Midnight Mate: A Paranormal Romance Standalone

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Midnight Mate: A Paranormal Romance Standalone Page 10

by Heather Hildenbrand

  “Fair enough.” Tobias motioned to the sheriff. “Why don’t you escort Bertram off pack land? I’d like to talk to East.”

  “Sure. I’ll call you later,” the sheriff said, my father ranting on deaf ears as they went.

  I forced deep breaths into my lungs, fighting the urge to go after my dad and rip him apart. Tobias stepped in front of me, distracting me from my murderous thoughts.

  “For what it’s worth, I think you’d be happy here,” he said.

  “For what it’s worth, you’re probably right,” I told him, thinking of Cat.

  I saw the surprise register before he covered it up. Good, keep him guessing. “If your father wasn’t a factor?”

  “I’d probably never have left in the first place.”

  He nodded knowingly then brought his hand down on my shoulder.

  “I’ll make sure she’s safe,” he said quietly, his gaze pinning me until I was sure he was looking right inside my head. “Your mother won’t be harmed again. When you leave, we’ll look after her.”

  It was more than I’d expected, and I wasn’t entirely sure I could believe him. But Tobias didn’t blow smoke. He’d keep his word.

  I blew out a breath. At least now, I had the option of going . . . if that’s what Cat wanted. The way she’d spoken earlier, I couldn’t be sure if she’d want me even if I stayed. Mating was something my wolf wanted to do with her, but that didn’t mean she’d choose me back. Humans didn’t work the same as wolves.

  “I appreciate it.”

  Tobias cocked his head. “Something else troubling you?”

  “I was curious about another member of the pack. Travis Burns.”

  “He’s a newer addition. Just moved to town in the last three years or so. What about him?”

  “Any issues with him losing control of his wolf?”

  “None reported.” The lie was half-ass at best. My gut tightened.

  “Never known you to lie outright, Tobias.”

  Angus tensed beside me, but Tobias nodded, expression sober. “The case was sealed. I’ve already said more than I can. He giving you trouble?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “East, if one of mine steps out of line, I have no problem rounding him up.”

  Yeah, right. Like he’d rounded up my old man all those years ago. It only took him ten years and my mother nearly dying for him to act.

  “Tell you what. If I do run into trouble with him, I’ll call you.” But only after I had proof enough to get Travis run out of town.


  He shook my hand one last time, nodded to Angus, and we parted ways. By the time we left the clearing, I’d already shifted and was running for town.



  In the darkness, a figure moved across my bedroom. I squinted, trying to decipher whether Rudy had crept in to check on me or East had returned from his meeting with Tobias. But the shoulders were wrong. And the height and hair—


  I stiffened as the figure bent low, his voice—and the stale breath—washing over me like a bucket of cold water.

  Panic rose.


  “Hello, darling.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’ve come to take you away with me.”

  He was calmer than I’d ever seen him.

  It terrified me.

  “What are you talking about?” I lifted up, bracing myself on an elbow. “How did you get in here?”

  “The window was unlocked. We need to go away, Cat. So we can be alone and work everything out.”

  “I can’t go with you,” I said, my voice cracking.

  “Shh.” He held a finger to my lips.

  I resisted the urge to bat it away. What could I do? I had pepper spray, but it was in my purse.


  If I yelled and brought him running, would Travis hurt him?

  Would he hurt me?

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got clothes for you already, so there’s no need to pack anything. Come on. My car’s downstairs.”

  Fear scrambled my thoughts. I hesitated, but Travis yanked the sheets out of my hands and clean off the mattress, exposing me. Then he reached over and turned on the lamp next to my bed.

  I blinked against the harsh light then shrank back as I caught sight of Travis’s expression. His gaze raked me over, taking in the way Easton’s oversized shirt had ridden up to expose the boxers I’d pulled on after he’d left. Rather than anger at seeing me in another man’s clothes, Travis’s lips curled into a smile that felt wrong against the sharp glint in his eyes.

  “We need to hurry now,” he said, his voice dripping with sweetness.

  And calm. Still way too calm.

  “Travis, this is illegal, you coming into my apartment,” I said, trying to match his tone.

  His hand flew across my cheek faster than I could see it coming.

  The sting brought tears to my eyes, and I sucked in a breath, too shocked to do anything but breathe through the pain.

  “I said we need to hurry.” His tone had an edge now. One that promised more pain if I didn’t listen. “I’d hate to have your roommate discover us.”

  “I’ll go,” I said quickly. “Just leave Rudy out of this.”

  He grabbed my wrist and yanked me upright, dragging me toward the door. I went, praying Rudy wouldn’t wake up. I didn’t want to think about Travis hurting him.

  Outside, the chill nipped at my exposed arms and legs. Travis yanked me roughly to his truck, its engine already running, and shoved me inside with more force than was needed.

  I pushed back, determined to fight, but rough hands reached out and shoved me hard. My forehead hit the dash with a thud that left me dizzy. My thoughts went fuzzy. Before I could think about jumping out again, he’d climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “Buckle up,” Travis said in a menacing voice.

