The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A New Orleans Threesome

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The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A New Orleans Threesome Page 14

by Louisa Bacio

  “I'm sorry that you lost Delia,” Lily said, reaching out to touch him, and feeling helpless to either help him or diffuse the situation. He stepped out of her reach. She looked to Trevor for guidance, and he merely shrugged his shoulders. No help there.

  “You mentioned that the city has endured, and seen many changes over the years …” she began anew.

  Law crossed the room, and pulled a book off the shelf. Every room in the flat contained a bookshelf, including the kitchen, which housed cookbooks. “Let me read you something,” he said, holding up the tome, New Orleans City Guide, 1938.

  “In 1845 lewd women were forbidden to frequent or drink in coffee houses,” Lawrence explained.

  “Coffee houses?” exclaimed Lily, a bit shocked. “You've got to be kidding me. What would they do with the explosion of Starbucks these days? What? Let a woman out of the house, give her some caffeine, and watch out … what will happen?”

  “It was the drug of choice,” Lawrence said, teasing her a bit.

  “It's all right, Lilianna,” Trev said in an attempt to sooth her temperament. He caressed small circles on her bare back. “We've come past all those uneducated times, haven't we?”

  “Sure, women are allowed to drink coffee and vote these days, but when will one be president?” she retorted.

  “Want me to stop?” Lawrence challenged with his eyebrow raised. “I kind of like the lighting in this room, and I wouldn't want to see it … burst. You are the one who began by asking me about my favorite time periods in history.”

  A sense of levity flowed through Lily. How easily these two men could quickly diffuse her anger. They each seemed to balance each other out. She didn't used to be so quick to jump into an argument. She needed to practice the art of calming herself down. Maybe she needed to start practicing some deep breaths and meditation. Or, maybe more sex.

  “Sorry,” she smiled, feeling a bit sheepish. “I just got riled up for some reason. Please continue.”

  Holding the book up once again, Lawrence began to read: “In 1857, a detailed ordinance was passed, defining the limits beyond which prostitution would not be tolerated,” he said, continuing on to explain that the women had to buy a “license” each year and pay taxes to the Mayor.

  “Isn't that one of the scenarios that cities throw around these days?” Lily asked. “It's kind of like passing the laws to allow medical marijuana. Then the cities are allowed to tax the businesses, and the product.”

  “Exactly,” Law said, continuing to pace back and forth across the room. At this rate, he was going to wear a path in the throw rug, Lily thought. “But, the law went even further: ‘White women and free women of color were forbidden to live in the same house. Standing or sitting on the sidewalk in indecent posture, and the accosting of passersby, were prohibited under penalty of a fine or jail sentence.’”

  Despite his agitated state, Lily loved listening to Law talk. He didn't just know the history of the town, he'd lived it within the height of his youth … at all times. It was probably one of the reasons why the used bookstore did so well. People came in to capture some of that magic he gave off. His energy attracted others.

  So, after all these years on earth, why did he continue to live as if he didn't believe in himself, or he deserved to be loved?

  “And then there was the late twenties to early thirties,” Lawrence said, with a sigh of remembrance. “If they thought the coffee houses were bad for morals, there was such a freedom then with the birth of the jazz clubs, and the sexual exploration of the time. Not that the love movement of the sixties with the development of the birth control pill was bad either. But then, there was already a been there, done that mentality, as if we were revisiting times past.”

  “Tell us about a moment that stands out in your mind,” Trevor said, pushing Lawrence along as if he never asked such questions on his own. “Put down the book, and let's hear one of your memories.”

  “Ah, want a bit more personal insight into my psyche and soul, love?” Lawrence asked.

  At that moment, Lily could imagine him at one of those coffee houses, smoking a cigarette and sipping a cup of hickory brew, or lounging in a smoky jazz club, listening to the birth of a new generation of music. Too bad as a vampire, though, much of it would only be for show. He'd enjoy the camaraderie, though.

