip alone surprised her.

  “That’s right. I’m the one in charge. You’ll do as I say and nothing else.”

  His words were turning her on more. Every relationship in her life, she’d been the one in charge, the one to say yes or no to what they were doing. Chris wasn’t giving her chance to dispute him. Staring into his eyes she saw that he was the one who’d get the final say. If she was going to go through with this then she needed to give herself to him completely. There would be no holding back with him. He’d demand everything from her.

  Would it be so bad to give him everything of herself? He’d never hurt her. Chris was a good man inside and out even when he tried to hide it. She saw the good in him and refused to believe he’d hurt her.

  “No, I’ve never had an orgasm with a man.”

  “During or after sex?”

  She shook her head.

  “Did you even get to orgasm at all with your own hand?”

  “Only when I got home. No, I never stayed the night either. I couldn’t sleep with anyone.” She looked away, somewhere past his shoulder.

  “Hey, you don’t get to hide from me, and you won’t be sneaking out of my bed either. I’ll tie you to my bed if you even try.” He stepped close, giving her no choice but to step back. The backs of her legs hit the bed causing her to sit down.

  “Lean back.”

  She leaned back. He pressed a hand on her chest forcing her all the way to her back. Taking a deep breath she looked up at the ceiling and gasped. She was staring back at herself. Chris had a mirror on the ceiling. What the hell?

  “Why do you have a mirror on your ceiling?” she asked.

  “I like to watch everything.”

  Was this kinky?

  Rachel watched him spread her thighs wide, revealing her pussy to his sight. “Your scent is heavenly. I love vanilla and cream.”

  She saw him spread the lips of her sex open. Her small patch of curls between her thighs made him cluck his tongue. “I want you bare for me, baby. Will you let me shave you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what you want.”

  “Then I’ll tell you want I want.” He ran his fingers through her pubic hair and pulled on the strands. She gasped. “I want all of these off.”

  Could she do it?

  “You’ll trust me to do it.”

  Like that, she felt the trust seep into her body. He got up from the bed, leaving her alone as he went to the bathroom. This had to be the weirdest day of her life. He returned with a small bowl, a razor, some foam, and a towel.

  Keeping her gaze on the mirror she watched as he washed her pubic hair with water before applying the foam. He really knew what he was doing.

  Well, duh, he’s got a face he needs to shave regularly.

  If someone had told her she’d be laid on Chris’s bed with him about to shave her pussy, she’d have burst out laughing. Now, she was dripping wet. This man was showing her so much attention she didn’t know what to do with herself.

  “I’m going to need you to be calm and steady. No moving,” he said.

  Watching herself get bare shouldn’t have turned her on. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from what he was doing. Each stroke was done expertly without any hesitation. Chris didn’t look up from what he was doing. He stroked through her hair removing it, piece by piece. Once everything was done, he went over it again after foaming her up.

  She had a hairless pussy.

  When he was done, he washed away all traces of the foam and left the room. Rachel simply stared at her new pussy. It looked odd to her, as if it wasn’t her own. He returned seconds later looking like a dying man.

  Without a word spoken, he knelt between her thighs. Her gaze went from his head to the mirror. This was it. The lines had been crossed, and there was no going back. Part of her never wanted to go back again.
/>   ****

  Running his fingers over her bare skin, Chris tried to stifle his moan. Rachel was so fucking sexy, showing him trust that no woman had given him. Claire always took care of herself, and seeing Rachel’s pubic hair, he’d wanted to be the one to prepare her for himself. Her scent was stronger without anything in the way. The lips of her sex were glistening wet. She was turned on, and he knew he would never have to hold himself back with her.

  Claire and some of his other bed partners scared too easily. They didn’t like his edge in the bedroom. He’d always been the one in control, and now he was going to get that chance with Rachel.

  He should probably thank all of his useless bed partners for giving him Rachel like this. She’d be more open and more adventurous for what he had in store.

  Opening her lips he saw her swollen clit begging for his mouth. Pulling her down to the edge of the bed, he took the time to simply look at her. He’d made sure the bed had a full length mirror, and Rachel would get the chance to watch everything he was doing to her.