  When I hesitated, he grabbed my wrist and leaned in close, baring his teeth. Wolfish canines appeared in place of human ones and the scent of animal filled the small space.

  “Play along, Cat. Or I’ll have to come back here and punish your roommate for your rudeness.”

  He let me go, and with trembling hands, I buckled my seat belt.

  The moment it clicked into place, Travis hit the gas, and we took off out of town.



  Angus snorted a goodbye along the edge of the woods near Nicole’s then turned and slipped off into the shadows of the forest. I waited until the magic of my shift had secured my clothing in place once again and then limped out of the trees to my truck.

  It was past three in the morning as I drove back to Cat’s, but I didn’t care.

  We had unfinished business.

  At the front door, I stopped short, heart pounding. The door was cracked open, and I was damn sure I’d shut it when I left. I hesitated, senses prickling as I strained to listen then shoved my way inside.

  “Cat?” I yelled, stomping into the dark living room.


  “Cat!” I tore down the hall and into her bedroom.

  The bedside lamp was on. Her bed was empty, her covers tossed.



  I backtracked to the bathroom. Also empty.

  My wolf stirred, rising to the surface, begging to be let free so it could track its mate.

  I stomped back to the living room, pacing.


  Rudy emerged from the hall, rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn.

  “I didn’t realize you were a yeller. Just let me get my earplugs, and I’ll—”

  “Where is she?” I demanded.

  “Who?” His eyes flew fully open.

  “Who do you think?” I demanded, worry making my voice louder.

  “In her room. I’d say sleeping, but with all the noise you’re making—”

  “She’s not there,” I said. “Did she go a
nywhere? Where would she go?”

  “In the middle of the night? Nowhere.” Rudy’s expression registered worry. Then fear.

  I followed his gaze to the window and saw that, like the front door, it hung open.

  “I closed that before I went to bed,” he said. “I’m sure of it.”

  His gaze swung back to mine.

  “Travis,” we said together.

  “I’m going to look for her.” I stalked toward the front door.

  Rudy hurried behind me. “Where? I can check the clinic.”

  I turned back and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Stay here in case she shows up. Call the police. Report her missing.”

  “I should help you look,” he began.

  I tightened my hand on his shoulder. “You know what I am?”

  He nodded like he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to admit it. “Cat doesn’t think I know, but it’s hard to live in this town and not figure some shit out.”

  “Then trust me. My wolf will find her,” I said. “I swear it.”

  I was out the door before he could argue.

  It felt like forever before I’d cleared the town enough to ditch my truck and shift again. On four paws, I tore at the earth and tipped my head back to let loose with a long, low howl.

  Then, I inhaled a deep gulp of night air, calling on my senses to lead me to my mate.



  Tucked back miles from the main road, the crumbling cabin had clearly been forgotten by its owners—and by everyone else. With a grip on my arm that I knew would leave bruises, Travis dragged me inside and abruptly let go, sending me sprawling on a threadbare rug.

  I winced, sucking in a sharp breath through my teeth as pain registered along my hip and arm. Goosebumps rose along my legs, and I shivered from the cold, my teeth chattering with it. Or maybe that was the fear.

  The entire drive here, Travis had been quiet but never without that crazy-ass smile. Like he’d already won and he knew it. Considering how far out we were, he probably had. Even if East got back from his pack meeting in time, the chances of him tracking us all the way here were slim to none. Tracking required a scent—and I was pretty sure the truck muted that almost entirely.

  I tried to accept my fate with dignity, but the truth was I was terrified. So, when Travis threw me on the hard floor, I didn’t bother trying to get up right away. Instead, I forced my brain to work past the fear and used the pain and cold to regain my wits. Surviving this was on me.

  “Darling.” In the darkness, Travis’s form loomed over me. He grabbed me, pulling me to my feet so that my chest bumped his.

  I made a sound that was more disgust than pain.

  “You’re so clumsy,” he said, a seductive smile twisting his mouth.

  “You pushed me,” I snarled back.

  His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t respond. Instead, he stroked my hair while holding me flush against him. My skin crawled at the contact.

  The darkness inside the cabin was impossible to adjust to. We were too far out of town for street lamps or any kind of city glow. There wasn’t even a moon tonight. Or not enough of one to cast any light. Just a musty-smelling box and Travis’s body against mine.

  I needed a way out. But how would I find one when I couldn’t see past his deranged silhouette?

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured then bent to kiss me.

  I turned away, struggling. One of my frantic kicks landed hard against his shin. He winced, and I shoved away as hard as I could. His arm loosened, and I sidestepped then went tumbling as I fell over something.

  The furniture I’d just knocked over crashed to the hardwood.

  I threw out my hands to break my fall, but they got tangled in the wooden rungs of whatever had taken me out. My face hit the floor and exploded in pain.

  Travis’s hands were on me before I could roll away.

  He hauled me up off my feet then marched to the wall, shoving me against it. Pinning me, he leaned in close enough to let his stale breath wash over me.