  His smile grew a bit wicked, as he remembered a morsel that happened in the past. “How about the time that I first met the great-grandmother of Madame Teresa, before she became the Voodoo princess of the city?”

  At the mention of Teresa's name, Lily got shivers aplenty, remembering the woman who waited for her in the shadows of the tunnels. What had happened while she was gone, Lily wondered, and how did they also know Madame Teresa?

  Lawrence flipped to the back of the book, running his finger down the paper as he checked a page number. “Although our history is rich in Voodooism, there wasn't much written about it in 1938. Only two pages. Perhaps, the old ways religion scared the common folk.”

  He returned toward the front of the volume, and again read aloud: “‘Several Negro churches—their wording, my dear, not mine—have been organized in New Orleans by self-appointed leaders, usually women, who adhere to no set doctrine but claim communion with ‘the spirits,’ and profess to practice ‘faith healing.’ One or two of these churches have built up congregations of extraordinary size and have even won a considerable following among white people.”

  “It was Mathilde who freed my soul from the confines of the demon thirst that inhabits my body,” Lawrence said, turning to address Trevor, “and now it's her great-granddaughter Madame Teresa who you've sold that soul to.”

  His words hung in the air, and a stab of fear cut across Lily's heart, feeling as if her very soul was being seared. What did Law mean by “selling his soul?” And who had made the deal in the first place? Lawrence had directed his comment at them, and Lilianna had not even been present.

  “Now if you two don't mind me, I've grown tired of all this ‘wool-gathering’ about the past,” Lawrence said. “The future remains so much more interesting.”

  With her mouth open in shock, Lily felt frozen at Lawrence's final words and the flourish in which he left the room.

  “What's gotten into him?” Lily asked. “And what the hell's up with this Madame Teresa? Do you know she was waiting for me when I emerged from the tunnels?”

  “It's my fault,” Trevor said. “But I guess being dead also gives you a pretty good reason for being moody.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  With Lawrence off sulking somewhere, and their threesome over, Lily decided to clean up. As the hot water sloshed over her, Lily lifted her arms above her head, turning in the stream and letting the spray caress her body. She'd never forget this night, or her experiences in New Orleans.

  A sense of freedom flowed through her veins. Not only had she finally lost her virginity to two men who were sexier than hell and attentive lovers, but she'd also thwarted Ari's plans. He wouldn't want her now that she was “spoiled goods,” at least that was the thought.

  And if he came for her, with her new enhanced powers … well, she'd like to see him try.

  She felt strong, and able to face her future and her past. She hadn't wanted to leave her mother behind in the bowels of the underworld, but something told her that she'd revisit that relationship again in the future. Her mother epitomized the ultimate version of the “battered woman” syndrome. She'd been with her abuser for so long, that she couldn't see herself away from him. That, and she might be drunk on the power. Could Ari take away the powers once he had bestowed them? Lily would have to find out the answer to that question, and she knew two smart men that could probably help her on the research front.

  Suddenly, an overwhelming sense of urgency took over. So much had happened, and what did it all mean? With her back to the ceramic tile, she slid down the wall and sat on the floor of the shower, relaxing in the aftermath of events. How quickly her
mood turned from high to low, but that's what the pattern was within her life. Just when something seemed to be going really good, it ended.

  Every time she thought she'd found her forever-family, she quickly moved on to another home or—even worse—the group home. She sighed, wishing that her deep insecurities would drain away as easily as the discarded water.

  She controlled her future. No one else. If she wanted love, she'd have to give herself and embrace what was offered. Hopefully, her future would include Trevor and Lawrence.

  The door of the bathroom cracked open, dispersing some of the steam that had built up in the confined space. Through the fogged-over glass, she caught sight of her nude visitor and her heart did a little jump.

  “Mind if I join you in there?” Trevor asked, opening the shower door and peeking in.

  Lily smiled. How could she refuse such a gorgeous hunk of man?

  “Come on in,” she said. “The water feels great.”

