Time for Change

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Time for Change Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Feeling sick, she stared down at the sink. She wasn’t going to vomit anymore.

  “Go to the pharmacy at the end of the street. Get one of the kits and come back here. I’ll cover the bar. Please, get yourself looked after before I start freaking out some more.”

  Rachel wanted to tell him no, but she needed to know the answer for herself.

  Leaving the bar, she checked to make sure Chris wasn’t parked somewhere making a phone call or anything. She headed in the direction of the pharmacy. Once inside the shop, she looked through the aisles and couldn’t believe she was looking for pregnancy test kits. Finding the shelf, she took three boxes with each box containing two kits. Six tests should give her enough to get started on.

  The woman kept smiling as she rang up her order. Why did women have to look so happy about this?

  You’d be happy if you knew what Chris would think.

  Shaking off her thoughts, she walked back to the bar, wishing time would just stop. So far, her time with Chris had been going wonderful, apart from working together, which hadn’t gone well. A child would interrupt that, and she didn’t even know if Chris wanted another child. Hurdles seemed to be throwing themselves at her over and over again. First her feelings with regards to her dead sister, then working with him, and now this. Okay, so not many hurdles, but one after the other felt like a lot.

  David followed her to the bathroom. Another member of staff was seeing to the bar.

  “You don’t have to come with me. There’s no way you’re watching me pee,” she said, glaring at him.

  “I’m not the one taking the tests, Rachel. You are.”

  He closed the stall as she went to peeing on the sticks. She actually liked his company, and her hands shook while peeing on the sticks. “I hate this,” she said, talking to him.

  “I know. Does Chris have any idea?”

  “No. He lost a daughter in that plane crash.” She stopped, biting her lip to keep herself from talking. “I don’t even know if he wants a family. We’ve never talked about it at all.”

  “Didn’t he want whatever made you happy?” David asked.

  “Yeah, but I’ve never mentioned a family.”

  “Then you’ve got a lot to talk about.”

  She rolled her eyes and left the stall. After the required time, Rachel almost passed out. Every test she took was positive.

  Why couldn’t her life be easier instead of harder?


  Chris had the keys in his hand and was waiting for Rachel to finish work. Tomorrow was his last day at the hospital. Usually a party was thrown to say goodbye to the person leaving. Chris made sure no one wanted to say goodbye to him. The women knew their place. He’d gotten so angry at the thought of losing Rachel he’d taken it out on all of them. Things he once let slide in the workplace, he now made sure to let them know about, and he did not let their mistakes and incompetence go unpunished.

  His day got better at the sight of her alone. She held her bag tight to her side. Her face was a little pale, which he didn’t like.

  “Do you want to hear the good news?” he asked.

  “Yes, tell me the good news. I’d prefer to hear some good news today,” Rachel said.

  He frowned. “Are you okay?” When he reached out to touch her forehead, Rachel laughed.

  “Of course I’m fine. It was a hard day at the bar.”

  “Okay.” He lifted the keys. “It’s ours, and we’ve got the all clear to stay in there tonight.”

  She gasped. “How did you make this happen?” she asked, taking the keys from his fingers.

  “Because I’m a genius, and Samantha didn’t want me telling her superior about her inappropriate behavior around me.”

  “We’re staying there tonight?”

  “Yeah, I got some cleaning staff to go there this afternoon to give it a quick clean. I also wanted to make sure there were no vermin walking around. I got a call half an hour ago, and everything is clear for us.”

  She strapped herself in. He noticed her hands were shaking.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was nervous in case there were mice or something.” She smiled at him. There was something off about her. The happiness on her face looked forced.

  Staring into her eyes, Chris tried to understand what was going on.

  Reaching over, he cupped her cheek, caressing her lips. “You’d tell me if something was bothering you, wouldn’t you?”

  She nodded, a jerk to the head. “Of course.”

  He wasn’t buying it. Turning on the engine, he pressed on the gas and pulled away from the curb, heading toward their new house. It was dark, and the roads were getting icy. Keeping a slow space, Chris made his way around the city, being careful on bends.

  Rachel didn’t say a word to him throughout the drive. Parking in front of the house, he watched her as she looked at the house. To him it was just a house where a bunch of furniture lay while he slept. Watching her, he saw the real happiness in her eyes. She really did love the house.

  “Are you ready to go inside?” he asked.

  “Sure.” She unbuckled her belt, and together they made it to the front door.

  He opened the door, waiting for her to enter. Behind her, he closed the door and flicked the switch. Chris saw immediately what the cleaning staff had done. The home actually looked livable. Surfaces gleamed, and the scent of lavender filled the air.

  “Did you have much trouble with Samantha?”

  “No. She filled the paperwork in and let me have anything I wanted.” Removing his jacket, he put his hands on her shoulders. She jumped. Chris chose to ignore it, wondering what the hell had happened to his woman in the hours since he’d left her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He didn’t say anything. Taking her hand, he took over the tour. “I think this will go down better with me as the tour guide.”