  “You’re not playing nice, kitty cat.” His tone was a mixture of lust and rage.

  He was crazy.

  If I’d ever had any doubt before, I knew it now. Travis was a psycho, and he’d brought me far enough away from civilization that he could get away with whatever he had planned.

  Fear struck, harder than before. This time, nearly choking me.

  I blinked, trying to stay focused and sharp, but my stomach twisted with the knowledge that I was at Travis’s mercy now.

  I’d ignored the signs.

  The harassment. The threats.

  I’d been an idiot not to be more careful. And now, I was going to pay for it.

  “Travis, listen. Let’s talk about this, okay? Let’s be reasonable. You can’t force me out of my apartment in the middle of the night and expect me to just go along.” I tried to keep my voice as even as possible.

  “I wouldn’t have had to resort to such tactics if you’d just made time for me earlier.” His hand on my shoulder tightened. “Is it that mutt? The one who interrupted us?”


  “He’s the reason you’re avoiding me.”

  “He’s my friend. And he’s respectful of what I want. You’re not being respectful, Travis.”

  “Bullshit. You’re mine,” he spat. “That piece of shit mutt won’t come near you after I’ve claimed you.”

  I tensed.


  I knew enough about werewolves and mates to know what claiming meant. He’d bite me—and then I’d be his. Not something my human side would care much about, but if the rumors were true, it would let his wolf bind itself to me. He’d be able to track me anywhere, forever.

  “You can’t claim someone who doesn’t want to be claimed,” I said, fear clogging my throat as I prayed my words were actually true.

  Travis leaned in and let his teeth graze the hollow space along my throat. “You’ll want it,” he whispered, his hands beginning to roam now. “When I’m done with you, you’ll beg for it.”



  Twice I was forced out of the woods and onto the street in order to find her trail again. My wolf’s mate claim allowed me to track her scent, but without the bite to solidify a bond between us, it was faint. Trying to follow what was clearly a vehicle masking it made my progress slow. No one was on the roads, but even so, exposing myself was a risk. One I’d gladly take again and again if it meant getting to Cat before she was hurt. I’d scented Travis too, and my wolf wanted his blood spilled. If that asshole was crazy enough to take her out of her own bed, who knew what else he’d do to her.

  Worry drove me to hunt faster.

  Following their scent, I found myself in the darkest part of the woods, and still the trail led on, higher and higher, until the road became dirt and I knew I’d left the borders of the pack’s boundaries.

  The road narrowed until it was nothing more than a dirt path, overgrown on both sides from years of neglect.

  They were isolated out here.

  Completely alone.

  I ran faster, lungs burning, beast straining. I had to get there before it was too late.

  Rounding a copse of thick trees, I slowed as a beat-up pickup came into view. Just beyond where it was parked, my wolf’s eyes picked out the frame of a cabin. Its walls and roof sagged with age. One of the windows was broken.

  From inside, I caught her scent.

  And his.

  I raced toward the door.

  Something nipped at my heels, and I rounded violently, teeth snapping at the threat that had caught me off guard.

  Another wolf, its eyes large and rounded in concern. I recognized the beast a split second before my canines closed around its throat.

  Fucking Angus.

  I sighed, wishing we could communicate, but that kind of mental connection only worked among pack members.

  Reluctantly, I shifted back to two legs and Angus did the same. I didn’t dare sp
eak. Not with Travis in there. Angus stared back at me, and I jerked my chin toward the cabin, baring my teeth to let him know there was a threat inside.

  He nodded.

  “I’ll bring Tobias,” he mouthed.

  After a brief hesitation, I huffed out an acknowledgment and then watched as he shifted and ran off again. Tobias would be too late. And this far outside the borders, there wasn’t shit he could do to me for what was about to happen.

  What Travis deserved.

  I took a moment to appreciate that my friend, even after ten years, still showed up to have my back when I needed it. I owed that guy a beer or three when this was done. But that was for later. Right now, all that mattered was Cat.

  Whatever lies I’d told myself earlier were just that, I realized now. If Cat thought she was running me off or refusing me, she had another thing coming. I wasn’t taking no for an answer. And I wasn’t leaving town ever again without her by my side. I’d found the woman of my dreams. And I wasn’t letting her go again.

  Calling my wolf, I let it hover just below the surface of my skin, ready to burst forth the moment I needed it. Then, I walked up the rickety porch steps, slammed the door open, and stepped inside.



  Travis pressed his crotch against me, his obvious bulge making me want to throw up as he rubbed his body against mine. Panic nearly paralyzed me at what he planned to do next, but I forced myself to remain present in the moment. It was the only chance I had for finding a way out.

  “Mm. You smell so good, baby,” he whispered against my ear. “I want to bite that pretty little neck of yours.”

  His lips brushed my throat again, and I cringed.

  Feeling through the darkness, my palms met only the rough wooden planks of the walls. Moving higher, my fingers closed over some sort of décor hanging nearby.


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