  Trevor stepped into the shower, and extended a hand to help Lily up. “What are you doing down there, anyway?”

  “Just thinking …”

  “You know, sometimes that can be bad for your health—thinking too much,” Trevor teased.

  Laughter chased away the cloudiness that had started to invade Lily's mood. “Thank you,” she said.

  “You're the one that should be thanked,” Trevor said as he gently took her chin in his palm and tilted her head up so he could directly look into her eyes. Immediately, she saw his desire. “For sharing yourself with me, with us, and for trusting us.”

  She didn't have time to respond because his lips were upon hers, reminding her of the passion that they had just shared, and further claiming her as his. He teased her tongue with his, and moved closer. Between their two bodies, the heat intensified and the water carved paths across their backs. Here and there, a gust of cool—like a simmering awareness—brought her back to reality.

  His hands caressed her back, kneading the flesh of her buttocks, and grinding her pelvis against his. His cock jutted up against her stomach, and she weighed the options of breaking the kiss to grab it, or simply raising a leg and settling herself onto his member.

  She broke from the kiss, gasping to catch her breath, surprised at how quickly she'd become turned on again. After one kiss. That is, one kiss from a wet, naked stud.

  “I want you inside me. I need to feel you,” she said.

  “Oh, yes, Lily. It's my turn.”

  He angled her body back against the wall, and lifted one thigh in his hand, perfectly positioning himself at her opening. She inhaled, anticipating that moment of penetration, and he didn't leave her waiting long. Already slick from her excitement, he entered her smoothly to the hilt.

  She felt a little tender being stretched open in ways she hadn't before this evening, but that sense of fullness felt so very right.

  “Does that feel all right?” Trev asked.

  “More than all right,” she replied, and then he kissed her again, matching the thrusts of his pelvis with the swirls of his tongue.

  She lustily lost herself in the sensations, feeling the tremors of exertion rumble through her thighs and her one leg that she'd extended to meet his every plunge. Her orgasm quickly hit, sending shivers throughout her entire body, even the hairs on her head felt like they stood to attention.

  “Are you making the muscles of your vagina vibrate?”

  Lily laughed, and she could feel the laughter all the way down to her nether region, which must have gave Trevor an extra little squeezing sensation. He growled his approval and beneath her fingers, she could feel his skin prickle.

  She wrapped her leg around his waist with a strength that she didn't know she possessed, and he continued to pound into her, until he threw his head back and howled his release of pleasure.

  Inside her, where she had so wanted him, she could feel his seed pumping into the core of her body.

  “Are you two having some fun without me?” Lawrence asked.

  Lily gave a little jump, which was more than awkward, seeing that she still was impaled on Trev's cock. That damned quiet vamp had snuck in while they were doing the nasty, and neither one of them heard him. At least Trevor hadn't acted like he had sensed his lover's presence.

  Slowly, Lily disengaged her legs from around Trevor's waist and weighed her words in her mind, before speaking.

  Trevor spoke first. “You were otherwise occupied,” he hinted at Law's need to escape after their rowdy bout of sex. “I didn't think you mind me taking a turn.”

  “I don't,” Law said, “and I'm back now. I'm just sorry that I missed some of the fun. Have room for one more in there?”

  Briefly, Lily wondered if he meant the shower or physically inside of her. The thought of taking them both at once ratcheted up her desire level further, which she hadn't known was possible so quickly after coming. Either way, she'd be up for the challenge.

  “Why don't we move into the sunken tub instead,” Trevor suggested. “I could use the warmth and relaxation of a good soak.”

  “Sounds good,” Law said, holding out his hand to escort Lily out. “Watch your step, the floor can be a bit slippery.”

  Lily blushed again. It had been so long since someone else cared about her wellbeing. Such a simple-seeming act alone made her feel self-conscious.

  On his way out, Trevor brushed past her, trailing his hand along her lower back. He pulled a few fluffy aqua bath towels off a heater and handed one to her.