  She laughed, the sound easing his troubled thoughts.

  “Keep laughing for me, baby.” Leading the way into one room, he flicked the light on. “It seems here we have an empty room. I wonder what we could do with this room.”

  Rachel spun around. “Erm, I think this would be perfect for our sitting room. We could have the television along that wall. Is it all central heating?”

  He nodded.

  “We’ve got no worries for the fireplace then. A large television for you to watch your football games and a nice big sofa to cuddle up on.”

  Chris liked the sound of that. Tugging her in close, he inhaled her sweet, warm scent. “We’ll need to go shopping to get what we need.”

  “We’re both off this weekend. We can go together.”

  “Consider it a date.”

  “Wow, our first date together.” She rubbed her nose against his.

  “The first one of many. I hope you’re prepared to be wooed.”

  She smiled, and he led her into another room. They went through the same routine of figuring out what room could be what. She even gave him a study and arranged for a gym to be put in the basement for him to work out.

  Rachel expressed a passion for the kitchen’s decoration. For now, she was happy to keep it like it was. She didn’t like the thought of the kitchen not being finished in time for Christmas.

  “That also reminds me, we need to get some decorations for this place.”

  “Okay, we’ll go all out this year.” He took the lead once again taking her upstairs to the bedroom.

  “Chris, can I ask you something?”

  He nodded, opening one door then the other. “What are your thoughts about a family?” she asked.

  Chris paused, thinking about her question. “Is there a reason you’re asking me?”

  “No, no reason. I guess with Christmas coming and it being a family thing, it got me thinking is all.” She looked down at the floor.

  How should he answer that question? What if she didn’t want a family? He couldn’t risk losing her after everything else.

e on, Chris, think.

  “We’ve got all the time in the world to think about family. We’re still young enough.”

  “So you’re not ready for a family.”

  “I’ll be ready for a family when you are. I don’t want to rush you.”

  Even though I’m hoping and praying with everything that is inside me that you’re pregnant right now.

  Rachel smiled. “Okay.”

  There was more he wanted to say. Instead, he smiled back and placed a hand at her back. “Come on, I want to show you something.”

  He took her up to the main bedroom. After phoning the cleaning crew, he’d called a furniture place and organized a bed. Staying behind her, he placed his hands over her eyes. “This is a surprise.”

  “I’m excited,” she said.

  Opening the door, he kept his hands over her eyes so she wouldn’t see a thing he was about to show her.

  “What do you think?” he asked, dropping his hands. She looked at the bed, smiling.

  “You bought a bed.”

  “We don’t need to go back to the apartment. We’ll collect our stuff, and I’ve already got it on the market. I want whatever you want, baby.”

  Holding her hand, he waited for a reaction.

  She kept staring at the bed. Tears appeared in her eyes, and he wiped them away with his hand. “Please don’t cry. What do you think? Do you hate it?”

  “I love it.” She turned her gaze on his. “I really do love it. This morning, I didn’t think you wanted this as much as I did.”

  “I want this with you, Rachel. I’ll do whatever I have to in order to be with you.” Tugging her close, he wrapped an arm around her waist. “You’re my future, and nothing is going to change that.”

  “I love you,” she said, winding her hands around his neck. “This is perfect.”

  He stared into her eyes and dropped his gaze down to her lips.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked. “I see you brought me here under false pretenses.”

  “No, I didn’t. I was thinking about trying that bed out. See how soft or firm it could be.”

  Rachel ran a finger down his chest. “You’re the devil. You know that right?”

  “I’m your devil.” Leaning in close, he claimed her lips, knowing in his heart, he wanted to claim so much more.

  She moaned, gripping his jacket in her hands. “I love you,” she said, muttering the words against his lips.

  “You’re my life, Rachel.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, Chris knew there was nowhere in the world he’d rather be than loving his woman.

  Chapter Twelve

  Pushing all thoughts of her pregnancy aside, Rachel gripped his jacket tighter and pressed up against his body. Heat filled every part of her body. She wanted him badly. The ache started at her core and spread out to her nipples. Her skin felt sensitive to the touch.

  Chris plundered her mouth as she shoved the jacket from his body. She needed him naked, to feel his skin against her own.

  “Fuck, you’re making me hard, baby,” he said.

  “I need you, Chris. Please, fuck me.” She bit down into his lip, not enough to draw blood but enough to let him know she meant business.

  He tore at her jacket. There was no finesse about what they were doing. She ripped open his shirt. Buttons sprayed all over the room. Rachel looked forward to picking them up much later. Scoring her nails down his chest, she sought the buckle of his belt.

  She worked to get him naked whereas Chris had her bare within minutes. Rachel didn’t know how he did it, only that he was a master when it came to getting her clothes off. His lips slammed down on hers, and together they stepped away from the pile of clothing. Chris spun her, pressing her down on the bed.

  In one quick movement, her legs were spread open and he was between them, licking at her core.

  Crying out, she sank her fingers into his hair, trying to hold on for dear life as he ravished her bare pussy.