  “Chris?” she asked, sounding nervous.

  “Shut up and enjoy. Everything I do to you is going to make you feel good. Don’t over-think everything. This is for the both of us.”

  She was silent then. Her body was tense, and he intended to make sure she was liquid heat by the time he was done.

  He couldn’t believe no man had ever explored this pussy. Smiling, he ran his fingers through her clit, down to her entrance. He paused at her cunt, pressing a thumb to her clit. Chris teased around her hole, feeling how tight she was.

  Her breathing grew louder with each passing second.

  “I’ve got you, baby.”

  Each inch grew tighter, and he was only inserting two fingers. He scissored them, trying to get her to open up for him. She moaned, thrusting up to meet his hand. His thumb stayed over her clit, not moving. The pressure must be driving her insane.

  “You’re tight.”

  She didn’t say anything. Glancing up, he saw her brown eyes looking at him. “Is this really happening?” she asked.

  Adding a third finger, he started to stroke his thumb over her clit. “This is really happening.”

  Her gaze returned to the mirror. Chris didn’t want her thinking about anything but him. Pulling his fingers from her cunt, he licked the cream off and then spread her lips wide. He replaced his thumb with his tongue, licking her clit over and over.

  She cried out, her hands gripping his hair. “Stop!”

  Chris pulled away, removing her hands from his hair. “It will feel weird at first, but I promise you, you’ll feel even better when I’m done,” he said, nodding at her.

  Rachel whimpered. Keeping hold of her hands, he pressed them to the bed, keeping her trapped in the same space. “Don’t move, don’t fight. Feel what I’m doing to you, and don’t be afraid of it.”

  There was no way he was stopping unless she started to look frightened.

  He flicked her clit with his tongue, and slowly, with each movement of his mouth, she started to relax in his arms. Her responses turned him on. Sucking her clit, he nibbled down with his teeth watching her come apart. She wasn’t anywhere near ready to give her an orgasm.

  Gripping her hands by her side, he left her clit, going down to plunder her cunt. Her cream soaked his tongue, bathing him in her essence.

  “Chris,” she said, moaning. Her hips jolted off the bed onto his tongue. He fucked her hard before leaving her to go up to circle her nub.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck me,” he said, flicking her clit.

  She cried out, rocking underneath him. Her hands tried to break free, but he kept hold of her.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, crying out.

  “Then come, Rachel. Soak me with your cream.” He focused on her clit, watching as her eyes closed and her body tensed. She cried out. The noise bounced off the walls surrounding him. Her whole body shuddered underneath him, and still, he continued to torture her clit.

  Cream leaked out of her hole down to the crack of her ass. Together they moaned until he finally pressed one kiss to her cunt. He wiped his face with the back of his hand but made no other move to clean anything else away. She went to her elbows, staring down at him. “That was amazing.”

  “Good, be prepared for more of that by the end of the night. Your cunt is too fucking sweet to ignore.” He stood up, fisting his length. “Sit up.”

  She did as he asked, sitting on the end of the bed. Rachel looked shaky as she looked at him.

  “Open your lips.”

  Her lips opened slightly. Chris stepped forward, sinking one hand into her hair as the other gripped his shaft. He ran the tip along her lips, watching his pre-cum leave a trail along her lips. “Lick it up.”

  Her tongue peeked out, licking her lips and swallowing him down. The tip of her tongue caressed his cock, making him groan. She felt hot to the touch.

  She opened her mouth once again without him ordering her to do so. Pressing only the tip inside her, he watched her close around him sucking the tip. She didn’t use teeth, and he felt her tongue, stroking around the head. Tightening his hand in her hair, he controlled her movements on his cock.

  Slowly, he bobbed her head up and down, going a little deeper each time. She tucked some hair behind her ear, and he took her hand, wrapping her hand around his cock. He used her hand as a guide. Thrusting into her mouth, he stopped at where her hand began. Using her hair, he fucked her face in smooth, harsh strokes not going too deep or hard.