  “Stay warm while we fill the tub,” Trev said. “Do you want anything to drink?”

  Lily shook her head “no,” afraid that if she tried to speak, her voice would crack and then she'd start to cry fully. It had been a while since she'd shed tears … for any reason, and here she was turning into a blubbering baby.

  “Hey, it's all right,” Lawrence said, as if he was reading her mind. They'd already covered those bases, though. He couldn't really hear what she was thinking, but he was incredibly good at reading people, and from what she was feeling inside, she knew that her face must have held a wealth of expression.

  She sat on the edge of the tub, listening to the banter of the boys. She wasn't used to not moving, not being in action. Yet here with Lawrence and Trevor, a sense of connectedness flowed through their lives, and around the bookstore and even included the regular customers that frequented the shop. Perhaps, it was the surroundings that brought a steadfast comfort, or it could be the stillness within her body. The yearning for release from sexual tension had disappeared. Although there were still questions left unanswered, she also knew more about herself physiologically. The lifelong lingering question about her mother had been solved. And she knew that someday, she'd find out the truth about her father.

  The main reason she felt so good, though, had to be these two men with her. Philosophy always talked about the yin-yang—two equal halves that balance each other. Well, it felt like they were an equal three-part pie. All of them were needed to offset the others. Otherwise, they might all instantly combust.

  “Earth to Lily, earth to Lily,” Lawrence teased, waving his hand in front of her face. “Come in Lily.”

  She batted him away. “I'm here. Just thinking.”

  “Didn't I tell you that could be bad for your health,” Trevor asked. He swung one leg over the tub, and rotated his body into the water. He submerged up to his shoulders with an audible sigh. “That feels amazing.”

  “After you, my lady,” Lawrence gestured. The much-older vampire continued to be a quandary. He mixed old customs with modern slang. It was as if he picked the best—or worst—of all the periods that he'd lived, and they'd all melded into the creature that stood before her.

  At first dip, the water felt almost too hot, but the moment her body slid all the way down, she knew why Trevor had moaned. A mixture of lemons and lavender scented the air. One of the guys must have added some bath salts when she had been daydreaming.

  Finally, Lawrence joined them in the tub and the
water level rose further.

  “Come here,” Trevor indicated with his arms that she should sit between his legs. She glided through the water, until she rested between his strong thighs. He gently kneaded her shoulders, releasing any pent-up tension.

  Lawrence moved beside them, trailing his hand across her thigh and between her legs. She spread her legs apart a little further, giving him better access.

  “May I bite you here,” Law asked, fingering the folds of her privates.

  “Isn't that difficult, in the water?” she asked. The thought excited her, but she wasn't too sure of their physical location.

  “You forget, I'm a vampire. I don't need to breathe like a mortal.”

  “Oh, gawd, yes,” she said, anticipating the sensation.

  He dipped beneath the surface of the water, and then suddenly he was there, between her legs. He pushed two fingers into her and she leaned further back onto Trevor, letting him support her weight.

  His fangs broke through the skin, and a flicker of pain flashed through her body. It soon transformed into pleasure as he suckled, and then licked the sensitive spot before moving on.

  The minute his tongue caressed her clit, she yelped in surprise. Trevor's hands moved from her shoulders, downward to twist her nipples. Having the both of them so attentive to her pleasure proved to be more than she could anticipate, or ever hope for.

  Lawrence came up, water cascading over his shoulders, and a droplet hanging onto his eyelash.

  “Maybe afterward, someday, I'll pierce you here with a gold hoop that you'll wear always, against your skin,” Law described, continuing to fondle her and seek out every last tremor from her orgasm. “Whenever you become aware of it, you'll think of me, and know that you're mine.”

  “Yes,” Lily said. Besides her ears, she'd never had any other body part pierced, had never wanted it, but the thought of wearing Law's ring, and having his piercing done by his fangs… just the thought alone was hot. Maybe Trevor would be willing to get a cock ring, she thought, and they'd have a matching set.


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