  “So fucking tasty.”

  Chris made sure she was bare all the time. He took the time to care for her mound.

  “Chris,” she said, crying out.

  “I know. I want to feel your cream on my tongue.” He licked her clit, going down to circle her cunt before going back up again.

  She was so aroused, and she felt her cream leaking down to coat her anus. Two fingers were plunged inside her. Rachel felt him turn his fingers and stroke over her g-spot. The pleasure was too intense. Collapsing to the bed, she sank her fingers into the silk sheets, needing something to hold onto.

  When he started to explore her ass, she tensed.

  “It’s okay, baby. Let me touch you everywhere.” He’d been touching her ass through sex for some time. Each time he never went too far, and usually when she tensed up, he withdrew. This time he didn’t withdraw.

  Staring at the ceiling, she forced herself to relax under his touch. His tongue flicked her clit, creating a riot of sensation inside her. Not one part of her knew what to do under his tutelage.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. He started to press on her anus.

  Her nerves returned. The pressure didn’t dampen her arousal; it increased it. The simple pressure was driving her crazy. She wanted him to push the entire finger into her ass and ravish her cunt.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  She’d heard a lot about anal sex but never once thought she’d participate within it.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked, avoiding her question.

  Or was he avoiding her question?

  She was so confused about her feelings right now.

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded shaky even to her.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Regardless of her other thoughts, she knew Chris would never do anything to hurt her.

  “Then let me give this one thing to you. Trust me to make you feel good.”

  Staring down into Chris’s eyes, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her and whatever he did to her body would make her feel so good.

  Nodding her head, she lay down. He started sucking her clit. Nothing happened with his hand as he stroked through her slit. His fingers remained pressed against her but not doing anything other than touching her.

  She started to relax, and only when she was did she start to feel the pressure against her anus.

  The pleasure he was creating with her pussy was taking her mind away from what he was doing with his hand. Closing her eyes, she focused on the pleasure as well as her love for Chris. She did trust him no matter what she tried to think of to distract her thoughts.

  “That’s it, baby, relax for me.”

  He pressed against her ass, one finger working its way inside her body. With his other hand, he plunged two fingers back inside her pussy, stroking over her g-spot once again. The calm crashed around her as she was thrown into orgasm. Through the orgasm she felt him penetrate her ass.

  The burning sent her further into orgasm. She screamed. The sound echoed off the walls as he licked and sucked at her clit.

  She gripped the sheets tighter. His hands worked her body until she felt three fingers inside her pussy and two in her ass. He was opening her ass wider.

  When she couldn’t stand it anymore he stopped but kept his hands inside her.

  “Look at me, Rachel,” Chris said, drawing her back from her orgasm.

  Opening her eyes, she looked down at Chris. His head was directly above her pussy.

  “I want you to keep your eyes on me at all times,” he said.

  She stared down at him, waiting for whatever he had planned. His hands started moving inside her at the same time.

  “Do you feel me?” he asked.

  “You know I do.”

  She bit down on her lip, trying to contain the screams she wanted to release.

  “If you need to scream then do so. I want to hear you lose control.”

  Her grip tightened once again in the bed sheet. He was tormenting her, and she was loving every
second of it.

  “You can tell me to stop at any time.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Do you like my fingers in your ass?” he asked.

  Rachel nodded, unable to say the words.

  “I need to hear you tell me how much you love it.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, she didn’t say a word.

  Chris stopped. His fingers were still inside her but doing nothing.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  “I can make the burn go away.”

  “I love your fingers in my ass,” she said, not wanting to draw anything out. She’d lose when it came to him. There was no point in her waiting. They both wanted the same thing, pleasure.

  “Do you want my cock in your ass?”

  She gasped. “Not tonight.”

  “No, not tonight but soon?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Good. Now come for me again.” He worked her pussy and ass, sucking on her clit. Rachel didn’t know it was possible to come twice, but in Chris’s arms, she exploded for a second time.


  Chris drank her cream down, relishing the sounds she made through orgasm. Her pussy rippled around his fingers, and her ass gripped him tightly. She was everything he wanted. Her responses matched him in ways he didn’t think was possible for another person to be.

  “I need you, Chris,” she said, moaning and writhing on the bed.

  “Beg me.” He withdrew his hands, wiping them on his clothing as he did.

  “Please, Chris, fuck me.”

  He palmed his cock in his fist. “Sit up.”

  She did as he asked instantly.

  “Open your lips.”

  Rachel opened her mouth wide, and he eased the tip of his erection between her lips. “Suck it hard,” he said, gripping her hair. He wrapped her hair around his fist, feeling the power in getting her to do what he wanted. Chris wouldn’t hurt her. Her pain was the last thing he wanted.

  Her submission to him and to the pleasure he could give her was what he wanted more than anything else.

  She took the tip into her mouth, stroking over his slit and the pre-cum oozing out. Closing his eyes, he thrust his hips creating a pace that she could match. Her hands wrapped around the base, so he wouldn’t lose control and take it too far.


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