  “That’s it, baby, suck my cock. I want to feel you working me.”

  Her hand tightened around his length, squeezing him.

  “Such a pretty mouth.” He pulled out of her lips and got her to lick the length. Chris watched her lick all around him, taking the tip and swallowing his pre-cum. He was so turned on it was only a matter of time before he exploded. Rachel listened to all of his commands without any questions. She did what he asked to the letter.

  “Now, take it all in. I’m going to come, and I want you to swallow every drop,” he said.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t push him away. She closed her eyes, taking all of him as he fucked her hard and fast. Her hand stopped him from hurting her. He tightened his fist in her hair and felt the orgasm from the tips of his toes as he spilled his cum into her mouth. Watching her throat work, he gave her every bit of his cum, not letting a drop be spilled out of him. Only when he was ready, did he pull away.

  A small droplet of cum was left at the corner of her mouth. He brushed it away with his thumb and pressed it between her lips. She stared into his eyes and swallowed it down.

  Yes, there was no doubt in his mind that their relationship had changed, big time.

  Chapter Five

  Rachel couldn’t believe what was happening. His thumb was still inside her mouth, and there was something going on between them. Her body was covered in goose-bumps from what had just happened. She’d never swallowed a man’s cum before. With Chris, she didn’t want to tell him no or let him down. He turned her on in ways that surprised and delighted her.

  Chris removed her thumb, stroking her cheek. “Lie back on the bed.”

  Breaking eye contact, she moved until she was resting against the pillows. The mirror above her was a distraction. Chris grabbed her attention again as he crawled up the bed, settling down beside her. Together they looked at their reflections in the mirror. She was struck by how different they were. His body was rock hard and tanned. From the view she had in the mirror she didn’t see an ounce of fat on him.

  Her body was pale. She rarely wore a swimming costume and never took the time to sunbathe outside. There were no hard tones or lines of muscle visible in the mirror. She wasn’t repulsive, but she wasn’t slender either.

  “You’re thinking again,” he said.

  She looked in his eyes, seeing the warning staring back at her. “How do you know I’m thinking?”

  “You’re easy to read, baby. I know when you’r
e thinking when I’ve told you not to. You’re being naughty.” He took her hand in his, locking the fingers together. “Do you want to know what I see when I look at you?”

  Heat filled her cheeks. She was blushing at what was happening. Chris was naked beside her. His face had been between her legs, and she’d sucked his cock. She must have entered some other kind of dimension or something. This stuff didn’t happen to her. She had sex in the dark, under blankets and, if she could, still partly clothed. Being naked with a guy was a huge step. No other man had seen her naked besides Chris. Crap, why wasn’t she trying to cover herself up?

  “I’m going to tell you anyway,” he said.

  Rolling her eyes, Rachel giggled. Chris kept hold of her hand, and she stared at him in the mirror. “This is insane.”

  “Well, I know why you like me. I think it’s only fair that I get to tell you why I like you.” He sounded so sensible.

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “This is not going to be about your personality or how much fun you are.”

  “This isn’t normal,” she said. There was no way people discussed what they liked about each other.

  “I don’t give a fuck about the norm, baby.”

  Taking a deep breath, she settled back and nodded. “Okay then, I’m ready for you to tell me the truth.”

  He laughed. The sound made her stop as she saw the complete transformation on his face. There were no dark edges, or scary look to him. Chris looked happy for once.

  “One point I should mention is that your curves drive me crazy. I’m not going to pretend you’re super model thin, ‘cause you’re not. I’m no liar, but I love your curves.” She dropped her gaze from his. She knew about her curves, and she never asked for anyone to lie to her about it. “Hey, you will look at me when I’m talking to you.” Feeling like a scolded child, she returned her gaze to his and waited for him to speak. “Your curves drive me wild, and not only today but for a long time I’ve wanted to get you naked. I’ve been begging to see what your curves look like under the baggy clothes you wear. You pissed me off wearing the dress that clings to you tonight. That was the dress I brought for you, and I expect you to wear it for me.”


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